"The Root problem is ..."


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
"The root problem is terrorists trying to stop democracies." - bush -- 7/27/06 - I just heard him say this on tv.

Is this really the root problem? Wasn't Hamas democratically elected? Isn't the new democratic Iraq disintegrating due to cultural hatred?

I think more accurately," OUR problem is freaky violent ethnic tribalism."

Let's just keep away from it, contain it, and give up on the dreams of a completely tolerant, completely racially integrated world. It's a recent flavor of brainwash anyway that espoused this theory, and it was only intended as temporary measure to convince white people to hate themselves. You never see anyone complain much about africa being too black, or the mideast being too muslim. Why is it that only nations of white people must be "diversified"?
The real problem is the Quran and everyone that blindly follows the Words of The Pedophile.

Bush is too much a liberal coward to admit it publically.
I should also add that Bush is that way because its too politically incorrect to speak the truth, because liberals will throw a hissy fit.

So the real root of our problems is Liberalism, plain and simple.
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5stringJeff said:
Our problem is terrorism, plain and simple.

Isn't that little simplistic jeff? Isn't that just a tactic? That just means any use of force used by anyone but the "official government". We were terrorists once, fighting the british, dumping their tea in the ocean.

And what is the cure for terrorism besides overwhelming "official" force and denial of rights and instrusion into the lives of every citizen?
Did we target innocent civilians, especially women and children? Freedom fighters and terrorists are not the same.
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theHawk said:
Did we target innocent civilians, especially women and children? Freedom fighters and terrorists are not the same.

We would have if desperate enough. Aren't these terrorist trying to free their land from occupation and control by an unwanted party? Blowing up infrastructure items is also a terror tactic, and that's what the israelis are doing.

Isn't the newcomer to the region always considered the invader?
theHawk said:
Did we target innocent civilians, especially women and children? Freedom fighters and terrorists are not the same.
Actually, American forces during the Revolution did "borrow" food and supplies from villagers, often at gunpoint.

However, the American forces soon revised this policy. They realized that they had to do more than just win battles; they had to win the hearts and minds of the native populace.
rtwngAvngr said:
Isn't that little simplistic jeff? Isn't that just a tactic? That just means any use of force used by anyone but the "official government". We were terrorists once, fighting the british, dumping their tea in the ocean.

The American revolutionaries dumping tea into Boston Harbor is the moral equivalent of flying planes into building, killing thousands?!? Your journey to the Dark Side is now complete. Did you copy and paste that from DU?

And what is the cure for terrorism besides overwhelming "official" force and denial of rights and instrusion into the lives of every citizen?

Overwhelming official force, destroying those who terrorize innocents for political purposes, will do nicely.
5stringJeff said:
The American revolutionaries dumping tea into Boston Harbor is the moral equivalent of flying planes into building, killing thousands?!? Your journey to the Dark Side is now complete. Did you copy and paste that from DU?

Overwhelming official force, destroying those who terrorize innocents for political purposes, will do nicely.

There was guerilla warfare too, jeff, you know that, as a big fancy Academy Man.

So nuke them out of existence, or let them turn our boys into hamburger one man at a time with IED's?
rtwngAvngr said:
There was guerilla warfare too, jeff, you know that, as a big fancy Academy Man.

Guerilla warfare does not equal terrorism.

So nuke them out of existence, or let them turn our boys into hamburger one man at a time with IED's?

Nukes = innocent civilian deaths. We have the technology to beat terrorism with boots on the ground.
5stringJeff said:
Guerilla warfare does not equal terrorism.

Nukes = innocent civilian deaths. We have the technology to beat terrorism with boots on the ground.

Guerilla warfare is generally the style of terrorist fighting. The point is jeff, one man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist. It's all a matter of one's point of view. If someone invaded New york city and took it over, would we all be cool with that fifty years later? WOuld we? Be honest.

Do you think we should put american soldiers in southern lebanon?
rtwngAvngr said:
Guerilla warfare is generally the style of terrorist fighting. The point is jeff, one man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist. It's all a matter of one's point of view.

Welcome to Camp Idiotic Moral Equivalence: population, you!

Terrorists, by definition, use tactics to terrorize civilian populations. A guerilla is "a person who engages in irregular warfare especially as a member of an independent unit carrying out harassment and sabotage." This can be directed against military or civilian targets, and is not the sole propriety of terrorists. It happens to be the only way terrorists can fight because they are not organized troops.

If someone invaded New york city and took it over, would we all be cool with that fifty years later? WOuld we? Be honest.

I think most Americans would die fighting rather than surrender, and there are enough armed Americans that no one would be foolish enough to try.

Do you think we should put american soldiers in southern lebanon?

No, I think Israel is doing fine fighting terrorists on their own. But I'm sure you've sided with Hezbollah now, since you are so anti-Jewish in all other facets. Have fun rooting for the losers.
5stringJeff said:
Welcome to Camp Idiotic Moral Equivalence: population, you!

