The Sham Trial Against Trump

So, if I defraud you and you were unaware of it, then it is not really fraud.

Is that your stance?
Don't you think the banks should know whether they were defrauded or not? Your concern for those one percent bankers just touches my heart.
It's in the hands of the courts now. If it weren't, you would be saying if he was guilty they would charge him. Well, they charged him. And it's a fact he over inflated his value/worth. Have you heard his children and him make excuses? "That's not my responsibility". Even Trump blamed his accountants. Said he pays people to do this for him. What a crock. And you want this criminal to be president? And you think Hunter's level of corruption compares to Trump? You're insane

Trump and his company deceived banks, insurers and others by massively overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing loans.

He probably defrauded you and me. We are who they are referring to when they say "and others". You may not want to press charges but I do. And the government does. Why? Because he's guilty. If he wasn't these charges would have been tossed out like Rudy's claims the election was rigged. The courts tossed those claims right the fuck out.
LOL. It's not the hands of any court. It's in the hands of a biased partisan judge who is a through and through democrat.
I'm not really understanding this trial. What is it about? We've got a TDS anti-Trump prosecutor, a TDS anti-Trump judge who, before the trial even started, found Trump guilty without a jury of his peers, and now we are parading a bunch of so called witnesses through the court to determine the amount of damages of which the same TDS anti-Trump judge will decide the amount of those damages, claiming that Trump defrauded banks even though no bank claims that Trump defrauded them.

And, we've got those two clowns who are on record of saying they are going after Trump while getting all bent out of shape when Trump says that if he wins he will then go after them. What am I missing? Get this sham over with already so that Trump can then appeal the case.
clearly, you have zero interest in getting information about this trial.

this is a sham thread, with a sham OP, with a sham OP handle.
This is essentially a mob trial. "I don't know nuttin'". The others will be like this, too.

Nobody knows anything, The Boss only communicates verbally, and in code. Nothing in writing.

Remember, Roy Cohn was his mentor. This is classic.
Yes, it is a mob trial with Democrats being the mob.
Unfortunately nothing you’ve said has any relevance to the facts of the case, which is the only thing that should matter for the verdict.
The only facts of the case are a biased prosecutor setting up a biased judge to rule on a case for political purposes.
Of course there’s a victim. The banks are the victim. Trump defrauded them.
Whatever the judgement against Trump is, is that money going to go over to the supposedly victimized banks? My heart is so touched for your concern of those one percent bankers being cheated out of money.
It is not legally necessary for the banks to file the suit. Fraud is fraud and it is illegal regardless of whether the banks pursue the matter themselves.

Didnt you know that? The judge does.
Since the poor one percent bankers are the victims of fraud will any judgement collections go toward those poor defrauded one percent bankers?
It is not legally necessary for the banks to file the suit. Fraud is fraud and it is illegal regardless of whether the banks pursue the matter themselves.

Didnt you know that? The judge does.
How could a bank be defrauded out of 168 million dollars and not know it?
Actually there are victims. Anyone who couldn’t get a loan at a lower rate, because Trump sucked up the capital, and banks that could have demanded a higher rate. I think the reasons we’re not seeing the banks join in are: they could end up as co-defendants and they could be on the hook to their shareholders for fiduciary incompetence, I.e. being warned by Trump not to trust his numbers, but giving him the loan anyway.
And fairness in the business market place that businesses expect and rely on.

How fair is it to the businesses that follow the law, and submit truthful certified financial statements? They follow the law and regulations and get a worse loan and higher interest rate than the business like Trump's who defrauded the bank with their CFS?

Businesses need to know the banking market place is fair, to all.
I'm not really understanding this trial. What is it about? We've got a TDS anti-Trump prosecutor, a TDS anti-Trump judge who, before the trial even started, found Trump guilty without a jury of his peers, and now we are parading a bunch of so called witnesses through the court to determine the amount of damages of which the same TDS anti-Trump judge will decide the amount of those damages, claiming that Trump defrauded banks even though no bank claims that Trump defrauded them.

And, we've got those two clowns who are on record of saying they are going after Trump while getting all bent out of shape when Trump says that if he wins he will then go after them. What am I missing? Get this sham over with already so that Trump can then appeal the case.
Their purpose--I am of the opinion that I'm likely 100% correct that it was aided and abetted by the weaponized DOJ and George Soros--is not to prosecute Trump for a crime but to smear him in the public eye and destroy him as a candidate for President.
Their purpose--I am of the opinion that I'm likely 100% correct that it was aided and abetted by the weaponized DOJ and George Soros--is not to prosecute Trump for a crime but to smear him in the public eye and destroy him as a candidate for President.
They are doing such a good job that it is all helping Trump climb in the polls for 2024.

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