The rise of fascism, nationalism and populism today

Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.
Yep....democrats have always been fascists....
Fascism is loosely defined as a form of extreme “authoritarian nationalism” identified with Italy’s Mussolini. It’s principle attributes were an aggressive nationalism, a militarized society, a populist charismatic leader and prolific promises to cure every political and economic ill. It was particularly appealing to an economically depressed post-war society that had seen its way of life and culture turned upside down. Fascism promised action, not diplomacy, not nuance, even if it could not in reality deliver on those promises.

Mussolini was the “anti-establishment outsider” who became the voice of all those disillusioned with the government, the democratic process, and the economy. His rhetoric attracted the unemployed, the economically disenfranchised, veterans, and nationalists. In 1922, when Italy’s king called on Mussolini to form a government he had no idea what that entailed other than fulfilling a personal ambition for power.

In 1938, fascism took on distinctly racist/anti-semitic overtones when it began to collaborate with the Nazi’s. Italy passed it’s “Italian Racial Laws”. These laws codified what had previously been a campaign conducted in the media with the publication of the “Manifesto of Race” Manifesto of Race - Wikipedia This manifesto declared Italians to be of a superior race, and targeted other races as “inferior” - notably Jews and immigrants from Italy’s colonies. They were banned from marrying Italians, and from positions in banking, education, government and their property was confiscated.

Fascism, extreme nationalism and ideas of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious superiority are closely entertwined. Almost every country that has seen a rise in populist movements, such as fascism, has also seen a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment, legislation targeting specific racial, ethnic or religious groups and a rise in “justified” violence or special restrictions aimed at those groups.

World War 2 saw increased nationalistic fervor after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. American citizens of Japanese were first required to register. Then, their assets were frozen. Then they were ordered to “assembly points” and interned. Their property was confiscated. American citizens of Italian and German descent joined them. Is it so impossible for people to conceive of the fact that American citizens regardless of their ancestry are Americans first? Apparently it is.

We want to say “that was then, this is now”. That today is somehow different. But is it?

Look at the rise of populist rightwing movements across Europe and with the recent election of Donald Trump.

Geert Wilders, recently in the news again and with a very real chance of winning a government now with a coalition. What is the platform for his Party for Freedom?

They include the predictable anti-immigrant/Islam rhetoric, including completely banning an entire religion, closing all mosques and banning the Koran, the withdrawal of all residence permits granted to asylum seekers, and some rather obscurely defined planks such as:

Ban of overall Muslim expressions that are against the public order (defined how?)
Preventive incarceration of radical Muslims (determined how?).​

They also include populist promisies that likely can't be delivered upon:
The Netherlands will reclaim its independence. Therefore, we leave the EU.
Direct democracy: binding referendums, citizens have the power.
Deductible/excess in healthcare insurance is eliminated
Rents to be lowered
No more money for foreign aid, windmills, art, innovation, public broadcasters, etc.
Plenty extra funds for defense and police
Lower income taxes
50% reduction for vehicle ownership taxes​

Donald Trump campaigned on deporting immigrants and halting immigration, registries for Muslims, border security, tax cuts, bringing jobs back and increased defense. Supporters don’t rule out internment camps and banning entire religions. Mussolini attacked the leftwing media and attempted to close them down, a few managed to continue to operate under difficult conditions. We've heard Trump rail about the media and we've heard him propose legislation against them and creating his own media service.

I think these are truly dangerous times for civil liberties and freedoms throughout the western world.

Someone tell Owebo because he misuses the word fascist all the time.
Fascism is loosely defined as a form of extreme “authoritarian nationalism” identified with Italy’s Mussolini. It’s principle attributes were an aggressive nationalism, a militarized society, a populist charismatic leader and prolific promises to cure every political and economic ill. It was particularly appealing to an economically depressed post-war society that had seen its way of life and culture turned upside down. Fascism promised action, not diplomacy, not nuance, even if it could not in reality deliver on those promises.

