The Sound of Settled Science


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I’m so old I remember when science findings were not published until peer reviewed.

31 unverified, unable to reproduce studies PUBLISHED. Forehead slapping time.

“A prominent cardiologist formerly at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston fabricated or falsified data in 31 published studies that should be retracted, officials at the institutions have concluded.

The cardiologist, Dr. Piero Anversa, produced research suggesting that damaged heart muscle could be regenerated with stem cells, a type of cell that can transform itself into a variety of other cells.

Although other laboratories could not reproduce his findings, the work led to the formation of start-up companies to develop new treatments for heart attacks and stroke, and inspired a clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Harvard Calls for Retraction of Dozens of Studies by Noted Cardiologist
^ This partially explains why so many ppl don't trust scientists, physicians, and other formerly-respected professionals. Sad.
And who exposed the fraud? Other scientists. Science is self correcting. Unlike the dumb fucks on this board that are constantly trying to denigrate all scientists by the actions of a few that were exposed as frauds by other scientists. And, quite obviously, you title is meant to cast doubt on all scientific research, especially those studying the climate. However, those that actually read science, recognize your intent, and reject your hypothesis that no science is to be trusted.
And who exposed the fraud? Other scientists. Science is self correcting. Unlike the dumb fucks on this board that are constantly trying to denigrate all scientists by the actions of a few that were exposed as frauds by other scientists. And, quite obviously, you title is meant to cast doubt on all scientific research, especially those studying the climate. However, those that actually read science, recognize your intent, and reject your hypothesis that no science is to be trusted.

Too bad this forum doesn't have a function that lets the reader rush to the author, envelop him/her with hugs and thanks, and band together in righteousness against the Forces of Darkness, Evil, and TrumpyShitz. Because I would so do that with you about now. My dad was a research scientist. You have no idea how many dinner table rants I listened to growing up, about pseudo science, the media's reporting on science, and critical thinking. Damn that man, he turned me into a skeptical liberal.
Well, I will consider myself hugged. You are a lucky person. Having someone close to you that worked in science is a real step up in life. I was the first in my paternal line to finish high school. And both sides were fundamentalist evangelical Christians. The fact that I had an early interest in geology and science was not exactly taken lightly by some in the family. Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of education in science, college classes, while maintaining a full time job as an industrial millwright. And, in my teen years, I noted that few journalists had any scientific education, and sometimes wrote absolutely laughable interpretations of what scientists had told them. The pseudo scientists? Very dangerous people, as they spread disinformation that leads to people making very serious, often life threatening, mistakes, based on the idiocy they peddle.
Well, I will consider myself hugged. You are a lucky person. Having someone close to you that worked in science is a real step up in life. I was the first in my paternal line to finish high school. And both sides were fundamentalist evangelical Christians. The fact that I had an early interest in geology and science was not exactly taken lightly by some in the family. Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of education in science, college classes, while maintaining a full time job as an industrial millwright. And, in my teen years, I noted that few journalists had any scientific education, and sometimes wrote absolutely laughable interpretations of what scientists had told them. The pseudo scientists? Very dangerous people, as they spread disinformation that leads to people making very serious, often life threatening, mistakes, based on the idiocy they peddle.

Yes. And almost as bad, they teach lay people that science -- and scientists -- are not to be trusted. Congratulations on overcoming your childhood handicaps and becoming a fully sentient, critical-thinking, human. Well done.
And who exposed the fraud? Other scientists. Science is self correcting. Unlike the dumb fucks on this board that are constantly trying to denigrate all scientists by the actions of a few that were exposed as frauds by other scientists. And, quite obviously, you title is meant to cast doubt on all scientific research, especially those studying the climate. However, those that actually read science, recognize your intent, and reject your hypothesis that no science is to be trusted.

But you’re right, science does self correct. Nobody believes in the Gorebal Warming myth anymore.
No science is ever settled.

And peer review itself isn't germane to the scientific method. It's a detriment to the very nature of science research. It's the special interest wing that deters any beneficial scientific progress. And we need to take scientific reasearch back from these special interest institutions.
I’m so old I remember when science findings were not published until peer reviewed.

31 unverified, unable to reproduce studies PUBLISHED. Forehead slapping time.

“A prominent cardiologist formerly at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston fabricated or falsified data in 31 published studies that should be retracted, officials at the institutions have concluded.

The cardiologist, Dr. Piero Anversa, produced research suggesting that damaged heart muscle could be regenerated with stem cells, a type of cell that can transform itself into a variety of other cells.

Although other laboratories could not reproduce his findings, the work led to the formation of start-up companies to develop new treatments for heart attacks and stroke, and inspired a clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Harvard Calls for Retraction of Dozens of Studies by Noted Cardiologist
An excellent example of the self correcting scientific process. This is what keeps frauds at bay, like evolution deniers and climate denier frauds.
Why do all religious people molest children? I read an article that religious people molested children. Clearly this means none of them can be trusted.
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I’m so old I remember when science findings were not published until peer reviewed.

31 unverified, unable to reproduce studies PUBLISHED. Forehead slapping time.

“A prominent cardiologist formerly at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston fabricated or falsified data in 31 published studies that should be retracted, officials at the institutions have concluded.

The cardiologist, Dr. Piero Anversa, produced research suggesting that damaged heart muscle could be regenerated with stem cells, a type of cell that can transform itself into a variety of other cells.

Although other laboratories could not reproduce his findings, the work led to the formation of start-up companies to develop new treatments for heart attacks and stroke, and inspired a clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Harvard Calls for Retraction of Dozens of Studies by Noted Cardiologist
An excellent example of the self correcting scientific process. This is what keeps frauds at bay, like evolution deniers and climate denier frauds.
Only took 31 accepted studies for a flag to be raised.
I’m so old I remember when science findings were not published until peer reviewed.

31 unverified, unable to reproduce studies PUBLISHED. Forehead slapping time.

“A prominent cardiologist formerly at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston fabricated or falsified data in 31 published studies that should be retracted, officials at the institutions have concluded.

The cardiologist, Dr. Piero Anversa, produced research suggesting that damaged heart muscle could be regenerated with stem cells, a type of cell that can transform itself into a variety of other cells.

Although other laboratories could not reproduce his findings, the work led to the formation of start-up companies to develop new treatments for heart attacks and stroke, and inspired a clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Harvard Calls for Retraction of Dozens of Studies by Noted Cardiologist
An excellent example of the self correcting scientific process. This is what keeps frauds at bay, like evolution deniers and climate denier frauds.
Only took 31 accepted studies for a flag to be raised.
Not so. The flag was raised early, when his results could not be duplicated. In the article you linked, there are links to such counter studies from 2004.
The problem is actually far worse than what Weatherman is pointing out here, since it is far more common than you realize, here is a blog site that post numerous examples:

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