The reason Trump did what he did at the press conference with Putin


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
That was not the question
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
That was not the question

All the quotes I see of the question imply the meddling resulted in Hillary losing/Trump Winning.

You have a transcript that counters this?
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
The reporter in the presser asked POTUS a loaded question?
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

And when every time he says something the left gets the fucking vapors and calls him a traitor, why are we supposed to care the 500th time around?

Crying wolf over and over is not a strategy, it's political masturbation.

And he hasn't backed down from his words, and so far the world hasn't ended. So whats the end result? Some hurt feeeewings in the intelligence community?

They are professionals, let the fucking deal with it. And if they really are trying to get rid of him via a soft coup, then they deserve to be called out.

Our bureaucracy is supposed to be apolitical, and it is not. It has been captured by the supporters of big government.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
The reporter in the presser asked POTUS a loaded question?

Finally found the actual question.

President Trump, you first. Just now, President Putin denied having anything to do with the election interference in 2016. Every U.S. intelligence agency has concluded that Russia did. My first question for you sir is, who do you believe? My second question is would you now, with the whole world watching, tell President Putin, would you denounce what happened in 2016 and would you want him to never do it again?

So not as loaded as the OP I responded to quoted it (which is odd because that person hates trump)

But it does go from "meddling" to interference.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

And when every time he says something the left gets the fucking vapors and calls him a traitor, why are we supposed to care the 500th time around?

Crying wolf over and over is not a strategy, it's political masturbation.

And he hasn't backed down from his words, and so far the world hasn't ended. So whats the end result? Some hurt feeeewings in the intelligence community?

They are professionals, let the fucking deal with it. And if they really are trying to get rid of him via a soft coup, then they deserve to be called out.

Our bureaucracy is supposed to be apolitical, and it is not. It has been captured by the supporters of big government.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"[/QUOTE]
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

And when every time he says something the left gets the fucking vapors and calls him a traitor, why are we supposed to care the 500th time around?

Crying wolf over and over is not a strategy, it's political masturbation.

And he hasn't backed down from his words, and so far the world hasn't ended. So whats the end result? Some hurt feeeewings in the intelligence community?

They are professionals, let the fucking deal with it. And if they really are trying to get rid of him via a soft coup, then they deserve to be called out.

Our bureaucracy is supposed to be apolitical, and it is not. It has been captured by the supporters of big government.[/QUOTE]
Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"[/QUOTE]
Trump said what he said. If we can't expect our President to be responsible for his words, particularly when a dangerous adversary is standing right next to him, we're in real trouble.

And when every time he says something the left gets the fucking vapors and calls him a traitor, why are we supposed to care the 500th time around?

Crying wolf over and over is not a strategy, it's political masturbation.

And he hasn't backed down from his words, and so far the world hasn't ended. So whats the end result? Some hurt feeeewings in the intelligence community?

They are professionals, let the fucking deal with it. And if they really are trying to get rid of him via a soft coup, then they deserve to be called out.

Our bureaucracy is supposed to be apolitical, and it is not. It has been captured by the supporters of big government.[/QUOTE]

The DC echo chamber operates on the assumption that the EU is working out despite secessionist movements all over the EU and that is simply the most obvious example of stupidity, incompetence and partisanship in our intelligence community.
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It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Well, I hadn't seen that excuse yet. Point for originality.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.

Dude, I have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Do you understand that perhaps not everyone has watched the entire conference word for word? Next time, perhaps put the DIRECT QUOTE or video in there so people can understand what your fuzz is about. It's like you can never be direct about anything...

Anyway I go with Trump over the intelligence community any day, they promised to make sure that the democratic process of United States won't be upheld. That is unacceptable. They actually promised to do what Russia is blamed for.
When Russia invaded Crimea, and EVERYONE with more than two brain cells knew it was Russian troops, the murdering KGB thug looked the world in the eye and lied.

Putin denies Russian troops are in Ukraine, decrees certain deaths secret

This is who Trump and his lickspittles choose to believe. You have to be one fucking idiot retarded credulous rube to swallow Putin's sperm the way they do.

Anyone who chooses Putin over our country is a cock-gobbling traitor.

All these traitors have in their arsenal are straw men, false dichotomies, red herrings, tu quoques, hypocrisies, and an Everest of manufactured bullshit.
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It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Assuming facts not in evidence, and again his response was to a loaded question that basically said he won the election BECAUSE of the Russian "meddling"
Well, I hadn't seen that excuse yet. Point for originality.

I corrected this below. My view was based on a quote from a Trump hater who changed the question around, or paraphrased it.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.

Dude, I have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Do you understand that perhaps not everyone has watched the entire conference word for word? Next time, perhaps put the DIRECT QUOTE or video in there so people can understand what your fuzz is about. It's like you can never be direct about anything...
I've been perfectly direct and specific. You just can't come up with what you feel is adequate spin.

You appear to be the only person here who doesn't know what I'm talking about. I can't help that.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.
Well, I suppose that's cheerier than the prospect of blackmail.
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.

Dude, I have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Do you understand that perhaps not everyone has watched the entire conference word for word? Next time, perhaps put the DIRECT QUOTE or video in there so people can understand what your fuzz is about. It's like you can never be direct about anything...
I've been perfectly direct and specific. You just can't come up with what you feel is adequate spin.

You appear to be the only person here who doesn't know what I'm talking about. I can't help that.
Well, Mac, it's Norman. what do you expect?
It has been explained to me here that the reason Trump's fans are fine with what he did at the press conference with Putin is because they feel our intelligence apparatus is corrupt and treasonous.

Well, holy shit. At least we have an explanation for what Trump did.

It would actually make sense. Trump gets info on his "base" directly from Hannity, who (along with Levin and Limbaugh and the internet) plants this stuff in their heads. Since playing to his base is his top priority, Trump then acts accordingly. He knows his base is convinced that everyone is out to get them, so he says what he needs to say.

That's good to know. I guess.

Crazy conspiracy theory...

But could you explain what Trump actually did do, precisely, instead of this vague bullshit?

You have trouble with it because he didn't do anything.
No one is "having trouble with it", no one from across the political spectrum.

He threw our national intelligence apparatus under the bus in favor of Putin.

You can pretend he didn't, I expect that, but I assure you no one is having trouble seeing what he did.

Dude, I have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Do you understand that perhaps not everyone has watched the entire conference word for word? Next time, perhaps put the DIRECT QUOTE or video in there so people can understand what your fuzz is about. It's like you can never be direct about anything...

Anyway I go with Trump over the intelligence community any day, they promised to make sure that the democratic process of United States won't be upheld. That is unacceptable. They actually promised to do what Russia is blamed for.
Neville Chamberlain wannabe Trump chose to believe Putin's lie that he did not interfere in the 2016 election.
I'm starting to think maybe that whole pissing hooker thing might be real.

There has to be some explanation for why Trump tossed Putin's salad yesterday.

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