Mussolini was the “anti-establishment outsider” who became the voice of all those disillusioned with the government, the democratic process, and the economy. His rhetoric attracted the unemployed, the economically disenfranchised, veterans, and nationalists. In 1922, when Italy’s king called on Mussolini to form a government he had no idea what that entailed other than fulfilling a personal ambition for power.

In 1938, fascism took on distinctly racist/anti-semitic overtones when it began to collaborate with the Nazi’s. Italy passed it’s “Italian Racial Laws”. These laws codified what had previously been a campaign conducted in the media with the publication of the “Manifesto of Race” Manifesto of Race - Wikipedia This manifesto declared Italians to be of a superior race, and targeted other races as “inferior” - notably Jews and immigrants from Italy’s colonies. They were banned from marrying Italians, and from positions in banking, education, government and their property was confiscated.

Fascism, extreme nationalism and ideas of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious superiority are closely entertwined. Almost every country that has seen a rise in populist movements, such as fascism, has also seen a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment, legislation targeting specific racial, ethnic or religious groups and a rise in “justified” violence or special restrictions aimed at those groups.

World War 2 saw increased nationalistic fervor after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. American citizens of Japanese were first required to register. Then, their assets were frozen. Then they were ordered to “assembly points” and interned. Their property was confiscated. American citizens of Italian and German descent joined them. Is it so impossible for people to conceive of the fact that American citizens regardless of their ancestry are Americans first? Apparently it is.

We want to say “that was then, this is now”. That today is somehow different. But is it?

Look at the rise of populist rightwing movements across Europe and with the recent election of Donald Trump.

Geert Wilders, recently in the news again and with a very real chance of winning a government now with a coalition. What is the platform for his Party for Freedom?

They include the predictable anti-immigrant/Islam rhetoric, including completely banning an entire religion, closing all mosques and banning the Koran, the withdrawal of all residence permits granted to asylum seekers, and some rather obscurely defined planks such as:

Ban of overall Muslim expressions that are against the public order (defined how?)
Preventive incarceration of radical Muslims (determined how?).​

They also include populist promisies that likely can't be delivered upon:
The Netherlands will reclaim its independence. Therefore, we leave the EU.
Direct democracy: binding referendums, citizens have the power.
Deductible/excess in healthcare insurance is eliminated
Rents to be lowered
No more money for foreign aid, windmills, art, innovation, public broadcasters, etc.
Plenty extra funds for defense and police
Lower income taxes
50% reduction for vehicle ownership taxes​

Donald Trump campaigned on deporting immigrants and halting immigration, registries for Muslims, border security, tax cuts, bringing jobs back and increased defense. Supporters don’t rule out internment camps and banning entire religions. Mussolini attacked the leftwing media and attempted to close them down, a few managed to continue to operate under difficult conditions. We've heard Trump rail about the media and we've heard him propose legislation against them and creating his own media service.

I think these are truly dangerous times for civil liberties and freedoms throughout the western world.

And I think the political correctness used by the left is a form of fascism. We're not as bad as europe yet, where you can be jailed and censored for speaking your mind, but we're getting there.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.
Yep....democrats have always been fascists....
There's the dummy!

Hey, drain the swamp boy. I hear Trump just hired another billionaire from Goldman Sach's who you think has your best interests in mind. LOL

Drain the swamp my ass. Hell put a bunch of alligators in the swamp more like it. More fascist alligators.
Fascism is loosely defined as a form of extreme “authoritarian nationalism” identified with Italy’s Mussolini. It’s principle attributes were an aggressive nationalism, a militarized society, a populist charismatic leader and prolific promises to cure every political and economic ill. It was particularly appealing to an economically depressed post-war society that had seen its way of life and culture turned upside down. Fascism promised action, not diplomacy, not nuance, even if it could not in reality deliver on those promises.

