The Queen of England bitch slaps Obama

Aren’t you a Twitter supporter? Do you care that trump has no class? Maybe he can show you how classy he is by grabbing your pussy. You can do that when your famous. Don’t you know?

I am not a faggot like you and reads Twitter.
And I was talking to Gracie. Bet she’s a trump fan who doesn’t care obama was one of the classiest coolest presidents ever and trump is flat out vulgar

Obama was the biggest pussy president we have ever had besides Jimmy Carter sissy boi
You DO realize that this is part of a ribbing that Obama and the Queen are doing with each other in good fun over the upcoming games, right?

And..............fwiw................Obama started it.
That's right. The Queen of England is always looking to get into a "ribbing" battle with someone.
Get off the pipe asshole!
The FACT is the Queen detests the BONOBOS and always has. When 'MO' wore a fucking 'slave belt' to a Royal dinner the Queen had 'MO's seat burned later.
When the BONOBOs visited the Queen she later had the fucking furniture they sat on BURNED!!!!!!
She and her husband actually came out of Windsor Castle to greet the Obama's on the lawn when their helicopter landed. That was a special sign of respect and friendship.

It's important for the reflexive Obama-haters to believe that everyone hates Obama as much as they do. That's more important to them than any "reality" that you could point out.
You could replace the name Obama with Trump............right?

How does England feel about trump?

How does great Britain feel about Theresa Mays?

Hint her poll numbers are worse then Trump's

Do you think the queen likes trump? Imagine if she didn’t. Would you give two shits? Be honest

What does that even mean you ignoramus?

The queen doesn't run England the prime minister does Theresa Mays

God you are stupid

But you were so happy the queen dropped the mic on obama. Now you don’t care England hates trump? Remember the un vote? The world hates us because you nationalists won. New nazis. England’s dealing with it too

England is "dealing" with hundreds of thousands of muslims who want to turn England into another muslim shithole country. And they are accomplishing their goal. What the Germans tried to do twice the muslims are doing without firing a shot.
The "world" has hated the US since the forming of the League Of Nations.
They hated the US when fucking Jimmy Carter was President for fuck sake!
Everyone hates America but will do ANYTHING to move to America.
How does England feel about trump?

How does great Britain feel about Theresa Mays?

Hint her poll numbers are worse then Trump's
Do you think the queen likes trump? Imagine if she didn’t. Would you give two shits? Be honest

What does that even mean you ignoramus?

The queen doesn't run England the prime minister does Theresa Mays

God you are stupid
But you were so happy the queen dropped the mic on obama. Now you don’t care England hates trump? Remember the un vote? The world hates us because you nationalists won. New nazis. England’s dealing with it too
England is "dealing" with hundreds of thousands of muslims who want to turn England into another muslim shithole country. And they are accomplishing their goal. What the Germans tried to do twice the muslims are doing without firing a shot.
The "world" has hated the US since the forming of the League Of Nations.
They hated the US when fucking Jimmy Carter was President for fuck sake!
Everyone hates America but will do ANYTHING to move to America.
Then in 2021 don’t tell us the queen dropped the mic on president michelle obama or oprah
ZomboMeme 29122017021602.jpg

So you once again admit Trump is a blue collar guy and not an elite new Jersey snob like you..

Notice the spin kelly Ann Conway or fat ass huckabee puts on it?

Notice how you are a woman hater ..
Yes we know faggot she is cute

Adorable picture of her..says a thousand words how smart she is and how precious she is


So you once again admit Trump is a blue collar guy and not an elite new Jersey snob like you..


Trump is a thrice married philanderer with a former call girl for a wife

And your a little prick elite new jerseys twat.

You do know we hate you as much as people in California right?


Do you think that anyone cares who you "hate", fuckwit?

You are welcome to hate California and New York with all of your heart. Gather all that spite and hatred, and let it consume you. You know what that will get you?

Nothing at all, fuckwit.

No one cares about your opinion. New York, New Jersey and California will continue to be more important that East Bumblefuck, Alabama (or where ever the fuck you live), and that won't change, no matter how much it makes you butthurt.

We'll continue to make more money than you, live better than you, have more culture than you, and for all intents and purposes, be more influential in the world more than you.

So you once again admit Trump is a blue collar guy and not an elite new Jersey snob like you..


Trump is a thrice married philanderer with a former call girl for a wife

And your a little prick elite new jerseys twat.

You do know we hate you as much as people in California right?
Hurt your feelings Snowflake?

So you once again admit Trump is a blue collar guy and not an elite new Jersey snob like you..


Trump is a thrice married philanderer with a former call girl for a wife

And your a little prick elite new jerseys twat.

You do know we hate you as much as people in California right?


Do you think that anyone cares who you "hate", fuckwit?

You are welcome to hate California and New York with all of your heart. Gather all that spite and hatred, and let it consume you. You know what that will get you?

Nothing at all, fuckwit.

No one cares about your opinion. New York, New Jersey and California will continue to be more important that East Bumblefuck, Alabama (or where ever the fuck you live), and that won't change, no matter how much it makes you butthurt.

We'll continue to make more money than you, live better than you, have more culture than you, and for all intents and purposes, be more influential in the world more than you.

Guess what sunshine the rest of the country despises you elite pricks, you do know that right ?

We can't stand you fuckers that don't go by the constitution and have your god damn sanctuary cities and states ...

So you once again admit Trump is a blue collar guy and not an elite new Jersey snob like you..


Trump is a thrice married philanderer with a former call girl for a wife

And your a little prick elite new jerseys twat.

You do know we hate you as much as people in California right?
Hurt your feelings Snowflake?

How did you hurt my feelings powder puff?


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