The Surging Democrats


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
They are building to a crescendo! They are a symphony of the ludicrous played against the harmonious backdrop of the absurd. Their plan: BE SO BIZARRE AND INCREDULOUS THAT NO ONE CAN BELIEVE THEY"RE NOT SERIOUS!


  • Cory Booker, unknown do-nothing Senator from the state of nowhere wants a bill removing ALL Confederate statues from the Capitol no matter their reason or intent! And he states: "This is just the FIRST STEP! We have much work to do." In an interview he says: "Hey! It worked for Obama! What have I got to lose?!"
  • Steve Cohen, unknown democrat congressman from Tennessee wants to file for Impeachment because: "Trump has failed the presidential test of moral leadership." Never mind that his state is full of Confederate statues and he has never had an issue with any of them till now.
  • Maria Chappelle-Nadal, democratic senator calls for the assassination of the President of the United States. Need I say more.
  • Under heavy pressure, the Cleveland Clinic has decided that it will not hold a Florida fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago next year!
  • Basketball player Kevin Durant adds to the list of NBA players who won't visit the WH because they can't "respect" the man who holds it.
  • James Rupert Murdoch donates 1 million to the Anti-Defamation League in protest of Trump.
  • Susan Bro, mother of Heather Heyer tells 'Good Morning America' she has no plans to speak with the president after he said 'both sides' were at some fault for the Charlottesville violence. Apparently her daughter was there in the middle of the street helping "the other side" out of the goodness of her heart.
  • Tony Schwartz, an American journalist, says Trump is going to resign and declare victory before the end of the year and Mueller and Congress leave him no choice.
  • And last but not least, democratic RINO and expert on failed presidential candidacies Mitt Romney urges President Trump to take 'remedial action in the extreme' for his statement that all sides in the Virginia conflict need to step back, calm down and take responsibility! When was the last time you ever heard a democrat say that about one of their own?
What a bitter irony it will be for all of these partisan kooks when Donald Trump is STILL President of the USA in January and going stronger than ever! Fortunate for us, none of these people get to decide who runs the White House!
Democrats are voting with their feet and refusing to do anything for the Trump administration

They sit by with amusement as it founders

And say..... I told you so
In an NPR poll only 27% wants all confederate statues removed.
Democrats are voting with their feet and refusing to do anything for the Trump administration

They sit by with amusement as it founders

And say..... I told you so

Gonna run Hildabeast against him again in 2020?
They are building to a crescendo! They are a symphony of the ludicrous played against the harmonious backdrop of the absurd. Their plan: BE SO BIZARRE AND INCREDULOUS THAT NO ONE CAN BELIEVE THEY"RE NOT SERIOUS!


  • Cory Booker, unknown do-nothing Senator from the state of nowhere wants a bill removing ALL Confederate statues from the Capitol no matter their reason or intent! And he states: "This is just the FIRST STEP! We have much work to do." In an interview he says: "Hey! It worked for Obama! What have I got to lose?!"
  • Steve Cohen, unknown democrat congressman from Tennessee wants to file for Impeachment because: "Trump has failed the presidential test of moral leadership." Never mind that his state is full of Confederate statues and he has never had an issue with any of them till now.
  • Maria Chappelle-Nadal, democratic senator calls for the assassination of the President of the United States. Need I say more.
  • Under heavy pressure, the Cleveland Clinic has decided that it will not hold a Florida fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago next year!
  • Basketball player Kevin Durant adds to the list of NBA players who won't visit the WH because they can't "respect" the man who holds it.
  • James Rupert Murdoch donates 1 million to the Anti-Defamation League in protest of Trump.
  • Susan Bro, mother of Heather Heyer tells 'Good Morning America' she has no plans to speak with the president after he said 'both sides' were at some fault for the Charlottesville violence. Apparently her daughter was there in the middle of the street helping "the other side" out of the goodness of her heart.
  • Tony Schwartz, an American journalist, says Trump is going to resign and declare victory before the end of the year and Mueller and Congress leave him no choice.
  • And last but not least, democratic RINO and expert on failed presidential candidacies Mitt Romney urges President Trump to take 'remedial action in the extreme' for his statement that all sides in the Virginia conflict need to step back, calm down and take responsibility! When was the last time you ever heard a democrat say that about one of their own?
What a bitter irony it will be for all of these partisan kooks when Donald Trump is STILL President of the USA in January and going stronger than ever! Fortunate for us, none of these people get to decide who runs the White House!