Mussolini was the “anti-establishment outsider” who became the voice of all those disillusioned with the government, the democratic process, and the economy. His rhetoric attracted the unemployed, the economically disenfranchised, veterans, and nationalists. In 1922, when Italy’s king called on Mussolini to form a government he had no idea what that entailed other than fulfilling a personal ambition for power.

In 1938, fascism took on distinctly racist/anti-semitic overtones when it began to collaborate with the Nazi’s. Italy passed it’s “Italian Racial Laws”. These laws codified what had previously been a campaign conducted in the media with the publication of the “Manifesto of Race” Manifesto of Race - Wikipedia This manifesto declared Italians to be of a superior race, and targeted other races as “inferior” - notably Jews and immigrants from Italy’s colonies. They were banned from marrying Italians, and from positions in banking, education, government and their property was confiscated.

Fascism, extreme nationalism and ideas of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious superiority are closely entertwined. Almost every country that has seen a rise in populist movements, such as fascism, has also seen a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment, legislation targeting specific racial, ethnic or religious groups and a rise in “justified” violence or special restrictions aimed at those groups.

World War 2 saw increased nationalistic fervor after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. American citizens of Japanese were first required to register. Then, their assets were frozen. Then they were ordered to “assembly points” and interned. Their property was confiscated. American citizens of Italian and German descent joined them. Is it so impossible for people to conceive of the fact that American citizens regardless of their ancestry are Americans first? Apparently it is.

We want to say “that was then, this is now”. That today is somehow different. But is it?

Look at the rise of populist rightwing movements across Europe and with the recent election of Donald Trump.

Geert Wilders, recently in the news again and with a very real chance of winning a government now with a coalition. What is the platform for his Party for Freedom?

They include the predictable anti-immigrant/Islam rhetoric, including completely banning an entire religion, closing all mosques and banning the Koran, the withdrawal of all residence permits granted to asylum seekers, and some rather obscurely defined planks such as:

Ban of overall Muslim expressions that are against the public order (defined how?)
Preventive incarceration of radical Muslims (determined how?).​

They also include populist promisies that likely can't be delivered upon:
The Netherlands will reclaim its independence. Therefore, we leave the EU.
Direct democracy: binding referendums, citizens have the power.
Deductible/excess in healthcare insurance is eliminated
Rents to be lowered
No more money for foreign aid, windmills, art, innovation, public broadcasters, etc.
Plenty extra funds for defense and police
Lower income taxes
50% reduction for vehicle ownership taxes​

Donald Trump campaigned on deporting immigrants and halting immigration, registries for Muslims, border security, tax cuts, bringing jobs back and increased defense. Supporters don’t rule out internment camps and banning entire religions. Mussolini attacked the leftwing media and attempted to close them down, a few managed to continue to operate under difficult conditions. We've heard Trump rail about the media and we've heard him propose legislation against them and creating his own media service.

I think these are truly dangerous times for civil liberties and freedoms throughout the western world.

Someone tell Owebo because he misuses the word fascist all the time.
Says the fascist.....
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
The silly is all on you. Your primary purpose is to smear your political enemy, which is a tactic of totalitarian regimes, btw. Fascism is government control over private business and that's the LEFT, not right!

We did suspend German immigration during the war, there's no RIGHT to move here, where did you dig that up from?

I think the false idea that anyone should be able to come here who wants to was started by univision and the mexican government. It's working, too. At least it was till Trump came on the scene.
You mean like gun owners are registered?

Guns are tools. Not people. We register cars after all. And we register property.
Cars are registered for tax purposes. Guns aren't taxed...they are registered to KNOW who owns them.

Cars are only taxed states with personal property taxes, but not in others. They're registered in all states plus you need a license to drive.
All of which are privledges....

Yet you agree with registering people on the basis of religion?

