The Son Of Man?

Road Runner

Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2021
Does anybody actually know why Jesus called Himself that since all men are sons of men? Other than the fact that He was also the Son of God, how is this different from anybody else? Also, am I also the only one who automatically thinks of this song? :p

Does anybody actually know why Jesus called Himself that since all men are sons of men? Other than the fact that He was also the Son of God, how is this different from anybody else? Also, am I also the only one who automatically thinks of this song? :p

Adam was a human. God gave him dominion over the earth. Adam relinquished dominion to Lucifer. There is proof of that. At the end of the Lord's prayer, we give God the kingdom, power and glory. Lucifer offered those exact 3 things to Jesus when he tempted Jesus in the desert. He had to actually possess those 3 things for the offer to have any substance. It is Lucifer's fault that there is sorrow here on earth, not God's fault. Lucifer has dominion for a time. We are not told when his reign ends, only how it ends.

Now, listen to what John said:
And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.
And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon
But then he realized Jesus DID qualify to open the book.

The reason why the book had writing on the inside and outside has to do with redemption. As was the custom, if you wanted to redeem something for a relative, you could see on the outside of the scroll what it would take to redeem the property listed on the inside. The book no one could open was a book of redemption.

Now, according to Jewish Law, this is the protocol for being a redeemer:
The kinsman-redeemer is a male relative who, according to various laws of the Pentateuch, had the privilege or responsibility to act on behalf of a relative who was in trouble, danger, or need. The Hebrew term (go el) for kinsman-redeemer designates one who delivers or rescues (Genesis 48:16; Exodus 6:6) or redeems property or person (Leviticus 27:9–25, 25:47–55). The kinsman who redeems or vindicates a relative is illustrated most clearly in the book of Ruth, where the kinsman-redeemer is Boaz.

In order for Jesus to redeem us He, according to Jewish Law, had to be a relative of Adam's. So He became so...
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Man being male and female made in the image of God Almighty is that portion born solely by and of the Spirit of God.

Human is the flesh being we are who sleeps in the dust of the earth until awakened by that heavenly Spirit; and that is a process. If an abortionist was speaking in spiritual terms they could call Son of Man a fetus.

Son of Man is that portion which is born/brought forth spiritually within the human.
Does anybody actually know why Jesus called Himself that since all men are sons of men? Other than the fact that He was also the Son of God, how is this different from anybody else?
It is a good question. In the Old Testament "Son of Man" was sometimes used to emphasize the difference between God and mankind. Jesus emphasized both his humanity and his Oneness with God.
Israel had some vague sense of a Messiah, or someone like a man, who would present before the Ancient of Days, or God (the everlasting to everlasting (Ps 90:2)), to receive everlasting dominion (Dn 7:13-14). Jesus came like a man (Phil 2:5-7), born of a woman (Gal 4:4).
It is a good question. In the Old Testament "Son of Man" was sometimes used to emphasize the difference between God and mankind. Jesus emphasized both his humanity and his Oneness with God.

Man being male and female made in the image of God Almighty is that portion born solely by and of the Spirit of God.

Human is the flesh being we are who sleeps in the dust of the earth until awakened by that heavenly Spirit; and that is a process. If an abortionist was speaking in spiritual terms they could call Son of Man a fetus.

Son of Man is that portion which is born/brought forth spiritually within the human.
The problem with conflating flesh with spirit is that . . .well . . . it conflates flesh with spirit.
The problem with conflating flesh with spirit is that . . .well . . . it conflates flesh with spirit.

If you mean wrestling with flesh and spirit,.. even though Jesus never sinned,.. does that count when He was tempted by the devil that He was still having that battle going on inside Him even though He still didn't listen to Him? A bit off topic, but now that you brought it up I'm curious.
The problem with conflating flesh with spirit is that . . .well . . . it conflates flesh with spirit.
The problem with lack of faith is it inhibits the ability for the Spirit of the Son; to be anointed with Jehovah;s salvation aka Jesus Christ who brings forth the Son of Man in One.
If you mean wrestling with flesh and spirit,.. even though Jesus never sinned,.. does that count when He was tempted by the devil that He was still having that battle going on inside Him even though He still didn't listen to Him? A bit off topic, but now that you brought it up I'm curious.
Biological death was not the plague that befell Adam.

Certainly to the Hebrew writers, death was a biological phenomenon, but it was also a spiritual one. To be sure, life in the Spirit was more purposeful to the ancients than life in the flesh was. Life in the Spirit was their raison d'être, their reason for life in the flesh. When Ephraim (Israel, or the ten Northern tribes) worshipped Baal, he died. Death came to Israel through idolatry. This dead people did not repent but instead sinned more and more (Hos 13:1-2), which they did as living, breathing biological organisms. When Ephraim died, he did not die in the flesh. Idols portended death for him.

Likewise with the Pharisees, who, like whitewashed tombs, knowing not the Father, were the walking dead, full of dead men’s bones (Mt 23:27). Strangers to God, they were dead. Apart from the spirit, the body is dead (Jas 2:26) “It is the Spirit who gives life,” Jesus said. “The flesh is no help at all.” (Jn 6:63)

Death was separation from the Father, or condemnation, and the continuous procession of false gods that foreigners introduced to the holy people illustrated the proclivities of this favored group toward idolatry and consequently their endless and often desperate groping for some connection to their tree of life.

