The Self Inflicted Rise and Fall of Donald J Trump, as of Today

Why offer a detailed analysis of the former president when the current one is obviously falling apart before our eyes and the V.P. is a joke? Shelves in stores are empty. Cops are being shot on the street, gas prices are out of sight and we might be on the brink of a shooting war with Russia and a phony conservative quotes freaking Winston Churchill in a rant against the former president. What the hell is going on?
I'm not sure, whitehall, but we're getting more of the empty-prisons-of-the-world crowd on the TX-MEX border, and the survivors of the last border stop, the Minutemen are dusting off their shoot-to-fell muskets. I hear it is a real ordeal to pick out a couple thousand cactus stickers out of the offended butt when they fall on it. *sigh*
I know very well that the election wasn't stolen.
You're way, way behind the curve and gatepost dumb on the uptake.

Cand you please start getting it that I'm trying to start you'all talking about imagining the possibilities and the danger being posed by Trump!

Fascism is knocking on your doors and political maneuverin by the Dems is not likely to be able to stop it.
The military can if they are loyal to government? That's far from a sure bet already!
What in the world is danger in the world peace President Trump is after starting with his reentry into the white house.
OK, so, I can understand that a politician may have many loyal followers, but this isn't a power that Trump weilds, but rather the voters who are loyal to him. It's not."don't cross Trump or he will get you" it's, "don't cross the voters who support Trump or THEY will vote against you".

It just seems many people keep talking about the wrath of trump. I'm looking for any example of trump weilding this hammer of retaliation, other than what any other politician would also do.

The voters are loyal to a politician as long as that person is doing what they feel they should be doing. If they don't, then they will vote them out. I've even heard some liberals who are having angst against Biden for some of the things he has done. Its just the nature of politics.

If any politician is using their influence as a weapon, then they need to be gotten rid of. Like I said, freedom to choose shouldn't be influenced by possible retaliation.

I understand your point, really I do. But I ask you to consider this----------> who has more power in the House, AOC, or Nancy Pelosi? At 1st blush, you would have to say the speaker does, but because how politics work, AOC actually has the most power. Whenever Nancy has to have the vote, she has to have the squad on board or it will not pass. To get their support, she has to make massive concessions above what 3 to 5 seats the squad holds, would normally get.

Same goes for the Senate. Look what Shumer and Biden were willing to give Mansion and Sinema to change their votes from nay, to yay. So what does that tell us? 7 or 8 people in congress hold a LOT of power, out of a total in congress of 500 hundred and something? Convoluted, isn't it!

So what does that have to do with Trump you ask? And a good point! Trump right now, isn't even in government. All he is, is an ex President. He doesn't vote, veto, or put forth ANY legislation at all now. BUT, what he DOES do is support people for re-election, or new people running for office, and MOST of the people he supports, do get elected by a wide margin. In essence, he supports people who agree with his ideas. Change your mind, and he will talk against you until the cows come home. Look at Cheney. The biggest upset ever to happen is if she got re-elected. By every stretch, she is a poast toasty!

So then, does that make Trump evil? Well, look at Mansion and Sinema. The Left wants them out of there! They are doing everything in their power to remove them, and replace them with like minded individuals. Look at the squad! The Left knows they have little chance to unseat them, so they let a very small minority wield power they should never, ever, have. In fact, AOC is threatening Schumer with her primarying him for Senate, and Schumer is doing everything he can to move further left to prevent her successful bid.

So what does this really tell us? That ALL politicians play their cards the same, damn, way; it is just Trump seems to hold more cards. To say, "enough of Trump" because of this, we would have to say "enough of the squad, Mansion, Sinema, and/or the Democrats who want to remove them for political purposes!"

If nothing else, I will point out to you that Trumps power comes from MASSIVE numbers. The squad, Mansion/Sinemas power derives from a small discrepancy in a mathematical equation in congress. Does that make one more palatable then the other? I will leave it up to you to decide that for yourself.
I understand your point, really I do. But I ask you to consider this----------> who has more power in the House, AOC, or Nancy Pelosi? At 1st blush, you would have to say the speaker does, but because how politics work, AOC actually has the most power. Whenever Nancy has to have the vote, she has to have the squad on board or it will not pass. To get their support, she has to make massive concessions above what 3 to 5 seats the squad holds, would normally get.

Same goes for the Senate. Look what Shumer and Biden were willing to give Mansion and Sinema to change their votes from nay, to yay. So what does that tell us? 7 or 8 people in congress hold a LOT of power, out of a total in congress of 500 hundred and something? Convoluted, isn't it!

