The suicide rate is the highest it's been in half a century...why? what SOLUTIONS do you propose?

Your prom date is too cute for you.
I know. You're right. You can have him back. He was happier with you anyway.
He's on your drive. Pucker up if you're still able.
Funny, he told me he was staying at your house.
At least you two are still speaking. :)
No, not really. I slapped the b!tch. Why do you think she ran back to your house? Because you see the REAL Mitch. Mitch wanted your shoulder to cry on.
He says you're too loose to pucker.
You’ve got to be careful about this.

The suicide rate may be the highest it has been in 50 years. However, what is the relationship between the number of suicides today + attempted suicides compared to the suicides 50 years ago + attempts?

Today, thanks to the NRA and spineless politicians, we have more guns out there than at any other time in our history. So it stands to reason that the lethality of means to commit suicide is much greater than it has been than at any other time in our history. So…if you were contemplating killing yourself in 1968, you probably could do it but there is less likelihood that you had a revolver in the next room. Today you have a revolver on your hip, one in the next room, one in Mom’s purse, and another in the car. All lethal.

Additionally, the psychology of suicide is one where you may just do it if you’re serious. But often, you see where a police official is talking someone off a bridge. They don’t want to kill themselves, they want someone to listen. In 1968, if you were going to hang yourself, you have to find somewhere to do it (likely indoors), get a rope, a chair or platform and get to work. The same with carbon monoxide in the garage, methane in the oven, etc… It was a process that gave the person with suicidal thoughts a few moments of reflection and of course a point to back out of the enterprise. Today? Pull the trigger and you’re dead. So even if you did the calculations above, you really don’t know how many unreported suicide attempts there were where someone started their car and turned it off at the first sign of asphyxiation or stood on a chair with a rope around their neck and backed out….

Solutions? More controls on firearms to start. We all know that won’t happen with the Blob though.
Suicide rates were found to be higher among white men than black men. Compared with black men, the researchers found that white men had nine more firearm suicides per 100,000 people annually nationwide (5.41 for black men vs. 14.34 for white men).

Six of the 10 states with the largest disparities in firearm suicide rates were in the southern part of the country: Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina and Louisiana, the researchers found. The other four were in the West: Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.

Gun deaths study points to state and racial differences

If your entire party is about hate and promotes racism and ignorance, is it any surprise people kill themselves?

If you say so.

My thing is that when an attempted suicide self-presents to a hospital, getting them to tell you it was an suicide attempt is next to impossible. So the stats are shaky on this; like asking kids if they tried drugs or how many people have been unfaithful to their partner. And you have to put those stats from back then into the prism of the means available to them related to the suicide rate.

Thanks for the info.
Suicide and the chimera of American prosperity

every human life is precious and priceless whether its in Pittsburgh or Pakistan!
I knew before I read the article that most suicides in this country are whites in Red States. Glad they pointed that out.

Hate does that. People full of hate don't really enjoy life.

Perhaps if Republicans helped people who really need it and not just the fetus and needy billionaires.

You’ve got to be careful about this.

The suicide rate may be the highest it has been in 50 years. However, what is the relationship between the number of suicides today + attempted suicides compared to the suicides 50 years ago + attempts?

Today, thanks to the NRA and spineless politicians, we have more guns out there than at any other time in our history. So it stands to reason that the lethality of means to commit suicide is much greater than it has been than at any other time in our history. So…if you were contemplating killing yourself in 1968, you probably could do it but there is less likelihood that you had a revolver in the next room. Today you have a revolver on your hip, one in the next room, one in Mom’s purse, and another in the car. All lethal.

Additionally, the psychology of suicide is one where you may just do it if you’re serious. But often, you see where a police official is talking someone off a bridge. They don’t want to kill themselves, they want someone to listen. In 1968, if you were going to hang yourself, you have to find somewhere to do it (likely indoors), get a rope, a chair or platform and get to work. The same with carbon monoxide in the garage, methane in the oven, etc… It was a process that gave the person with suicidal thoughts a few moments of reflection and of course a point to back out of the enterprise. Today? Pull the trigger and you’re dead. So even if you did the calculations above, you really don’t know how many unreported suicide attempts there were where someone started their car and turned it off at the first sign of asphyxiation or stood on a chair with a rope around their neck and backed out….

