The Tavern


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The Tavern

Welcome to the USMB Tavern. Pull up a bar stool, have a drink and relax. Play some music and watch a game on the big screen. Have a nibble of some pub grub to go along with your nip. The place is a little bit naughty and a little bit nice.

This is not the place for heated political debates but a place to engage in just about everything else. If you find yourself in a thread where what you are talking about does not really belong there, instead of getting a room of your own or thread of your own, come here, pull up a chair and continue. MILD flaming is fine, but nothing to heated! Joke around, slap some backs, be a bit raucous and rowdy. Just remember, the bartender has a bat to take care of the troublemakers!

So, name your poison, the bar is well stocked of all of the things you love to drink! We have soft, hard and everything in-between. Tell us about your favorite libations, belly up to the bar and have a good time.

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Welcome to the Grand Reopening folks! Pull up a chair and get comfortable, because drinks are on the house tonight!


And I'd like to propose a toast, to the previous proprietor of this establishment, without her the Tavern wouldn't be here.

TK, why did you do this? You were not involved in the ongoing discussion I've been having with the mods and admin about this. You should have given me enough time to finish talking to the other members before opening a new thread called The Tavern. That was just wrong and you know it.
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Yes, Gracie, I know. She put it there after TK opened it, with him not knowing anything that is or was going on out of his view and everyone else's eyes.

Ever hear of plagiarism? That's what you did TK. You have no right to start this thread and no right to use what was in The Tavern before.
I understand his intent...but dayum. Put a fork in it. Its done. Start a new one with a different owners perception.

TK, why did you do this? You were not involved in the ongoing discussion I've been having with the mods and admin about this. You should have given me enough time to finish talking to the other members before opening a new thread called The Tavern. That was just wrong and you know it.

I'm not about to let The Tavern die, Aye. If you don't like it, you can choose to not participate, up to you. But please be aware you are in the Lounge, keep the drama outside. And one more thing, you don't get to decide if this thread lives or dies. This place belongs to everyone. Thank you.
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Yes, you can edit the words in the OP, TK. And the pic.
Make your own Tavern. Use a different pic. If you build it, they will come. Or not.
Just make it your own.
lol. Not me. I don't care for the original op and the feeling is mutual. She's gone. Time to move on.
I might post in here from time to time. Might not. But I wish you luck, TK. And I mean that seriously.

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