The purpose of the anti-white, anti-American sentiment being pushed in schools is reparations


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
It’s should be obvious, but the left is pushing the CRT lie that America is and remains a systemically racist country to effect a massive redistribution of wealth from whites, who earned that money, to blacks, who did not.

A perfect example is the Wokeness School District of Loudoun Country, one of the richest and educated counties in the country, whose school board hired a consultant to “find” racism. All he could come up with was a lousy 1% difference is graduation rates - something like 96% of whites graduate from high school in this very wealthy county, compared to 95% of blacks - and thus declared it a sign of widespread racism. The next step was to hire a consultant to develop a coaching program to help teachers deal with their awful “Whiteness” and understand their privilege, and how the black kids in their classes are oppressed, blah, blah, blah.

Now. To the topic of reparations as the end-goal of this lie: At the same time, Loudoun County is studying the issue of reparations. Ah-ha! THAT is why they need the fake cry of racism, and that is also why they are brainwashing teachers about it.

So get ready, Loudoun. The wealthy, high-earning whites may one day soon have their money redistributed to the wealthy, high-earning blacks who live there. Because racism.

It’s should be obvious, but the left is pushing the CRT lie that America is and remains a systemically racist country to effect a massive redistribution of wealth from whites, who earned that money, to blacks, who did not.

A perfect example is the Wokeness School District of Loudoun Country, one of the richest and educated counties in the country, whose school board hired a consultant to “find” racism. All he could come up with was a lousy 1% difference is graduation rates - something like 96% of whites graduate from high school in this very wealthy county, compared to 95% of blacks - and thus declared it a sign of widespread racism. The next step was to hire a consultant to develop a coaching program to help teachers deal with their awful “Whiteness” and understand their privilege, and how the black kids in their classes are oppressed, blah, blah, blah.

Now. To the topic of reparations as the end-goal of this lie: At the same time, Loudoun County is studying the issue of reparations. Ah-ha! THAT is why they need the fake cry of racism, and that is also why they are brainwashing teachers about it.

So get ready, Loudoun. The wealthy, high-earning whites may one day soon have their money redistributed to the wealthy, high-earning blacks who live there. Because racism.

I do not blame blacks for wanting everything free ......that is just their nature....the whites that go along with that nonsense and there are a lot of them that do so out of misguided reasoning...aka doormat Christians, liberals seeking moral superiority with the mistaken belied they can attain it by helping Negroes, radicals who want to destroy America etc. and so on and so forth aka stupidity motivated by ignorance and the net result is a society so clueless they deserve what they will get and it is not going to be pretty....the only ones who I pity are the children who will suffer for the sins and ignorance of their fathers.
It’s should be obvious, but the left is pushing the CRT lie that America is and remains a systemically racist country to effect a massive redistribution of wealth from whites, who earned that money, to blacks, who did not.

A perfect example is the Wokeness School District of Loudoun Country, one of the richest and educated counties in the country, whose school board hired a consultant to “find” racism. All he could come up with was a lousy 1% difference is graduation rates - something like 96% of whites graduate from high school in this very wealthy county, compared to 95% of blacks - and thus declared it a sign of widespread racism. The next step was to hire a consultant to develop a coaching program to help teachers deal with their awful “Whiteness” and understand their privilege, and how the black kids in their classes are oppressed, blah, blah, blah.

Now. To the topic of reparations as the end-goal of this lie: At the same time, Loudoun County is studying the issue of reparations. Ah-ha! THAT is why they need the fake cry of racism, and that is also why they are brainwashing teachers about it.

So get ready, Loudoun. The wealthy, high-earning whites may one day soon have their money redistributed to the wealthy, high-earning blacks who live there. Because racism.

Dig a little deeper. This isn't a race issue but a groupies issue of who can be stirred the easiest to get a desired outcome by those who hate those who have liberty.

Blacks who are too fucking lazy to get a job and earn their own money should go back to Africa and leach off the descendents of the black assholes who sold their ancestors into slavery. If their are any reparations due, beg the Africans to pay them.