Solutions? More controls on firearms to start. We all know that won’t happen with the Blob though.
Suicide rates were found to be higher among white men than black men. Compared with black men, the researchers found that white men had nine more firearm suicides per 100,000 people annually nationwide (5.41 for black men vs. 14.34 for white men).

Six of the 10 states with the largest disparities in firearm suicide rates were in the southern part of the country: Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina and Louisiana, the researchers found. The other four were in the West: Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.

Gun deaths study points to state and racial differences

If your entire party is about hate and promotes racism and ignorance, is it any surprise people kill themselves?

If you say so.

My thing is that when an attempted suicide self-presents to a hospital, getting them to tell you it was an suicide attempt is next to impossible. So the stats are shaky on this; like asking kids if they tried drugs or how many people have been unfaithful to their partner. And you have to put those stats from back then into the prism of the means available to them related to the suicide rate.

Thanks for the info.
Suicide is a incurable disease... No amount of frivolous gun control laws will make any difference.
It’s the most cowardly thing a human can do
The FDA and DEA have restricted the availability of pain medication, and decided that if you are in pain, you may not have any other medical issues, such as sleeping difficulties. If they grant you pain medications at all.

So people are suffering, each day, each hour, each minute is agony. They endure as long as they can, and then they end it. When they can endure no more suffering, no more agony, no more.

This is one story, and there are many like it. Thousands. Tens of thousands. We have the technology, the knowledge to help them, to ease their suffering. What we do not have is the compassion. So Suicides are up, and we are surprised. We blame Trump, the Left, The Right, and it is all of us.

chronic pain NEVER KILLS ANYONE … nor harms any family ?

We scream war on drugs, and then we treat the victims as the enemy. We learn too late that we are the enemy.

A Narcotics Cop Loses His Daughter to a Heroin Overdose - The Atlantic

So why are people committing suicide? Why indeed?
You’ve got to be careful about this.

The suicide rate may be the highest it has been in 50 years. However, what is the relationship between the number of suicides today + attempted suicides compared to the suicides 50 years ago + attempts?

Today, thanks to the NRA and spineless politicians, we have more guns out there than at any other time in our history. So it stands to reason that the lethality of means to commit suicide is much greater than it has been than at any other time in our history. So…if you were contemplating killing yourself in 1968, you probably could do it but there is less likelihood that you had a revolver in the next room. Today you have a revolver on your hip, one in the next room, one in Mom’s purse, and another in the car. All lethal.

Additionally, the psychology of suicide is one where you may just do it if you’re serious. But often, you see where a police official is talking someone off a bridge. They don’t want to kill themselves, they want someone to listen. In 1968, if you were going to hang yourself, you have to find somewhere to do it (likely indoors), get a rope, a chair or platform and get to work. The same with carbon monoxide in the garage, methane in the oven, etc… It was a process that gave the person with suicidal thoughts a few moments of reflection and of course a point to back out of the enterprise. Today? Pull the trigger and you’re dead. So even if you did the calculations above, you really don’t know how many unreported suicide attempts there were where someone started their car and turned it off at the first sign of asphyxiation or stood on a chair with a rope around their neck and backed out….

Solutions? More controls on firearms to start. We all know that won’t happen with the Blob though.
Fuck face... More frivolous gun control laws will do nothing but increase violent behavior in this country
You’ve got to be careful about this.

The suicide rate may be the highest it has been in 50 years. However, what is the relationship between the number of suicides today + attempted suicides compared to the suicides 50 years ago + attempts?

Today, thanks to the NRA and spineless politicians, we have more guns out there than at any other time in our history. So it stands to reason that the lethality of means to commit suicide is much greater than it has been than at any other time in our history. So…if you were contemplating killing yourself in 1968, you probably could do it but there is less likelihood that you had a revolver in the next room. Today you have a revolver on your hip, one in the next room, one in Mom’s purse, and another in the car. All lethal.

Additionally, the psychology of suicide is one where you may just do it if you’re serious. But often, you see where a police official is talking someone off a bridge. They don’t want to kill themselves, they want someone to listen. In 1968, if you were going to hang yourself, you have to find somewhere to do it (likely indoors), get a rope, a chair or platform and get to work. The same with carbon monoxide in the garage, methane in the oven, etc… It was a process that gave the person with suicidal thoughts a few moments of reflection and of course a point to back out of the enterprise. Today? Pull the trigger and you’re dead. So even if you did the calculations above, you really don’t know how many unreported suicide attempts there were where someone started their car and turned it off at the first sign of asphyxiation or stood on a chair with a rope around their neck and backed out….

