The suicide rate is the highest it's been in half a century...why? what SOLUTIONS do you propose?

I often wonder how wingers can make it through the freakin' day, with all their hate and rage.

Maybe they can't.
This isnt hate and rage, just a morbid sense of humor.

Serving in the military can give you that gift.
For centuries, the only way to fight gangrene was to cut off the limb which was infected. We learned to go for the source of the infection, instead of just lopping off whatever was infected.

I already explained what was responsible for the increasing rate of suicides earlier in the thread. The suicide rate is the highest it's been in half a century...why? what SOLUTIONS do you propose?

In short, pain. The FDA and DEA have decided that Doctors are proscribing too much pain medication, and mixing Pain meds and among others, Benzo’s, and Sleeping Pills, is dangerous. Despite the fact that hundreds of thousands, even millions were taking them. So we have chronic pain patients who are without any treatment, and how long could you live in agony? Agony that would prevent you from sleeping, agony that made every minute an eternity. How long could you endure before you decided that taking your own life was worth it. It also explains why there is an increase in overdose deaths, because the people are desperate for any relief.

Years ago, in response to ethanol, I said that the future would treat us badly, and with reason. I could just imagine a school girl raising her hand and in an incredulous voice demanding the teacher confirm the information they had just been given. “Wait, with starvation going around the globe, they were really turning food into fuel? Were they stupid?”

Now, that conversation is going to be repeated. “You mean they had the ability to ease the suffering of the people, and refused the people that bit of succor? What were they Sadists?”

We have grater knowledge than ever before, and less compassion for those who are suffering than ever before. So yeah, there are going to be overdoses as the desperate turn to the streets trying to find a bit of relief, and for those who are unable to do that, suicide to end the suffering.

It is the cause, not the tool, that is the issue. Reduce the cause, and the tool becomes irrelevant.
Arent there exemptions for those under terminal conditions?
Technology has alienated society, so it's no wonder why suicide has spiked.
Liberalism Promotes Envy
With Envy Comes Anger, Hate, Self-Loathing, And Despair

And Don't Forget Trying To Normalize Moral Degeneracy
Secular Humanism Can Go In Any Direction
To Any Self-Destructive Extreme
Last edited:
Moral And Spiritual Vacancy
A Hole They Can't Fill

The More It's Indulged
The Less Rewarding It Becomes
The More, Etc., Etc....

The Parasitic Self-Perpetuating Profession Says:
1 In 3 Children Have A Diagnosable Mental Illness
You Believe That ??
I'm Convinced It's All Rooted
In The Mental Confusion Caused By Today's Liberalism
Last edited:
Technology has alienated society, so it's no wonder why suicide has spiked.
Liberalism Promotes Envy
With Envy Comes Anger, Hate, Self-Loathing, And Despair

And Don't Forget Trying To Normalize Moral Degeneracy
Secular Humanism Can Go In Any Direction
To Any Self-Destructive Extreme

You obviously are unaware of how isolated from socialization the younger generations have become due to technology.
Technology has alienated society, so it's no wonder why suicide has spiked.
Liberalism Promotes Envy
With Envy Comes Anger, Hate, Self-Loathing, And Despair

And Don't Forget Trying To Normalize Moral Degeneracy
Secular Humanism Can Go In Any Direction
To Any Self-Destructive Extreme

You obviously are unaware of how isolated from socialization the younger generations have become due to technology.

sobie, darling. We are SOCIALIZING RIGHT HERE <sign>
The Parasitic Self-Perpetuating Profession Says:
1 In 3 Children Have A Diagnosable Mental Illness
You Believe That ??
I'm Convinced It's All Rooted
In The Mental Confusion Caused By Today's Liberalism

I'm convinced it has more to do with the infiltration of our self serving mental health communities pill popping doctrine in our school systems

But that's me

Technology has alienated society, so it's no wonder why suicide has spiked.
Liberalism Promotes Envy
With Envy Comes Anger, Hate, Self-Loathing, And Despair

And Don't Forget Trying To Normalize Moral Degeneracy
Secular Humanism Can Go In Any Direction
To Any Self-Destructive Extreme

You obviously are unaware of how isolated from socialization the younger generations have become due to technology.

