The President Speaks Of Hope For The Future

The video in post # 461 is self explanatory, doubter.
Even though your video exposes you for the moron you are

Why don't you try to prove you are not a moron by explaining why a persons religion would be relevant?
If you're satisfied having a Muslim for president who hates America then you appear to be the moron.

You do realize that anyone who claims Obama is a Muslim is, by definition, a moron?
One big selling point about Obama in 2008 was his Muslim background. You know that so why play stupid.

News to me

I thought it was Republicans using "Hussein" in every sentence that were reminding us of his Muslim background
Sounds like the words of a wise man

Too bad your demi god didn't write them and too bad he's busy spying on us all, lying about it, then comming clean by tossing someone else under the bus... Only to later read a speech about how we're all freedom loving...

Fuck you make the left look gullible and ignorant RW, lol.

Ike wrote of my favorite Republicans along with Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt
The video in post # 461 is self explanatory, doubter.
Even though your video exposes you for the moron you are

Why don't you try to prove you are not a moron by explaining why a persons religion would be relevant?
If you're satisfied having a Muslim for president who hates America then you appear to be the moron.

You do realize that anyone who claims Obama is a Muslim is, by definition, a moron?
One big selling point about Obama in 2008 was his Muslim background. You know that so why play stupid.

News to me

I thought it was Republicans using "Hussein" in every sentence that were reminding us of his Muslim background
Well, it is a Muslim name. What's the problem?
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

I'm sure you were enthralled from such hollow words.
The exact opposite of what BHO stands for.

Why so?
The first thing JFK did was ask congress to cut taxes.
I would support going back to the tax rate of JFK........would you?

You support JKF cutting rates by about 1/3??????

Better than that!

I support going back to the tax rates of 1962

So why don't Democrat run on a 65% Tax rate? maybe Liz Warren will??
The video in post # 461 is self explanatory, doubter.
Even though your video exposes you for the moron you are

Why don't you try to prove you are not a moron by explaining why a persons religion would be relevant?
If you're satisfied having a Muslim for president who hates America then you appear to be the moron.

You do realize that anyone who claims Obama is a Muslim is, by definition, a moron?
One big selling point about Obama in 2008 was his Muslim background. You know that so why play stupid.

News to me

I thought it was Republicans using "Hussein" in every sentence that were reminding us of his Muslim background

Isn't that part of his name? if he didn't it said he should of changed it I guess... we had George Herbert Bush and George Walker Bush
you people have gone completely stupid with this man/child/hater Obama
Even though your video exposes you for the moron you are

Why don't you try to prove you are not a moron by explaining why a persons religion would be relevant?
If you're satisfied having a Muslim for president who hates America then you appear to be the moron.

You do realize that anyone who claims Obama is a Muslim is, by definition, a moron?
One big selling point about Obama in 2008 was his Muslim background. You know that so why play stupid.

News to me

I thought it was Republicans using "Hussein" in every sentence that were reminding us of his Muslim background

Isn't that part of his name? if he didn't it said he should of changed it I guess... we had George Herbert Bush and George Walker Bush
you people have gone completely stupid with this man/child/hater Obama

I never saw a Democrat post George Walker Bush ...did you?
The first thing JFK did was ask congress to cut taxes.
I would support going back to the tax rate of JFK........would you?

You support JKF cutting rates by about 1/3??????

Better than that!

I support going back to the tax rates of 1962

So why don't Democrat run on a 65% Tax rate? maybe Liz Warren will??

I'm in

65% for one percenters would mean almost no taxes for anyone else

JFK knew his stuff
The first thing JFK did was ask congress to cut taxes.
I would support going back to the tax rate of JFK........would you?

You support JKF cutting rates by about 1/3??????

Better than that!

I support going back to the tax rates of 1962

So why don't Democrat run on a 65% Tax rate? maybe Liz Warren will??

I'm in

65% for one percenters would mean almost no taxes for anyone else

JFK knew his stuff

LOL. Sure, it will.

Sure it will.
They didn't call him "no drama Obama" in college for nothing. They are just cleverly put together words possibly authored by former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers who is alleged to have ghost written Barry Hussein's bio. They are just words to Obama. The man has no soul.

