Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

really, idiota? you don't know any capitalist atheists?

please provide documentation and credible sources for your musings.

it's so interesting seeing what the voices in the heads of trump loons and religious zealots tell them.
One does not define the rule by exception. You are making a fringe argument.

The belief that socialism behaves as a religion is not my own. It has been documented as far back as 100 years ago.

the garbage you make up in your little head is not evidence of anything except your ignorance.
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

really, idiota? you don't know any capitalist atheists?

please provide documentation and credible sources for your musings.

it's so interesting seeing what the voices in the heads of trump loons and religious zealots tell them.
One does not define the rule by exception. You are making a fringe argument.

The belief that socialism behaves as a religion is not my own. It has been documented as far back as 100 years ago.

the garbage you make up in your little head is not evidence of anything except your ignorance.
Michail Bakunins sozial-politischer Briefwechsel mit Alexander Ivanovitsch Herzen. Stuttgart, 1895.

G. Le Bon. Psychologie du socialisme. (Quotations refer to Russian translation, Psikhologiia sotsializma, St. Petersburg, 1908.)

S. Frank. "Etika nigilizma" ("The Ethics of Nihilism," in Russian). In: Vekhi (Landmarks), Moscow, 1909.

S. Bulgakov. Pervokhristianstvo i noveishii sotsializm (Early Christianity and Modern Socialism, in Russian). Moscow, 1911.

S. Bulgakov. Khristianstvo i sotsializm (Christianity and Socialism, in Russian). Moscow, 1917

W. Gurian. Der Bolschewismus. Freiburg, 1931 giia sotsializma, St. Petersburg, 1908.)

H. Marcuse. Eros and Civilization. A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud. Boston, 1955

I. Shafarevich. The Socialist Phenomeon, 1980 by Harper & Row
Their religion is socialism ...
They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. ...
They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
This is one of the most ignorant OPs i have seen!
Atheists are simply not theists.
Nothing to do with politics.
Nothing to do with morality.
A lot to do with intelligence, since theism and esp religion lack that.

did you expect anything different from a poster who is here only to post thread after thread of religious nonsense on a political board?
You seem angry. Socialism is a reaction. The religious nature of socialism explains its extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents. Thanks for proving this point.
Socialism starts with a social Contract. The People merely need to practice, the "Art of the Deal".
The Founding Fathers Rejected Democracy

in favor of a democratic republic.

you should probably learn what that means.
“We are a Republic. Real Liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.”

— Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) Lawyer, Secretary of the Treasury & Secretary of State

“A simple democracy is the devil's own government.”

— Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Founding Father& signer of the Declaration of Independence

“Let the American youth never forget that they possess a noble inheritance, bought by the toils and sufferings and blood of their ancestors, and capable, if wisely improved and faithfully guarded, of transmitting to the latest posterity all the substantial blessings of life, the peaceful enjoyment of liberty, property, religion, and independence. The structure has been erected by architects of consummate skill and fidelity; its foundations are solid, its compartments are beautiful as well as useful, its arrangements are full of wisdom and order, and its defenses are impregnable from without. It has been reared for immortality, if the work of men may justly aspire to such a title. It may nevertheless perish in an hour by the folly, or corruption, or negligence of its only keepers, the People. Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall when the wise are banished from the public councils because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded because they flatter the people in order to betray them.”

— Joseph Story (1779-1845) Lawyer, Supreme Court Justice & influential commentators on the U.S. Constitution

Section 4 - Republican form of government guaranteed. Each State to be protected.

The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union, a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence.

— United States Constitution Article 4, Section 4

“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man's life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable [abominable] cruelty of one or a very few.”

— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

— Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.

“A democracy is a volcano, which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their way.”

— Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Founding Father and framer of the First Amendment to the Constitution

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.”

— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

"Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine percent."

— Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.

“Pure democracy cannot subsist long nor be carried far into the departments of state, it is very subjet to caprice and the madness of popular rage.”

— John Witherspoon (1722-1794) Educator, Economist, Minister, Writer & Founding Father

"The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness which the ambitious call, and ignorant believe to be liberty."

— Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Founding Father and framer of the First Amendment to the Constitution

“We have seen the tumults of democracy terminate, in France, as they have everywhere terminated, in despotism.”

— Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816) Statesman, Diplomat, writer of the final draft of the Constitution

“Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they, therefore, who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure...are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.”

— Charles Carroll (1737-1832) Founding Father and Leader from Maryland

“As piety and virtue support the honor and happiness of every community, they are peculiarly requisite in a free government. Virtue is the spirit of a republic; for where all power is derived from the people, all depends on their good disposition. If they are impious ... all is lost.”

— Samuel Cooper (1725-1783) Pastor of the Brattle Street Church Boston, Pastor of John Hancock, James Bowdoin, and John Adams

“That the only foundation for a useful education, in a republic, is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty; and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”

— Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Founding Father& signer of the Declaration of Independence

"In democracy … there are commonly tumults and disorders … Therefore a pure democracy is generally a very bad government. It is often the most tyrannical government on earth.”

— Noah Webster (1758-1843) Father of the Dictionary & American Patriot

“All such men are, or ought to be, agreed, that simple governments are despotisms; and of all despotisms, a democracy, though the least durable, is the most violent.”

— Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Founding Father and framer of the First Amendment to the Constitution

“Republicanism is not the phantom of a deluded imagination. On the contrary, laws, under no form of government, are better supported, liberty and property better secured, or happiness more effectually dispensed to mankind.”

— George Washington (1732-1799) Father of the Country, 1st President of the United States

“Upon my return from the army to Baltimore in the winter of 1777, I sat next to John Adams in Congress, and upon my whispering to him and asking him if he thought we should succeed in our struggle with Great Britain, he answered me, ‘Yes—if we fear God and repent of our sins.’ This anecdote will, I hope, teach my boys that it is not necessary to disbelieve Christianity or to renounce morality in order to arrive at the highest political usefulness or fame. Again in Baltimore I asked John Adams if he thought we were qualified for a republican forms of government, He said, “No—and never should be till we were ambitious to be poor.”

— Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Founding Father& signer of the Declaration of Independence

“In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed. … No truth is more evident to my mind than that of the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”

"The Christian religion, in its purity, is the basis or rather the source of all genuine freedom in government... I am persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable, in which the principles of that religion have not a controlling influence."

— Noah Webster (1758-1843) Father of the Dictionary & American Patriot

“To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom, and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation, either through unbelief, or the corruption of its doctrines, or the neglect of its institutions; in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom [& liberty], and approximate the miseries of complete despotism. All efforts to destroy the foundations of our holy religion, ultimately tend to the subversion also of our political freedom and happiness. Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present Republican forms of government, and all the blessings [God given] which flow from them, must fall with them.”

— Jedediah Morse (1761-1826) Father of American Geography & Educator, “Election Sermon” given at Charlestown, MA, April 25, 1799

"The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind."

— Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.

“The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness, which the ambitious call, and the ignorant believe to be, liberty.”

— Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Founding Father and framer of the First Amendment to the Constitution

“If they proceed in it (removing the Bible from schools), they will do more in half a century in extirpating our religion than Bolingbroke or Voltaire could have effected in a thousand years. …I lament that we waste so much time and money in punishing crimes and take so little pains to prevent them. We profess to be republicans, and yet we neglect the only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government; that is, the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity by means of the Bible; for this divine book, above all others, favors that equality among mankind, that respect for just laws, and all those sober and frugal virtues which constitute the soul of republicanism."

— Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Founding Father& signer of the Declaration of Independence

"There is no good government but what is republican. That the only valuable part of the British constitution is so; for the true idea of a republic is 'an empire of laws, and not of men.' That, as a republic is the best of governments, so that particular arrangement of the powers of society, or in other words, that form of government which is best contrived to secure an impartial and exact execution of the law, is the best of republics."

— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

"As riches increase and accumulate in few hands, as luxury prevails in society, virtue will be in a greater degree considered as only a graceful appendage of wealth, and the tendency of things will be to depart from the republican standard. This is the real disposition of human nature; it is what neither the honorable member nor myself can correct. It is a common misfortunate that awaits our State constitution, as well as all others."

— Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) Lawyer, Secretary of the Treasury & Secretary of State

"It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution."

— Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Third President of the United States

“The British constitution is much more like a republic than an empire. They define a republic to be a government of laws, and not of men.”

— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

"It is easy to see that when republican virtue fails, slavery ensues."

— Thomas Paine (1736-1809) Patriot, Author & Pamphleteer

“The Jews, the Greeks, the Romans, the Dutch, all lost their public spirit, their republican principles and habits, and their republican forms of government when they lost the modesty and domestic virtues of their women. The foundations of national morality must be laid in private families. In vain are schools, academies, and universities instituted, if loose principles and licentious habits are impressed upon children in their earliest years. The mothers are the earliest and most important instructors of youth. The vices and examples of the parents can not be concealed from the children. The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity, and humanity.”

— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

“But between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

— John Marshall (1755-1835) House Member, Secretary of State and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."

— James Madison (1751-1836) Father of the Constitution, 4th President of the United States

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

— Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Third President of the United States

"As there is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust: So there are other qualities in human nature, which justify a certain portion of esteem and confidence. Republican government presupposes the existence of these qualities in a higher degree than any other form. Were the pictures which have been drawn by the political jealousy of some among us, faithful likenesses of the human character, the inference would be that there is not sufficient virtue among men for self-government; and that nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another."

— James Madison (1751-1836) Father of the Constitution, 4th President of the United States

"Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics. There must be a positive passion for the public good, the public interest, honour, power and glory, established in the minds of the people, or there can be no republican government, nor any real liberty: and this public passion must be superiour to all private passions."

— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

"The term republic is of very vague application in every language. Witness the self-styled republics of Holland, Switzerland, Genoa, Venice, Poland. Were I to assign to this term a precise and definite idea, I would say that, purely and simply, it means a government by its citizens in mass, acting directly and personally, according to rules established by the majority: and that every other government is more or less republican, in proportion as it has in its composition, more or less of this ingredient of the direct action of the citizens. Such a government is evidently restrained to very narrow limits of space and population. I doubt if it would be practicable beyond the extent of a New England township. The first shade from this pure element, which, like that of pure vital air, cannot sustain life of itself, would be where the powers of the government, being divided, should be exercised each by representatives chosen by the citizens either pro hac vice, or for such short terms as should render secure the duty of expressing the will of their constituents. This I should consider as the nearest approach to a pure republic, which is practicable on a large scale of country or population. …

The purest republican feature in the government of our own State is the House of Representatives. The Senate is equally so the first year, less the second, and so on. The Executive still less, because not chosen by the people directly. The Judiciary seriously anti-republican … we may say with truth and meaning, that governments are more or less republican, as they have more or less of the element of popular election and control in their composition: and believing, as I do, that the mass of the citizens is the safest depository of their own rights, and especially, that the evils flowing from the duperies of the people, are less injurious than those from the egoism of their agents, 1 am a friend to that composition of government which has in it the most of this ingredient. And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."

— Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.

"Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate (lost all regard to good principles,virtue or decency, dashed, broken or ruined in morals, shameless in wickedness) are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them."

— Joseph Story (1779-1845) Lawyer, Supreme Court Justice & influential commentators on the U.S. Constitution

"As riches increase and accumulate in few hands, as luxury prevails in society, virtue will be in a greater degree considered as only a graceful appendage of wealth, and the tendency of things will be to depart from the republican standard. This is the real disposition of human nature; it is what neither the honorable member nor myself can correct. It is a common misfortunate that awaits our State constitution, as well as all others."

— Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) Lawyer, Secretary of the Treasury & Secretary of State

"The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments. Such is my veneration for every religion that reveals the attributes of the Deity, or a future state of rewards and punishments, that I had rather see the opinions of Confucius or Mohammed inculcated upon our youth than see them grow up wholly devoid of a system of religious principles. But the religion I mean to recommend in this place is the religion of Jesus Christ. It is foreign to my purpose to hint at the arguments which establish the truth of the Christian revelation. My only business is to declare that all its doctrines and precepts are calculated to promote the happiness of society and the safety and well-being of civil government. A Christian cannot fail of being a republican*."

— Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Founding Father& signer of the Declaration of Independence

"Without wishing to damp the ardor of curiosity or influence the freedom of inquiry, I will hazard a prediction that, after the most industrious and impartial researchers, the longest liver of you all will find no principles, institutions or systems of education more fit in general to be transmitted to your posterity than those you have received from your ancestors."

— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

"The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits; on the exemption of the citizens from foreign bias and prejudice; and on that love of country which will almost invariably be found to be closely connected with birth, education, and family. The opinion advanced in the Notes on Virginia is undoubtedly correct, that foreigners will generally be apt to bring with them attachments to the persons they have left behind; to the country of their nativity; and to its particular customs and manners. They will also entertain opinions on government congenial with those under which they have lived; or if they should be led hither from a preference to ours, how extremely unlikely is it that they will bring with them that temperate love of liberty, so essential to real republicanism?"

— Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) Lawyer, Secretary of the Treasury & Secretary of State

"Christianity is in its essence, its doctrines and its forms, republican. It teaches our descent from a common parent: it inculcates the natural equality of mankind; and it points to our origin and our end; to our nativity and our graves, and to our immortal destinies, as illustrations of this impressive truth."

— DeWitt Clinton (1769–1828) State Senator, Governor of New York, and naturalist

"If, then, the control of the people over the organs of their government be the measure of its republicanism, and I confess I know no other measure, it must be agreed that our governments have much less of republicanism than ought to have been expected; in other words, that the people have less regular control over their agents, than their rights and their interests require."

— Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.

"As riches increase and accumulate in few hands, as luxury prevails in society, virtue will be in a greater degree considered as only a graceful appendage of wealth, and the tendency of things will be to depart from the republican standard. This is the real disposition of human nature."

— Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) Lawyer, Secretary of the Treasury & Secretary of State

“I have always considered Christianity as the strong ground of republicanism. The spirit is opposed, not only to the splendor, but even to the very forms of monarchy, and many of its precepts have for their objects republican liberty and equality as well as simplicity, integrity, and economy in government. It is only necessary for republicanism to ally itself to the Christian religion to overturn all the corrupted political and religious institutions of the world.”

— Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Founding Father& signer of the Declaration of Independence

"From all that I had read of history and government, of human life and manners, I had drawn this conclusion, that the manners of women were the most infallible barometer to ascertain the degree of morality and virtue in a nation. All that I have since read, and all the observations I have made in different nations, have confirmed me in this opinion. The manners of women are the surest criterion by which to determine whether a republican government is practicable in a nation or not. The Jews, the - Greeks, the Romans, the Dutch, all lost their public spirit, their republican principles and habits, and their republican forms of government, when they lost the modesty and domestic virtues of their women.

What havoc, said I to myself, would these manners make in America! Our governors, our judges, our senators or representatives, and even our ministers, would be appointed by harlots, for money; and their judgments, decrees, and decisions, be sold to repay themselves, or, perhaps, to procure the smiles of profligate females.

The foundations of national morality must be laid in private families. In vain are schools, academies, and universities, instituted, if loose principles and licentious habits are impressed upon children in their earliest years. The mothers are the earliest and most important instructors of youth. The vices and examples of the parents cannot be concealed from the children. How is it possible that children can have any just sense of the sacred obligations of morality or religion, if, from their earliest infancy, they learn that their mothers live in habitual infidelity to then fathers, and their fathers in as constant infidelity to their mothers? Besides, the catholic doctrine is, that the contract of marriage is not only a civil and moral engagement, but a sacrament; one of the most solemn vows and oaths of religious devotion. Can they then believe religion, and morality too, anything more than a veil, a cloak, a hypocritical pretext, for political purposes of decency and conveniency?"

— John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

"Independent of its connection with human destiny hereafter, the fate of republican government is indissolubly bound up with the fate of the Christian religion, and a people who reject its holy faith will find themselves the slaves of their own evil passions and of arbitrary power."

— Lewis Cass (1782–1866) 22nd United States Secretary of State

“It is remarkable how men of comprehensive views, and free from sectarian bias, have agreed with regard to The RepublicanIsm of Christianity.”

— Edwin Hall – Pastor in Norwalk, Connecticut, from the book The Puritans and Their Principles: -1851


Other on a Democracy vs. Republic


“The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.”

— Winston Churchill (1874-1965), British Politician & Leader.

“The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back again to bondage.”

— Sir Alex Fraser Tytler (1742-1813) Scottish jurist & historian (quote credited)

“Republicanism and ignorance are in bitter antagonism.”

— Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de Lamartine (1790- 1869) French writer, poet and politician

“Democracy is the art of running the circus from the monkey cage.”

— Herman Melville (1819–1891) Author, short story writer & poet

“I do not know if all Americans have faith in their religion—for who can read to the bottom of hearts?—but I am sure that they believe it necessary to the maintenance of republican institutions. This opinion does not belong only to one class of citizens or to one party, but to the entire nation; one finds it in all ranks.”

— Alexis de Toqueville (1805-1859) French Author

“Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule— and both commonly succeed, and are right.”

— Henry L. Mencken (1880-1956) American journalist editor & satirist

“You can never have a revolution in order to establish democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution.”

— Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) British Journalist, Poet, Author and Playwright

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”

— Henry L. Mencken (1880-1956) American Writer

“Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.”

— George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish Author, Playwright and Essayist

“The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy.”

— Henry L. Mencken (1880-1956) American Writer

"Every government is a parliament of whores. The trouble is, in a democracy, the whores are us.

— P. J. O'Rourke (1947--) Political ournalist, writer, and author

“Democracy: The worship of jackals by jackasses.”

— Henry L. Mencken (1880-1956) American Writer

"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”

— Henry L. Mencken (1880-1956) American Writer

“It is a besetting vice of democracies to substitute public opinion for law. This is the usual form in which masses of men exhibit their tyranny.”