So what does that have to do with Trump you ask? And a good point! Trump right now, isn't even in government. All he is, is an ex President. He doesn't vote, veto, or put forth ANY legislation at all now. BUT, what he DOES do is support people for re-election, or new people running for office, and MOST of the people he supports, do get elected by a wide margin. In essence, he supports people who agree with his ideas. Change your mind, and he will talk against you until the cows come home. Look at Cheney. The biggest upset ever to happen is if she got re-elected. By every stretch, she is a poast toasty!

So then, does that make Trump evil? Well, look at Mansion and Sinema. The Left wants them out of there! They are doing everything in their power to remove them, and replace them with like minded individuals. Look at the squad! The Left knows they have little chance to unseat them, so they let a very small minority wield power they should never, ever, have. In fact, AOC is threatening Schumer with her primarying him for Senate, and Schumer is doing everything he can to move further left to prevent her successful bid.

So what does this really tell us? That ALL politicians play their cards the same, damn, way; it is just Trump seems to hold more cards. To say, "enough of Trump" because of this, we would have to say "enough of the squad, Mansion, Sinema, and/or the Democrats who want to remove them for political purposes!"

If nothing else, I will point out to you that Trumps power comes from MASSIVE numbers. The squad, Mansion/Sinemas power derives from a small discrepancy in a mathematical equation in congress. Does that make one more palatable then the other? I will leave it up to you to decide that for yourself.
We're all glad you have a comfortable retirement away from big city life.
The rest will vote for Trump.
All the logic in the universe said he wouldn't win in 2016.
The election was not stolen. Give it a rest already! No Proof! The Republicans are digging a huge hole that they will not be able to climb out of by sticking to this false narrative. Trump is a liar. It would be great if you could get a grip on reality.
Trump is truth. You ph uked with him. He fights back. An outsider who gained the inside. The election was stolen because elections have been stolen for many decades. Repubs never said much. They are always on the defensive and there are power political families of both parties throughout the country. Repub power families are comfortable with their minions having to go through them for a nibble. Progs are way more than that. The Prog media has convinced you that Lizzo is the ultimate sex symbol. Ask some guys who get married after a few years about that.
We're all glad you have a comfortable retirement away from big city life.
The rest will vote for Trump.
All the logic in the universe said he wouldn't win in 2016.

1. In the post you quoted, I said absolutely nothing against Trump at all, and in fact tried to explain how politics works to someone who asked.

2. I am a Trump supporter who is asking for proof. He seems confident he has it, why aren't you also clamoring for a town hall, a rally, or anything where we can get more info? Is he god and should we not as his supporters want answers?

3. I do not know you, but why do I get the feeling you would want us to put him up without proof, and let him get clobbered because Independents couldn't stomach all the poop he has yet to refute about the steal?

Thnx for your time, but your assertions that because he is Trump he will win, just isn't going to fly. We need OVERWHELMING support, because if they really stole it once, they could do it again. And until someone like........oh I don't know.........TRUMP, shows us how they did it, or maybe YOU, we are in deep doo................unless of course they didn't, and Trump just lost to.........gasp.........Joe, Freaking, Biden, and Cameltoe!
How many of you are old enough to remember the old saying, which still holds true today, and in fact came from Donald Trumps time?

"Sh**, or get off the pot!" Ok President Trump, what are you going to do? Use a rally, use a townhall, use any media method you wish, but please, "put up, or shut up" about the steal!

And all you supporters of which I am one, this is NOT about you. Lets see what Trump has, because I am asking for all of you. If you do not want him to produce something that can help his case, then you are more afraid of the truth than you are of the Leftist Democrats. If that is the case, I am ashamed of you!
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1. In the post you quoted, I said absolutely nothing against Trump at all, and in fact tried to explain how politics works to someone who asked.

2. I am a Trump supporter who is asking for proof. He seems confident he has it, why aren't you also clamoring for a town hall, a rally, or anything where we can get more info? Is he god and should we not as his supporters want answers?

3. I do not know you, but why do I get the feeling you would want us to put him up without proof, and let him get clobbered because Independents couldn't stomach all the poop he has yet to refute about the steal?

