The Third Intifada: Young teen stabbed by terrorist in Gush Etzion Jc.

What did the children do to die in Protective Edge?...
The Palestinian (Gazan) children who died during the course of Protective Edge did nothing to deserve such death.

They had the misfortune to be living next to Hamas war-assets during the course of legitimate military targeting operations, in a scenario in which Hamas, coldly and with prior calculation, placed such assets (rocket launchers, operations centers, militia barracks, staging areas, munitions caches, etc.) within or next to residential neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, mosques, etc., in violation of the Geneva Conventions - and they were unintentional and collateral civilian casualties, inflicted as part of such military targeting operations.

Now that I have honestly answered your question - answer mine - rather than evasively answering a question with a question.

What did that 14-year-old Israeli girl do, to deserve death? Was her death unintentional; collateral to a military strike on some other target? The floor is yours.

...Your right I think this is the end.The Pals have had enough.
Then they had better start packing, and run up the white flag while there is still time.

They have zero - and I do mean zero - chance of effecting a favorable military outcome.

But they can certainly bring about their own slaughter, if they are not extremely, excruciatingly careful, right about now.

Naw, the only way that you can get a colonial oppressor to leave or share power is violence, unfortunately. Israel is no different than Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia etc. One false step by Israel now, after Gaza, will be fatal for their support from Europe and much of the rest of the world.
I agree I cant imagine what causes someone to do that, can you. I guess there is only so much people can take. Why does your government kill? Its ok and right when you do it, but its unimaginable when someone else does.
Whom did the Israelis kill, to warrant the death of this girl?

About 400 Palestinian children over a period of a few weeks?
See Post #39 ( The Third Intifada Young teen stabbed by terrorist in Gush Etzion Jc. Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum ).
...Naw, the only way that you can get a colonial oppressor to leave or share power is violence...
Then die in place.

Your (side's) choice.

Live (and submit, and leave) or die, either is acceptable.

Don't be childish, it will not happen. The Serbs tried it, see where it got them.
Oh, the Israelis will not resort to actual genocide, as the Serbs attempted.

The Palestinians will simply continue to die - and at a highly accelerated rate, if they start still more shit - the longer they refuse to acknowledge Reality, and toss-in the towel.

And, an Intifada III would provide the perfect excuse and cover, to begin The Expulsion in earnest, and on a very large scale.

So long as the Israelis do not begin butchering Palestinians en masse, they can do pretty much whatever they want, and nobody is going to stop them.


9-11 and the London Tube Bombings changed Western perspectives of Islam - and its more radicalized and militant elements - for the next several generations, at least.

Militant Islam really shot itself in the foot, when it perpetrated those outrages upon The West.

Militant Islam (including Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS-ISIL-IS, et al) must now reap the whirlwind.
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...Naw, the only way that you can get a colonial oppressor to leave or share power is violence...
Then die in place.

Your (side's) choice.

Live (and submit, and leave) or die, either is acceptable.

Don't be childish, it will not happen. The Serbs tried it, see where it got them.
Oh, the Israelis will not resort to actual genocide, as the Serbs attempted.

The Palestinians will simply continue to die, and at a highly accelerated rate, the longer they refuse to acknowledge Reality, and toss-in the towel.

And, an Intifada III would provide the perfect excuse and cover, to begin The Expulsion in earnest, and on a very large scale.

So long as the Israelis do not begin butchering Palestinians en masse, they can do pretty much whatever they want, and nobody is going to stop them.


9-11 and the London Tube Bombings changed Western perspectives of Islam - and its more radicalized and militant elements - for the next several generations, at least.

Militant Islam really shot itself in the foot, when it perpetrated those outrages upon The West.

Militant Islam (including Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS-ISIL-IS, et al) must now reap the whirlwind.

Palestinians will continue to increase in population at a greater rate than the Jews, that's reality. And, no one will expel them because it is a crime and for practccal reasons, there is nowhere for them to go. Nor will Israel get away with murdering them because the world will stop the Israelis from doing so. Stop being delusional, what your little murderous, fascist mind dreams up, is not going to happen.
...Palestinians will continue to increase in population at a greater rate than the Jews, that's reality...
And they will continue to do so. The problem for you is, they will continue to do so, while residing on Jordanian and Lebanese and Egyptian and Iraqi soil.

...And, no one will expel them because it is a crime...
Phukk the criminal implications. When faced with a choice between my family dying, and forcing my neighbor to leave, I'll force my neighbor to leave.

...and for practccal reasons, there is nowhere for them to go...
Lots of room in Jordan, and Lebanon, and the Egyptian Sinai, and Iraq.

The force and logistics behind Expulsion are not overly complicated.

The real challenge is in setting up the refugees with new infrastructure and homes, once they've been paid-off and kicked out.


It is not 'practical' to allow the Palestinians to live alongside the Israelis - the Palestinians will not keep the peace, so long as they are in close proximity to the Israelis.

...Nor will Israel get away with murdering them because the world will stop the Israelis from doing so...
If the Israelis were the cold, heartless bastards that their enemies would like the world to believe, the Israelis could slaughter every Palestinian man, woman and child within a matter of days or a couple of weeks, at best - long before the rest of the world could come to their rescue - any rescue force would be just in time to help bury the dead.

The Palestinians continue to exist at the whim of the Israelis.

Unlike Hamas and other Palestinian militia organizations that have sworn to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean, the Jews are far more rational and humane.

