The Ranting Of Our Delusional President

What liberal extremist worth their weight in Rubles could not say with a straight face Hillary would have been a much 'better' President?!
Who knows, who cares? The fact remains she would have been a much better POTUS for the US. I for one am grateful the Electoral College appointed Trump, he is much better for the rest of us. Thank you for your sacrifice.
What liberal extremist worth their weight in Rubles could not say with a straight face Hillary would have been a much 'better' President?!
Who knows, who cares? The fact remains she would have been a much better POTUS for the US. I for one am grateful the Electoral College appointed Trump, he is much better for the rest of us. Thank you for your sacrifice.

I’m curious...How are Kiwi’s benefiting from Trumps presidency?
Who knows, who cares? The fact remains she would have been a much better POTUS for the US. I for one am grateful the Electoral College appointed Trump, he is much better for the rest of us. Thank you for your sacrifice.
I respectfully disagree with your opinion that Hillary Clinton - the woman who sold out the United States to the Russians for $145 million...and to anyone else who would pay her, who abandoned 4 Americans to needlessly die at the hands of the terrorists she helped arm / support in an Un-Constitutional war, who jeopardized national security, who committed thousands of criminal acts, who has engaged in treason / Conspiracy to overthrow the Democratically elected President for her own benefit, and whose agenda / plan for the US as President was nothing more than 'Obama 2.0' and continuing to run the Clinton Foundation from the Oval office - would have made a better President.

WHAT in the world gives you the opinion that she would have made a better President?

Former FBI Director Comey declared to the world that she was so stupid she had no idea she was breaking laws and jeopardizing national security - his excuse for not recommending she be indicted.

Under her 'leadership and direction' as Secretary of State:
- The US helped terrorists Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our allies, Egypt

- The US helped AL QAEDA - the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01...and 4 more on 9/11/12...take over their own country by dragging the US Un-Constitutionally into a war in Syria, where she and the Nobel Peace Prize winner helped Al Qaeda murder Libya's leader and take over.

- The US allowed ISIS to freely flow back into Afghanistan, after which US and Afghan Troops had to retake a lot of Afghanistan already freed earlier at great cost.

- The US Un-Constitutionally INVADED SYRIA, once again being dragged into ANOTHER war without Congressional approval to do so, to help ISIS attempt to kill / overthrow Syria's leader, Al-Assad.

- The US negotiated Obama's Un-Constitutional personal one-sided Iran-benefitting 'Treaty' with the leading exporter of terrorism in the world after every other nation's negotiators had walked away from the table because the deal sucked so badly...

- The US completely ignored North Korea, who not only was allowed to grow its nuclear weapons program but was also allowed to acquire ICBMs capable of reaching US bases / territory with its nuclear weapons...

- The US was forced to pay ransoms to terrorists for US hostages - 1st for deserter Bo Bergdahl and then to Iran, because Barry was too gutless to demand the release of US hostages be part of the Barry-Iran 'Treaty'...

- She could not even handle the 'LITTLE' things: When she attempted to kiss Russian ass by presenting a Russian Ambassador with a cheap wooden / plastic plaque resembling a 'Reset' button, supposedly to signify the 'resetting of our relationship - since she and Barry laughed at the idea Russia was a threat to the U.S., she f*ed that up and embarrassed the US - she presented him with the 'button'...except the plague on it did not say 'Reset' in said 'OVER-CHARGE' (which must have been what the Russians were thinking after giving Hillary $145 million only for her to lose the much fr all that 'influence' money for when she would become President...)

Again, though, how could a woman so stupid as to NOT know giving people who had no security clearance access to information, according to Obama, 'so classified that it can not be released in any format because to do so would cause grave damage to our national security' by a good President? How could someone who SUCKED as the head of an agency, who willingly abandoned Americans to die then threw them under the bus and lied to their families, be expected to have been a good President?

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