Thnx for your time, but your assertions that because he is Trump he will win, just isn't going to fly. We need OVERWHELMING support, because if they really stole it once, they could do it again. And until someone like........oh I don't know.........TRUMP, shows us how they did it, or maybe YOU, we are in deep doo................unless of course they didn't, and Trump just lost to.........gasp.........Joe, Freaking, Biden, and Cameltoe!
I’m voting for Trump based on his platform and what he accomplished.
I don’t need to have my ass kissed by him.
This will be a very unpopular thread with Conservatives, and I am a Conservative, so let me apologize in advance for probably pissing you off.

Why was DJT so popular with all of us? Because, even as a billionaire, he was one of us, spoke like we did, said things nobody ever said as a politician running for higher government, he was the closest to a regular person we ever had because he had few handlers that could filter him. When he pontificated correct or incorrect in his assertions, you knew he was not saying it for political purposes, it was actually what he thought. His actions while in office proved that he was not saying things just to get elected then backtracking, he actually meant what he said.

Why did Washington hate him, and oh yes they did!? He jumped everyone to be elected to the highest office in the land. He did not go through the system being elected 1st to lesser offices where donors could get their hooks into him. He consistently reiterated that he wanted a law where retiring congress people could not become lobbyists for a certain amount of time, and that is a no-no. His wall was so against what the elite wanted, they just couldn't stand it, but many Republicans in office could not voice their displeasure at it for fear of Trumps wrath. All on one side, and some on the other HAD to get rid of him. Their donor/lobbying people despised this man.

So to quickly finish up this segment, Russia-Russia-Russia, impeachment 1, Impeachment 2, all so laughable and proven false, look at how many votes he got for his projected 2nd term; and virtually ALL of them showed at the polls to insure their vote got cast and counted. I know I did, and I am sure most of you Conservatives did too. Trump hated? No! And trust me, that galls your people in Congress, even many on our side I might add.

Many people will roll their eyes at this assertion but with the amount of real time, in person votes he received on election day it is plain as the nose on your face; Trump, the bombastic billionaire, became a sympathetic figure to millions upon millions of people because of what Washington tried to do to him while he was in office!

And then, something happened. You believe I am going to say the election. Wrong! It is what Trump said and tried to do BECAUSE of the election. Enter of today............ruination of DJT known as "the steal!" Democrats had orgasms over that one, along with never Trumpers, and still are. It changed the whole narrative from those who seen Trump as a sympathetic figure who are not GOP, to one of questionable character. Why? Because those who are NOT GOP who believed all of his assertions for 4 years, heard him say with such conviction that 2020 was stolen, they believed him. They believed him not because he thought it, they believed him because they knew in their heart of hearts he would deliver the evidence, and the Left would be swept off the political landscape of the United States for their transgressions. So they waited, waited, and waited more, and the whole time, Trump keeps repeating, the steal, the steal.

Now we consistently hear on this board and in the media, that judges are against him; that is the reason Trump can't get anywhere. As I said in another thread-------> what is one of the things Trump constantly touts at all of his rally's? He put 200, 300, or was it 400 of his CONSERVATIVE judges on the bench because Obama left many slots open for Hillary. To suggest Trump can not find one Federal jurisdiction to hear his evidence after that is patently laughable.

So how easy would it be for Trump to change his demise into a crowning glory come 2024? Does he actually have to prove the election was stolen? NOPE! All he has to prove is that one state was stolen that Biden won, and it changes the whole narrative. You pick the state----> AZ? Georgia? Penn? Any other state? Can I have a Wisconsin? All he needs is one, just one, even if it did not move him to electoral victory, because the whole country's narrative would shift from, no did it, and now we see how, plus they cheated to boot. We are waiting, but time is getting short. He has to about December, that is it.

I urge you to understand, that if Trump can NOT prove it, he will not get anywhere near the amount of votes he received in 2020. To non GOPers, he and his supporters sound unhinged. How can you insist something happened that forced you to almost use a coup (the Lefts words, not mine) to fix it, and yet, you can't prove it happened? Each and every time I read some facts on this board how Biden is screwing up everything, when the Left doesn't want to address it they bring up THE STEAL and giggle as the OP goes off the deep end all about how it was stolen, and yet can't produce any evidence that even a CONSERVATIVE court will address. The STEAL is a word like Racist, homophobe, mysogynist that the Left uses, and the STEAL works better than all the rest. It is unfathomable to me personally, how we CONSERVATIVES claim that we make decisions on facts and data, while the Left makes decisions on feelings along with faulty thought processes, and here we are with a total role reversal, led by GOPers.

