The Reality of Trump's Election


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

You will never see the media report this
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Can I join a Thread somewhere denouncing this racism?

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed
at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this
many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and
threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs
back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual
predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him
from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or
level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s
gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of
the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step
back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would
judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would
chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally
his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some
liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as
president elect, he has done the following:

1. Appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team

2. He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to
accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :
Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

3. Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political
advisor to the administration:
Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon,
executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s
chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an
“alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and
divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running
Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots
Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump
announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.

“There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has
been named chief strategist for the Trump Administration,” Pelosi said
in a statement Monday.

She urged Trump to bring Americans together rather than continue to “fan
the flames of division.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called Bannon’s appointment
“deeply disturbing.”

“His leadership of Breitbart, which provides a voice to radical white
supremacist groups, allegations about his comments on Jews, and charges
of domestic abuse ought to be seen as disqualifying for a role at the
White House,” Hoyer said.

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law
and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will
they get along? Very strange indeed.

4. Now, he is proposing the hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be
Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position
that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as
secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who
is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy
community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

5. He is also floating the name of Rudi Giuliani for Secretary of state
which might even be worse:
Morning Joe: If Giuliani gets Secretary of State — ‘watch everything melt down internationally’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How can you use the Huffington Post as a source without laughing. You know, the one whose entire staff of young and middle aged women had their picture taken at a diversity seminal. LOL You seem to expect him to:

buy into the same junk science that Obama did.

Support a pro-liberal anti-conservative press by calling it free.

Buy into the demo propaganda against Bannon without actually looking into the reality of the man.

Buy into the fact we should again have a weak Secretary of State ala Clinton.

You should quit reading the Huffington Post and look get your information from a more unbiased source actually based in reality.

The Huffington Post doesn't even have the advantage of being useful in an outhouse.
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Kids have been chanting racist slogans in school hallways for months. Why do you only now express concern? I guess it was different when it was tenfold, and the slogan was " black lives matter"... Color me shocked!
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Kids have been chanting racist slogans in school hallways for months. Why do you only now express concern? I guess it was different when it was tenfold, and the slogan was " black lives matter"... Color me shocked!

Plus, how many of them are doing it as actual white nationalists, as opposed to teenage asshole trolls.

Progressives made themselves vulnerable to trolling when they panic every time someone trolls them.
How can you use the Huffington Post as a source without laughing. You know, the one whose entire staff of young and middle aged women had their picture taken at a diversity seminal. LOL You seem to expect him to:

buy into the same junk science that Obama did.

Support a pro-liberal anti-conservative press by calling it free.

Buy into the demo propaganda against Bannon without actually looking into the reality of the man.

Buy into the fact we should again have a weak Secretary of State ala Clinton.

You should quit reading the Huffington Post and look get your information from a more unbiased source actually based in reality.

The Huffington Post doesn't even have the advantage of being useful in an outhouse.
Give me a break Sparky!! You can't refute a damned thing that is about Bannon so you resort to attacking the source? It's an award winning publication. The NY Times and numerous other news outlets are saying the same things about the creep.

Weak Secretary of State?? Of his two choices, one is Dr, Stragelove and the other is unqualified and unhinged,

Trump wants to curtail freedom of the press and your take on climate science is just stupid
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Can I join a Thread somewhere denouncing this racism?

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed
at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this
many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and
threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs
back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual
predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him
from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or
level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s
gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of
the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step
back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would
judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would
chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally
his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some
liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as
president elect, he has done the following:

1. Appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team

2. He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to
accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :
Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

3. Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political
advisor to the administration:
Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon,
executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s
chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an
“alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and
divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running
Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots
Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump
announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.

“There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has
been named chief strategist for the Trump Administration,” Pelosi said
in a statement Monday.

She urged Trump to bring Americans together rather than continue to “fan
the flames of division.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called Bannon’s appointment
“deeply disturbing.”

“His leadership of Breitbart, which provides a voice to radical white
supremacist groups, allegations about his comments on Jews, and charges
of domestic abuse ought to be seen as disqualifying for a role at the
White House,” Hoyer said.

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law
and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will
they get along? Very strange indeed.