We don't owe blacks shit. They should be kissing our feet for allowing their worthless, stinking, troublemaking asses into this great country.
I do not blame blacks for wanting everything free ......that is just their nature....the whites that go along with that nonsense and there are a lot of them that do so out of misguided reasoning...aka doormat Christians, liberals seeking moral superiority with the mistaken belied they can attain it by helping Negroes, radicals who want to destroy America etc. and so on and so forth aka stupidity motivated by ignorance and the net result is a society so clueless they deserve what they will get and it is not going to be pretty....the only ones who I pity are the children who will suffer for the sins and ignorance of their fathers.

Well by nature blacks mostly just want free shit. But they also love this nonsense because it allows them to be the victim. No one plays the victim more than blacks. "Yeah I smoked crack, committed armed robbery, fled from the cops, and when I shot at them they shot back because they are racist!" And so on. Blacks on the whole have always acted like bad citizens and then blame everyone else on their faults, lies, crimes and shitty lifestyle they live.

Yes the kids will suffer for this, and so will all of America and decent American citizens.
A good portion of blacks do NOT want to steal money from whites under the guise of “reparations.” They know it is punishes whites who did no wrong and rewards blacks who are not oppressed. Certainly the blacks in wealthy Loudoun County, with graduate degrees, professional careers, and $800,000 houses are not oppressed - but this batshit crazy leftist county is wringing it’s hands over the poor, downtrodden blacks in their midst to whom they want to give “white” money.

It is largely the self-loathing leftist whites driving this entire race-based division with their lies of systemic racism, nonsense classes and books on how to deal with “whiteness,” the false narrative about police shooting blacks, the ridiculous “equity” goal about equal outcomes, and so forth.
If anybody should get reparations$$$, it is WHITES, who were victimized by Affirmative Action, wrongly and racistly deprived of college educations, college financial aid for those who did get in, jobs, job promotions, business loans, etc.

Those reparations$$ would have to be enormous, to compensate for the loss of millions$$, from the whole lifetimes of millions of whites, over 57 years.
If anybody should get reparations$$$, it is WHITES, who were victimized by Affirmative Action, wrongly and racistly deprived of college educations, college financial aid for those who did get in, jobs, job promotions, business loans, etc.

Those reparations$$ would have to be enormous, to compensate for the loss of millions$$, from the whole lifetimes of millions of whites, over 57 years.
This is especially true of Jews! My father had the TOP test score in math and SECOND TOP score in English among all high school students in his major East Coast not (not just his high school of 2,000 students by ALL students - more than 200,000 - throughout the city), and was still rejected by almost every prestigious university. There was a hard quota on Jews - too many of them already, the liberals schools insisted. Racism and bigotry is nothing new with leftists.

To your broader point, about whites in general, you are absolutely correct. Students of color with much lower grades and scores than whites get into prestigious graduate program - and in fact admission tests are rewritten to ”dumb down” the questions so that blacks score as well as whites. (Happened with the MCAT.)

As far as jobs, also true. If one lives in a liberal town, one needs to be TWICE as qualified to beat out a POC for a job or promotion. And it’s getting worse rapidly. I wrote elsewhere on this forum how I overheard a conversation between two blacks, where one was encouraging the other to apply for a promotion. When she said she didn’t qualify, the other guy said it didn’t matter: she was a shoe-in because she was black!
If anybody should get reparations$$$, it is WHITES, who were victimized by Affirmative Action, wrongly and racistly deprived of college educations, college financial aid for those who did get in, jobs, job promotions, business loans, etc.

Those reparations$$ would have to be enormous, to compensate for the loss of millions$$, from the whole lifetimes of millions of whites, over 57 years.
That is some stupid shit right there.
Any real considerations for "reparations" is a long way off, if ever. The democrats shot themselves in the ass with all the prog bullshit the Xiden admin is pushing. Voters have seen more than enough to know that is not the direction they want the US to go in.
Any real considerations for "reparations" is a long way off, if ever. The democrats shot themselves in the ass with all the prog bullshit the Xiden admin is pushing. Voters have seen more than enough to know that is not the direction they want the US to go in.
Then why are the leftists in Loudoun talking about reparations for the “oppressed” blacks in their county - you know, the wealthiest county in the country where blacks, like whites, have grad degrees, six-figure incomes, and $800,000 homes? Are they truly that dumb? blind?
It’s should be obvious, but the left is pushing the CRT lie that America is and remains a systemically racist country to effect a massive redistribution of wealth from whites, who earned that money, to blacks, who did not.