In closing, let me ask all of you to consider a WHAT IF scenario------> WHAT IF Pence would have done what Trump asked him to do if possible? WHAT IF the GOP supported the process and the election would have been thrown out and Trump continued on? WHAT IF all of that happened, and the evidence we have in real time now was still the evidence we had with the WHAT IF scenario?

I will tell you WHAT IF THAT REALLY HAPPENED! Come November, the Democrats would be elected to a veto proof majority in the House and senate because America would be PISSED! Trumps hands would have been tied for the 1st 2 years because the Democrats would STILL be in control of the House, and no legislation would have ever gotten through Pelosi. By the 2nd 2 years, the Democratic veto proof congress would be running the country, and Trump couldn't stop anything, he would just be a figurehead, until he was IMPEACHED, and it would pass this time. Because Pence did it, he would then be impeached afterwards, and you would have a President Nancy Pelosi. Come 2024, the GOP would totally be wiped out for at least 4 to 6 years, and by that time, you probably wouldn't have much of a country left to save.

So, going forward, be careful what you wish WOULD HAVE happened. Oh sure, we can wish that Trump won. Yes, we can pray that something, anything was stolen, and Trump can prove it satisfactorily to the American public along with the courts. Be thankful that in 2022 you have the Left by the gonads, vote and kick them to the curb ASAP. But do not think that Pence and the GOP let you down by not backing Trump on that fateful day. Had they done that, for a very short term gain, we would have taken a long, long, looooooong term hosing.

As Winston Churchill once said, (at least he was credited with it, nobody knows if that is fact) America will do the wrong thing many times, but eventually they will get it right! Well Conservatives, lets get it RIGHT!
What’s sad is that don’t even realize that your entire post is a concession to leftist demands.
You post, in a nutshell reads like this….
”The left doesn’t and won’t approve of Trump because he’s mean to them and spends his days stomping on their necks….so let’s not run him even though he had America’s best citizens united like never before and had us all kicking ass.”
"Sh**, or get off the pot!" Ok President Trump, what are you going to do? Use a rally, use a townhall, use any media method you wish, but please, "put up, or shut up" about the steal!
What’s your take on all the video evidence, the hundreds of eyewitness who gave testimony under oath and the circumvention of state legislatures to revise voting guidelines in the 11th hour?
What’s sad is that don’t even realize that your entire post is a concession to leftist demands.
You post, in a nutshell reads like this….
”The left doesn’t and won’t approve of Trump because he’s mean to them and spends his days stomping on their necks….so let’s not run him even though he had America’a best citizens united like never before and had us all kicking ass.”

That is ridiculous!

Let me ask you a few simple questions, and it is not a bunch of trick ones either--------------> Do YOU believe the election was stolen? If you do, why? Who's job is it to prove that it was, if it was? Can you or I do it?

Listen to me carefully------> I believe 100% that something was amiss in the 2020 election. But then again, I supported Trump, and the numbers that came in just do not add up. What does that prove? NOTHING! It is up to Trump and his team to prove what I think, not me, you, or anyone else; and the reason it was amplified 100% or more, is because Trump said he believed it himself.

Innuendo doesn't make it! Mathematics doesn't make it, although I believe that it should in this instance. People in America don't follow politics like we do, so they have absolutely ZERO idea of anything we talk about. Americans want meat on the bone, in your face, facts that lead to a court case; think Rittenhouse. They WANT a determination, not a suggestion.

We have to realize, like it or not, that unless Trump can prove some semblance of the steal, his power is only in the GOP, not with Independents, which we need to win in 2024. Do we love Trump? Hell yes! But do we love our country more, and can't take the chance that he will lose because of his stance on the steal without proof? I damn sure hope so!

He has time! This is not a done deal. He has at the very least until December to prove what he says. In fact, he could jump in way further down the road if a significant revelation came out that exonerated him, and proved his case.

But at this time, this Trump or nothing mantra, is the craziest political thing I have ever heard. I am very happy we do not have to worry about this, this year, and only worry about congress, because I am afraid from what I read, come the Presidential, it is going to be a GOP bloodbath.

I promise all of you that----------> if Trump does NOT at least prove a steal of one state in the courts, if he loses in 2024 to anyone of the Democratic persuasion, you will either flee before you are tarred and feathered by the rest of us, or you will try to claim another steal..............which would be pretty hilarious if you have yet to prove the 1st one.

