The religion Forum

And I suggested the religion forum to be the same zone as coffee shop. That MIGHT sway the naysayers and name callers and insulters to think twice? I dunno. It was just a suggestion. But if Coyote enjoys learning different religions..maybe she can take it on? I find her pleasant. Except with politics, lol.
And I suggested the religion forum to be the same zone as coffee shop. That MIGHT sway the naysayers and name callers and insulters to think twice? I dunno. It was just a suggestion. But if Coyote enjoys learning different religions..maybe she can take it on? I find her pleasant. Except with politics, lol.

Here is my 10 cents on this,

Forums chose their level of trolling tolerance, this forum allows it a lot....., but members here should understand that is the way it is here, thus complaining about it will not change anything. If you don't like it, you can try many other forums out there that moderates it more deeply.

Personally I would have placed Religion forum as a ZONE 1 discussion level, still allow Atheists like me to post in it, but without the off topic, trolling and other smelly garbage that doesn't pertain to the topic.

I can see about 12 forum sections that can be under Zone 1 rules, and not hurt the board at all:

"Zone 1": Clean Debate Zone (CDZ) / Introduce Yourself (Welcome Threads) / The Lounge and Announcements: Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. Constructive criticism and debate is the tone. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics."

Introduce Yourself

Announcements and Feedback

Religion and Ethics

Health and Lifestyle



USMB Lounge

Arts & Crafts

Food & Wine

Gardening and Landscaping



But it will never happen because this forum is too worried about censoring anything, even when it is obvious trolling and useless flaming and name calling is occurring, that is its main weakness here. They don't put these low controversy forums in Zone 1 where they should be, because they don't want to censor anything...., it is silly and many members here abuse it a lot, knowing they are going get away with it.

I report a certain person a lot and nearly all of the reported posts do get removed, but no indication the repeating offender ever gets warned or penalized, he just keeps posting the same off topic nasty crap, I hate having to report it over and over and over to see it doesn't stop. The innocent gets tired of reporting it and guilty sleeps too well.

I think that is why many posts that should be reported does not get reported, because nothing changes, become futile in the eyes of those who don't want to report over and over and over, to see that repeat offenders never improve or stop, WHY bother?

Please don't get me wrong here, I think the Zone concept is a Brilliant idea, but too few forums are under that Zone set up, which would solve a lot of the posting problems and give membership a number of safe discussion areas to post in.
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still allow Atheists like me to post in it
Tell me, because I seriously want to know..WHY would you, an atheist, want to go into a thread that is about Christianity (for example) amongst other Christians? For what purpose? Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

If you are an atheist and are speaking to other atheists, would you appreciate a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/JWitness/Mormo coming in and preaching to you? No. So why the heck would you want to do it to others??? I don't get it.
'Splain, please.
still allow Atheists like me to post in it
Tell me, because I seriously want to know..WHY would you, an atheist, want to go into a thread that is about Christianity (for example) amongst other Christians? For what purpose? Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

If you are an atheist and are speaking to other atheists, would you appreciate a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/JWitness/Mormo coming in and preaching to you? No. So why the heck would you want to do it to others??? I don't get it.
'Splain, please.

I only respond to Titles likes this one where I did post a lot on, Ringtone never did answer my questions about it, thus he failed to defend his claims, since he wasn't making a honest effort to defend his thread.

The Argument for God's Existence from Contingency

He never made any good arguments for it, that is why I was all over it, but quit in the second page when I realized he isn't going to answer my question, any of them.
No doubt your religious rivalry led you to see it that way
And formal education in religious studies, where we studied the commonalities. I notice you didn't actually dispute any of them. You just did what you always do, when you get uncomfortable: start talking about me.
still allow Atheists like me to post in it
Tell me, because I seriously want to know..WHY would you, an atheist, want to go into a thread that is about Christianity (for example) amongst other Christians? For what purpose? Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

If you are an atheist and are speaking to other atheists, would you appreciate a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/JWitness/Mormo coming in and preaching to you? No. So why the heck would you want to do it to others??? I don't get it.
'Splain, please.
Atheism is a RELIGION. They see themselves as evangelists. Christian's are their mission field.
still allow Atheists like me to post in it
Tell me, because I seriously want to know..WHY would you, an atheist, want to go into a thread that is about Christianity (for example) amongst other Christians? For what purpose? Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

If you are an atheist and are speaking to other atheists, would you appreciate a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/JWitness/Mormo coming in and preaching to you? No. So why the heck would you want to do it to others??? I don't get it.
'Splain, please.

I only respond to Titles likes this one where I did post a lot on, Ringtone never did answer my questions about it, thus he failed to defend his claims, since he wasn't making a honest effort to defend his thread.

The Argument for God's Existence from Contingency

He never made any good arguments for it, that is why I was all over it, but quit in the second page when I realized he isn't going to answer my question, any of them.
But you didn't answer my question?

Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?
still allow Atheists like me to post in it
Tell me, because I seriously want to know..WHY would you, an atheist, want to go into a thread that is about Christianity (for example) amongst other Christians? For what purpose? Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

If you are an atheist and are speaking to other atheists, would you appreciate a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/JWitness/Mormo coming in and preaching to you? No. So why the heck would you want to do it to others??? I don't get it.
'Splain, please.
Atheism is a RELIGION. They see themselves as evangelists. Christian's are their mission field.

Nope. Atheism is not a religion. Cyrus Scofield was an evangelist and just look at the damage he's done.
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Best to steer clear of it. Anti religion left loons aka atheists are annoying. For some odd reason to them religion is bad.... but endorse Islam.


You're dumb as a stump.

