The sun's about to warm us up a bit.

The sun is having a little fit and of course, the sun effects our temperature, so everybody throw a bunch more money at the UN to give to India cause, you know, climate change... :uhoh3:

Probably won't cause it to get any hotter, but it could play hell with GPS signals, power grids, and radio communications.

The sun is having a little fit and of course, the sun effects our temperature, so everybody throw a bunch more money at the UN to give to India cause, you know, climate change... :uhoh3:

Bah, let's just keep pumping CO2 into the atmosphere and hope that we die before the really bad shit starts.
We are in solar minimum right now, which is why they switched it up from global warming< (solar maximum) to climate change< (solar minimum). We'll be rounding the bend to solar maximum in a couple years, and there is nothing the UN can do about it. Climate change is, in reality, a wealth redistribution scam and they said so...

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