Are you aware most of us are alone behind a keyboard or Iphone?

The Parasitic Self-Perpetuating Profession Says:
1 In 3 Children Have A Diagnosable Mental Illness
You Believe That ??
I'm Convinced It's All Rooted
In The Mental Confusion Caused By Today's Liberalism

I'm convinced it has more to do with the infiltration of our self serving mental health communities pill popping doctrine in our school systems

But that's me


yes it is
Suicide and the chimera of American prosperity

every human life is precious and priceless whether its in Pittsburgh or Pakistan!
Here is an idea. Take the phones away from the children and return them to interacting with each other face to face.

It is almost impossible to intercede with a friend who is depressed to the point of suicide when your only interaction with them is through an electronic device.
SobieskiSavedEurope said:
You obviously are unaware of how isolated from socialization the younger generations have become due to technology.
But They Think They're In Touch Like Never Before
Ignoring The Friend Next To Them
While They All Play Text-Tag On The Phone
I'm Surprised More Don't Walk Off Stairs
Or Into Traffic
sparky said:
I'm convinced it has more to do with the infiltration of our self serving mental health communities pill popping doctrine in our school systems

But that's me
There Was An Episode Of Bob Newhart
He Was Drumming His Pen On His Pad
Rolling His Eyes At The Ceiling
On The Couch There Was Some Yutz
Droning On About.....Whatever....

At The End Of The Day
Bob Goes Home To The Luxury Condo
And The Spectacular Susan Pleshette Trophy Wife

Beats Working Or Producing Anything Quantifiable
Because Is Anyone Ever 'Cured'
sparky said:
Are you aware most of us are alone behind a keyboard or Iphone?
It Used To Be TV
Harvester Of Eyes
The Munsters Was Dr Spock Liberal Modern Family Hilarity
For centuries, the only way to fight gangrene was to cut off the limb which was infected. We learned to go for the source of the infection, instead of just lopping off whatever was infected.

I already explained what was responsible for the increasing rate of suicides earlier in the thread. The suicide rate is the highest it's been in half a century...why? what SOLUTIONS do you propose?

In short, pain. The FDA and DEA have decided that Doctors are proscribing too much pain medication, and mixing Pain meds and among others, Benzo’s, and Sleeping Pills, is dangerous. Despite the fact that hundreds of thousands, even millions were taking them. So we have chronic pain patients who are without any treatment, and how long could you live in agony? Agony that would prevent you from sleeping, agony that made every minute an eternity. How long could you endure before you decided that taking your own life was worth it. It also explains why there is an increase in overdose deaths, because the people are desperate for any relief.

Years ago, in response to ethanol, I said that the future would treat us badly, and with reason. I could just imagine a school girl raising her hand and in an incredulous voice demanding the teacher confirm the information they had just been given. “Wait, with starvation going around the globe, they were really turning food into fuel? Were they stupid?”

Now, that conversation is going to be repeated. “You mean they had the ability to ease the suffering of the people, and refused the people that bit of succor? What were they Sadists?”

We have grater knowledge than ever before, and less compassion for those who are suffering than ever before. So yeah, there are going to be overdoses as the desperate turn to the streets trying to find a bit of relief, and for those who are unable to do that, suicide to end the suffering.

It is the cause, not the tool, that is the issue. Reduce the cause, and the tool becomes irrelevant.
Arent there exemptions for those under terminal conditions?

Yes. But many people are not terminal. At least not before they suicide. They have no exemptions. All they get is stigmatized.
Speaking Of Strawman Irrelevance:
SavannahMann said:
Years ago, in response to ethanol, I said that the future would treat us badly, and with reason. I could just imagine a school girl raising her hand and in an incredulous voice demanding the teacher confirm the information they had just been given. “Wait, with starvation going around the globe, they were really turning food into fuel? Were they stupid?”.
Feed Grain
Doesn't Go To People's Bellies
It Feeds Livestock
"telling people to kill themselves is a great way to reduce depression and suicide because then they get mad at u and start fighting back and insist they’re not gonna kill themselves just so they can spite u" - an unhinged liberal

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