4. Now, he is proposing the hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be
Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position
that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as
secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who
is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy
community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

5. He is also floating the name of Rudi Giuliani for Secretary of state
which might even be worse:
Morning Joe: If Giuliani gets Secretary of State — ‘watch everything melt down internationally’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally some sanity returning to DC and real leadership emerging.
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Can I join a Thread somewhere denouncing this racism?

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed
at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this
many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and
threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs
back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual
predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him
from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or
level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s
gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of
the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step
back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would
judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would
chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally
his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some
liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as
president elect, he has done the following:

1. Appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team

2. He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to
accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :
Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

3. Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political
advisor to the administration:
Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon,
executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s
chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an
“alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and
divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running
Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots
Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump
announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.

“There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has
been named chief strategist for the Trump Administration,” Pelosi said
in a statement Monday.

She urged Trump to bring Americans together rather than continue to “fan
the flames of division.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called Bannon’s appointment
“deeply disturbing.”

“His leadership of Breitbart, which provides a voice to radical white
supremacist groups, allegations about his comments on Jews, and charges
of domestic abuse ought to be seen as disqualifying for a role at the
White House,” Hoyer said.

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law
and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will
they get along? Very strange indeed.

4. Now, he is proposing the hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be
Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position
that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as
secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who
is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy
community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

5. He is also floating the name of Rudi Giuliani for Secretary of state
which might even be worse:
Morning Joe: If Giuliani gets Secretary of State — ‘watch everything melt down internationally’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally some sanity returning to DC and real leadership emerging.
Right just look at how the transition is going
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Can I join a Thread somewhere denouncing this racism?

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed
at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this
many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and
threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs
back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual
predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him
from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or
level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s
gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of
the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step
back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would
judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would
chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally
his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some
liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as
president elect, he has done the following:

1. Appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team

2. He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to
accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :
Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

3. Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political
advisor to the administration:
Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon,
executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s
chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an
“alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and
divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running
Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots
Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump
announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.

“There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has
been named chief strategist for the Trump Administration,” Pelosi said
in a statement Monday.

She urged Trump to bring Americans together rather than continue to “fan
the flames of division.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called Bannon’s appointment
“deeply disturbing.”

“His leadership of Breitbart, which provides a voice to radical white
supremacist groups, allegations about his comments on Jews, and charges
of domestic abuse ought to be seen as disqualifying for a role at the
White House,” Hoyer said.

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law
and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will
they get along? Very strange indeed.

4. Now, he is proposing the hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be
Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position
that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as
secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who
is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy
community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

5. He is also floating the name of Rudi Giuliani for Secretary of state
which might even be worse:
Morning Joe: If Giuliani gets Secretary of State — ‘watch everything melt down internationally’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally some sanity returning to DC and real leadership emerging.
Right just look at how the transition is going
Very smoothly with some great people being mentioned.
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Can I join a Thread somewhere denouncing this racism?

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed
at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this
many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and
threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs
back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual
predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him
from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or
level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s
gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of
the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step
back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would
judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would
chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally
his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some
liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as
president elect, he has done the following:

1. Appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team

2. He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to
accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :
Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

3. Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political
advisor to the administration:
Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon,
executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s
chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an
“alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and
divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running
Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots
Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump
announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.

“There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has
been named chief strategist for the Trump Administration,” Pelosi said
in a statement Monday.

She urged Trump to bring Americans together rather than continue to “fan
the flames of division.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called Bannon’s appointment
“deeply disturbing.”

“His leadership of Breitbart, which provides a voice to radical white
supremacist groups, allegations about his comments on Jews, and charges
of domestic abuse ought to be seen as disqualifying for a role at the
White House,” Hoyer said.

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law
and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will
they get along? Very strange indeed.

4. Now, he is proposing the hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be
Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position
that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as
secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who
is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy
community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

5. He is also floating the name of Rudi Giuliani for Secretary of state
which might even be worse:
Morning Joe: If Giuliani gets Secretary of State — ‘watch everything melt down internationally’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally some sanity returning to DC and real leadership emerging.

Here's another map which might be a harbinger of the future:

And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Can I join a Thread somewhere denouncing this racism?

