The refiners strategy-How to get Dems to a boil-to skim the impurities that rise to the top.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Want to send Dems over the edge past the edge of the cliff they already steped far out on?
In 2024 I would make Trump my
Vice President, then
*cough cough* call in sick & call it a career allowing the VP
a "non elected" third term.
Talk about going Ballistic...*L*
Could a Former President Ever Become Vice President?
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I know this may be cruel but I love what Trumpy's successes do to the weak libs. I don't want to be nasty about it but I like my toxic masculinity and letting PC mental patients in charge of my behavior just isn't going to work.
Want to send Dems over the edge past the edge of the cliff they already steped far out on?
In 2024 I would make Trump my
Vice President, then
*cough cough* call in sick & call it a career allowing the VP
a "non elected" third term.
Talk about going Ballistic...*L*
Could a Former President Ever Become Vice President?
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That is so humorous you should mention that to Hobe I am sure the Clintons will have a fit never mind the OBAMa ‘s... I am just waiting patiently for Hillary to declare and take another run at Donald... I am going to need a lot of popcorn to throw at the screen and I wonder if Nancy Pelosi will have any ballets in her area written in ten lanquages instead of the eight already so she can get all those alien votes heading her way...
You couldn't write a movie script this weird with all the plots involved intertwined with the sane cast of characters involved in all the seperate scandals. Even Quinton Teritino is impressed by the progressives twist on reality becoming more bizzarre then his fiction. *L*
I am truly amazed...It is like watching a soap opera only this is much slower moving which is incredible if you asked me...Shows like the young and the restless can be missed for months at a time and then watch one episode and it is like you never missed a thing as you are caught up...Same with this circus......I heard a rumour that shifty shiff has ties to George Soros if that is true then it figures but really what is congress being paid to do as they really don’t govern anymore and neither did Obama in my opinion.... They say the cream always rises to the top but so does the scum esp when boiling soup I guess we can refine all we want but it is difficult when the two get mixed together( the cream and the scum) and it is really hard for the average person to be able to tell the difference between the two esp when the waters become so muddied over such a long time...

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