You're off topic, or no topic and flaming

Why would I go to a forum and listen to left loon atheists wail and whine about my beliefs but coddle Islam?

No thanks

Nothing requires a Christian to be ignorant.

Nothing requires them to put up with deliberate trolling either.
still allow Atheists like me to post in it
Tell me, because I seriously want to know..WHY would you, an atheist, want to go into a thread that is about Christianity (for example) amongst other Christians? For what purpose? Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

If you are an atheist and are speaking to other atheists, would you appreciate a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/JWitness/Mormo coming in and preaching to you? No. So why the heck would you want to do it to others??? I don't get it.
'Splain, please.

I only respond to Titles likes this one where I did post a lot on, Ringtone never did answer my questions about it, thus he failed to defend his claims, since he wasn't making a honest effort to defend his thread.

The Argument for God's Existence from Contingency

He never made any good arguments for it, that is why I was all over it, but quit in the second page when I realized he isn't going to answer my question, any of them.
But you didn't answer my question?

Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

You know what a LOADED QUESTION is?

Now you know why I don't answer that dishonest fallacy.

still allow Atheists like me to post in it
Tell me, because I seriously want to know..WHY would you, an atheist, want to go into a thread that is about Christianity (for example) amongst other Christians? For what purpose? Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

If you are an atheist and are speaking to other atheists, would you appreciate a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/JWitness/Mormo coming in and preaching to you? No. So why the heck would you want to do it to others??? I don't get it.
'Splain, please.

I only respond to Titles likes this one where I did post a lot on, Ringtone never did answer my questions about it, thus he failed to defend his claims, since he wasn't making a honest effort to defend his thread.

The Argument for God's Existence from Contingency

He never made any good arguments for it, that is why I was all over it, but quit in the second page when I realized he isn't going to answer my question, any of them.
But you didn't answer my question?

Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

You know what a LOADED QUESTION is?

Now you know why I don't answer that dishonest fallacy.

How is it a loaded question? And how is it dishonest? Going into a thread in the religion forum that is SPECIFICALLY people talking about their SPECIFIC religion in question, when you are an ATHEIST is doing the same thing as walking into a church and saying "there is no God". How are these two senarios different? Because HERE you don't have to see the look on their faces and in church, you would see the looks on faces?

You won't answer because you KNOW the answer. It's rude and tacky to do such a thing. Period.

And I asked it in a honest intent. Since you see it differently, I guess we will get nowhere. But its a damn good question and you not answering HONESTLY shows much.
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still allow Atheists like me to post in it
Tell me, because I seriously want to know..WHY would you, an atheist, want to go into a thread that is about Christianity (for example) amongst other Christians? For what purpose? Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

If you are an atheist and are speaking to other atheists, would you appreciate a Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/JWitness/Mormo coming in and preaching to you? No. So why the heck would you want to do it to others??? I don't get it.
'Splain, please.

I only respond to Titles likes this one where I did post a lot on, Ringtone never did answer my questions about it, thus he failed to defend his claims, since he wasn't making a honest effort to defend his thread.

The Argument for God's Existence from Contingency

He never made any good arguments for it, that is why I was all over it, but quit in the second page when I realized he isn't going to answer my question, any of them.
But you didn't answer my question?

Your neighborhood you go there on Sunday and walk down the center aile and say "there is no such thing as God"? If not, why not?

You know what a LOADED QUESTION is?

Now you know why I don't answer that dishonest fallacy.

How is it a loaded question? And how is it dishonest? Going into a thread in the religion forum that is SPECIFICALLY people talking about their SPECIFIC religion in question, when you are an ATHEIST is doing the same thing as walking into a church and saying "there is no God". How are these two senarios different? Because HERE you don't have to see the look on their faces and in church, you would see the looks on faces?

You won't answer because you KNOW the answer. It's rude and tacky to do such a thing. Period.

And I asked it in a honest intent. Since you see it differently, I guess we will get nowhere. But its a damn good question and you not answering HONESTLY shows much.


You are so blind to your manifested dishonesty, here is the link you ignored:

"A loaded question is a trick question, which presupposes at least one unverified assumption that the person being questioned is likely to disagree with. For example, the question “have you stopped mistreating your pet?” is a loaded question, because it presupposes that you have been mistreating your pet.

This type of fallacious question puts the person who is being questioned in a disadvantageous and defensive position, since the assumption in the question could reflect badly on them or pressure them to answer in a way that they wouldn’t otherwise."


Atheists as a group don't attend churches, and don't generate arguments about gods existence or religious doctrines in general in middle of church events.

I have been in churches several times as an Atheist and never argue about religion or gods in them, Two times were Weddings and another time was to show my children what a church look like and how they run the worship service, that is the extent of my visits as an Atheist. First two times was in a Protestant church, the last one was Catholic.

Your question was idiotic and unrealistic.
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.....Personally I would have placed Religion forum as a ZONE 1 discussion level, still allow Atheists like me to post in it, but without the off topic, trolling and other smelly garbage that doesn't pertain to the topic......

And this is why it would never work. Atheism isn't a religion and therefore is inherently as off-topic in a religious discussion as anything else that is not about religion if you are going to have some kind of enhanced rule about it.
Best to steer clear of it. Anti religion left loons aka atheists are annoying. For some odd reason to them religion is bad.... but endorse Islam.


You're dumb as a stump.

You're off topic, or no topic and flaming

Why would I go to a forum and listen to left loon atheists wail and whine about my beliefs but coddle Islam?

No thanks

Nothing requires a Christian to be ignorant.
Like I said, you are evangelists, and Christians are your mission field. "Repent you ignorant heathen and accept Atheism as the Way"

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