If that "religion" constitutes a threat to society, then yes. The whole premise of this thread is based upon a perceived threat.
Fascism is loosely defined as a form of extreme “authoritarian nationalism” identified with Italy’s Mussolini. It’s principle attributes were an aggressive nationalism, a militarized society, a populist charismatic leader and prolific promises to cure every political and economic ill. It was particularly appealing to an economically depressed post-war society that had seen its way of life and culture turned upside down. Fascism promised action, not diplomacy, not nuance, even if it could not in reality deliver on those promises.

Mussolini was the “anti-establishment outsider” who became the voice of all those disillusioned with the government, the democratic process, and the economy. His rhetoric attracted the unemployed, the economically disenfranchised, veterans, and nationalists. In 1922, when Italy’s king called on Mussolini to form a government he had no idea what that entailed other than fulfilling a personal ambition for power.

In 1938, fascism took on distinctly racist/anti-semitic overtones when it began to collaborate with the Nazi’s. Italy passed it’s “Italian Racial Laws”. These laws codified what had previously been a campaign conducted in the media with the publication of the “Manifesto of Race” Manifesto of Race - Wikipedia This manifesto declared Italians to be of a superior race, and targeted other races as “inferior” - notably Jews and immigrants from Italy’s colonies. They were banned from marrying Italians, and from positions in banking, education, government and their property was confiscated.

Fascism, extreme nationalism and ideas of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious superiority are closely entertwined. Almost every country that has seen a rise in populist movements, such as fascism, has also seen a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment, legislation targeting specific racial, ethnic or religious groups and a rise in “justified” violence or special restrictions aimed at those groups.

World War 2 saw increased nationalistic fervor after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. American citizens of Japanese were first required to register. Then, their assets were frozen. Then they were ordered to “assembly points” and interned. Their property was confiscated. American citizens of Italian and German descent joined them. Is it so impossible for people to conceive of the fact that American citizens regardless of their ancestry are Americans first? Apparently it is.

We want to say “that was then, this is now”. That today is somehow different. But is it?

Look at the rise of populist rightwing movements across Europe and with the recent election of Donald Trump.

Geert Wilders, recently in the news again and with a very real chance of winning a government now with a coalition. What is the platform for his Party for Freedom?

They include the predictable anti-immigrant/Islam rhetoric, including completely banning an entire religion, closing all mosques and banning the Koran, the withdrawal of all residence permits granted to asylum seekers, and some rather obscurely defined planks such as:

Ban of overall Muslim expressions that are against the public order (defined how?)
Preventive incarceration of radical Muslims (determined how?).​

They also include populist promisies that likely can't be delivered upon:
The Netherlands will reclaim its independence. Therefore, we leave the EU.
Direct democracy: binding referendums, citizens have the power.
Deductible/excess in healthcare insurance is eliminated
Rents to be lowered
No more money for foreign aid, windmills, art, innovation, public broadcasters, etc.
Plenty extra funds for defense and police
Lower income taxes
50% reduction for vehicle ownership taxes​

Donald Trump campaigned on deporting immigrants and halting immigration, registries for Muslims, border security, tax cuts, bringing jobs back and increased defense. Supporters don’t rule out internment camps and banning entire religions. Mussolini attacked the leftwing media and attempted to close them down, a few managed to continue to operate under difficult conditions. We've heard Trump rail about the media and we've heard him propose legislation against them and creating his own media service.

I think these are truly dangerous times for civil liberties and freedoms throughout the western world.

Someone tell Owebo because he misuses the word fascist all the time.
Says the fascist.....
There has to be some trump operatives here and I'm sure you are one of them. Probably rich and laughing at all of us who are not. Bastards!
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.
That was during a declaration of war, coyote.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.

Yep, as a direct result of a then ongoing war. Now, which group has declared war on Americans?
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.
Yep....democrats have always been fascists....

Democrats aren't the ones calling for it now.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.

Yep, as a direct result of a then ongoing war. Now, which group has declared war on Americans?

