Zone1 The reason there is hatred against Jews is about numbers. Judaism is a tiny religion and group compared to their enemies.

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I just did. But to your point that you are having to endure disrespect, it's nothing compared to what I have had to put up with from hobelim. Carl is tame compared to hobelim; both in the numbers and the level of disrespect.
I wouldn’t say it’s nothing. Has Hovelin told you that you will go to hell unless you stop believing that Jesus was anything more than a poor Jewish carpenter?
Yes, accusing Jews of rejecting “Gd” is antisemitic. We love and worship Gd, as we do over blessings before we eat, over services and prayers, even when we say “Baruch Hashem” to thank Gd for a fortunate outcome. To say we reject Hashem is not true, is arrogant, is disrepectful, and shows disdain for Jews.
No. It's the key distinction between our faiths. Jews believe Christians are idolators and Christians believe Jews rejected God. It is only antisemitic or anti-Christian when it is argued in a disrespectful way.
I wouldn’t say it’s nothing. Has Hovelin told you that you will go to hell unless you stop believing that Jesus was anything more than a poor Jewish carpenter?
He's said so many hateful things it's not even funny. It's a hundred times worse than anything you have had to endure. And I have the posts top back it up. But to answer your question, according to him I am already in hell.
Unless of course God thought enough of you to be born among you to fulfill the role of the actual Lamb of God.

Then you rejected Him

In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word WAS God

"No one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him"
OK, OK!! You have shown such disrespect and contempt for my beliefs - even saying I have “no excuse” not to believe in Jesus - that I have decided to be an arrogant, insulting Christian too!

Can it wait until tomorrow, though? Tonight is the 8th night of Chanukah. Oh wait - I’m invited to Shabbas dinner Friday night. So I’ll do it next week.
No. It's the key distinction between our faiths. Jews believe Christians are idolators and Christians believe Jews rejected God. It is only antisemitic or anti-Christian when it is argued in a disrespectful way.
No, idolator is the wrong word.
We love and worship Gd, as we do over blessings before we eat, over services and prayers, even when we say “Baruch Hashem” to thank Gd for a fortunate outcome. To say we reject Hashem is not true, is arrogant, is disrepectful, and shows disdain for Jews.
I love and worship God too. My perception of God is just different than yours just as each world religion's perception of God is different than every other one. I ask for blessings before I eat and throughout the day. I thank God. I give praise to God. I worship God by treating everything I do as a sacred act. I have a very close and personal relationship with God. I believe that God works in my life to progress me to become the best version of myself I can be. To call me an idolator is arrogant and disrespectful and shows disdain for Christians.
I think that is correct. One bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch. But my point is that my only defense will be to argue that the Jews rejected God. And for that you will accuse me of being antisemitic when in reality I am defending myself from the attack of a Jew.
I missed it. You've been attacked by a jew?
I love and worship God too. My perception of God is just different than yours just as each world religion's perception of God is different than every other one. I ask for blessing before I eat and throughout the day. I thank God. I give praise to God. I worship God by treating everything I do as a sacred act. I have a very close and personal relationship with God. I believe that God works in my life to progress me to become the best version of myself I can be. To call me an idolator is arrogant and disrespectful and shows disdain for Christians.
I just said nobody calls Christians idolators. Never even heard of that until you brought it up.

In fact, there is no mention of Christians at all in our services, or classes, or sermons. Christians OTOH have sermons demeaning Jews. I know because a Christian was “kind” enough to send me one of her pastor’s sermons, which had one insult after another about Jews.
I just said nobody calls Christians idolators. Never even heard of that until you brought it up.

In fact, there is no mention of Christians at all in our services, or classes, or sermons. Christians OTOH have seeming demeaning Jews. I know because a Christian was “kind” enough to send me one of her pastor’s sermons, which has one insult after another about Jews.
I think it's a two way street. The sword is cutting both ways and I have the posts to back it up.
I KNEW you would ask that! I really don’t know. I guess that’s because we don’t make mention of Christians.
I think post #282 is an accurate and honest assessment of the key differences of our faiths. There's no embellishment or ill will. Just an honest assessment of our differences of opinions.
Hobelim is a jew?
I believe so. He's clearly making an argument based upon Judaism. With that said, I don't believe he is religious. I believe he is anti-religion and hates Christians. He's a real POS.
I believe so. He's clearly making an argument based upon Judaism. With that said, I don't believe he is religious. I believe he is anti-religion and hates Christians. He's a real POS.
dingy----don't ASSume
I wouldn’t say it’s nothing. Has Hovelin told you that you will go to hell unless you stop believing that Jesus was anything more than a poor Jewish carpenter?
Actually, Jesus made good money as a carpenter. He had a house, nice clothes and likely financed his early ministry.
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