The religion Forum

Best to steer clear of it. Anti religion left loons aka atheists are annoying. For some odd reason to them religion is bad.... but endorse Islam.

Strange today's political climate would Christ be viewed as a conservative or a liberal??

Curious, would He condone killing children? (see how that works?)
Just answer the question ..would he be viewed as a liberal or a conservative??
He clearly answered your question. What dont you understand?
No he didn't..he dodged it by bringing up abortion. So you try and answer it..Would Christ be considered a liberal or conservative today?

I didn't dodge anything, I simply turned your own word game upon you.
In other words you dodged the question...there was no word game..just a simple question.

LOL, sorry, no. You also should have qualified your question a bit more. Who would you be comparing Jesus to in order to make Him appear to be what you were trying to catch the poster in? I am better at your game than you are. If you want to compare Him to the Jews/Pharisee's of His day he is "Liberal". If you want to compare him to people like you today is a Conservative. This is what happens when an atheist attempts to trick and decieve someone who's degree is in Comparative Religion.
Everything about liberalism is an abomination to God. Everything about liberalism is built on LIES.

Not only is Christ a conservative, He's a CAPITALIST. Read the parable of the talents

You are allowing the wrong side to control the language. Reread my post.
I know exactly who and what He is.
Do you think I'm arguing with you?

We have a modern, accepted definition of liberal.

Modern liberals believe two men can be married.
Modern liberals push abortion as a right.

I could go on, but God opposes any culture that embraces this nonsense.

But go ahead and explain that modern liberals and not the "liberals" of yesteryear
While your on the subject what did Christ have to say about homosexuals?

Do you know who and what Christ is?
That was pretty much the central question through all of the gospels but I can't discuss it here. ;)

He made it VERY clear who He was/is
We can't discuss that here. Gracie would get upset. But she would probably be ok if we wanted to discuss how to make and sell doilies using materials found in the trash.
Why the insults? Is that all you rely on?
You are pretty much hated here. Is that your goal? Personally, I always thought you had a pretty good handle on religion/beliefs...regardless of what your own is..or lack thereof. Thanks for clarifying for me that you are just yet another troll.

Go back to your hang out, the FZ. They love bashing you to death in there and you get off on it. Up here, you are just droll.

Holy crap.

I don't hate Ding and doubt there's a long list that do.

Maybe a couple names jotted down on a napkin.
stevie wonder says.jpg
More like arguments and fights
Well sure. That's the thing about religion: it has no method to discern what is true and what is false. So get 1000 Christians in a room and you will get 1000 versions of "what the Bible says". It doesn't lend itself to widespread agreement.
My study of various world religions led me to conclude they are more similar than dis-similar. Maybe you are getting hung up on the wrong things for the wrong reasons.

The problem is not the religions, it's the people. And atheists aren't immune from it.
Can you make it a zone similar to this one...or Lounge, With RULES? Nobody can talk about religious topics without some asswipes coming in and making it all about Trump or politics or whatever. It gets damn tiresome.

There are plenty of other forums where they can spew their garbage. People that are VERY religious or just curious don't inviade Breaking News or Politics or Climate/Emvironement or Cooking or Garage or or or or or to spout bible passages or Koran passages, derailing with the initial forum or topic to a subject that has nothing to do with that particular forum. Nor do they go in just to denounce and troll. For example, going into a game thread and saying "anyone who plays games must be a Trumpet/are stupid/have no life" why the hell is it allowed in the Religion forum?

You do know that many have different faiths and want a place to discuss/debate in a peaceful way/ask questions/compare notes on/ and in general discuss amongst themselves THE TOPIC AT HAND, but cannot due to low lifes who insist on shitting all over the topic and the people in there TRYING to talk about whatever the OP is about, right? So do something about it. Please.

This is bullshit I even have to ask.
I just saw this Gracie...and didn’t read tbe whole thread yet, but maybe the problem is One of enforcing tbe rules if people are derailing, or posting off topic Trollishness. I admit I don’t patrol Religion much, but I could take a closer look.
Can you make it a zone similar to this one...or Lounge, With RULES? Nobody can talk about religious topics without some asswipes coming in and making it all about Trump or politics or whatever. It gets damn tiresome.

