The Reason Why I Don't Have A Single Ounce Of Respect For Any Republican Today

Bush doubled our national debt.

Obama is on track to double it again.

If you are mad at Obama now, but were not mad at Bush then, I think that is pretty hypocritical.

Of course the inverse is also true!

Obama is dealing with the hand that Bush and the Neo-Cons left him with.

I know you are sensible enough to realize this.

I know you realize that had Obama been in Bush's place at the time, we would not be where we are today.

You know this.

So I'm not certain what inverse you're referring to.

Meanwhile...the left has been quite vocal about their disagreements with Obama, which are many...I don't recall ANY or much protest (from the right) during Bush's regime.

What I recall during that time is the likes of Hannity, O'Reilly, Rush, and the rest of the Cabbage Patch kids telling America to shut up and be quiet and respect the President during a time of war, while they gave and made excuse after excuse for the harm that Bush was doing.

And you know I'm telling the gospel truth.

Yep, that's hackery.
So you ADMIT that your contempt is REALLY best placed at Bush's feet for INITIATING the clusterfudge....right?

Sure. And I'm voting for Romney cause Obama didnt fix it like he said.

If Romney doesn't fix it I will have contempt for him too.
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Marc, we seriously need entitlement reform. It will be mathematically impossible to ever balance the budget again without it.

Obama has not only completely ignored this fact, his one and only domestic achievement was to add an entirely new entitlement to our budgetary load!

No, he gets no slack from me.


The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.
The point you RW bastards fail to grasp is that not only are you not taking any PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (a thing you falsely claim is at the core of your ideology), but you also have no credibility.

You are well aware, now, (or should be), of the damage that Bush,Cheney and Rumsfeld did during their regime. This took 8 years to accomplish. By the end of Bush's term the country was in Freefall....FREEFALL!! Do you know what means? Try catching a falling object from on high then placing it back where it fell from, to understand.

When you catch the object, you dip, with the momentum, then you have to make your way back up to return the item to it's original place. Going up is harder than coming down. It's just a natural law that applies to everything in life...everything.

You people have not confessed to causing the mess, which were Bush's RW policies. All you know is the country's not where it;s supposed to be (I wonder how it got there) and you're mad. Unimaginably so, and at the wrong guy...for the wrong the wrong time. Meanwhile, you sat idly by and even SUPPORTED the bastards who CAUSED the mess....WHILE they were doing it.

Instead of helping Obama raise the country back to it's former stature, you've opten to place your foot on the ball as he attempts to raise it, claiming he's not doing it fast enough.

Do you not see how WRONG you are?

Your posts are only confirming my CONTEMPT for each. and. every. one. of. you. RW. Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives.

I guarantee you people, America hasn't forgotten. The 2012 RNC was proof of that, as neither Bush, Cheney, nor Rumsfeld dare show their face at the very Republican event...that spoke volumes. They failed. Their policies failed...their policies are RW aka Conservatives policies.

The polices caused the mess. The mess that you're INCENSED that Obama hasn't fixed 4 years, that took at least 8 years to make, that you openly chose NOT to assist him with. guys are really pieces of work. And that's putting it in the nicest way possible.
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Marc, we seriously need entitlement reform. It will be mathematically impossible to ever balance the budget again without it.

Obama has not only completely ignored this fact, his one and only domestic achievement was to add an entirely new entitlement to our budgetary load!

No, he gets no slack from me.


A drop in the bucket...most of the money is being WASTED in defense.

Where's your fight against that?
Bush doubled our national debt.

Obama is on track to double it again.

If you are mad at Obama now, but were not mad at Bush then, I think that is pretty hypocritical.

Of course the inverse is also true!

Obama is dealing with the hand that Bush and the Neo-Cons left him with.

I know you are sensible enough to realize this.

I know you realize that had Obama been in Bush's place at the time, we would not be where we are today.

You know this.

So I'm not certain what inverse you're referring to.

Meanwhile...the left has been quite vocal about their disagreements with Obama, which are many...I don't recall ANY or much protest (from the right) during Bush's regime.

What I recall during that time is the likes of Hannity, O'Reilly, Rush, and the rest of the Cabbage Patch kids telling America to shut up and be quiet and respect the President during a time of war, while they gave and made excuse after excuse for the harm that Bush was doing.

And you know I'm telling the gospel truth.

Yep, that's hackery.
I'm not sure if you're genuinely agreeing w/me or attempting to make a mock of me.
...they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country...

So, when Obama signed the NDAA, renewed the Patriot Act, and launch his own war, what exactly was he "repairing"?
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.
Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.
Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.
I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

Lololololo oh please stop you're making my stomach hurt from laughing I can barely type this. Read between the lines idiot.

LOL!! Same thing I did when I read it.. I was like, "WTF?" Who the hell even cares??!! Wow, liberals are a bunch of smacked in the head loons!
Bush doubled our national debt.

