Dominion Voting Systems President Explains Software Snafu


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It's amazing what one can find when they have time on their hands (thanks to the Stasi here). Seems problems happened in Canada for some time, this is from 6 years ago. Same CEO today 6 years later. Good for him. He must be important. I'd share this on social media, but they shadowban me.

Enjoy our software in your federal elections. CEO, when asked in this radio interview "do you know who changed the software?" "No I don't". Will you guys ask the same questions and get the same answer?

I don't trust online poker software, I certainly wouldn't trust software for an election of ANY kind. You wouldn't need an army to control a nation if you control their software.

Third-party software may be behind the counting glitch. John Polous is the president and CEO of Dominion Voting Systems, the company that supplied the tabulator voting machines in last week's election

From a second article, when citizens in N.B questioned the results from that election:

Nearly all agree: A “fiasco” it was, “confusion” reigned and “technical glitches” explain the strangeness of election night results from New Brunswick’s “vote tabulation system.” Or, rather, from voting machines developed and serviced by Dominion Voting Systems Corporation, a Denver, Colorado-based, self-described “election partner.” Is it just me, or does “election partner” not sound sinister? No one on network television news wanted to go there. After all, suggestions of conspiracy and election rigging are too far Out There. Television talking heads insisted that New Brunswick’s vote tabulation system is “secure,” and kept repeating it, so as to make it true.

in recognition of the folly and danger of using corporate-owned and operated voting machines – Ireland banned them outright and that Germany, Japan, Canada and Switzerland were all – then – using paper ballots.

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