Solutions? More controls on firearms to start. We all know that won’t happen with the Blob though.
Suicide rates were found to be higher among white men than black men. Compared with black men, the researchers found that white men had nine more firearm suicides per 100,000 people annually nationwide (5.41 for black men vs. 14.34 for white men).

Six of the 10 states with the largest disparities in firearm suicide rates were in the southern part of the country: Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina and Louisiana, the researchers found. The other four were in the West: Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado.

Gun deaths study points to state and racial differences

If your entire party is about hate and promotes racism and ignorance, is it any surprise people kill themselves?
Says a socialist
I often wonder how wingers can make it through the freakin' day, with all their hate and rage.

Maybe they can't.
Progressivism is all about hate... Because It can’t survive without controlling people they disagree with it
Less losers in the world, so what’s the problem?
You’ve got to be careful about this.

The suicide rate may be the highest it has been in 50 years. However, what is the relationship between the number of suicides today + attempted suicides compared to the suicides 50 years ago + attempts?

Today, thanks to the NRA and spineless politicians, we have more guns out there than at any other time in our history. So it stands to reason that the lethality of means to commit suicide is much greater than it has been than at any other time in our history. So…if you were contemplating killing yourself in 1968, you probably could do it but there is less likelihood that you had a revolver in the next room. Today you have a revolver on your hip, one in the next room, one in Mom’s purse, and another in the car. All lethal.

Additionally, the psychology of suicide is one where you may just do it if you’re serious. But often, you see where a police official is talking someone off a bridge. They don’t want to kill themselves, they want someone to listen. In 1968, if you were going to hang yourself, you have to find somewhere to do it (likely indoors), get a rope, a chair or platform and get to work. The same with carbon monoxide in the garage, methane in the oven, etc… It was a process that gave the person with suicidal thoughts a few moments of reflection and of course a point to back out of the enterprise. Today? Pull the trigger and you’re dead. So even if you did the calculations above, you really don’t know how many unreported suicide attempts there were where someone started their car and turned it off at the first sign of asphyxiation or stood on a chair with a rope around their neck and backed out….

Solutions? More controls on firearms to start. We all know that won’t happen with the Blob though.

You are looking at the tool used, not the cause. In aircraft crashes, they say the accident happened in the air somewhere. The crash is the result of the accident. By your standards, if we abolished the ground there would be fewer airplane crashes.
You’ve got to be careful about this.

The suicide rate may be the highest it has been in 50 years. However, what is the relationship between the number of suicides today + attempted suicides compared to the suicides 50 years ago + attempts?

Today, thanks to the NRA and spineless politicians, we have more guns out there than at any other time in our history. So it stands to reason that the lethality of means to commit suicide is much greater than it has been than at any other time in our history. So…if you were contemplating killing yourself in 1968, you probably could do it but there is less likelihood that you had a revolver in the next room. Today you have a revolver on your hip, one in the next room, one in Mom’s purse, and another in the car. All lethal.

Additionally, the psychology of suicide is one where you may just do it if you’re serious. But often, you see where a police official is talking someone off a bridge. They don’t want to kill themselves, they want someone to listen. In 1968, if you were going to hang yourself, you have to find somewhere to do it (likely indoors), get a rope, a chair or platform and get to work. The same with carbon monoxide in the garage, methane in the oven, etc… It was a process that gave the person with suicidal thoughts a few moments of reflection and of course a point to back out of the enterprise. Today? Pull the trigger and you’re dead. So even if you did the calculations above, you really don’t know how many unreported suicide attempts there were where someone started their car and turned it off at the first sign of asphyxiation or stood on a chair with a rope around their neck and backed out….

Solutions? More controls on firearms to start. We all know that won’t happen with the Blob though.

You are looking at the tool used, not the cause. In aircraft crashes, they say the accident happened in the air somewhere. The crash is the result of the accident. By your standards, if we abolished the ground there would be fewer airplane crashes.

Strawest of the straw man arguments.