A perfect example is the Wokeness School District of Loudoun Country, one of the richest and educated counties in the country, whose school board hired a consultant to “find” racism. All he could come up with was a lousy 1% difference is graduation rates - something like 96% of whites graduate from high school in this very wealthy county, compared to 95% of blacks - and thus declared it a sign of widespread racism. The next step was to hire a consultant to develop a coaching program to help teachers deal with their awful “Whiteness” and understand their privilege, and how the black kids in their classes are oppressed, blah, blah, blah.

Now. To the topic of reparations as the end-goal of this lie: At the same time, Loudoun County is studying the issue of reparations. Ah-ha! THAT is why they need the fake cry of racism, and that is also why they are brainwashing teachers about it.

So get ready, Loudoun. The wealthy, high-earning whites may one day soon have their money redistributed to the wealthy, high-earning blacks who live there. Because racism.

The United States is a racist country. That is largely because Republicans run so much of it. During the civil war, Virginia was the capitol of the Confederacy. Now we have a new confederacy which is racist. It's capitol is in Texas. The United States has done many shameful things. Yet you want to ignore this. White men are desperately trying to hold power even though their numbers are shrinking.
Blacks who are too fucking lazy to get a job and earn their own money should go back to Africa and leach off the descendents of the black assholes who sold their ancestors into slavery. If their are any reparations due, beg the Africans to pay them.

We don't owe blacks shit. They should be kissing our feet for allowing their worthless, stinking, troublemaking asses into this great country.
Yes. It is Marxist indoctrination….EXACTLY LIKE CASTRO DID IN CUBA.

Through the schools.

The Republicans are fascist pigs. Wisconsin Republicans want to ban the word equity from schools. Texas has removed minorities and women from their history curriculum. White students were part of a snapchat group that discussed how much they could get if they put up their black classmates up for sale in a slave auction.
I do not blame blacks for wanting everything free ......that is just their nature....the whites that go along with that nonsense and there are a lot of them that do so out of misguided reasoning...aka doormat Christians, liberals seeking moral superiority with the mistaken belied they can attain it by helping Negroes, radicals who want to destroy America etc. and so on and so forth aka stupidity motivated by ignorance and the net result is a society so clueless they deserve what they will get and it is not going to be pretty....the only ones who I pity are the children who will suffer for the sins and ignorance of their fathers.

It is Trump Republicans who are destroying this country. They want to turn this country into a dictatorship run by white males. They are the source of all this country's woes.
The United States is a racist country. That is largely because Republicans run so much of it. During the civil war, Virginia was the capitol of the Confederacy. Now we have a new confederacy which is racist. It's capitol is in Texas. The United States has done many shameful things. Yet you want to ignore this. White men are desperately trying to hold power even though their numbers are shrinking.

Another brain-washed liberal, with disdain for white men. Ironic how liberals complain that Republicans are racist while simultaneously expressing hostility toward other people, based on their race.
It is Trump Republicans who are destroying this country. They want to turn this country into a dictatorship run by white males. They are the source of all this country's woes.
The country is being destroyed by liberals: suppressing talented and capable people, encouraging others not to work and just get freebies, basically casting tens of millions of decent people as the enemy because they won’t submit to liberalism, importing as many COVID-infected migrants as they can, and indoctrinating children to think whites are all racists and blacks are all oppressed victims.
The United States is a racist country. That is largely because Republicans run so much of it. During the civil war, Virginia was the capitol of the Confederacy. Now we have a new confederacy which is racist. It's capitol is in Texas. The United States has done many shameful things. Yet you want to ignore this. White men are desperately trying to hold power even though their numbers are shrinking.
You think spewing that bullshit buys you some imaginary 'virtue'?

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