The Senate has solved our Lynching Crisis problem


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Senate approves bill to make lynching a federal hate crime after nearly 100 years of failed attempts

The Senate has solved our Lynching Crisis problem

Spartacus "This has been a long arc, a painful history and a shameful history in this body,"

Kamala Harris "Lynching is a dark and despicable aspect of our nation's history. We must acknowledge that fact, lest we repeat it,"

Lynching is a really bad crime. Racially motivated crimes are even more despicable. However, we don’t really have a lynching problem anymore. Maybe we should add an extra penalty for all interracial crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery. How could Liberals be opposed to that?

Too bad that wasn't the law when Clarence Thomas was nominated for The Supreme Court.

blacks murder over EIGHT other blacks every DAY
more than white supremacists murder in a YEAR

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