There are plenty of other forums where they can spew their garbage. People that are VERY religious or just curious don't inviade Breaking News or Politics or Climate/Emvironement or Cooking or Garage or or or or or to spout bible passages or Koran passages, derailing with the initial forum or topic to a subject that has nothing to do with that particular forum. Nor do they go in just to denounce and troll. For example, going into a game thread and saying "anyone who plays games must be a Trumpet/are stupid/have no life" why the hell is it allowed in the Religion forum?

You do know that many have different faiths and want a place to discuss/debate in a peaceful way/ask questions/compare notes on/ and in general discuss amongst themselves THE TOPIC AT HAND, but cannot due to low lifes who insist on shitting all over the topic and the people in there TRYING to talk about whatever the OP is about, right? So do something about it. Please.

This is bullshit I even have to ask.
I just saw this Gracie...and didn’t read tbe whole thread yet, but maybe the problem is One of enforcing tbe rules if people are derailing, or posting off topic Trollishness. I admit I don’t patrol Religion much, but I could take a closer look.
I get along with most religions/spirituality. What I don't get along with is when people are discussing differences, comparing notes, understanding what someone else is saying although maybe not agreeing....and someone comes in and makes fun of anyone believing in a "sky fairy". They are not there to learn or consider. They are there simply to make fun of those that do believe in whatever higher power they have. And it's getting pretty bad. It's like a drive by shooting. Aim, shoot, leave insults, then they leave. It's enough to throw everyone off...or leave the thread in disgust.

But I appreciate you offering to take a look now and then. Thank you.
Can you make it a zone similar to this one...or Lounge, With RULES? Nobody can talk about religious topics without some asswipes coming in and making it all about Trump or politics or whatever. It gets damn tiresome.

There are plenty of other forums where they can spew their garbage. People that are VERY religious or just curious don't inviade Breaking News or Politics or Climate/Emvironement or Cooking or Garage or or or or or to spout bible passages or Koran passages, derailing with the initial forum or topic to a subject that has nothing to do with that particular forum. Nor do they go in just to denounce and troll. For example, going into a game thread and saying "anyone who plays games must be a Trumpet/are stupid/have no life" why the hell is it allowed in the Religion forum?

You do know that many have different faiths and want a place to discuss/debate in a peaceful way/ask questions/compare notes on/ and in general discuss amongst themselves THE TOPIC AT HAND, but cannot due to low lifes who insist on shitting all over the topic and the people in there TRYING to talk about whatever the OP is about, right? So do something about it. Please.

This is bullshit I even have to ask.
I just saw this Gracie...and didn’t read tbe whole thread yet, but maybe the problem is One of enforcing tbe rules if people are derailing, or posting off topic Trollishness. I admit I don’t patrol Religion much, but I could take a closer look.
I get along with most religions/spirituality. What I don't get along with is when people are discussing differences, comparing notes, understanding what someone else is saying although maybe not agreeing....and someone comes in and makes fun of anyone believing in a "sky fairy". They are not there to learn or consider. They are there simply to make fun of those that do believe in whatever higher power they have. And it's getting pretty bad. It's like a drive by shooting. Aim, shoot, leave insults, then they leave. It's enough to throw everyone off...or leave the thread in disgust.

But I appreciate you offering to take a look now and then. Thank you.
I enjoy learning about different religions, but it is very difficult in this place, to have a real discussion.
Can you make it a zone similar to this one...or Lounge, With RULES?

No. Management doesn't care if atheists come in and destroy every single thread amongst believers. The reality is that they don't want believers expressing their views here. I'm surprised they haven't just deleted the forum altogether.

So fuck you and your desire to be able to discuss topics of faith with other believers.


Well....the religion forum should be a safe place too.