While death in the minds of the Israelites was condemnation, belief led to life. This is precisely what Paul said to the Roman Christians, that “as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.” (5:18)
Biological death was not the plague that befell Adam.

Certainly to the Hebrew writers, death was a biological phenomenon, but it was also a spiritual one. To be sure, life in the Spirit was more purposeful to the ancients than life in the flesh was. Life in the Spirit was their raison d'être, their reason for life in the flesh. When Ephraim (Israel, or the ten Northern tribes) worshipped Baal, he died. Death came to Israel through idolatry. This dead people did not repent but instead sinned more and more (Hos 13:1-2), which they did as living, breathing biological organisms. When Ephraim died, he did not die in the flesh. Idols portended death for him.

Likewise with the Pharisees, who, like whitewashed tombs, knowing not the Father, were the walking dead, full of dead men’s bones (Mt 23:27). Strangers to God, they were dead. Apart from the spirit, the body is dead (Jas 2:26) “It is the Spirit who gives life,” Jesus said. “The flesh is no help at all.” (Jn 6:63)

Death was separation from the Father, or condemnation, and the continuous procession of false gods that foreigners introduced to the holy people illustrated the proclivities of this favored group toward idolatry and consequently their endless and often desperate groping for some connection to their tree of life.

While death in the minds of the Israelites was condemnation, belief led to life. This is precisely what Paul said to the Roman Christians, that “as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.” (5:18)

Umm,.. I'm not talking about death, I'm talking about temptation. Never mind, I'll just turn into another topic so we don't get too off topic.
Also while we are in this subject about Son of Man and Jesus Christ everyone needs to go back and reread the scriptures. Jesus didn't say "Take up my cross" nor did he ever say that you would not have a cross to bear; he said "take up your cross and follow me" he allowed his flesh to be crucified because he was fully aware of how vile the carnally minded can be.

Flesh is as grass. It was never created or intended to live forever.

Also while we are in this subject about Son of Man and Jesus Christ everyone needs to go back and reread the scriptures. Jesus didn't say "Take up my cross" nor did he ever say that you would not have a cross to bear; he said "take up your cross and follow me" he allowed his flesh to be crucified because he was fully aware of how vile the carnally minded can be.

Flesh is as grass. It was never created or intended to live forever.

True, the flesh is mortal. Then how does it sleep in the dust of the earth until awakened, as you say?
True, the flesh is mortal. Then how does it sleep in the dust of the earth until awakened, as you say?
Again flesh is as grass.

Ask yourself how does Adam aka human live for hundreds of years? Did not the Lord put the human aka adam asleep and then awaken the human with its own woman aka אִשָּׁה ʼishshâh from its own riyb?

Too many try to confuse and have confused Spirit as being one in the same as flesh.

In humankinds errors and precepts they came up with their own reasoning to attempt to explain what they were not given to understand yet' and those erroneous precepts have grown beasts throughout the world.
Again flesh is as grass.

Ask yourself how does Adam aka human live for hundreds of years? Did not the Lord put the human aka adam asleep and then awaken the human with its own woman aka אִשָּׁה ʼishshâh from its own riyb?
Adam lived for hundreds of years the same way Kush lived for hundreds of years, or the Aztecs or Rapa Nui: they reproduced.
Adam lived for hundreds of years the same way Kush lived for hundreds of years, or the Aztecs or Rapa Nui: they reproduced.
You are an adam aka human are you not? Flesh does not inherit the kingdom of heaven and that kingdom of heaven is within you if you believe on the only begotten Son of God aka Man who was created in the beginning of time and told to be fruitful and multiply creating more like Himself both male and female.

The living soul is saved.

The Spirit that gives "life" returns to God from whence it came.

This earth was created for humans to live grow and multiply in the image of the only begotten Son who is made in the image of God whose throne is in heaven. These are all things each and everyone must seek out and discover for themselves.

The flesh does not live for hundreds of years.
Does anybody actually know why Jesus called Himself that since all men are sons of men? Other than the fact that He was also the Son of God, how is this different from anybody else? Also, am I also the only one who automatically thinks of this song? :p

Just as CNN and MSNBC use word play and hope people don't notice the subtile difference from what was said and their reporting what was said, the churches teach the same way=fake good news.
If people look closely at what Rev 1:13 Says
He is LIKE UNTO son of man not that he is son of man. Like Unto=in likeness to aka impostering/emulating.
Just as CNN and MSNBC use word play and hope people don't notice the subtile difference from what was said and their reporting what was said, the churches teach the same way=fake good news.
If people look closely at what Rev 1:13 Says
He is LIKE UNTO son of man not that he is son of man. Like Unto=in likeness to aka impostering/emulating.
” Like unto” also in sneaky Roman fashion could also be that the persona created by the lying scribes under the direction of the Romans was not and could not be a literal son of man because no man fathered him because he was only given life in the pages they wrote to create him.. He was not a physical “ son of man” like everyone else is…Just because the words speak of a living breathing person doesn’t mean that an actual living breathing person in the form of Jesus( The logos or WORD) ever took a breath of existed thus “like unto” Hence the ultimate idol…

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