The Sin of Unbelief

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
John Bunyan wrote, When evil people have gone in a life of sin, and find that they have reason to fear the just judgment of God, they begin at first to wish there were no God to punish them. Then little by little they persuade themselves that there is no God, and look for arguments to back their opinion. I had the unhappiness to know someone like this, who would always be telling me there was neither God nor devil, and no heaven or hell.

It was with fear and trembling that I first heard him speak about these topics, but he spoke of them so often that I felt I must consider what he said. From this time I found my mind so confused that I could not remember the truths about God, which had appeared so clear to me before. I could not think there was no God—but with the greatest horror—yet I questioned the truth of His being........
Visions of Heaven and Hell

Do you know someone who seeks to convince you that there is neither God, nor devil, no heaven or hell? Do not be seduced by their crafty lies and deceptions, we are to flee from them and have nothing more to do with them..... Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

As you read the following segments of this sermon by Charles Spurgeon, you'll understand why unbelief is the sin of damnation. Those who refuse to believe are condemned already and if they turn not from their unbelief, they shall fall headlong into hell for all eternity. Do not follow them there.

Spurgeon writes, .....unbelief has been the prolific parent of all guilt. An unbeliever is capable of the vilest crime that ever was committed. Unbelief, sirs! why it hardened the heart of Pharaoh—it gave license to the tongue of blaspheming Rabshaket—yea, it became a deicide, and murdered Jesus. Unbelief!—it has sharpened the knife of the suicide! it has mixed many a cup of poison; thousands it has brought to the halter; and many to a shameful grave, who have murdered themselves and rushed with bloody hands before their Creator's tribunal, because of unbelief.

Give me an unbeliever—let me know that he doubts God's word—let me know that he distrusts his promise and his threatening; and with that for a premise, I will conclude that the man shall, by-and-bye unless there is amazing restraining power exerted upon him, be guilty of the foulest and blackest crimes. Ah! this is a Beelzebub sin; like Beelzebub, it is the leader of all evil spirits. It is said of Jeroboam that he sinned and made Israel to sin; and it may be said of unbelief that it not only sins itself, but makes others sin; it is the egg of all crime, the seed of every offence; in fact everything that is evil and vile lies couched in that one word—unbelief.

The Sin of Unbelief
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Faith fosters every virtue; unbelief murders every one. Thousands of prayers have been strangled in their infancy by unbelief. Unbelief has been guilty of infanticide; it has murdered many an infant petition; many a song of praise that would have swelled the chorus of the skies, has been stifled by an unbelieving murmur; many a noble enterprise conceived in the heart has been blighted ere it could come forth, by unbelief. Many a man would have been a missionary; would have stood and preached his Master's gospel boldly; but he had unbelief. Once make a giant unbelieving, and he becomes a dwarf. Faith is the Samsonian lock of the Christian; cut it off, and you may put out his eyes—and he can do nothing.

The Sin of Unbelief
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And now to close this point—for I have been already too long—let me remark that you will observe the heinous nature of unbelief in this—that it is the damning sin. There is one sin for which Christ never died; it is the sin against the Holy Ghost.

There is one other sin for which Christ never made atonement. Mention every crime in the calendar of evil, and I will show you persons who have found forgiveness for it. But ask me whether the man who died in unbelief can be saved, and I reply there is no atonement for that man. There is an atonement made for the unbelief of a Christian, because it is temporary; but the final unbelief—the unbelief with which men die—never was atoned for.

You may turn over this whole Book, and you will find that there is no atonement for the man who died in unbelief; there is no mercy for him. Had he been guilty of every other sin, if he had but believed, he would have been pardoned; but this is the damning exception—he had no faith. Devils seize him! O fiends of the pit, drag him downward to his doom! He is faithless and unbelieving, and such are the tenants for whom hell was built. It is their portion, their prison, they are the chief prisoners, the fetters are marked with their names, and for ever shall they know that, "he that believeth not shall be damned."

The Sin of Unbelief
To read the full sermon click link above
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Contrary wise, I think unbelief is a sign of the age of reason, and evidence of mans intellectual development.
We do not blindly believe in the bible stories but use our own minds. In my case I do think there probably is a God, but he is not the bungling monster described in the bible.
Contrary wise, I think unbelief is a sign of the age of reason, and evidence of mans intellectual development.
We do not blindly believe in the bible stories but use our own minds. In my case I do think there probably is a God, but he is not the bungling monster described in the bible.
I pretty much agree with that.
I don't doubt a supreme being. But not this crap humans worship.
I would think that if something was smart enough to design the universe, or at least us, he wouldn't be worried about conformity and threaten eternal damnation for having an opinion.
Smart people don't contradict their every word
"I will give you free will"
"if you don't do what I say, you will spend eternity in a pit of fire"
I would probably be more inclined to believe in Jerry's version of god, if he didn't incorporate all of her worst excesses and prejudices.

I definitely believe in a higher power, but would never stoop to worshiping an asshole who punishes people forever for failing to believe in him. Apparently Jerry's fear of hell is so great that she'll kiss the ass of anyone who promises to save her.