— James Fenimore Cooper (1789–1851) American historical novelist

“When once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils, but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil”

— Barron Charles de Montesquieu (1689-1755) French political thinker & writer on separation of powers of government

“Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.”

— Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Irish Playwright and Novelist

“Republics end through luxury; monarchies through poverty.”

— Barron Charles de Montesquieu (1689-1755) French political thinker & writer on separation of powers of government

“An atheistic and materialistic democracy seems to me a very hell upon earth.”

— Edmond de Pressensé (1824-1891) French preacher, writer and orator

“The greatest danger the Republic faces is its growing number of under-informed electorate, which is merely a confederacy of fools, making one of its own the prince.”

— Bernie G. Ruchin - Bedford, NH

“A democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it."

— Alexis de Toqueville (1805-1859) French Author
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

really, idiota? you don't know any capitalist atheists?

please provide documentation and credible sources for your musings.

it's so interesting seeing what the voices in the heads of trump loons and religious zealots tell them.
Gold is the Only, True God, for capitalists.
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

really, idiota? you don't know any capitalist atheists?

please provide documentation and credible sources for your musings.

it's so interesting seeing what the voices in the heads of trump loons and religious zealots tell them.
One does not define the rule by exception. You are making a fringe argument.

The belief that socialism behaves as a religion is not my own. It has been documented as far back as 100 years ago.
Socialism requires social morals for free, just like Religion.

Capitalism doesn't.
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

really, idiota? you don't know any capitalist atheists?

please provide documentation and credible sources for your musings.

it's so interesting seeing what the voices in the heads of trump loons and religious zealots tell them.
Gold is the Only, True God, for capitalists.
Did Karl Marx say that or was it Vladimir Lenin?
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

really, idiota? you don't know any capitalist atheists?

please provide documentation and credible sources for your musings.

it's so interesting seeing what the voices in the heads of trump loons and religious zealots tell them.
Gold is the Only, True God, for capitalists.
Did Karl Marx say that or was it Vladimir Lenin?
MLK responds....

“Can a Christian Be a Communist?”

Now, there are at least three reasons why I feel obligated as a Christian minister to talk to you about communism. The first reason grows out of the fact that communism is having widespread influence in the contemporary world. Like a mighty tidal wave, it has moved through China, Russia, eastern Europe, and now has rolled within ninety miles of the borders of our nation.2 More than a billion of the peoples of the world believe in communism. And many of these people have accepted it as a new religion, and they are willing to surrender their total being to this system. A force so potent cannot be ignored.

A second reason that I feel compelled to talk about communism this morning is that it is the only serious rival of Christianity.3 The other historic and great religions of the world such as Judaism, Mohammedanism, Buddhism, and Hinduism may stand as alternatives to Christianity. But for the most formidable competitor that Christianity faces in the world today, we must look to communism. No one conversant with the hard facts of modern life can deny the truth that communism is Christianity’s most serious rival.

The third reason that I feel compelled to talk about communism this morning is that it is unfair and certainly unscientific to condemn a system of thought without knowing what that system of thought says and without knowing why it is wrong and why it is evil. So, for these reasons, I choose to talk about this troubling issue.

Now, let us begin by answering the question which our sermon topic raises: Can a Christian be a communist? I answer that question with an emphatic “no.” These two philosophies are diametrically opposed. The basic philosophy of Christianity is unalterably opposed to the basic philosophy of communism, and all of the dialectics of the logician cannot make them lie down together. They are contrary philosophies.

How, then, is communism irreconcilable with Christianity? In the first place, it leaves out God and Jesus Christ. Communism is avowedly secularistic and materialist.4 The great philosopher of communism, Karl Marx, based his total philosophy on what he called dialectical materialism. There was a philosopher by the name of [Georg Wilhelm Friedrich] Hegel who had used what he called the dialectical system to analyze concepts, and Karl Marx was willing to take Hegel’s dialectic. And then he studied another man by the name of Feuerbach, a German philosopher.5 This man was a materialist. And so he took the materialism of this man and added it to the dialectic that he got from Hegel, and this is why his system is called dialectic materialism.

Now, what is materialism? It says in substance that the whole of reality can be explained in terms of matter in motion. In other words, it says that the basic stuff of reality is the material stuff. Materialism says, in substance, that idealism is wrong when it talks about the ultimate reality of mind and spirit and all of that. Karl Marx was a materialist, and he believed that the whole of human history moved on, driven by economic forces. This was his idea. There was no place in that system for God, and so from that moment on, communism became an atheistic system. And to this very day it is atheistic. It denies the existence of God.And if one goes to Russia, even today, he will find many of the churches fill on Sunday morning, but we know that in spite of that, the Russian government has had a campaign against religion, and against God and belief in God, ever since the revolution in 1917.

So that no Christian can be a communist because communism leaves out God. It regards religion psychologically as wishful thinking, regards religion intellectually as the product of fear and ignorance. And it regards religion historically as an instrument serving the ends of exploiters. This is what communism teaches about religion. And so, in a real sense, we disagree with this because we believe that history is moved not by economic forces but by spiritual forces. [Congregation: ] (Amen, Yeah) We believe that there is a God (Pray on) in this universe (Yes sir, Yes), a God who loves his children, and a God who works through history for the salvation of man. (Pray on) Consequently, we can’t accept communism at that point.

A second reason that we can’t accept communism is that its methods are opposed to Christianity. (Pray on) Since for the communist there is no divine government or no absolute moral order, there are no fixed, immutable principles. So force, violence, murder, and lying are all justifiable means to bring about the millennial end. Lenin, the man who was something of the technician of communism, putting the philosophy of Karl Marx into practical action, said on one occasion, “We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, and lawbreaking, withholding and concealing truth.”6 That the followers of Lenin have been willing to act upon these instructions is a matter of history. For communism the end justifies the means.