Fascism is loosely defined as a form of extreme “authoritarian nationalism” identified with Italy’s Mussolini. It’s principle attributes were an aggressive nationalism, a militarized society, a populist charismatic leader and prolific promises to cure every political and economic ill. It was particularly appealing to an economically depressed post-war society that had seen its way of life and culture turned upside down. Fascism promised action, not diplomacy, not nuance, even if it could not in reality deliver on those promises.

Mussolini was the “anti-establishment outsider” who became the voice of all those disillusioned with the government, the democratic process, and the economy. His rhetoric attracted the unemployed, the economically disenfranchised, veterans, and nationalists. In 1922, when Italy’s king called on Mussolini to form a government he had no idea what that entailed other than fulfilling a personal ambition for power.

In 1938, fascism took on distinctly racist/anti-semitic overtones when it began to collaborate with the Nazi’s. Italy passed it’s “Italian Racial Laws”. These laws codified what had previously been a campaign conducted in the media with the publication of the “Manifesto of Race” Manifesto of Race - Wikipedia This manifesto declared Italians to be of a superior race, and targeted other races as “inferior” - notably Jews and immigrants from Italy’s colonies. They were banned from marrying Italians, and from positions in banking, education, government and their property was confiscated.

Fascism, extreme nationalism and ideas of racial, ethnic, cultural or religious superiority are closely entertwined. Almost every country that has seen a rise in populist movements, such as fascism, has also seen a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment, legislation targeting specific racial, ethnic or religious groups and a rise in “justified” violence or special restrictions aimed at those groups.

World War 2 saw increased nationalistic fervor after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. American citizens of Japanese were first required to register. Then, their assets were frozen. Then they were ordered to “assembly points” and interned. Their property was confiscated. American citizens of Italian and German descent joined them. Is it so impossible for people to conceive of the fact that American citizens regardless of their ancestry are Americans first? Apparently it is.

We want to say “that was then, this is now”. That today is somehow different. But is it?

Look at the rise of populist rightwing movements across Europe and with the recent election of Donald Trump.

Geert Wilders, recently in the news again and with a very real chance of winning a government now with a coalition. What is the platform for his Party for Freedom?

They include the predictable anti-immigrant/Islam rhetoric, including completely banning an entire religion, closing all mosques and banning the Koran, the withdrawal of all residence permits granted to asylum seekers, and some rather obscurely defined planks such as:

Ban of overall Muslim expressions that are against the public order (defined how?)
Preventive incarceration of radical Muslims (determined how?).​

They also include populist promisies that likely can't be delivered upon:
The Netherlands will reclaim its independence. Therefore, we leave the EU.
Direct democracy: binding referendums, citizens have the power.
Deductible/excess in healthcare insurance is eliminated
Rents to be lowered
No more money for foreign aid, windmills, art, innovation, public broadcasters, etc.
Plenty extra funds for defense and police
Lower income taxes
50% reduction for vehicle ownership taxes​

Donald Trump campaigned on deporting immigrants and halting immigration, registries for Muslims, border security, tax cuts, bringing jobs back and increased defense. Supporters don’t rule out internment camps and banning entire religions. Mussolini attacked the leftwing media and attempted to close them down, a few managed to continue to operate under difficult conditions. We've heard Trump rail about the media and we've heard him propose legislation against them and creating his own media service.

I think these are truly dangerous times for civil liberties and freedoms throughout the western world.

What a steaming pile, Herr Goebbels.

The lengths you of the Butthurt Brigade will go to is shocking.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.
That was during a declaration of war, coyote.

And that somehow makes it right or different? Now we have the so-called "War against terrorism" or as some would call it war against Islam.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
The silly is all on you. Your primary purpose is to smear your political enemy, which is a tactic of totalitarian regimes, btw. Fascism is government control over private business and that's the LEFT, not right!

We did suspend German immigration during the war, there's no RIGHT to move here, where did you dig that up from?

I think the false idea that anyone should be able to come here who wants to was started by univision and the mexican government. It's working, too. At least it was till Trump came on the scene.

