The Third Intifada: Young teen stabbed by terrorist in Gush Etzion Jc.

You are delusional, like the French in Algeria and the whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were. And yes, time will tell.

Whether advocating a mass expulsion of millions from their homes because of their religion/ethnicity or promoting the gradual killing of a population as you have, it is a a delusional fascist mind that dreams up such scenarios.

You tell 'em, my little Militant Muslim Lord Haw-Haw...


The delusional little punk can't hanlde the truth:

This is sad but I dont think the World cares about a murdered Jewish child, because of your way of policy. Crocodile tears wont work anymore.

The way of policy which rejects the Palestinian selfishness and idioticy.

Go figure.
You are sick you know. Your president said that israelis are sick People .
I think you are going to have to work a little more on your English, before you start throwing rocks at people on an English-speaking message board on the Internet.

But, do keep trying... Allah loves try-ers, too !
Real sad what your government is doing to incite this for an excuse to do whatever he wantsss
A fourteen-year-old girl was stabbed to death at a hitchhiking station in Gush Etzion, according to Channel 2.

A Channel 2 reporter said three people were stabbed, and two of them are in serious condition, while a third is in light condition.

The terrorist has been shot, but Channel 2 said that he is not dead. He is being taken to receive medical treatment.

Channel 2 said that the terrorist tried to run down his victims with a car at first, but failed, and then got out of the car and began stabbing.

Magen David Adom forces are currently at the scene.

The attack is the second stabbing in six hours, after a Palestinian worker stabbed a 20 year-old IDF soldier in Tel Aviv hours ago.

Breaking 14-Year-Old Girl Murdered at Gush Etzion - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Horrible when they fight back , the only way they can, look what your gov had done, this is what you want.

I wonder what will happen when the Jews will start fighting back?

The Jews never quit! Finally the Pals are starting to fight back.

The Jews never quit and never should quit.

The Palestinians are fools to throw stones when their houses are made of fragile glass.
100 times more when their parents and relatives use them as shields.

I want to see the photos of the children who had been used as " human shields" by their parents. There should have been many photos about this issue, you have murdered thousands of civilians on the pretext of "shield" and there were many journalists and activist in Palestine.

Please photos and videos of children human shields ?

Its propaganda , a lie told often becomes the truth to some, but it is still a lie. The gov. of Israel does propaganda on their own people, to the point they believe it.
The only propaganda comes from the Palestinians nowdays. Yet you choose to believe suicide bombers and rocket-terrorists-launchers over the normal side.

Meh, useful idiots...they never end, just change chairs.
Real sad what your government is doing to incite this for an excuse to do whatever he wantsss
A fourteen-year-old girl was stabbed to death at a hitchhiking station in Gush Etzion, according to Channel 2.

A Channel 2 reporter said three people were stabbed, and two of them are in serious condition, while a third is in light condition.

The terrorist has been shot, but Channel 2 said that he is not dead. He is being taken to receive medical treatment.

Channel 2 said that the terrorist tried to run down his victims with a car at first, but failed, and then got out of the car and began stabbing.

Magen David Adom forces are currently at the scene.

The attack is the second stabbing in six hours, after a Palestinian worker stabbed a 20 year-old IDF soldier in Tel Aviv hours ago.

Breaking 14-Year-Old Girl Murdered at Gush Etzion - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Horrible when they fight back , the only way they can, look what your gov had done, this is what you want.

I wonder what will happen when the Jews will start fighting back?

The Jews never quit! Finally the Pals are starting to fight back.

The Jews never quit and never should quit.

The Palestinians are fools to throw stones when their houses are made of fragile glass.

That is all they have, no tanks, no jets with bombs, no state of the art rifles, but stones, autos, and some have their bodies.
The only propaganda comes from the Palestinians nowdays. Yet you choose to believe suicide bombers and rocket-terrorists-launchers over the normal side.

Meh, useful idiots...they never end, just change chairs.

Are you calling your gov. normal . Israel is the KIng of propaganda, they invented it.
Real sad what your government is doing to incite this for an excuse to do whatever he wantsss
A fourteen-year-old girl was stabbed to death at a hitchhiking station in Gush Etzion, according to Channel 2.

A Channel 2 reporter said three people were stabbed, and two of them are in serious condition, while a third is in light condition.

The terrorist has been shot, but Channel 2 said that he is not dead. He is being taken to receive medical treatment.

Channel 2 said that the terrorist tried to run down his victims with a car at first, but failed, and then got out of the car and began stabbing.

Magen David Adom forces are currently at the scene.