Again, it is not up to you and I, nor any of the rest of our fellow posters to prove the steal, it is ON TRUMP! He said it, he believes it, we believe him, but he has way, way, more information than we do. If he can NOT prove it within the coming months, do YOU want to give away the Presidential election of 2024 on his suppositions?

It is your grandchildren, your children, your country. I can't believe you would take that chance, but recently after seeing so many people not thinking logically on the GOP side, I am starting to question if they actually want to win, or prove Trumps case, if he himself can not prove it.
What’s your take on all the video evidence, the hundreds of eyewitness who gave testimony under oath and the circumvention of state legislatures to revise voting guidelines in the 11th hour?

I would convict instantly! But I have to be a juror in a court hearing the case. I can't be in the court hearing the case, if they are not hearing it, now can I!

Still, Trump touts all of those judges he put in of the conservative persuasion. What was it.....200.....300, or was it 400. To try and suggest that he can not find a CONSERVATIVE court to hear what he has to say, is laughable. To believe this, you now have to believe that even CONSERVATIVE courts are totally corrupt, and we might as well all just give up.

So which is it you believe then, and you can't have it both ways----------> Either Trump has delivered the evidence and even his own people are blowing him off, or all courts are corrupt so we might as well give up and stay home on election day?
Let me add this, AND BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE SHOULD BE INTERESTED ON THIS TAKE---------->Our court system is cowardly. Why do I say this? Because we all know they are busy, but you can see by posts on this board, media, Twitter, Facebook, etc......that many people are suggesting an armed revolution, an insurrection, a secession, etc. People on BOTH sides are calling for a revolt. We are at each others throats in America.

The courts could solve this quickly. Take the cases, even if they have no merit in their eyes, from Hillary, Trump, and any other high ranking official and put it on TV. OK folks, prove your case!

Americans do not want to fight each other physically, they are just frustrated by the lack of transparency and information. Both sides blame the other. Let them talk, let them produce evidence, and see if all of their screaming is real. Why not?

In this time of talking about crisis, civil war, insurrection, the courts would be wise to allow even the weakest of political arguments, be brought to the front so that citizens could see the merit, or no merit of the case, especially very high profile instances. The Republic IS the most important thing, period, end of story.

In essence, they would be diffusing the situation by forcing transparency. Put it on TV, let the people listen to what both sides have. CONSERVATIVES seen this process in Impeachment 1 and 2, and also seen how the public reacted to it. That doesn't mean Democrats do NOT have a case today I will remind you, it just means that the court process deffused the situation by taking up the case in the 1st place. You seen debate after the trials, you didn't hear about civil war, etc. Most Americans just said ok, I seen the evidence, then drew their own conclusions. Of course it was NOT the courts, it was congress, but the courts should take note that in the aftermath, things were much more calm.

It is on our court system to stop this madness now. I know they do not want to as most are going by the letter of the law, or are cowards. And yet, if something bad happens here in America, they have let us down terribly.

Of course, I want the RIGHT to be CORRECT, but putting an end to this people hating people quandry is good, even if somehow we are proved wrong. I am willing to take that chance. Are you!
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This will be a very unpopular thread with Conservatives, and I am a Conservative, so let me apologize in advance for probably pissing you off.

Why was DJT so popular with all of us? Because, even as a billionaire, he was one of us, spoke like we did, said things nobody ever said as a politician running for higher government, he was the closest to a regular person we ever had because he had few handlers that could filter him. When he pontificated correct or incorrect in his assertions, you knew he was not saying it for political purposes, it was actually what he thought. His actions while in office proved that he was not saying things just to get elected then backtracking, he actually meant what he said.

Why did Washington hate him, and oh yes they did!? He jumped everyone to be elected to the highest office in the land. He did not go through the system being elected 1st to lesser offices where donors could get their hooks into him. He consistently reiterated that he wanted a law where retiring congress people could not become lobbyists for a certain amount of time, and that is a no-no. His wall was so against what the elite wanted, they just couldn't stand it, but many Republicans in office could not voice their displeasure at it for fear of Trumps wrath. All on one side, and some on the other HAD to get rid of him. Their donor/lobbying people despised this man.

So to quickly finish up this segment, Russia-Russia-Russia, impeachment 1, Impeachment 2, all so laughable and proven false, look at how many votes he got for his projected 2nd term; and virtually ALL of them showed at the polls to insure their vote got cast and counted. I know I did, and I am sure most of you Conservatives did too. Trump hated? No! And trust me, that galls your people in Congress, even many on our side I might add.