There again we can’t go along with this. We believe that there are certain moral principles in this universe that are eternal and absolute. We believe that there are some things right and there are some things wrong. It’s wrong to lie. It always has been wrong, and it always will be wrong. It’s wrong to hate. (Yes sir) It always has been wrong, and it always will be wrong. It’s wrong to throw away the precious lives that God has given us in riotous living. It was wrong in 1800 B.C., and it’s wrong in 1962 A.D. It’s wrong in Russia. It’s wrong in China. It’s wrong in India. It’s wrong in New York. It’s wrong in Atlanta. (Yeah) We believe that there are some things right, eternally and absolutely so, and there are some things wrong. Then we don’t believe that the end justifies the means if those means happen to be bad. For we know that the end represents the means in process and the ideal in the making. The end is preexistent in the means. And so destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends. Immoral methods cannot achieve moral goals. And so we disagree with the ethical relativism of communism.

In the third place, we have to disagree with communism because the end of communism is the state. I should qualify this by saying that the state in communist theory is a temporary reality, an interim reality, which is to be eliminated when the classless society emerges. (Yeah, yeah) Karl Marx talks of that day when there will be a classless society. The ruling class, or rather the workers, what he called the proletariat, will through the revolution take power from the ruling class, which were the producers or the capitalists. And finally they will come to power, and through their power, they will establish a classless society. He says that while you are on the way to this classless society the state is the end. Man becomes only a means to that end. And if any man’s so-called rights or liberties stand in the way of that end, they are simply swept aside. And so in the communistic system, you do not have freedom of the press. You do not have freedom of speech. You do not have freedom of assembly. All of these things are under the scrutiny of the state, which is manipulated through the party. And whatever the Party says, that must be done. All of the freedoms that are dear to us are denied. Man has to be a servant, a dutiful and submissive servant of the state. The state is omnipotent and supreme, and so if one lived in Russia today, he couldn’t just get up and make a speech against the Communist Party. (Right) If one lived in Russia today, he could not write a book saying certain things without the condemnation of the Party, he may be searched and even killed. (Yeah) You remember the great book that Pasternak wrote, and you remember the problems that he faced because there were within that book some things that they didn’t like in Russia.7 It had some criticisms of the system.

We know that the most creative moments in history are those moments when individuals are left free to think. The thing that makes man man is his freedom. This is why I could never agree with communism as a philosophical system because it deprives man of freedom.And if a man is not free, he is not fully man. If a man does not have the capacity to deliberate, to decide, and to respond, as Paul Tillich would say, he is not a man, for a man is man because he is free. And, therefore, communism is on the wrong road because it denies freedom.

And so for these three reasons, I am convinced that no Christian can be a communist. These two systems are opposed to each other. These two systems are contradictory. We must try to understand communism. We must love communists. But never can we accept communism and be true Christians.
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

really, idiota? you don't know any capitalist atheists?

please provide documentation and credible sources for your musings.

it's so interesting seeing what the voices in the heads of trump loons and religious zealots tell them.
Gold is the Only, True God, for capitalists.
Did Karl Marx say that or was it Vladimir Lenin?
MLK responds....

“Can a Christian Be a Communist?”

Now, there are at least three reasons why I feel obligated as a Christian minister to talk to you about communism. The first reason grows out of the fact that communism is having widespread influence in the contemporary world. Like a mighty tidal wave, it has moved through China, Russia, eastern Europe, and now has rolled within ninety miles of the borders of our nation.2 More than a billion of the peoples of the world believe in communism. And many of these people have accepted it as a new religion, and they are willing to surrender their total being to this system. A force so potent cannot be ignored.

A second reason that I feel compelled to talk about communism this morning is that it is the only serious rival of Christianity.3 The other historic and great religions of the world such as Judaism, Mohammedanism, Buddhism, and Hinduism may stand as alternatives to Christianity. But for the most formidable competitor that Christianity faces in the world today, we must look to communism. No one conversant with the hard facts of modern life can deny the truth that communism is Christianity’s most serious rival.

The third reason that I feel compelled to talk about communism this morning is that it is unfair and certainly unscientific to condemn a system of thought without knowing what that system of thought says and without knowing why it is wrong and why it is evil. So, for these reasons, I choose to talk about this troubling issue.

Now, let us begin by answering the question which our sermon topic raises: Can a Christian be a communist? I answer that question with an emphatic “no.” These two philosophies are diametrically opposed. The basic philosophy of Christianity is unalterably opposed to the basic philosophy of communism, and all of the dialectics of the logician cannot make them lie down together. They are contrary philosophies.

How, then, is communism irreconcilable with Christianity? In the first place, it leaves out God and Jesus Christ. Communism is avowedly secularistic and materialist.4 The great philosopher of communism, Karl Marx, based his total philosophy on what he called dialectical materialism. There was a philosopher by the name of [Georg Wilhelm Friedrich] Hegel who had used what he called the dialectical system to analyze concepts, and Karl Marx was willing to take Hegel’s dialectic. And then he studied another man by the name of Feuerbach, a German philosopher.5 This man was a materialist. And so he took the materialism of this man and added it to the dialectic that he got from Hegel, and this is why his system is called dialectic materialism.

Now, what is materialism? It says in substance that the whole of reality can be explained in terms of matter in motion. In other words, it says that the basic stuff of reality is the material stuff. Materialism says, in substance, that idealism is wrong when it talks about the ultimate reality of mind and spirit and all of that. Karl Marx was a materialist, and he believed that the whole of human history moved on, driven by economic forces. This was his idea. There was no place in that system for God, and so from that moment on, communism became an atheistic system. And to this very day it is atheistic. It denies the existence of God.And if one goes to Russia, even today, he will find many of the churches fill on Sunday morning, but we know that in spite of that, the Russian government has had a campaign against religion, and against God and belief in God, ever since the revolution in 1917.

So that no Christian can be a communist because communism leaves out God. It regards religion psychologically as wishful thinking, regards religion intellectually as the product of fear and ignorance. And it regards religion historically as an instrument serving the ends of exploiters. This is what communism teaches about religion. And so, in a real sense, we disagree with this because we believe that history is moved not by economic forces but by spiritual forces. [Congregation: ] (Amen, Yeah) We believe that there is a God (Pray on) in this universe (Yes sir, Yes), a God who loves his children, and a God who works through history for the salvation of man. (Pray on) Consequently, we can’t accept communism at that point.