I choose to live my life standing upright on my two feet, meeting it as it comes with courage, rather than cowering in fear like a slave.
John Bunyan would have thought of boldean pentecostalism as a major apostasy from the doctrines of Christianity.
I would probably be more inclined to believe in Jerry's version of god, if he didn't incorporate all of her worst excesses and prejudices.

I definitely believe in a higher power, but would never stoop to worshiping an asshole who punishes people forever for failing to believe in him. Apparently Jerry's fear of hell is so great that she'll kiss the ass of anyone who promises to save her.

I choose to live my life standing upright on my two feet, meeting it as it comes with courage, rather than cowering in fear like a slave.
Ever thought that hell is a place where a person won't meet God or Jesus.
All you'll get is rumors how great and wonderful he is.
Maybe that place is hell w/o the fire and brimstone analogies.
But ask me whether the man who died in unbelief can be saved, and I reply there is no atonement for that man. There is an atonement made for the unbelief of a Christian, because it is temporary; but the final unbelief—the unbelief with which men die—never was atoned for.

But ask me whether the man who died in unbelief can be saved ...

saved from what, and unbelief may well be a sinless Spirit - particularly having not read the bible or disbelieved it's scriptures.

Jeremiah, are all pre Colombian native Americans in hell ... .:cuckoo:

But ask me whether the man who died in unbelief can be saved, and I reply there is no atonement for that man. There is an atonement made for the unbelief of a Christian, because it is temporary; but the final unbelief—the unbelief with which men die—never was atoned for.

But ask me whether the man who died in unbelief can be saved ...

saved from what, and unbelief may well be a sinless Spirit - particularly having not read the bible or disbelieved it's scriptures.

Jeremiah, are all pre Colombian native Americans in hell ... .:cuckoo:

That's in the Book of Mormon. But you can ask Jeri. He loves the Mormons
Especially Joseph Smith.
Contrary wise, I think unbelief is a sign of the age of reason, and evidence of mans intellectual development.
We do not blindly believe in the bible stories but use our own minds. In my case I do think there probably is a God, but he is not the bungling monster described in the bible.
I pretty much agree with that.
I don't doubt a supreme being. But not this crap humans worship.
I would think that if something was smart enough to design the universe, or at least us, he wouldn't be worried about conformity and threaten eternal damnation for having an opinion.
Smart people don't contradict their every word
"I will give you free will"
"if you don't do what I say, you will spend eternity in a pit of fire"
Contrary wise, I think unbelief is a sign of the age of reason, and evidence of mans intellectual development.
We do not blindly believe in the bible stories but use our own minds. In my case I do think there probably is a God, but he is not the bungling monster described in the bible.
I pretty much agree with that.
I don't doubt a supreme being. But not this crap humans worship.
I would think that if something was smart enough to design the universe, or at least us, he wouldn't be worried about conformity and threaten eternal damnation for having an opinion.
Smart people don't contradict their every word
"I will give you free will"
"if you don't do what I say, you will spend eternity in a pit of fire"

It is written:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:16-20

You are already condemned. It is only through believing on Jesus Christ that you can be redeemed.

God will never force anyone to believe on His Only Begotten Son. That decision is left up to the sinner.

It is written:

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Romans 3:23-26

It is written:

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son

In occultism we are all sons of God, there is even a verse in the Quran which says in the time of Muhammad 1400 years ago all Jews and Christians believed they were sons of God. See the Quran sura 5.18

Psalms:82:6: I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Isa:41:23: Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

Joh:10:34: Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

1Co:6:19: What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
But ask me whether the man who died in unbelief can be saved, and I reply there is no atonement for that man. There is an atonement made for the unbelief of a Christian, because it is temporary; but the final unbelief—the unbelief with which men die—never was atoned for.

But ask me whether the man who died in unbelief can be saved ...

saved from what, and unbelief may well be a sinless Spirit - particularly having not read the bible or disbelieved it's scriptures.

Jeremiah, are all pre Colombian native Americans in hell ... .:cuckoo:

It is written:

Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Isaiah 5:14

It is written:

Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they rise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs , and the earth shall cast out the dead.
Isaiah 26:19

It is written:

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
John 5:28-29
Why would this Abrahamic God feel the need to rape a child, to give birth to his child, if we are all his children?
Demonstrating by example what must be done with those who reject the offer of salvation and instead use the opportunity to blaspheme God and question His goodness - I am now putting TNHarley and Breezewood on ignore.

This is what we are to do with those who speak damnable lies about God and refuse to repent.

It is written:

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Psalm 101:3

Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.
Proverbs 22:10
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.....unbelief has been severely punished. Turn you to the Scriptures! I see a world all fair and beautiful; its mountains laughing in the sun, and the fields rejoicing in the golden light. I see maidens dancing, and young men singing. How fair the vision! But lo! a grave and reverend sire lifts up his hand, and cries, "A flood is coming to deluge the earth: the fountains of the great deep will be broken up, and all things will be covered.

See yonder ark! One hundred and twenty years have I toiled with these my hands to build it; flee there, and you are safe."

"Aha! old man; away with your empty predictions!

Aha! let us be happy while we may! when the flood comes, then we will build an ark; but there is no flood coming; tell that to fools; we believe no such things."

