Zone1 The reason there is hatred against Jews is about numbers. Judaism is a tiny religion and group compared to their enemies.

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Actually, Jesus made good money as a carpenter. He had a house, nice clothes and likely financed his early ministry.
My understanding of Jesus based on what seems credible in the NT ---
is that he came from what we would call "middle class" --he was
literate and had a stable family ---and sizeable community including
relatives. John the Mikveh man was a relative. Standard of living for
Galilean middle class was -----sorta miserable by US standards. Jesus
had a house? Very likely HIS PARENTS had a house. I don't remember
any information in the NT suggesting he had a house of his own
That's not really a correct way of saying it if you use the literal meaning of the word "written." And 12,000 years is a bit of a stretch. I believe it was closer to 6000 years.
The Song of the Sea (Hebrew: שירת הים, Shirat HaYam; also known as Az Yashir Moshe and Song of Moses, or Mi Chamocha) is a poem that appears in the Book of Exodus of the Hebrew Bible, at Exodus 15:1–18. It is followed in verses 20 and 21 by a much shorter song sung by Miriam and the other women. The Song of the Sea was reputedly sung by the Israelites after their crossing the Red Sea in safety, and celebrates their freedom after generations of slavery and oppression by the Egyptians...

The Song of the Sea is noted for its archaic language. It is written in a style of Hebrew much older than that of the rest of Exodus. Some scholars consider it the oldest surviving text describing the Exodus, dating to the pre-monarchic period.[3][4

How Old Is the Song of Deborah?​

The Hebrew Bible credits Deborah not only with starting an uprising that freed Israel from oppression but also with composing and performing a song that celebrates the victory. Many scholars claim that this song, found in chapter 5 of the book of Judges, is one of the oldest existing biblical texts. They often date it to the 11th or even 12th century B.C.E., hundreds of years earlier than the rest of the book of Judges.


The most recent book in the New Testament was probably the Gospel of St. John. Most scholars believe it was written toward the end of the first century A.D.
Seems like you are playing word games with using the word "asserted" as it was demonstrated in all four gospels. From what I remember each gospel was written for a different purpose.
The Gospels of St. Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah. They do not describe him as God. Neither does the rest of the New Testament, but the Gospel of St. John.
The Gospels of St. Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah. They do not describe him as God. Neither does the rest of the New Testament, but the Gospel of St. John.
the question in my mind is---Just what does "SON OF GOD" mean. IMVO
(In My Vaunted Opinion) it might just be a kind of SUPERLATIVE
designating a very SPECIAL PERSON. The concept of a woman being
impregnated by a "GOD" is extremely GREEK
You antisemite
There you go. You always sink to this level even to friends.
This is the way so many women/girls are this day --'agree with me on EVERYTHING or you're a ----"
I follow Christ. He said COUNT THE COST in following Him. We are told to expect the hatred of the world and not love and respect in follwing Him

Most people are fair weather friends. I've learned to expect that. Disagree with you on anything and they are now the enemy.

BTW, you're a Christophobe living in a Christian country
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The Gospels of St. Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah. They do not describe him as God. Neither does the rest of the New Testament, but the Gospel of St. John.
Are you Christian? Are you an al la carte Christian who picks and chooses among the books?
My understanding of Jesus based on what seems credible in the NT ---
is that he came from what we would call "middle class" --he was
literate and had a stable family ---and sizeable community including
relatives. John the Mikveh man was a relative. Standard of living for
Galilean middle class was -----sorta miserable by US standards. Jesus
had a house? Very likely HIS PARENTS had a house. I don't remember
any information in the NT suggesting he had a house of his own
As a carpenter Jesus was fully capable of building his own home. Mark describes "the ('a' in Greek) house" in Capernaum that Jesus entered and ministered from. Some believe it was Peter's house, however Jesus likely wouldn't have allowed the roof boards to be removed from someone else's house in order to lower a cripple down to him for healing. It is possible that Jesus, as the first-born son, inherited the house from his father Joseph, who by most accounts had died prior to Jesus' ministry.