A second reason that we can’t accept communism is that its methods are opposed to Christianity. (Pray on) Since for the communist there is no divine government or no absolute moral order, there are no fixed, immutable principles. So force, violence, murder, and lying are all justifiable means to bring about the millennial end. Lenin, the man who was something of the technician of communism, putting the philosophy of Karl Marx into practical action, said on one occasion, “We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, and lawbreaking, withholding and concealing truth.”6 That the followers of Lenin have been willing to act upon these instructions is a matter of history. For communism the end justifies the means.

There again we can’t go along with this. We believe that there are certain moral principles in this universe that are eternal and absolute. We believe that there are some things right and there are some things wrong. It’s wrong to lie. It always has been wrong, and it always will be wrong. It’s wrong to hate. (Yes sir) It always has been wrong, and it always will be wrong. It’s wrong to throw away the precious lives that God has given us in riotous living. It was wrong in 1800 B.C., and it’s wrong in 1962 A.D. It’s wrong in Russia. It’s wrong in China. It’s wrong in India. It’s wrong in New York. It’s wrong in Atlanta. (Yeah) We believe that there are some things right, eternally and absolutely so, and there are some things wrong. Then we don’t believe that the end justifies the means if those means happen to be bad. For we know that the end represents the means in process and the ideal in the making. The end is preexistent in the means. And so destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends. Immoral methods cannot achieve moral goals. And so we disagree with the ethical relativism of communism.

In the third place, we have to disagree with communism because the end of communism is the state. I should qualify this by saying that the state in communist theory is a temporary reality, an interim reality, which is to be eliminated when the classless society emerges. (Yeah, yeah) Karl Marx talks of that day when there will be a classless society. The ruling class, or rather the workers, what he called the proletariat, will through the revolution take power from the ruling class, which were the producers or the capitalists. And finally they will come to power, and through their power, they will establish a classless society. He says that while you are on the way to this classless society the state is the end. Man becomes only a means to that end. And if any man’s so-called rights or liberties stand in the way of that end, they are simply swept aside. And so in the communistic system, you do not have freedom of the press. You do not have freedom of speech. You do not have freedom of assembly. All of these things are under the scrutiny of the state, which is manipulated through the party. And whatever the Party says, that must be done. All of the freedoms that are dear to us are denied. Man has to be a servant, a dutiful and submissive servant of the state. The state is omnipotent and supreme, and so if one lived in Russia today, he couldn’t just get up and make a speech against the Communist Party. (Right) If one lived in Russia today, he could not write a book saying certain things without the condemnation of the Party, he may be searched and even killed. (Yeah) You remember the great book that Pasternak wrote, and you remember the problems that he faced because there were within that book some things that they didn’t like in Russia.7 It had some criticisms of the system.

We know that the most creative moments in history are those moments when individuals are left free to think. The thing that makes man man is his freedom. This is why I could never agree with communism as a philosophical system because it deprives man of freedom.And if a man is not free, he is not fully man. If a man does not have the capacity to deliberate, to decide, and to respond, as Paul Tillich would say, he is not a man, for a man is man because he is free. And, therefore, communism is on the wrong road because it denies freedom.

And so for these three reasons, I am convinced that no Christian can be a communist. These two systems are opposed to each other. These two systems are contradictory. We must try to understand communism. We must love communists. But never can we accept communism and be true Christians.
The Catholic Church is a communist regime.
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

really, idiota? you don't know any capitalist atheists?

please provide documentation and credible sources for your musings.

it's so interesting seeing what the voices in the heads of trump loons and religious zealots tell them.
Gold is the Only, True God, for capitalists.
Did Karl Marx say that or was it Vladimir Lenin?
MLK responds....

“Can a Christian Be a Communist?”

Now, there are at least three reasons why I feel obligated as a Christian minister to talk to you about communism. The first reason grows out of the fact that communism is having widespread influence in the contemporary world. Like a mighty tidal wave, it has moved through China, Russia, eastern Europe, and now has rolled within ninety miles of the borders of our nation.2 More than a billion of the peoples of the world believe in communism. And many of these people have accepted it as a new religion, and they are willing to surrender their total being to this system. A force so potent cannot be ignored.

A second reason that I feel compelled to talk about communism this morning is that it is the only serious rival of Christianity.3 The other historic and great religions of the world such as Judaism, Mohammedanism, Buddhism, and Hinduism may stand as alternatives to Christianity. But for the most formidable competitor that Christianity faces in the world today, we must look to communism. No one conversant with the hard facts of modern life can deny the truth that communism is Christianity’s most serious rival.

The third reason that I feel compelled to talk about communism this morning is that it is unfair and certainly unscientific to condemn a system of thought without knowing what that system of thought says and without knowing why it is wrong and why it is evil. So, for these reasons, I choose to talk about this troubling issue.

Now, let us begin by answering the question which our sermon topic raises: Can a Christian be a communist? I answer that question with an emphatic “no.” These two philosophies are diametrically opposed. The basic philosophy of Christianity is unalterably opposed to the basic philosophy of communism, and all of the dialectics of the logician cannot make them lie down together. They are contrary philosophies.

How, then, is communism irreconcilable with Christianity? In the first place, it leaves out God and Jesus Christ. Communism is avowedly secularistic and materialist.4 The great philosopher of communism, Karl Marx, based his total philosophy on what he called dialectical materialism. There was a philosopher by the name of [Georg Wilhelm Friedrich] Hegel who had used what he called the dialectical system to analyze concepts, and Karl Marx was willing to take Hegel’s dialectic. And then he studied another man by the name of Feuerbach, a German philosopher.5 This man was a materialist. And so he took the materialism of this man and added it to the dialectic that he got from Hegel, and this is why his system is called dialectic materialism.