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed
at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this
many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and
threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs
back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual
predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him
from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or
level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s
gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of
the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step
back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would
judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would
chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally
his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some
liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as
president elect, he has done the following:

1. Appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team

2. He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to
accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :
Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

3. Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political
advisor to the administration:
Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon,
executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s
chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an
“alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and
divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running
Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots
Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump
announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.

“There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has
been named chief strategist for the Trump Administration,” Pelosi said
in a statement Monday.

She urged Trump to bring Americans together rather than continue to “fan
the flames of division.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called Bannon’s appointment
“deeply disturbing.”

“His leadership of Breitbart, which provides a voice to radical white
supremacist groups, allegations about his comments on Jews, and charges
of domestic abuse ought to be seen as disqualifying for a role at the
White House,” Hoyer said.

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law
and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will
they get along? Very strange indeed.

4. Now, he is proposing the hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be
Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position
that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as
secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who
is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy
community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

5. He is also floating the name of Rudi Giuliani for Secretary of state
which might even be worse:
Morning Joe: If Giuliani gets Secretary of State — ‘watch everything melt down internationally’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally some sanity returning to DC and real leadership emerging.
Right just look at how the transition is going
Very smoothly with some great people being mentioned.
Apparently you don't read or hear very well, or you have some bizarre ideas about what "smooth" mean and who "great people " are
Let's see, we had a racist in the Whitehouse for 8 years and the left didn't complain. We had a sexist in the Whitehouse prior to Bush and the left didn't complain. Now all of a suddenly “ists” matter. I guess they called themselves progressives because they progressed right out of office.
Can I join a Thread somewhere denouncing this racism?

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed
at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this
many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and
threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs
back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual
predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him
from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or
level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s
gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of
the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step
back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would
judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would
chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally
his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some
liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as
president elect, he has done the following:

1. Appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team

2. He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to
accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :
Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

3. Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political
advisor to the administration:
Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon,
executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s
chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an
“alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and
divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running
Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots
Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump
announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.

“There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has
been named chief strategist for the Trump Administration,” Pelosi said
in a statement Monday.

She urged Trump to bring Americans together rather than continue to “fan
the flames of division.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called Bannon’s appointment
“deeply disturbing.”

“His leadership of Breitbart, which provides a voice to radical white
supremacist groups, allegations about his comments on Jews, and charges
of domestic abuse ought to be seen as disqualifying for a role at the
White House,” Hoyer said.

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law
and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will
they get along? Very strange indeed.

4. Now, he is proposing the hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be
Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position
that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as
secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who
is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy
community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

5. He is also floating the name of Rudi Giuliani for Secretary of state
which might even be worse:
Morning Joe: If Giuliani gets Secretary of State — ‘watch everything melt down internationally’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally some sanity returning to DC and real leadership emerging.
Right just look at how the transition is going
Very smoothly with some great people being mentioned.
Apparently you don't read or hear very well, or you have some bizarre ideas about what "smooth" mean and who "great people " are
Obviously you're a stooge lemming who swallows everything the Lame Stream Media feeds you.
OP says because Trump sticks his dick in Melania he loves Immigrants et al.

How fucking stupid. You damn right the news wont report that Lunch table bullshite lol
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Can I join a Thread somewhere denouncing this racism?

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed
at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this
many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and
threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs
back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual
predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him
from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or
level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s
gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of
the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step
back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would
judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would
chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally
his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some
liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as
president elect, he has done the following:

1. Appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team

2. He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to
accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :
Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

3. Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political
advisor to the administration:
Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon,
executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s
chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an
“alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and
divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running
Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots
Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump
announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.

“There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has
been named chief strategist for the Trump Administration,” Pelosi said
in a statement Monday.

She urged Trump to bring Americans together rather than continue to “fan
the flames of division.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called Bannon’s appointment
“deeply disturbing.”

“His leadership of Breitbart, which provides a voice to radical white
supremacist groups, allegations about his comments on Jews, and charges
of domestic abuse ought to be seen as disqualifying for a role at the
White House,” Hoyer said.

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law
and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will
they get along? Very strange indeed.

