The same people who were shouting "Lock her up!" now feel hiding classified documents is okay

If there had been consequences for Hillary, maybe there is a similar argument, even though the circumstances are FAR different and Hillary did in fact, jeopardize U.S national security.

Trump didn't actively circumvent U.S security that has been confirmed to have been hacked, thus, risking lives (anyone know if people did die due to her decision?). Also, she was secretary of state, not president.

All good men have to put their bias aside and demand fair and equal treatment. Even Dem voters are suggesting this online. Trump might not be the right GOP candidate for 2024 but it's far tougher to view him as NOT going forward now and without question if he doesn't run he will be kingmaker.

The Jan 6th Hearing jump started Trumps revival (coincidentally and ironically it will probably be the end of the present day Neo-Con custodian Cheneys political career). It kept Trump in the limelight and reminded half of the country, "this is what they will do to those who disagree with them". The raid just added a big exclamation mark.

Nothing similar about it. What Trump did was deliberate.


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