Zone1 The reason there is hatred against Jews is about numbers. Judaism is a tiny religion and group compared to their enemies.

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That is not the answer to my question. That question, once again is, "Have you read the Bible in its entirety, including the Apocrypha?"

If you have not, you do not know what is written in it.
Comparing penis sizes?
You read, but you do not understand.
Reading does not equal comprehension
Prove first that there is a so-called "bias" against them, on the basis that they are supposedly "underdogs"? What do you mean by "too few to debate them, and/or are educated about history"? Are you pretending that everyone who debates Jews is ignorant about history and hence is automatically incorrect about Jews? These rabbis disagree with you about why certain people dislike Jews:

How about these bad ideas and attitudes:

Maybe some Gentiles ("Goyim"), have a very good reason not to like them, and it's not based on some irrational bias or hatred, but rather because many Orthodox, religious Jews have some extremely nasty beliefs against the rest of humanity. Have you ever considered that? They have an ethno-supremacist, xenophobic, narcissistic religion and culture, hence naturally a lot of non-Jews (and even a significant number of Jews/self-hating Jews) don't like them.

The so-called "self-hating Jews" will distance themselves from Judaism and everything that is culturally Jewish, assimilating into their non-Jewish environment, rejecting their Jewishness, in favor of their humanity and good conscience. They opt to just be a good human being, and to hell with the sociopathic, xenophobic, anti-human religion and culture that they of no fault of their own, were born into. They discard that and redefine and reinvent themselves.

Thanks primarily to the USA, the American empire. The EU, primarily Germany also has a hand in supporting Israel and in its success.

Certainly not, you're extremely ignorant and confused. If it wasn't for the United States and EU, the Zionist Jewish ethno-supremacist state, would've been defeated by the Arabs decades ago. Israel (fake "Israel"), wouldn't last 60 days without US money and weapons. Israel's latest war crimes against the Palestinians, wouldn't have happened without the assistance of the USA.

If the Muslims are automatically, by default, homicidal haters of Jews, then why and how is it possible for there to be 9000 Jews right now, living in Iran and 5000 living in Morrocco?

If Palestinians teach their children to fight Jews it's more due to politics, not religion. Jews and Muslims have co-existed peacefully for centuries. If the Zionist Jews weren't illegally occupying Palestinian homes and lands, dehumanizing, brutalizing, and slaughtering Palestinians, the relationship between Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land would be much better. As it was for centuries before 1948, when both Jews and Muslims shared the Holy Land, co-existing in relative peace. Were there problems sometimes? Maybe, I'm not going to pretend that the relationship between Jews and Muslims was always "hunky dory", but in general, for the most part, there was peace. It was for sure, much better than it is now.

That's gobbledygook nonsense. Rabbinic, anti-Christ Judaism, based on their Talmud and other non-Biblical literature and beliefs, has nothing to do with God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Bible. You're confused, and I'm being nice because I could say much more than that.

You only focus on the good, and ignore all of the bad and ugly that the anti-Christ/anti-Christian Jews have done.

Christians accept Christian values, period, that have nothing to do with rabbinic, anti-Christ, and Talmudic Judaism. Christianity and rabbinic Judaism are worlds apart. Again you're extremely confused and ignorant.

I and no one else, have to prove you wrong, you're shifting the burden of proof on others. You're the one who has to prove your claim and you've failed miserably. You haven't presented a scintilla of evidence establishing your case, assuming you even have one.

What poll is that? The imaginary one in your head? I lived in Israel, amongst both Israeli Jews and Palestinians, and I found that none of the Palestinians I met and talked to, wanted to continue under the racist, Zionist apartheid state. They wanted Muslims to be in charge, not the Zionist, racist Jewish supremacists.

According to the Christian NT, the so-called Jews of today who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, don't have the Heavenly Father and aren't the Israel of God. They were cut off from the vine 2000 years ago when they rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah, Lord and Savior. In Christ, there's no more Jew or Gentile, but we are made One in Christ, and whoever believes in Jesus is saved and exalted to the position of being a citizen of the "Israel Of God", God's kingdom on Earth.

You're definitely the one who needs to be educated.

^^^ nice review of islamo-nazi shit
Summary: Above poster is a RAGING antisemite.
What do penis sizes have to do with the Bible? :eek:
How do you figure that you have to completely read a book from start to finish, to know what a book says on a particular issue or topic? How did you come to such a ridiculous conclusion?
Here is a minority not even 2% of the population, that has faced horrific antisemitism for 2,000 years,
there will not be a success for an apartheid religion, hereditary idolatry made by abraham that would ever be heavenly -

^^^another antisemite.

judaism is no different than the other desert religions and their false associations of divinity as reflected by judaism's despotism of the 1st century events and throughout their history claiming heavenly personifications where non have ever existed.

- there is no jew that ever existed greater in heavenly stature than jesus or anyone else than the reflections from them of the heavens true intentions correctly interpreted that applies to all living beings.

that does not include apartheid religions, hereditary idolatry made by abraham or false commandments claimed by moses.

- the plight of judaism is of their own making.
How do you figure that you have to completely read a book from start to finish, to know what a book says on a particular issue or topic? How did you come to such a ridiculous conclusion?
Interpretations of what is written in the Bible differ. That is why there are so many different Christian denominations.
Amazing. The antisemites spew venom against Jews, and then when they’re called out as antisemites, they say there’s “no evidence.”

But take heart: a pro-Israel president is now in office, and a UN Ambassador who will clamp down on the Jew-hating Arabs will be confirmed! Things are looking better for Jews, effective as of yesterday.
Amazing. The antisemites spew venom against Jews, and then when they’re called out as antisemites, they say there’s “no evidence.”

But take heart: a pro-Israel president is now in office, and a UN Ambassador who will clamp down on the Jew-hating Arabs will be confirmed! Things are looking better for Jews, effective as of yesterday.

your claim the new - christian / judaism alliance - will be good for 558.

your partner in alliance ... in many ways are just like judaism similarly of their own making.

and 558 voted against joe biden - and stamped their ticket ... for a cruise on the ship of fools.
Amazing. The antisemites spew venom against Jews, and then when they’re called out as antisemites, they say there’s “no evidence.”

But take heart: a pro-Israel president is now in office, and a UN Ambassador who will clamp down on the Jew-hating Arabs will be confirmed! Things are looking better for Jews, effective as of yesterday.
There is hatred of people from all corners and walks of life and the Jews are not the only hated group.
Minimizing the high level of antisemitism in this country - and saying, well every group gets hated - is a subtle smear against Jews. (Your larger smear was your antisemitic meme making fun of Jews’ noses, so I know whom I’m dealing with.)

When and where have groups of people, throughout the country, chanted “Death to Blacks!” or “Death to Muslims!” When have blacks or Muslims or gays or whoever been blocked from walking onto their own college campus? When have blacks been dragged out of their dorm rooms and thrown against the wall?

The antisemitism is so strong that Kamala was afraid to pick the best-qualified VP because he was Jewish and she knows how pervasive Jew-hate is among the Left.
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