Many people will roll their eyes at this assertion but with the amount of real time, in person votes he received on election day it is plain as the nose on your face; Trump, the bombastic billionaire, became a sympathetic figure to millions upon millions of people because of what Washington tried to do to him while he was in office!

And then, something happened. You believe I am going to say the election. Wrong! It is what Trump said and tried to do BECAUSE of the election. Enter of today............ruination of DJT known as "the steal!" Democrats had orgasms over that one, along with never Trumpers, and still are. It changed the whole narrative from those who seen Trump as a sympathetic figure who are not GOP, to one of questionable character. Why? Because those who are NOT GOP who believed all of his assertions for 4 years, heard him say with such conviction that 2020 was stolen, they believed him. They believed him not because he thought it, they believed him because they knew in their heart of hearts he would deliver the evidence, and the Left would be swept off the political landscape of the United States for their transgressions. So they waited, waited, and waited more, and the whole time, Trump keeps repeating, the steal, the steal.

Now we consistently hear on this board and in the media, that judges are against him; that is the reason Trump can't get anywhere. As I said in another thread-------> what is one of the things Trump constantly touts at all of his rally's? He put 200, 300, or was it 400 of his CONSERVATIVE judges on the bench because Obama left many slots open for Hillary. To suggest Trump can not find one Federal jurisdiction to hear his evidence after that is patently laughable.

So how easy would it be for Trump to change his demise into a crowning glory come 2024? Does he actually have to prove the election was stolen? NOPE! All he has to prove is that one state was stolen that Biden won, and it changes the whole narrative. You pick the state----> AZ? Georgia? Penn? Any other state? Can I have a Wisconsin? All he needs is one, just one, even if it did not move him to electoral victory, because the whole country's narrative would shift from, no did it, and now we see how, plus they cheated to boot. We are waiting, but time is getting short. He has to about December, that is it.

I urge you to understand, that if Trump can NOT prove it, he will not get anywhere near the amount of votes he received in 2020. To non GOPers, he and his supporters sound unhinged. How can you insist something happened that forced you to almost use a coup (the Lefts words, not mine) to fix it, and yet, you can't prove it happened? Each and every time I read some facts on this board how Biden is screwing up everything, when the Left doesn't want to address it they bring up THE STEAL and giggle as the OP goes off the deep end all about how it was stolen, and yet can't produce any evidence that even a CONSERVATIVE court will address. The STEAL is a word like Racist, homophobe, mysogynist that the Left uses, and the STEAL works better than all the rest. It is unfathomable to me personally, how we CONSERVATIVES claim that we make decisions on facts and data, while the Left makes decisions on feelings along with faulty thought processes, and here we are with a total role reversal, led by GOPers.

In closing, let me ask all of you to consider a WHAT IF scenario------> WHAT IF Pence would have done what Trump asked him to do if possible? WHAT IF the GOP supported the process and the election would have been thrown out and Trump continued on? WHAT IF all of that happened, and the evidence we have in real time now was still the evidence we had with the WHAT IF scenario?

I will tell you WHAT IF THAT REALLY HAPPENED! Come November, the Democrats would be elected to a veto proof majority in the House and senate because America would be PISSED! Trumps hands would have been tied for the 1st 2 years because the Democrats would STILL be in control of the House, and no legislation would have ever gotten through Pelosi. By the 2nd 2 years, the Democratic veto proof congress would be running the country, and Trump couldn't stop anything, he would just be a figurehead, until he was IMPEACHED, and it would pass this time. Because Pence did it, he would then be impeached afterwards, and you would have a President Nancy Pelosi. Come 2024, the GOP would totally be wiped out for at least 4 to 6 years, and by that time, you probably wouldn't have much of a country left to save.

So, going forward, be careful what you wish WOULD HAVE happened. Oh sure, we can wish that Trump won. Yes, we can pray that something, anything was stolen, and Trump can prove it satisfactorily to the American public along with the courts. Be thankful that in 2022 you have the Left by the gonads, vote and kick them to the curb ASAP. But do not think that Pence and the GOP let you down by not backing Trump on that fateful day. Had they done that, for a very short term gain, we would have taken a long, long, looooooong term hosing.

As Winston Churchill once said, (at least he was credited with it, nobody knows if that is fact) America will do the wrong thing many times, but eventually they will get it right! Well Conservatives, lets get it RIGHT!
Sorry trollboy,it is the rise and fall of joe biden,entire nfl stadiums never chanted let’s go Brandon while trump was in office. :lmao: :rofl:

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