My argument is that, perhaps, we have a higher suicide rate today because of the lethal nature of the available tools.
You’ve got to be careful about this.

The suicide rate may be the highest it has been in 50 years. However, what is the relationship between the number of suicides today + attempted suicides compared to the suicides 50 years ago + attempts?

Today, thanks to the NRA and spineless politicians, we have more guns out there than at any other time in our history. So it stands to reason that the lethality of means to commit suicide is much greater than it has been than at any other time in our history. So…if you were contemplating killing yourself in 1968, you probably could do it but there is less likelihood that you had a revolver in the next room. Today you have a revolver on your hip, one in the next room, one in Mom’s purse, and another in the car. All lethal.

Additionally, the psychology of suicide is one where you may just do it if you’re serious. But often, you see where a police official is talking someone off a bridge. They don’t want to kill themselves, they want someone to listen. In 1968, if you were going to hang yourself, you have to find somewhere to do it (likely indoors), get a rope, a chair or platform and get to work. The same with carbon monoxide in the garage, methane in the oven, etc… It was a process that gave the person with suicidal thoughts a few moments of reflection and of course a point to back out of the enterprise. Today? Pull the trigger and you’re dead. So even if you did the calculations above, you really don’t know how many unreported suicide attempts there were where someone started their car and turned it off at the first sign of asphyxiation or stood on a chair with a rope around their neck and backed out….

Solutions? More controls on firearms to start. We all know that won’t happen with the Blob though.

You are looking at the tool used, not the cause. In aircraft crashes, they say the accident happened in the air somewhere. The crash is the result of the accident. By your standards, if we abolished the ground there would be fewer airplane crashes.

Strawest of the straw man arguments.

My argument is that, perhaps, we have a higher suicide rate today because of the lethal nature of the available tools.
Excuses... excuses… Shut the fuck up
You’ve got to be careful about this.

The suicide rate may be the highest it has been in 50 years. However, what is the relationship between the number of suicides today + attempted suicides compared to the suicides 50 years ago + attempts?

Today, thanks to the NRA and spineless politicians, we have more guns out there than at any other time in our history. So it stands to reason that the lethality of means to commit suicide is much greater than it has been than at any other time in our history. So…if you were contemplating killing yourself in 1968, you probably could do it but there is less likelihood that you had a revolver in the next room. Today you have a revolver on your hip, one in the next room, one in Mom’s purse, and another in the car. All lethal.

Additionally, the psychology of suicide is one where you may just do it if you’re serious. But often, you see where a police official is talking someone off a bridge. They don’t want to kill themselves, they want someone to listen. In 1968, if you were going to hang yourself, you have to find somewhere to do it (likely indoors), get a rope, a chair or platform and get to work. The same with carbon monoxide in the garage, methane in the oven, etc… It was a process that gave the person with suicidal thoughts a few moments of reflection and of course a point to back out of the enterprise. Today? Pull the trigger and you’re dead. So even if you did the calculations above, you really don’t know how many unreported suicide attempts there were where someone started their car and turned it off at the first sign of asphyxiation or stood on a chair with a rope around their neck and backed out….

Solutions? More controls on firearms to start. We all know that won’t happen with the Blob though.

You are looking at the tool used, not the cause. In aircraft crashes, they say the accident happened in the air somewhere. The crash is the result of the accident. By your standards, if we abolished the ground there would be fewer airplane crashes.

Strawest of the straw man arguments.

My argument is that, perhaps, we have a higher suicide rate today because of the lethal nature of the available tools.

For centuries, the only way to fight gangrene was to cut off the limb which was infected. We learned to go for the source of the infection, instead of just lopping off whatever was infected.

I already explained what was responsible for the increasing rate of suicides earlier in the thread. The suicide rate is the highest it's been in half a century...why? what SOLUTIONS do you propose?

In short, pain. The FDA and DEA have decided that Doctors are proscribing too much pain medication, and mixing Pain meds and among others, Benzo’s, and Sleeping Pills, is dangerous. Despite the fact that hundreds of thousands, even millions were taking them. So we have chronic pain patients who are without any treatment, and how long could you live in agony? Agony that would prevent you from sleeping, agony that made every minute an eternity. How long could you endure before you decided that taking your own life was worth it. It also explains why there is an increase in overdose deaths, because the people are desperate for any relief.