Before Reagan's presidency, an estimated million or so people a year came into the US from Mexico - and the same number, more or less, left the US for Mexico at the end of the agricultural harvest season. Very few stayed, because there weren't jobs for them.

Non-citizens didn't have access to the non-agricultural US job market, in large part because of the power of US labor unions (before Reagan 25% of the workforce was unionized; today the private workforce is about 7% unionized), and because companies were unwilling to risk having non-tax-deductible labor expenses on their books by hiring undocumented workers without valid Social Security numbers.

But Reagan put an end to that. His 1986 amnesty program, combined with his aggressive war on organized labor (begun in 1981), in effect told both employers and non-citizens that there would be few penalties and many rewards to increasing the US labor pool (and thus driving down wages) with undocumented immigrants. A million people a year continued to come across our southern border, but they stopped returning to Latin America every fall because instead of seasonal work they were able to find permanent jobs.

Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
Guns are tools. Not people. We register cars after all. And we register property.
Cars are registered for tax purposes. Guns aren't taxed...they are registered to KNOW who owns them.

Cars are only taxed states with personal property taxes, but not in others. They're registered in all states plus you need a license to drive.
All of which are privledges....

Yet you agree with registering people on the basis of religion?

If that "religion" constitutes a threat to society, then yes. The whole premise of this thread is based upon a perceived threat.

I think calling islam a religion is a joke. It's a political mindset based on domination of all who don't submit to allah. It's been that way non stop since about 650 a.d. when mohammed started that vicious mindset.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.
Yep....democrats have always been fascists....

Democrats aren't the ones calling for it now.
Their plantation disagrees with you.....
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.
That was during a declaration of war, coyote.

And that somehow makes it right or different? Now we have the so-called "War against terrorism" or as some would call it war against Islam.
Some of you are using an economic model to poo poo the OP's concerns about the growing sentiment among some, including Trump supporters, of taking away SOME PEOPLE'S human rights. Economics -- such as socialism, communism -- has NOTHING to do with the nationalistic, populist movement of fascism. Of course Mussolini and Hitler had to take over their country's economies in order to build the huge war machines necessary to carry out their missions of domination. Saying we aren't heading down that road is silly. We are at least at the head of the path and discussing it. Many are helping in taking control of the media, as well, with their arguments that no media can be trusted.
Muslim Americans being registered? On some days, according to Trump, Muslims from terrorist-compromised countries being SUSPENDED from entering the US? We did put Japanese Americans in fucking prison camps, people--wake up! People who had not done one, single wrong thing. We stopped German Jews from entering this country at the same time, afraid they might be "spies." We know what happened to all of them.
It is those of you who think all the above is fine that worry me. Since you aren't Muslim or a refugee, you could care less. But it COULD be you and when you take the rights of one group of citizens, you open the door to taking the rights of others, including yours. Ask the ghosts of the millions of Germans and Italians killed by their leaders during the fascist years. They said No. They died.
We are flirting with it. Don't spout about communism or that it can't be because Hitler was a socialist. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. Focus on the concerns.
So you are bitching about taking the American rights of foreigners away from them? LMAO
Its pretty silly to compare halting immigration for national security to the atrocities of WW2.
Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA. They took over more than economies, they took over the government.
ATTENTION : It aint gonna happen. Not to mention we have hundreds of millions of gun owners. And luckily, we will continue to have gun owners.
You people really think hundreds of employees are gonna sign away their jobs and the future of the country because some guy said they anted him to? Give me a break.

"Muslim registry will never happen. THIS IS AMERICA."

Yes. And in America we registered Japanese, German and Italian Americans. We confiscated their property and froze their assets. We put them in internment camps. IN AMERICA.
That was during a declaration of war, coyote.

And that somehow makes it right or different? Now we have the so-called "War against terrorism" or as some would call it war against Islam.
So you think Christians are cutting heads off? Making pressure cooker bombs? Yelling Allah ackbar while killing us? Get a fucking pragmatic clue.....

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