The attack is the second stabbing in six hours, after a Palestinian worker stabbed a 20 year-old IDF soldier in Tel Aviv hours ago.

Breaking 14-Year-Old Girl Murdered at Gush Etzion - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Horrible when they fight back , the only way they can, look what your gov had done, this is what you want.

I wonder what will happen when the Jews will start fighting back?

The Jews never quit! Finally the Pals are starting to fight back.

The Jews never quit and never should quit.

The Palestinians are fools to throw stones when their houses are made of fragile glass.
100 times more when their parents and relatives use them as shields.

I want to see the photos of the children who had been used as " human shields" by their parents. There should have been many photos about this issue, you have murdered thousands of civilians on the pretext of "shield" and there were many journalists and activist in Palestine.

Please photos and videos of children human shields ?

Its propaganda , a lie told often becomes the truth to some, but it is still a lie. The gov. of Israel does propaganda on their own people, to the point they believe it.

It's not propaganda.

It's just not the way that it is being portrayed here.

The Palestinians used their women and children as Human Shields all the time.


By embedding war assets within residential neighborhoods and in schools and hospitals and mosques, etc.

Hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, like the cowards they are.
Real sad what your government is doing to incite this for an excuse to do whatever he wantsss
A fourteen-year-old girl was stabbed to death at a hitchhiking station in Gush Etzion, according to Channel 2.

A Channel 2 reporter said three people were stabbed, and two of them are in serious condition, while a third is in light condition.

The terrorist has been shot, but Channel 2 said that he is not dead. He is being taken to receive medical treatment.

Channel 2 said that the terrorist tried to run down his victims with a car at first, but failed, and then got out of the car and began stabbing.

Magen David Adom forces are currently at the scene.

The attack is the second stabbing in six hours, after a Palestinian worker stabbed a 20 year-old IDF soldier in Tel Aviv hours ago.

Breaking 14-Year-Old Girl Murdered at Gush Etzion - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Horrible when they fight back , the only way they can, look what your gov had done, this is what you want.

I wonder what will happen when the Jews will start fighting back?

The Jews never quit! Finally the Pals are starting to fight back.

The Jews never quit and never should quit.

The Palestinians are fools to throw stones when their houses are made of fragile glass.
100 times more when their parents and relatives use them as shields.

I want to see the photos of the children who had been used as " human shields" by their parents. There should have been many photos about this issue, you have murdered thousands of civilians on the pretext of "shield" and there were many journalists and activist in Palestine.

Please photos and videos of children human shields ?

Its propaganda , a lie told often becomes the truth to some, but it is still a lie. The gov. of Israel does propaganda on their own people, to the point they believe it.
My goodness, you just described what the Palestinians and their terrorist government does. There is no group of people who excel more at propaganda than the so called 'Palestinians'
Real sad what your government is doing to incite this for an excuse to do whatever he wantsss
A fourteen-year-old girl was stabbed to death at a hitchhiking station in Gush Etzion, according to Channel 2.

A Channel 2 reporter said three people were stabbed, and two of them are in serious condition, while a third is in light condition.

The terrorist has been shot, but Channel 2 said that he is not dead. He is being taken to receive medical treatment.

Channel 2 said that the terrorist tried to run down his victims with a car at first, but failed, and then got out of the car and began stabbing.

Magen David Adom forces are currently at the scene.

The attack is the second stabbing in six hours, after a Palestinian worker stabbed a 20 year-old IDF soldier in Tel Aviv hours ago.

Breaking 14-Year-Old Girl Murdered at Gush Etzion - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Horrible when they fight back , the only way they can, look what your gov had done, this is what you want.

I wonder what will happen when the Jews will start fighting back?

The Jews never quit! Finally the Pals are starting to fight back.

The Jews never quit and never should quit.

The Palestinians are fools to throw stones when their houses are made of fragile glass.

That is all they have, no tanks, no jets with bombs, no state of the art rifles, but stones, autos, and some have their bodies.
The only propaganda comes from the Palestinians nowdays. Yet you choose to believe suicide bombers and rocket-terrorists-launchers over the normal side.

Meh, useful idiots...they never end, just change chairs.

Are you calling your gov. normal . Israel is the KIng of propaganda, they invented it.

No, Palestinians are the kings of propaganda, and so are their supporters.

You, Weezle, Tinmore, Billo, Propaganda - tici and humanity are PERFECT examples of this
Its propaganda , a lie told often becomes the truth to some, but it is still a lie. The gov. of Israel does propaganda on their own people, to the point they believe it.

The weird part is today people have been forced to discuss about who is the right side between the "home owner" and "invaders".

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