The real reason Trump is bringing these bogus voter fraud law suits.

Clearly the Trump haters want to put this evidence under the rug hoping to just push him aside claiming Biden won. Still lots of time for President Trump to make his case. The evidence is mounting as we speak. It's definitely good for him not to concede right now.
The lawsuits are bullshit. They are being laughed out of court because Trumo can’t bring any evidence of voter fraud.

Forget the lawsuits. Fully audit the battleground States before the results are certified. Why would any reasonable person object?
Why didn't we do that in 2016?

Because you thought the Russia lie was going to save you.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.
^ That would only work if the election fraud were so bad,
that there was a CLEAR winner who was defrauded.
And this drastic measure was taken to restore that person's winning majority.

But here, the race is basically 50/50
About 50% of the popular vote nationally (over 70 million votes each)
50/50 split of the States (25 to 25)
And 50/50 split votes WITHIN the states (some are 40/60 but they seem to average out with the other states)

The most I could see them getting away with is
using these ways to adjust the vote to get a
50/50 tie in the Electoral College, 269 to 269,
(by either splitting votes or abstaining in contested states
so NOBODY receives 270 votes).

Then if nobody gets 270, the House
and Senate can vote, where I would recommend
voting for both Biden and Trump so the
whole nation is represented, and all states
and parties instead of settling for 50%.

Here's the breakdown showing how
both candidates could receive 269 electoral votes
if the contested states SPLIT their votes
so each candidate gets their proportional percentage
regardless if the count is off by less than a 1% margin.

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Clearly the Trump haters want to put this evidence under the rug hoping to just push him aside claiming Biden won. Still lots of time for President Trump to make his case. The evidence is mounting as we speak. It's definitely good for him not to concede right now.
The lawsuits are bullshit. They are being laughed out of court because Trumo can’t bring any evidence of voter fraud.

Forget the lawsuits. Fully audit the battleground States before the results are certified. Why would any reasonable person object?
So what does it mean to certify the winner?

Elections are certified once every vote is counted and all outstanding legal issues are sorted. There is a deadline for this, and it varies by state. Most states must be done by the end of November.

When they're done counting, cities and counties report their final results up to the state.

The lawsuits have no merit. They are meant for delay purposes only.

Have you actually read any of the lawsuits, in detail?
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

And who do you think you are kidding? If Biden were in the same boat Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.

Still under investigation there shit for brains. Wonder what Michigan will find??

Oh and who do you think you're kidding? If Biden were in the position Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Carry on dumbass.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.

Still under investigation there shit for brains. Wonder what Michigan will find??

Oh and who do you think your kidding? If Biden were in the position Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Carry on dumbass.
Hey dumbshit, Trump has yet to produce any evidence of voter fraud. He has nothing. Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and come up for some air. Your brain obviously needs oxygen.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.

Still under investigation there shit for brains. Wonder what Michigan will find??

Oh and who do you think your kidding? If Biden were in the position Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Carry on dumbass.
Hey dumbshit, Trump has yet to produce any evidence of voter fraud. He has nothing. Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and come up for some air. Your brain obviously needs oxygen.

bWAHAHAH...GET A GRIP. There is evidence of voter fraud all over the place hence why electoral votes and regular votes are being taken away from Biden.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.

Still under investigation there shit for brains. Wonder what Michigan will find??

Oh and who do you think your kidding? If Biden were in the position Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Carry on dumbass.
Hey dumbshit, Trump has yet to produce any evidence of voter fraud. He has nothing. Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and come up for some air. Your brain obviously needs oxygen.

Investigations are just starting there dumbass. Oh and as I said if Biden were in the same boats Trump your tune would change big time.

Wonder just what Michigan investigators will find?? Should be interesting
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.

Still under investigation there shit for brains. Wonder what Michigan will find??

Oh and who do you think your kidding? If Biden were in the position Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Carry on dumbass.
Hey dumbshit, Trump has yet to produce any evidence of voter fraud. He has nothing. Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and come up for some air. Your brain obviously needs oxygen.

bWAHAHAH...GET A GRIP. There is evidence of voter fraud all over the place hence why electoral votes and regular votes are being taken away from Biden.
Voter fraud is a lie and that is why Trump has yet to produce any evidence of it.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.
The Supreme Court has already accepted the first lawsuit and gave orders to the state of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has ordered a complete audit of the 2020 election.
I'm not calling you a liar, but I can't find a single story that lines up with what you're saying. On the other hand, I can find a few that says the GOP House is asking for a full audit... which is not the same thing.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.

Still under investigation there shit for brains. Wonder what Michigan will find??