Years ago, in response to ethanol, I said that the future would treat us badly, and with reason. I could just imagine a school girl raising her hand and in an incredulous voice demanding the teacher confirm the information they had just been given. “Wait, with starvation going around the globe, they were really turning food into fuel? Were they stupid?”

Now, that conversation is going to be repeated. “You mean they had the ability to ease the suffering of the people, and refused the people that bit of succor? What were they Sadists?”

We have grater knowledge than ever before, and less compassion for those who are suffering than ever before. So yeah, there are going to be overdoses as the desperate turn to the streets trying to find a bit of relief, and for those who are unable to do that, suicide to end the suffering.

It is the cause, not the tool, that is the issue. Reduce the cause, and the tool becomes irrelevant.
Why is it you people don't think a person has the right to decide whether to live or die?
You’ve got to be careful about this.

The suicide rate may be the highest it has been in 50 years. However, what is the relationship between the number of suicides today + attempted suicides compared to the suicides 50 years ago + attempts?

Today, thanks to the NRA and spineless politicians, we have more guns out there than at any other time in our history. So it stands to reason that the lethality of means to commit suicide is much greater than it has been than at any other time in our history. So…if you were contemplating killing yourself in 1968, you probably could do it but there is less likelihood that you had a revolver in the next room. Today you have a revolver on your hip, one in the next room, one in Mom’s purse, and another in the car. All lethal.

Additionally, the psychology of suicide is one where you may just do it if you’re serious. But often, you see where a police official is talking someone off a bridge. They don’t want to kill themselves, they want someone to listen. In 1968, if you were going to hang yourself, you have to find somewhere to do it (likely indoors), get a rope, a chair or platform and get to work. The same with carbon monoxide in the garage, methane in the oven, etc… It was a process that gave the person with suicidal thoughts a few moments of reflection and of course a point to back out of the enterprise. Today? Pull the trigger and you’re dead. So even if you did the calculations above, you really don’t know how many unreported suicide attempts there were where someone started their car and turned it off at the first sign of asphyxiation or stood on a chair with a rope around their neck and backed out….

Solutions? More controls on firearms to start. We all know that won’t happen with the Blob though.

You are looking at the tool used, not the cause. In aircraft crashes, they say the accident happened in the air somewhere. The crash is the result of the accident. By your standards, if we abolished the ground there would be fewer airplane crashes.

Strawest of the straw man arguments.

My argument is that, perhaps, we have a higher suicide rate today because of the lethal nature of the available tools.

For centuries, the only way to fight gangrene was to cut off the limb which was infected. We learned to go for the source of the infection, instead of just lopping off whatever was infected.

I already explained what was responsible for the increasing rate of suicides earlier in the thread. The suicide rate is the highest it's been in half a century...why? what SOLUTIONS do you propose?

In short, pain. The FDA and DEA have decided that Doctors are proscribing too much pain medication, and mixing Pain meds and among others, Benzo’s, and Sleeping Pills, is dangerous. Despite the fact that hundreds of thousands, even millions were taking them. So we have chronic pain patients who are without any treatment, and how long could you live in agony? Agony that would prevent you from sleeping, agony that made every minute an eternity. How long could you endure before you decided that taking your own life was worth it. It also explains why there is an increase in overdose deaths, because the people are desperate for any relief.

Years ago, in response to ethanol, I said that the future would treat us badly, and with reason. I could just imagine a school girl raising her hand and in an incredulous voice demanding the teacher confirm the information they had just been given. “Wait, with starvation going around the globe, they were really turning food into fuel? Were they stupid?”

Now, that conversation is going to be repeated. “You mean they had the ability to ease the suffering of the people, and refused the people that bit of succor? What were they Sadists?”

We have grater knowledge than ever before, and less compassion for those who are suffering than ever before. So yeah, there are going to be overdoses as the desperate turn to the streets trying to find a bit of relief, and for those who are unable to do that, suicide to end the suffering.

It is the cause, not the tool, that is the issue. Reduce the cause, and the tool becomes irrelevant.

That's a good idea.



If guns were not so prevalent, we'd have more people walking around.

Over 80% who try to kill themselves with guns are successful.

Of all of those who are successful by all means, over 1/2 use guns.


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