4. Now, he is proposing the hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be
Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position
that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as
secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who
is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy
community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

5. He is also floating the name of Rudi Giuliani for Secretary of state
which might even be worse:
Morning Joe: If Giuliani gets Secretary of State — ‘watch everything melt down internationally’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally some sanity returning to DC and real leadership emerging.

Here's another map which might be a harbinger of the future:


Mea culpa, this was left off of the post:
This Is How The Electoral Map Would Have Looked If Only Voters Ages 18-25 Counted
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Can I join a Thread somewhere denouncing this racism?

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed
at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this
many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and
threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs
back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual
predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him
from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or
level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s
gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of
the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step
back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would
judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would
chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally
his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some
liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.

That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as
president elect, he has done the following:

1. Appointed a climate change denier to head the EPA transition team:
Trump names proud climate-science denier to head EPA transition team

2. He has continued to disparage the press and has not allowed them to
accompany him on his plane- defying precedent :
Why A Free Press Really, Really Matters | The Huffington Post

And, by far the worst move……….

3. Appointed a white nationalist as his chief strategist and political
advisor to the administration:
Democrats Decry Bannon Pick: No Place In The White House For A 'White Nationalist' | The Huffington Post

Democrats raised alarms Monday over the naming of Steve Bannon,
executive chairman at Breitbart News, as President-elect Donald Trump’s
chief strategist and senior counselor.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the pick an
“alarming signal” that Trump “remains committed to the hateful and
divisive vision that defined his campaign.”

Bannon, known for his white nationalist views, took a break from running
Brietbart ― which has published headlines like “Racist, Pro-Nazi Roots
Of Planned Parenthood Revealed” ― to help run Trump’s campaign. Trump
announced Bannon’s new position on Sunday.

“There must be no sugarcoating the reality that a white nationalist has
been named chief strategist for the Trump Administration,” Pelosi said
in a statement Monday.

She urged Trump to bring Americans together rather than continue to “fan
the flames of division.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) called Bannon’s appointment
“deeply disturbing.”

“His leadership of Breitbart, which provides a voice to radical white
supremacist groups, allegations about his comments on Jews, and charges
of domestic abuse ought to be seen as disqualifying for a role at the
White House,” Hoyer said.

As a side note, one has to wonder how this will set with his son in law
and influential advisor, and who is also an Orthodox Jew.? How will
they get along? Very strange indeed.

4. Now, he is proposing the hawkish and controversial John Bolton to be
Secretary of State, a nomination that flies in the face of this position
that he has taken on wanting to improve relations with Russia:

Donald Trump Leaning Toward Extreme Militant John Bolton As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump is leaning toward naming as
secretary of state John Bolton, a bellicose enemy of Russia and Iran who
is among the most hawkish members of the Republican foreign policy
community, according to two sources familiar with Trump’s thinking.

5. He is also floating the name of Rudi Giuliani for Secretary of state
which might even be worse:
Morning Joe: If Giuliani gets Secretary of State — ‘watch everything melt down internationally’

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally some sanity returning to DC and real leadership emerging.

Here's another map which might be a harbinger of the future:


Mea culpa, this was left off of the post:
This Is How The Electoral Map Would Have Looked If Only Voters Ages 18-25 Counted

And if your Aunt had balls, she would be your Uncle.

People usually get more conservative as they get older. Your map is meaningless.
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Kids have been chanting racist slogans in school hallways for months. Why do you only now express concern? I guess it was different when it was tenfold, and the slogan was " black lives matter"... Color me shocked!

When they are doing it while carrying Trump/Pence signs….what conclusion do you draw? Enquiring minds want to know.

Not a good quality picture…here is another one:


Time to blame the media for publishing the images I suppose.
And kids are walking through the hall shouting "white power" in Pennsylvania high schools.
Kids have been chanting racist slogans in school hallways for months. Why do you only now express concern? I guess it was different when it was tenfold, and the slogan was " black lives matter"... Color me shocked!

When they are doing it while carrying Trump/Pence signs….what conclusion do you draw? Enquiring minds want to know.

Not a good quality picture…here is another one:


Time to blame the media for publishing the images I suppose.
Don't change the subject. Replace trump/pence signs with BLM signs and shirts, then proceed with answering the question. Where were you with your outrage?

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