The shortest poem in the world:

Originally posted by NewGuy

Adam Had 'em.

My grandfather had a bag full of those little poems - I forget most of them now. He used to drive me crazy at bed time when I would ask him to tell me a story :D
Originally posted by NewGuy

Adam Had 'em.

I would never read poetry at all - except E.A.P. but your poem was short, to the point and did not confuse. Though I do not feel fulfilled from your words, it is comforting to know that Adam no longer has fleas...whoever he may be.
It's brilliant. It implies a central actor,Adam, who had a conflict, having fleas versus a presumed desire to not have fleas, and a successful resolution, he no longer has them. Classic single goal story structure, but we all know the 9 point double reveal is statistically the best way to have a blockbuster, now don't we.
Like I said, it's brilliant and leaves room for flashback sequel that fills in the holes:

"Tatum ate 'em. "

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