The thing here...


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
When our White nationalist male fathers sort of kicked Hitler's white supremist nationalist ass, where do you go with that? Perhaps the issue is a little more complex.
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Not to mention say, when say 600,000 Americans died in the civil war on both sides. 1861 to 1865. Where do you go with that?
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NOW, there is talk of reparations for slavery. Because 600,000 white men lives lost in the war wasn't enough? All the civil rights bill of 1965 wasn't enough? What does it take to end this?
When our White nationalist male fathers sort of kicked Hitler's white supremist nationalist ass, where do you go with that? Perhaps the issue is a little more complex.
Umh....our troops did not consist entirely of white nationalist males.

You realize that right?
Perhaps the issue is a little more complex
Is there a supposed to be funny?
Yes, really. Are you trying to tell me that you just now noticed racism is a complex issue? That you think your the only one who's figured that out?

Racism is not complex at all. Racism is a political ploy to divide and conquer. It started with the British crown using the media to demonize Black folk in the 1600's, cuz they needed free labor to expand their empire. They also wanted to chase out all the brown folk who were American Indians. Whites were more numerous and better weaponized, so the wave of political power was the white man. Then Progressives created Eugenics to try and weed out the black folk and sterilize them claiming it was science and anyone who opposed them was anti-science. Hitler was so impressed that he declared a book written on Eugenics to be his Bible and inspiration for his master race and to address the Jewish problem.

But today black and brown folk are outnumbering the white folk. Now it is time for the political elite to wage another media campaign to demonize white folk so that the black and brown can take over and keep us divided.

See, somethings never change.

If anyone should pay reparations, it is the media and those in government that steered the sheeple, as well as those who voted for Joe Biden and feel as though they should pay.

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