Now, what is materialism? It says in substance that the whole of reality can be explained in terms of matter in motion. In other words, it says that the basic stuff of reality is the material stuff. Materialism says, in substance, that idealism is wrong when it talks about the ultimate reality of mind and spirit and all of that. Karl Marx was a materialist, and he believed that the whole of human history moved on, driven by economic forces. This was his idea. There was no place in that system for God, and so from that moment on, communism became an atheistic system. And to this very day it is atheistic. It denies the existence of God.And if one goes to Russia, even today, he will find many of the churches fill on Sunday morning, but we know that in spite of that, the Russian government has had a campaign against religion, and against God and belief in God, ever since the revolution in 1917.

So that no Christian can be a communist because communism leaves out God. It regards religion psychologically as wishful thinking, regards religion intellectually as the product of fear and ignorance. And it regards religion historically as an instrument serving the ends of exploiters. This is what communism teaches about religion. And so, in a real sense, we disagree with this because we believe that history is moved not by economic forces but by spiritual forces. [Congregation: ] (Amen, Yeah) We believe that there is a God (Pray on) in this universe (Yes sir, Yes), a God who loves his children, and a God who works through history for the salvation of man. (Pray on) Consequently, we can’t accept communism at that point.

A second reason that we can’t accept communism is that its methods are opposed to Christianity. (Pray on) Since for the communist there is no divine government or no absolute moral order, there are no fixed, immutable principles. So force, violence, murder, and lying are all justifiable means to bring about the millennial end. Lenin, the man who was something of the technician of communism, putting the philosophy of Karl Marx into practical action, said on one occasion, “We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, and lawbreaking, withholding and concealing truth.”6 That the followers of Lenin have been willing to act upon these instructions is a matter of history. For communism the end justifies the means.

There again we can’t go along with this. We believe that there are certain moral principles in this universe that are eternal and absolute. We believe that there are some things right and there are some things wrong. It’s wrong to lie. It always has been wrong, and it always will be wrong. It’s wrong to hate. (Yes sir) It always has been wrong, and it always will be wrong. It’s wrong to throw away the precious lives that God has given us in riotous living. It was wrong in 1800 B.C., and it’s wrong in 1962 A.D. It’s wrong in Russia. It’s wrong in China. It’s wrong in India. It’s wrong in New York. It’s wrong in Atlanta. (Yeah) We believe that there are some things right, eternally and absolutely so, and there are some things wrong. Then we don’t believe that the end justifies the means if those means happen to be bad. For we know that the end represents the means in process and the ideal in the making. The end is preexistent in the means. And so destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends. Immoral methods cannot achieve moral goals. And so we disagree with the ethical relativism of communism.

In the third place, we have to disagree with communism because the end of communism is the state. I should qualify this by saying that the state in communist theory is a temporary reality, an interim reality, which is to be eliminated when the classless society emerges. (Yeah, yeah) Karl Marx talks of that day when there will be a classless society. The ruling class, or rather the workers, what he called the proletariat, will through the revolution take power from the ruling class, which were the producers or the capitalists. And finally they will come to power, and through their power, they will establish a classless society. He says that while you are on the way to this classless society the state is the end. Man becomes only a means to that end. And if any man’s so-called rights or liberties stand in the way of that end, they are simply swept aside. And so in the communistic system, you do not have freedom of the press. You do not have freedom of speech. You do not have freedom of assembly. All of these things are under the scrutiny of the state, which is manipulated through the party. And whatever the Party says, that must be done. All of the freedoms that are dear to us are denied. Man has to be a servant, a dutiful and submissive servant of the state. The state is omnipotent and supreme, and so if one lived in Russia today, he couldn’t just get up and make a speech against the Communist Party. (Right) If one lived in Russia today, he could not write a book saying certain things without the condemnation of the Party, he may be searched and even killed. (Yeah) You remember the great book that Pasternak wrote, and you remember the problems that he faced because there were within that book some things that they didn’t like in Russia.7 It had some criticisms of the system.

We know that the most creative moments in history are those moments when individuals are left free to think. The thing that makes man man is his freedom. This is why I could never agree with communism as a philosophical system because it deprives man of freedom.And if a man is not free, he is not fully man. If a man does not have the capacity to deliberate, to decide, and to respond, as Paul Tillich would say, he is not a man, for a man is man because he is free. And, therefore, communism is on the wrong road because it denies freedom.

And so for these three reasons, I am convinced that no Christian can be a communist. These two systems are opposed to each other. These two systems are contradictory. We must try to understand communism. We must love communists. But never can we accept communism and be true Christians.
The Catholic Church is a communist regime.
Some do believe that.
Their religion is socialism ...
They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. ...
They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
This is one of the most ignorant OPs i have seen!
Atheists are simply not theists.
Nothing to do with politics.
Nothing to do with morality.
A lot to do with intelligence, since theism and esp religion lack that.

did you expect anything different from a poster who is here only to post thread after thread of religious nonsense on a political board?
You seem angry. Socialism is a reaction. The religious nature of socialism explains its extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents. Thanks for proving this point.

You got anger from that? Cute tactic. Don't project your rage onto me.

But religious propaganda is a) boring; b) ignorant and c) annoying to normal people.

Now in terms of your ignorant o/p for which you have supplied no proof wxcept for the voices in your head, it's a fail.

And, like most things written by religious zealots, is a n ignitant lie.

But I live arrogant religious fundies no matter what brand of G-d you shill for.

Here's the deal. Believe what you want. No one cares. But leave everyone else alone.
Socialism starts with a social Contract. The People merely need to practice, the "Art of the Deal".
The Founding Fathers Rejected Democracy

that's nice, nutter butter....

explains where you get your misinformation. :cuckoo:
I wouldn't have expected you to see it any other way. So then you must believe that the founding fathers embraced communism? And you call me a nutter butter, lol?
Their religion is socialism ...
They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. ...
They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
This is one of the most ignorant OPs i have seen!
Atheists are simply not theists.
Nothing to do with politics.
Nothing to do with morality.
A lot to do with intelligence, since theism and esp religion lack that.

did you expect anything different from a poster who is here only to post thread after thread of religious nonsense on a political board?
You seem angry. Socialism is a reaction. The religious nature of socialism explains its extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents. Thanks for proving this point.