See the unbelievers pursue their merry dance. Hark! Unbeliever. Dost thou not hear that rumbling noise? Earth's bowels have begun to move, her rocky ribs are strained by dire convulsions from within; lo! they break with the enormous strain, and forth from between them torrents rush unknown since God concealed them in the bosom of our world.

Heaven is split in sunder! it rains. Not drops, but clouds descend. A cataract, like that of old Niagara, rolls from heaven with mighty noise. Both firmaments, both deeps—the deep below and deep above—do clasp their hands. Now unbelievers, where are you now!

There is your last remnant. A man—his wife clasping him round the waist—stands on the last summit that is above the water.

See him there? The water is up to his loins even now. Hear his last shriek! He is floating—he is drowned.

And as Noah looks from the ark he sees nothing. Nothing! It is a void profound. "Sea monsters whelp and stable in the palaces of kings."

All is overthrown, covered, drowned. What hath done it? What brought the flood upon the earth? Unbelief.

By faith Noah escaped from the flood. By unbelief the rest were drowned.

The Sin of Unbelief
Be like Noah and do not listen to the words of mockers and scoffers. Ignore them.

Instead have faith in God and trust in Him. Be faithful unto God, obey His Word and He shall not disappoint you.
And first the sin of unbelief will appear to be extremely heinous when we remember that it is the parent of every other iniquity. There is no crime which unbelief will not beget. I think that the fall of man is very much owing to it. It was in this point that the devil tempted Eve.

He said to her, "Yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" He whispered and insinuated a doubt, "Yea, hath God said so?" as much as to say, "Are you quite sure he said so?" It was by means of unbelief—that thin part of the wedge—that the other sin entered; curiosity and the rest followed; she touched the fruit, and destruction came into this world.

Since that time, unbelief has been the prolific parent of all guilt. An unbeliever is capable of the vilest crime that ever was committed. Unbelief, sirs! why it hardened the heart of Pharaoh—it gave license to the tongue of blaspheming Rabshaket—yea, it became a deicide, and murdered Jesus.

Unbelief!—it has sharpened the knife of the suicide! it has mixed many a cup of poison; thousands it has brought to the halter; and many to a shameful grave, who have murdered themselves and rushed with bloody hands before their Creator's tribunal, because of unbelief. Give me an unbeliever—let me know that he doubts God's word—let me know that he distrusts his promise and his threatening; and with that for a premise, I will conclude that the man shall, by-and-bye unless there is amazing restraining power exerted upon him, be guilty of the foulest and blackest crimes.

Ah! this is a Beelzebub sin; like Beelzebub, it is the leader of all evil spirits.

It is said of Jeroboam that he sinned and made Israel to sin; and it may be said of unbelief that it not only sins itself, but makes others sin; it is the egg of all crime, the seed of every offence; in fact everything that is evil and vile lies couched in that one word—unbelief.

The Sin of Unbelief
Let me just tell you a tale—a story of Christ's life. A certain man had an afflicted son, possessed with an evil spirit. Jesus was up in Mount Tabor, transfigured; so the father brought his son to the disciples. What did the disciples do?

They said, "Oh, we will cast him out." They put their hands upon him, and they tried to do it; but they whispered among themselves and said, "We are afraid we shall not be able."

By-and-by the diseased man began to froth at the mouth; he foamed and scratched the earth, clasping it in his paroxysms. The demoniac spirit within him was alive. The devil was still there. In vain their repeated exorcism, the evil spirit remained like a lion in his den, nor could their efforts dislodge him.

"Go!" said they; but he went not. "Away to the pit!" they cried; but he remained immoveable. The lips of unbelief cannot affright the Evil One, who might well have said, "Faith I know, Jesus I know, but who are ye? ye have no faith."

If they had faith, as a grain of mustard seed, they might have cast the devil out; but their faith was gone, and therefore they could do nothing.
The Sin of Unbelief
Truth is a strong tower and never requires to be buttressed with error. God's Word will stand against all man's devices. I would never invent a sophism to prove that it is no sin on the part of the ungodly not to believe, for I am sure it is, when I am taught in the Scriptures that, "This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light," and when I read, "He that believeth not is condemned already, because he believeth not on the Son of God," I affirm, and the Word declares it, unbelief is a sin.

Surely with rational and unprejudiced persons, it cannot require any reasoning to prove it. Is it not a sin for a creature to doubt the word of its Maker? Is it not a crime and an insult to the Divinity, for me, an atom, a particle of dust, to dare to deny his words? Is it not the very summit of arrogance and extremity of pride for a son of Adam to say, even in his heart, "God I doubt thy grace; God I doubt thy love; God I doubt thy power?"

Oh! sirs believe me, could ye roll all sins into one mass,—could you take murder, and blasphemy, and lust, adultery, and fornication, and everything that is vile and unite them all into one vast globe of black corruption, they would not equal even then the sin of unbelief. This is the monarch sin, the quintessence of guilt; the mixture of the venom of all crimes; the dregs of the wine of Gomorrah; it is the A1 sin, the master-piece of Satan, the chief work of the devil.
The Sin of Unbelief

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