It is unlikely that the son of a carpenter rented his dwelling or lived in the streets as a homeless person. As he traveled, he would have stayed in the homes of the disciples and others.

His garments were of such quality that the Roman soldiers who crucified him gambled for possession of them.
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Are you Christian? Are you an al la carte Christian who picks and chooses among the books?
I attend church. I am not a Fundamentalist. I have read the Bible from cover, including the Apocrypha in seven English translations. Have you read the entire Bible even once?
As a carpenter Jesus was fully capable of building his own home. Mark describes "the ('a' in Greek) house" in Capernaum that Jesus entered and ministered from. Some believe it was Peter's house, however Jesus likely wouldn't have allowed the roof boards to be removed from someone else's house in order to lower a cripple down to him for healing. It is possible that Jesus, as the first-born son, inherited the house from his father Joseph, who by most accounts had died prior to Jesus' ministry.

It is unlikely that the son of a carpenter rented his dwelling or lived in the streets as a homeless person. As he traveled, he would have stayed in the homes of the disciples and others.

His garments were of such quality that the Roman soldiers who crucified him gambled for possession of them.
OK----some evidence that he had a house. I am not convinced. People did rent even back then------and something like middle class---he had an extended family. Removing boards and putting them back is no big deal
for a carpenter
OK----some evidence that he had a house. I am not convinced. People did rent even back then------and something like middle class---he had an extended family. Removing boards and putting them back is no big deal
for a carpenter
I like that you read the New Testament. :)
Well, IF he implied that he’s equal to Gd, that of course is blaspheme. No Jew would do such a thing.

not just jesus, the 1st century events are a repudiation of judaism, religion of servitude and denial - all in the heavens are equal.

- the very reason a&e choose the fruit to live their lives fully, obviously not judaism.

"No Jew would do such a thing" - too bad for them, they will never be in heaven.
I think that is correct. One bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch. But my point is that my only defense will be to argue that the Jews rejected God. And for that you will accuse me of being antisemitic when in reality I am defending myself from the attack of a Jew.
We did not reject God. We rejected the false messiah.
the question in my mind is---Just what does "SON OF GOD" mean. IMVO
(In My Vaunted Opinion) it might just be a kind of SUPERLATIVE
designating a very SPECIAL PERSON. The concept of a woman being
impregnated by a "GOD" is extremely GREEK
Interesting assumption,
after all, the initial parts of the NT were written by Jews that had grown up and been raised in the Creek influenced culture.
- or lived in the streets as a homeless person.

doubtful jesus ever had more than enough for a single meal, homeless is misleading especially from a christian w/ their beliefs he were god - than as he was heavenly.
I like that you read the New Testament. :)
Mr. nutz---as a kid I was an avid reader and read whatever was available----
the NT was more available to me than the OT----old ladies handed them out
--especially in the Christmas season---little tiny pocket thingys with little tiny
print-----ok for my YOUNG eyes---LONG AGO. I read the koran too----
it landed in my lap when I was about 19----I was a weekend clerk in a hospital-----people donated books by the TON (don't tell anyone---the administration
incinerated them)
doubtful jesus ever had more than enough for a single meal, homeless is misleading especially from a christian w/ their beliefs he were god - than as he was heavenly.
breezie----there were no christians back then. Read the book ----he ATE---
remember he refused to wash his hands (or so they say---I doubt it)
Mr. nutz---as a kid I was an avid reader and read whatever was available----
the NT was more available to me than the OT----old ladies handed them out
--especially in the Christmas season---little tiny pocket thingys with little tiny
print-----ok for my YOUNG eyes---LONG AGO. I read the koran too----
it landed in my lap when I was about 19----I was a weekend clerk in a hospital-----people donated books by the TON (don't tell anyone---the administration
incinerated them)
I got one of those little Bibles as well when I was in about third grade. Print was way too small to read.
breezie----there were no christians back then. Read the book ----he ATE---
remember he refused to wash his hands (or so they say---I doubt it)

did anyone imply there were any christians while jesus was living - or before the 4th century ... not from a paradisian - those that you mention or the others though would be stretched for jesus not eating while miraculously providing fish and wine by the snap of his fingers.
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