One corporatist is as "good" as another.
Democrats are voting with their feet and refusing to do anything for the Trump administration

They sit by with amusement as it founders

And say..... I told you so

I did that. It works great. I was on a softball team in high school and determined to make the team lose. It was quite comical. No matter what anyone did, I could make them lose. Put me in the outfield and I would catch the ball and throw it as hard as I could in the other direction. I never hit a ball. Make me a catcher and I would get the ball and throw it back out. It was great. I never had such a good time in my life. And, if I sat out, they were down a player.

Intent on making me part of a team, any team, I was plopped on the track team. I slow kicked up the dust, stopped to retie my shoes, and gave a little shuffle off to Buffalo. I swear, seeing those girls screaming hysterically was a real treat. There was nothing they could do to win. No matter how hard or how brilliantly they played. The power was all mine.

This is what democrats are doing, with the same amused success. Democrats aren't exactly saying I told you so. It's more like I made it so. It feels good doesn't it?
They are building to a crescendo! They are a symphony of the ludicrous played against the harmonious backdrop of the absurd. Their plan: BE SO BIZARRE AND INCREDULOUS THAT NO ONE CAN BELIEVE THEY"RE NOT SERIOUS!


  • Cory Booker, unknown do-nothing Senator from the state of nowhere wants a bill removing ALL Confederate statues from the Capitol no matter their reason or intent! And he states: "This is just the FIRST STEP! We have much work to do." In an interview he says: "Hey! It worked for Obama! What have I got to lose?!"
  • Steve Cohen, unknown democrat congressman from Tennessee wants to file for Impeachment because: "Trump has failed the presidential test of moral leadership." Never mind that his state is full of Confederate statues and he has never had an issue with any of them till now.
  • Maria Chappelle-Nadal, democratic senator calls for the assassination of the President of the United States. Need I say more.
  • Under heavy pressure, the Cleveland Clinic has decided that it will not hold a Florida fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago next year!
  • Basketball player Kevin Durant adds to the list of NBA players who won't visit the WH because they can't "respect" the man who holds it.
  • James Rupert Murdoch donates 1 million to the Anti-Defamation League in protest of Trump.
  • Susan Bro, mother of Heather Heyer tells 'Good Morning America' she has no plans to speak with the president after he said 'both sides' were at some fault for the Charlottesville violence. Apparently her daughter was there in the middle of the street helping "the other side" out of the goodness of her heart.
  • Tony Schwartz, an American journalist, says Trump is going to resign and declare victory before the end of the year and Mueller and Congress leave him no choice.
  • And last but not least, democratic RINO and expert on failed presidential candidacies Mitt Romney urges President Trump to take 'remedial action in the extreme' for his statement that all sides in the Virginia conflict need to step back, calm down and take responsibility! When was the last time you ever heard a democrat say that about one of their own?
What a bitter irony it will be for all of these partisan kooks when Donald Trump is STILL President of the USA in January and going stronger than ever! Fortunate for us, none of these people get to decide who runs the White House!

It's likely they won't have a job in four years anyway save for Rupert. The left has fail to see and still fails to see that no one want what they are selling.
Ah, the sweet butthurt tears of the conservatives are a tasty vintage indeed. Very bitter, but still very sweet.

They wouldn't be crying this hard if they weren't being hurt so badly.

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