Oh and who do you think your kidding? If Biden were in the position Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Carry on dumbass.
Hey dumbshit, Trump has yet to produce any evidence of voter fraud. He has nothing. Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and come up for some air. Your brain obviously needs oxygen.

Investigations are just starting there dumbass. Oh and as I said if Biden were in the same boats Trump your tune would change big time.

Wonder just what Michigan investigators will find?? Should be interesting
Trump has found nothing and will find nothing because there is nothing.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.

Still under investigation there shit for brains. Wonder what Michigan will find??

Oh and who do you think your kidding? If Biden were in the position Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Carry on dumbass.
Hey dumbshit, Trump has yet to produce any evidence of voter fraud. He has nothing. Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and come up for some air. Your brain obviously needs oxygen.

bWAHAHAH...GET A GRIP. There is evidence of voter fraud all over the place hence why electoral votes and regular votes are being taken away from Biden.
Voter fraud is a lie and that is why Trump has yet to produce any evidence of it.
Again, I didn't say anything about Trump--------

Trump is appealing to the election boards and courts---who are now taking away bidens votes so I am going to go out on a limb and your freudian slip and say that the evidence must be there.
I believe these things take time to work through the courts dont they ?
If there is undeniable evidence, Im sure it will be coming soon to a theater near you. ;)
Last edited:
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.

Still under investigation there shit for brains. Wonder what Michigan will find??

Oh and who do you think your kidding? If Biden were in the position Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Carry on dumbass.
Hey dumbshit, Trump has yet to produce any evidence of voter fraud. He has nothing. Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and come up for some air. Your brain obviously needs oxygen.

Investigations are just starting there dumbass. Oh and as I said if Biden were in the same boats Trump your tune would change big time.

Wonder just what Michigan investigators will find?? Should be interesting
Trump has found nothing and will find nothing because there is nothing.

I'm sure you hope there is nothing but a lot of fishy shit happened during this election and I hope investigators find evidence. I'm sure you do as well cause and honest person like yourself would hate for an election to be stolen.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.
For more than four years Trump and his supporters have exhibited nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people – they’re not going to stop doing that now. guys are so naive.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.
For more than four years Trump and his supporters have exhibited nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people – they’re not going to stop doing that now. guys are so naive.

That they are and they are hoping and praying the investigators find nothing.
Most, if not all, of these bogus voter fraud lawsuits currently being brought by the Trump campaign and the GOP are being or will be dismissed by the courts. Trump’s lawyers know these law suits are not worth the paper they are printed on. The only people who believe this lawsuit trash are Trump’s supporters themselves. No surprise there as most have no self identity apart from Trump.

So why the bullshit lawsuits?

Ben Ginsberg, a prominent GOP election lawyer, suggested on 60 Minutes that the legal strategy could be a bid to delay the certification of election results, which could give the Trump campaign an opening to pursue strategies like asking GOP-majority legislatures to override the will of the voters and appoint electors themselves.

In other words, if Trump can not win the election on the popular vote or even in the electoral college, he will cheat and overturn the will of the people in the most blatant attempt to subvert American democracy in history.

Nothing bogus about them. Hell Michigan is investigating what happened in their State and I hope every one of the other states does the same.

Way to many fishy things happened in the election and it all stemmed from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.

Tough shit if you don't like it. I think its a great idea. Investigate and let the results speak for themselves.
Trump’s lawsuits are all bullshit. The legal community knows it. The judges know it as his lawsuits are being tossed out quicker than used toilet paper.

LOL Kinda funny the State of Michigan is doing its own investigation. I hope every one of those States does the same.

Only someone brain dead wouldn't realize there was all kinds of fishy shit going on during this election and it all stems from the mail in votes the Dems pushed for.
Only someone brain dead would not wonder why Trump’s lawsuits are being dismissed and why Trump has not produced any evidence of voter fraud in court.

Still under investigation there shit for brains. Wonder what Michigan will find??

Oh and who do you think your kidding? If Biden were in the position Trump is in you would be screaming election fraud at the top of your lungs and you know it.

Carry on dumbass.
Hey dumbshit, Trump has yet to produce any evidence of voter fraud. He has nothing. Get your friggin head out of Trump’s ass and come up for some air. Your brain obviously needs oxygen.

bWAHAHAH...GET A GRIP. There is evidence of voter fraud all over the place hence why electoral votes and regular votes are being taken away from Biden.
Voter fraud is a lie and that is why Trump has yet to produce any evidence of it.
Again, I didn't say anything about Trump--------

Trump is appealing to the election boards and courts---who are now taking away bidens votes so I am going to go out on a limb and your freudian slip and say that the evidence must be there.
Who is taking away votes? where? also where is Michigan investigating anything.

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