Oh, so you want to be able to discuss matters of faith with other believers without the thread being hijacked and destroyed by the Godless left? LOL. No chance in Hell! You need to find other forums for such discussion. That's what I did.
Religion is humanity's great unifier.
Screen Shot 2021-02-24 at 8.52.40 PM.png

Most religionists, despite differences in ethical precepts
that cause them to often persecute and slaughter one another,
are united in believing that the vast majority of the gods
do not, in fact, exist... and the gods don't seem to mind.
Religion is humanity's great unifier.
View attachment 461382
Most religionists, despite differences in ethical precepts
that cause them to often persecute and slaughter one another,
are united in believing that the vast majority of the gods
do not, in fact, exist... and the gods don't seem to mind.
I have always thought that virtue was the greatest organizing principle.
Well....the religion forum should be a safe place too.

Oh, so you want to be able to discuss matters of faith with other believers without the thread being hijacked and destroyed by the Godless left? LOL. No chance in Hell! You need to find other forums for such discussion. That's what I did.
This is home. I will not find another forum to discuss spiritual matters because this one has such a forum. All it needs is more "looking at" and perhaps another mod added to staff to assist. There are A LOT of forums here and not enough staff. Especially when someone reports and complains in all of them.
William James said it best, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."
Especially when someone reports and complains in all of them.

I used to create threads here and reported innumerable complaints and virtually NOTHING was done. I participate on some dedicated Christian forums that encourage and foster discussion, unlike the management of this forum, which annihilates discussion. I'm not complaining about management, by the way, I'm simply stating the TRUTH. Management's CHOICE to ignore this forum results in discussions being annihilated.
But Google could pull our ad service or a common ISP carrier could decide to tag us with "disinformation or conspiracy" label on their services.
You are not entitled to advertisers .

And i will throw the bullshit flag on the ISP. Else this website would already have been dropped for that. But if your site content is too vile and dangerous for ISPs...hey, tough shit. If that's the case, it's not because of any conservative or liberal ideas being broadcast.

So we are right back to what i said.

Why are you here then?

And all the censoring and coordinated assasinations of other sites is ALL political bias. Like a Techno-fascista Army does.. Not about filth or imminent danger.. Amazon wont allow books that discuss gender choices and gender politics UNLESS THEY CONFORM to the leftist normal.. EVEN IF -- they are TOTALLY science, statistic, facts and logic,....

USMB takes NO EDITORIAL STAND.. Our "filth and dangerous misinformation" come from YOU and the left and all those members on "the other side".. You LOVE to wallow in it dontcha?

Be bored to tears on a "clean snowflake approved": site where all the woke discussion was untouchable - but that;'s what you're supporting here nidget...
We're not entitled to advertising huh.. How about you cough up $80 bucks a year for the privilege of being here.. Advertising on the web is now completely controlled by the Progressive techno-fascists, It's NOT a free market and has nothing to do with your content unless you ALLOW FREE SPEECH...

Someday -- you'll realize this.. And someday is coming soon...
Especially when someone reports and complains in all of them.

I used to create threads here and reported innumerable complaints and virtually NOTHING was done. I participate on some dedicated Christian forums that encourage and foster discussion, unlike the management of this forum, which annihilates discussion. I'm not complaining about management, by the way, I'm simply stating the TRUTH. Management's CHOICE to ignore this forum results in discussions being annihilated.
Well...the discussion is still going and has not been closed. Give them a chance. I plan to.
We're not entitled to advertising huh.. How about you cough up $80 bucks a year for the privilege of being here.. Advertising on the web is now completely controlled by the Progressive techno-fascists, It's NOT a free market and has nothing to do with your content unless you ALLOW FREE SPEECH...

Someday -- you'll realize this.. And someday is coming soon...
If I could spare enough..I would. But I can't. And yes, I know you were not refering to me. I link ALOT to other places. Which is why so many noobs are arriving. Never say a word..I just cut and past the thread. So I work for my keep here, lol. If I get a stimulus check (har har), I have to get a crown on a tooth...if I have some spare, I'll send ya some. :)
Cuz you know. This is home.

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