At worst, they would merely Expel, not Slaughter, the way those miserable lowlife Palestinian phukks would, if they ever got the chance.

...Stop being delusional...
Time will tell, which one of us is being 'delusional' in this context.

A one-state solution is not going to work.

A two-state solution is not going to work.

Too much blood has been spilled to go back now.

They cannot be trusted to live peacefully alongside each other.

That means one or the other is going to have to go.

The Israelis hold all the cards.

That leaves the Palestinians to take the Loser's "Sucker's Walk".

There is nothing left to do but to cut the Gordian Knot.

The Israelis will not kill them.

That leaves expelling them.

It's all that's left.

Entirely logical.

...what your little murderous, fascist mind dreams up, is not going to happen.
I contemplate no murder.

I advocate for no murder.

I am a centrist, and even something of a populist, and about as far from your IslamoNazi (TRUE Fascist) buddies as can possibly be imagined.

As to it not happening...

I suggest that you look at any of a dozen online maps of Shrinking Palestine...

It's ALREADY happening, little Arab-loving fifth columnist...

Right under your nose...

You just haven't figured it out, yet...

And there isn't a goddamned thing that you or anybody else is going to do, to stop it.


Now... call your handlers at the local mosque, and ask 'em which tack you should take, next.
You are delusional, like the French in Algeria and the whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were. And yes, time will tell.

Whether advocating a mass expulsion of millions from their homes because of their religion/ethnicity or promoting the gradual killing of a population as you have, it is a a delusional fascist mind that dreams up such scenarios.
This is sad but I dont think the World cares about a murdered Jewish child, because of your way of policy. Crocodile tears wont work anymore.
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I am a centrist, and even something of a populist, and about as far from your IslamoNazi (TRUE Fascist) buddies as can possibly be imagined.

I am a centrist as well, and one thing that I have observed is that the intersection of Islamism and the west has created something of a new paradigm that the old left/right axis fails to address -- namely, that much of the left has abandoned liberalism as its guiding principle, so eager as it is to to throw in their lot with Islamists. Montelaci, Humanity, Coyote and other extreme left antisemites wouldn't know a liberal principle if it slapped them in the face, as they are little different in their hatred than the Neo Nazis of the right. The only difference is that the themes of the leftist antisemites are expressed from an Islamist supremacist perspective instead of .white supremacist.

In geopolitics, it is no longer left vs right, but of both ends vs the middle. Islamists have declared war on Western civilization, and these worthless creatures have joined them.
This is sad but I dont think the World cares about a murdered Jewish children, because of your way of policy. Crocodile tears wont work anymore.

If this is an example of "the world", then the world is made up of little more than walking bags of protoplasm lacking a soul.
100 times more when their parents and relatives use them as shields.

I want to see the photos of the children who had been used as " human shields" by their parents. There should have been many photos about this issue, you have murdered thousands of civilians on the pretext of "shield" and there were many journalists and activist in Palestine.

Please photos and videos of children human shields ?
You are delusional, like the French in Algeria and the whites in South Africa and Rhodesia were. And yes, time will tell.

Whether advocating a mass expulsion of millions from their homes because of their religion/ethnicity or promoting the gradual killing of a population as you have, it is a a delusional fascist mind that dreams up such scenarios.

You tell 'em, my little Militant Muslim Lord Haw-Haw...

100 times more when their parents and relatives use them as shields.

I want to see the photos of the children who had been used as " human shields" by their parents. There should have been many photos about this issue, you have murdered thousands of civilians on the pretext of "shield" and there were many journalists and activist in Palestine.

Please photos and videos of children human shields ?
For that read...

Hamas (and, earlier, Fatah, and the PLO, and, in Lebanon, Hezbollah, in earlier times) placing war-assets alongside civilians - hiding rocket launchers, munitions caches, staging and operations areas, militia and leadership bunkers, etc., amongst residential neighborhoods, and in schools, hospitals, mosques, etc.

Cowardly militant Muslim low-life scum, hiding behind the skirts of their women and children.

Link? Use an Internet search engine, and you'll find plenty of condemnation, from various United Nations agencies, Amnesty International, and others.
Real sad what your government is doing to incite this for an excuse to do whatever he wantsss
A fourteen-year-old girl was stabbed to death at a hitchhiking station in Gush Etzion, according to Channel 2.

A Channel 2 reporter said three people were stabbed, and two of them are in serious condition, while a third is in light condition.

The terrorist has been shot, but Channel 2 said that he is not dead. He is being taken to receive medical treatment.

Channel 2 said that the terrorist tried to run down his victims with a car at first, but failed, and then got out of the car and began stabbing.

Magen David Adom forces are currently at the scene.

The attack is the second stabbing in six hours, after a Palestinian worker stabbed a 20 year-old IDF soldier in Tel Aviv hours ago.

Breaking 14-Year-Old Girl Murdered at Gush Etzion - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Horrible when they fight back , the only way they can, look what your gov had done, this is what you want.

I wonder what will happen when the Jews will start fighting back?

The Jews never quit! Finally the Pals are starting to fight back.

The Jews never quit and never should quit.

The Palestinians are fools to throw stones when their houses are made of fragile glass.
100 times more when their parents and relatives use them as shields.

I want to see the photos of the children who had been used as " human shields" by their parents. There should have been many photos about this issue, you have murdered thousands of civilians on the pretext of "shield" and there were many journalists and activist in Palestine.

Please photos and videos of children human shields ?

Go over the list of the deceased, I don't post snuff.

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