You got anger from that? Cute tactic. Don't project your rage onto me.

But religious propaganda is a) boring; b) ignorant and c) annoying to normal people.

Now in terms of your ignorant o/p for which you have supplied no proof wxcept for the voices in your head, it's a fail.

And, like most things written by religious zealots, is a n ignitant lie.

But I live arrogant religious fundies no matter what brand of G-d you shill for.

Here's the deal. Believe what you want. No one cares. But leave everyone else alone.
Yes, I got that from your insults. People don't insult others unless they are angry.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The root cause and solution to your problems are you.
Last edited:
Their religion is socialism ...
They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. ...
They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
This is one of the most ignorant OPs i have seen!
Atheists are simply not theists.
Nothing to do with politics.
Nothing to do with morality.
A lot to do with intelligence, since theism and esp religion lack that.

did you expect anything different from a poster who is here only to post thread after thread of religious nonsense on a political board?
You seem angry. Socialism is a reaction. The religious nature of socialism explains its extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents. Thanks for proving this point.

You got anger from that? Cute tactic. Don't project your rage onto me.

But religious propaganda is a) boring; b) ignorant and c) annoying to normal people.

Now in terms of your ignorant o/p for which you have supplied no proof wxcept for the voices in your head, it's a fail.

And, like most things written by religious zealots, is a n ignitant lie.

But I live arrogant religious fundies no matter what brand of G-d you shill for.

Here's the deal. Believe what you want. No one cares. But leave everyone else alone.
Yes, I got that from your insults. People don't insult others unless they are angry.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The root cause and solution to your problems are you.
You insult me ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!! :lmao:
This is one of the most ignorant OPs i have seen!
Atheists are simply not theists.
Nothing to do with politics.
Nothing to do with morality.
A lot to do with intelligence, since theism and esp religion lack that.

did you expect anything different from a poster who is here only to post thread after thread of religious nonsense on a political board?
You seem angry. Socialism is a reaction. The religious nature of socialism explains its extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents. Thanks for proving this point.

You got anger from that? Cute tactic. Don't project your rage onto me.

But religious propaganda is a) boring; b) ignorant and c) annoying to normal people.

Now in terms of your ignorant o/p for which you have supplied no proof wxcept for the voices in your head, it's a fail.

And, like most things written by religious zealots, is a n ignitant lie.

But I live arrogant religious fundies no matter what brand of G-d you shill for.

Here's the deal. Believe what you want. No one cares. But leave everyone else alone.
Yes, I got that from your insults. People don't insult others unless they are angry.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The root cause and solution to your problems are you.
You insult me ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!! :lmao:
How so?
did you expect anything different from a poster who is here only to post thread after thread of religious nonsense on a political board?
You seem angry. Socialism is a reaction. The religious nature of socialism explains its extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents. Thanks for proving this point.

You got anger from that? Cute tactic. Don't project your rage onto me.

But religious propaganda is a) boring; b) ignorant and c) annoying to normal people.

Now in terms of your ignorant o/p for which you have supplied no proof wxcept for the voices in your head, it's a fail.

And, like most things written by religious zealots, is a n ignitant lie.

But I live arrogant religious fundies no matter what brand of G-d you shill for.

Here's the deal. Believe what you want. No one cares. But leave everyone else alone.
Yes, I got that from your insults. People don't insult others unless they are angry.

At any point in your life you are the sum of your choices. The root cause and solution to your problems are you.
You insult me ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!! :lmao:
How so?
You call me an atheist and a socialist non-stop. And make references to you being smarter than I am, meaning that I'm dumber than a guy who believe in unprovable invisible beings. That's quite a load right there.
Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.

really, idiota? you don't know any capitalist atheists?

please provide documentation and credible sources for your musings.

it's so interesting seeing what the voices in the heads of trump loons and religious zealots tell them.
Gold is the Only, True God, for capitalists.
Did Karl Marx say that or was it Vladimir Lenin?
it is a self-evident Truth. even a Bible claims it.
it was a uniquely designed legislation and deliberately so massive the republicans would not be able to do anything about it, they had their chance and blinked it's over for them now and it will remain the law of the land for the foreseeable future. one for the liberals, Nancy Pelosi ...

You have been grubered.
You have been grubered.

grubered ... . :eusa_naughty:

the ACA should be a lesson for you bing instead you fall ever further into the abyss of selfrightious indignation.
But I am not indignant, self righteous or otherwise, besides, self righteousness is the domain of the perpetually aggrieved which is what your people are. I welcome the coming suffering that we will all get a chance to feel. I hope you are ready for it too. Winter is coming. Are you ready for it?
Winter is coming

that arrived in the 4th century for whoever professes a religion from Antiquity that incorporates the christian bible.
You mean like MLK?
You mean like MLK?

Winter is coming ... (for bing, RCC)

misrepresenting the first century is exclusive to those who's history is the same as the 4th century christian bible as bing the RCC, MLK was a Southern Baptist tangentially remaining true to the original religion.
You have been grubered.
You have been grubered.

grubered ... . :eusa_naughty:

the ACA should be a lesson for you bing instead you fall ever further into the abyss of selfrightious indignation.
But I am not indignant, self righteous or otherwise, besides, self righteousness is the domain of the perpetually aggrieved which is what your people are. I welcome the coming suffering that we will all get a chance to feel. I hope you are ready for it too. Winter is coming. Are you ready for it?
Winter is coming

that arrived in the 4th century for whoever professes a religion from Antiquity that incorporates the christian bible.
You mean like MLK?
You mean like MLK?

Winter is coming ... (for bing, RCC)

misrepresenting the first century is exclusive to those who's history is the same as the 4th century christian bible as bing the RCC, MLK was a Southern Baptist tangentially remaining true to the original religion.
Winter is coming for everyone.

The Baptist use the exact same Bible as the Catholics, lol.

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