Obama is on track to double it again.

If you are mad at Obama now, but were not mad at Bush then, I think that is pretty hypocritical.

Of course the inverse is also true!


Many conservatives were pissed at Bush....

And at the GOP congress that f**ked up a real opportunity to get this country on track and instead got us into a couple of BS wars.

I don't care what the OP says...he's an ass.

And so was Bush.
It was the mental twists people had to make to convince themselves that waterboarding is not torture which finally did it for me. The self-delusion required to get there was a batshit crazy bar too high for me.


We mand 5 terriorist uncomfortable, did not hurt them physically, got information that ultimately led to OBL. They on the other hand would be happy to cut your freaking head off, and you sympathize with them. Then you have the balls to call us batshit crazy? Your pathetic.

Moral equivalency, really? That's your argument?

We are better than them because we don't torture them as badly as they do us?

Let's see. What else. Oh, I sympathize with terrorists because I would not torture them. A fallacy of the excluded middle. Cute.

As I pointed out earlier, our country tried and sentenced to hard labor people who had waterboarded Americans, and we did so because we considered it torture.

This is what I mean when I talk about how easy it is to retroactively reinvent our history for people with a total ignorance of history and the memory retention of goldfish. What we once called torture isn't torture now if we do it.

Like I said. Batshit crazy bar. Too high.


There's no moral equivalence here, we let the live with their bodies fully intact. Where they are now getting fat at Gitmo. They dismember, burn and kill, I see no moral equivalence.

As for your link on waterboarding, there is a difference how you treat combatants and civilians. Terrorist are not members of a uniformed national army so the standard rules of war do not apply. We waterboard members of the US military to prepare them for the posibility of being captured, it makes you damned uncomfortable but there is no harm done.
Obama is dealing with the hand that Bush and the Neo-Cons left him with.

I know you are sensible enough to realize this.

I know you realize that had Obama been in Bush's place at the time, we would not be where we are today.

You know this.

So I'm not certain what inverse you're referring to.

Meanwhile...the left has been quite vocal about their disagreements with Obama, which are many...I don't recall ANY or much protest (from the right) during Bush's regime.

What I recall during that time is the likes of Hannity, O'Reilly, Rush, and the rest of the Cabbage Patch kids telling America to shut up and be quiet and respect the President during a time of war, while they gave and made excuse after excuse for the harm that Bush was doing.

And you know I'm telling the gospel truth.

Yep, that's hackery.
I'm not sure if you're genuinely agreeing w/me or attempting to make a mock of me.

There is certainly enough to mock.

Ignorance is an ugly quality Malcolm.
Bush doubled our national debt.

Obama is on track to double it again.

If you are mad at Obama now, but were not mad at Bush then, I think that is pretty hypocritical.

Of course the inverse is also true!


Many conservatives were pissed at Bush....

And at the GOP congress that f**ked up a real opportunity to get this country on track and instead got us into a couple of BS wars.

I don't care what the OP says...he's an ass.

And so was Bush.

I;m with you.. Bush is the reason we have an Obama.. He was and is an ASS!
So when Obama goes and kills Bin Laden
and all the equipment and technology works nicey nice.
And Obama takes the credit for it all it worked because
our defense department had the funding in place.

So then Marc and all his buddies love the armed forces.
Now he was to de fund them.
The reason I cannot, I mean CANNOT respect a single Republican today is because they sat SILENTLY and WILLINGLY by while Bush n Cheney went on a nationwide and worldwide RAMPAGE on the Constitution and the economy.

Now Obama has come and began to actually REPAIR the MASSIVE AMOUNTS of DAMAGE that those madmen in the last Administration did to this country they're claiming to be mad to the point of rabidness for what's occurred.
SHOULD HAVE been incensed about WHILE Bush n Cheney were doing it...they've suddenly woken up.

No...I spit on them. I spit on each. and. every. one. of. them.

I have NO respect for those bastards...none whatsoever.

Obama will win again and he will win HANDILY.

I just HOPE that they finally learn a lesson and change their ways...actually practice what they preach for a while.

Personal Responsibility.

If you were truly unbiased and honest politically you would have no respect for either of the mainstream parties. They are both destroying this country. Geesh.

Wow, a non-GOPer hates the GOP. BFD. Not news and truly not that important.
Bush doubled our national debt.

Obama is on track to double it again.

If you are mad at Obama now, but were not mad at Bush then, I think that is pretty hypocritical.

Of course the inverse is also true!


Many conservatives were pissed at Bush....

And at the GOP congress that f**ked up a real opportunity to get this country on track and instead got us into a couple of BS wars.

I don't care what the OP says...he's an ass.

And so was Bush.

I;m with you.. Bush is the reason we have an Obama.. He was and is an ASS!

Yah...a day late and a dollar short.

I bet you voted him in twice, and if you were too young to do so, I bet your parents and grandparents did.

You have no credibility.

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