Terrorists, by definition, use tactics to terrorize civilian populations. A guerilla is "a person who engages in irregular warfare especially as a member of an independent unit carrying out harassment and sabotage." This can be directed against military or civilian targets, and is not the sole propriety of terrorists. It happens to be the only way terrorists can fight because they are not organized troops.

I think most Americans would die fighting rather than surrender, and there are enough armed Americans that no one would be foolish enough to try.

No, I think Israel is doing fine fighting terrorists on their own. But I'm sure you've sided with Hezbollah now, since you are so anti-Jewish in all other facets. Have fun rooting for the losers.

But let's say muslims invaded and took over new york with superior power and
and you had vastly inferior arms and had to fight in a terroristic style. WOuld you just give up? It's a hypothetical, it doesn't matter if it's probable. It's an exercise in imagination. Did they have that at west point?
rtwngAvngr said:
But let's say muslims invaded and took over new york with superior power and
and you had vastly inferior arms and had to fight in a terroristic style. WOuld you just give up? It's a hypothetical, it doesn't matter if it's probable. It's an exercise in imagination. Did they have that at west point?

Are you trying to build this up to the point where you portray Zionists as the invaders in Palestine ?
rtwngAvngr said:
But let's say muslims invaded and took over new york with superior power and and you had vastly inferior arms and had to fight in a terroristic style. WOuld you just give up? It's a hypothetical, it doesn't matter if it's probable. It's an exercise in imagination. Did they have that at west point?

I bolded that sentence in your quote because this is what's wrong with your thinking. Of course it matters if it's possible. The only people who spend time daydreaming about the impossible are conspiracy theory wackos. Let's take your premise one step at a time. Let's say muslims invaded NY. Me and about 10,000,000 other men would leave work, drive/fly/hitchhike over there, and expend all the ammunition we've been buying at gun shows for the last 10-40 years (depending on age) on shooting Muslim invaders. Hell, half of us would be racing the Army to make sure we got our shots in before the professionals showed up. Armed populaces don't get invaded by force. Not to mention, there's no Muslim army with superior firepower over the US Army, and there's no Navy that could get within 500 miles of either coast without getting hellfire and brimstone rained upon them. So your premise is absurd at best.
dilloduck said:
Are you trying to build this up to the point where you portray Zionists as the invaders in Palestine ?

Umm well. yes. They are the invaders of palestine. Not like I really care, it's just this notion that somehow it matters on some grand scale that the jews have israel. It just doesn't. Is the world to destroy itself for the sake of israel? Are we to destroy ourselves for israel? I mean when/if they start getting really pounded, are we sticking it in this diseased whore of a region?
5stringJeff said:
I bolded that sentence in your quote because this is what's wrong with your thinking. Of course it matters if it's possible. The only people who spend time daydreaming about the impossible are conspiracy theory wackos. Let's take your premise one step at a time. Let's say muslims invaded NY. Me and about 10,000,000 other men would leave work, drive/fly/hitchhike over there, and expend all the ammunition we've been buying at gun shows for the last 10-40 years (depending on age) on shooting Muslim invaders. Hell, half of us would be racing the Army to make sure we got our shots in before the professionals showed up. Armed populaces don't get invaded by force. Not to mention, there's no Muslim army with superior firepower over the US Army, and there's no Navy that could get within 500 miles of either coast without getting hellfire and brimstone rained upon them. So your premise is absurd at best.

Actually hypotheticals and reality modelling are a very high level activity.

Think of an alien army with lazer guns, telepathy, and anti matter rays, and they took new york, and starting calling you a terrorist for fighting back. Would you give up?
rtwngAvngr said:
Umm well. yes. They are the invaders of palestine. Not like I really care, it's just this notion that somehow it matters on some grand scale that the jews have israel. It just doesn't. Is the world to destroy itself for the sake of israel? Are we to destroy ourselves for israel? I mean when/if they start getting really pounded, are we sticking it in this diseased whore or a region?

The fact that the UN "gave" it to them would make one think that the Arabs would be pissed at the UN but the UN has long since changed its attitude and now constantly sides with the Arabs as if they feel they made a mistake.
If they are not going to stand behind Israels right to exist, they encourage terrorism. There are many lands in the world that recieve no such attention so it does make me wonder why this land is so important other than religiously.
dilloduck said:
The fact that the UN "gave" it to them would make one think that the Arabs would be pissed at the UN but the UN has long since changed its attitude and now constantly sides with the Arabs as if they feel they made a mistake.
If they are not going to stand behind Israels right to exist, they encourage terrorism. There are many lands in the world that recieve no such attention so it does make me wonder why this land is so important other than religiously.

I'm just wondering if they considered that it was really the U.N.'s to give away.

"Oh. The U.N. gave manhattan to the aliens? That's cool. "

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