So, you think the quotes are actually from Bill Ayers? Really??
Can you give me one Obama accomplishment?

Well, let's see, in spite of an obstinate Republican Congress......he was able to pass we now call it Obamacare, because Obama does care. Bush was in there for 8 years and what did he accomplish? Two worthless wars, 4000+ Americans sacrificed, 3000+ died on 9/11 due to his inattention, and he put the country in the toilet in 2008...there are a whole lot more things that Obama accomplished, but for now, I think he's got Bush beat badly.

So every member of Congress is supposed to agree with a president. Really? Obama cares. That's funny.

That's not what I said, but it sure seems like Sheep when every Republican in Congress votes in step. And yes, Obama cares. All Bush ever did was hurt the country, at least Obama is looking out for the middle class and below, not just the 1%'ers.
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

I'm sure you were enthralled from such hollow words.

What, you consider Dwight Eisenhower's words to be hollow?!?!?

"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

So far, so good!

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine."

Not bad!

"As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Change that to "As their heirs, may I never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

And we have a winner. Kudos to Valerie Jarrett for writing this for Obama.

Oh, I see you came late to the party!

I was wrong about Valerie Jarrett and, as you can see, agreed that the first two sentences were just fine. I should have known that since the word I was not in the last sentence that Obama didn't say it. And never would!

Oh, you mean because the quote did not mention you personally?!?!?

Can you give me one Obama accomplishment?

Well, let's see, in spite of an obstinate Republican Congress......he was able to pass we now call it Obamacare, because Obama does care. Bush was in there for 8 years and what did he accomplish? Two worthless wars, 4000+ Americans sacrificed, 3000+ died on 9/11 due to his inattention, and he put the country in the toilet in 2008...there are a whole lot more things that Obama accomplished, but for now, I think he's got Bush beat badly.

So every member of Congress is supposed to agree with a president. Really? Obama cares. That's funny.

I don't see where she said anything close to that

Can you point it out?
"Obstinate Republican Congress".

Harry Reid has 300 bill on his desk that he won't allow to come for a vote.

Tell harry Reid to stop being a drug mule and start doing his job

"drug mule"???

Do hyperbole much?
Obumble, the Failed Messiah, can serve-up pretty verbiage all day long, 'til the cows come home, but it's not gonna save his ass. He's had six years in-office and by now most of the country is praying for January 20, 2017 to get here quickly, before The Beast can do too much more damage to the Republic and its People.
Liberal Democrat's National Anthem

The pussification of American men.

What, you have a pussy? !?!?!?!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Did you see me in that group singing a gay song? No you did not! Were you there?

They didn't call him "no drama Obama" in college for nothing. They are just cleverly put together words possibly authored by former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers who is alleged to have ghost written Barry Hussein's bio. They are just words to Obama. The man has no soul.

So, you think the quotes are actually from Bill Ayers? Really??
Can you give me one Obama accomplishment?

Well, let's see, in spite of an obstinate Republican Congress......he was able to pass we now call it Obamacare, because Obama does care. Bush was in there for 8 years and what did he accomplish? Two worthless wars, 4000+ Americans sacrificed, 3000+ died on 9/11 due to his inattention, and he put the country in the toilet in 2008...there are a whole lot more things that Obama accomplished, but for now, I think he's got Bush beat badly.

So every member of Congress is supposed to agree with a president. Really? Obama cares. That's funny.

That's not what I said, but it sure seems like Sheep when every Republican in Congress votes in step. And yes, Obama cares. All Bush ever did was hurt the country, at least Obama is looking out for the middle class and below, not just the 1%'ers.

You're kidding right?

That 85 Billion a month that was created out of nothing, guess where that went?
Well, let's see, in spite of an obstinate Republican Congress......he was able to pass we now call it Obamacare, because Obama does care. Bush was in there for 8 years and what did he accomplish? Two worthless wars, 4000+ Americans sacrificed, 3000+ died on 9/11 due to his inattention, and he put the country in the toilet in 2008...there are a whole lot more things that Obama accomplished, but for now, I think he's got Bush beat badly.

So every member of Congress is supposed to agree with a president. Really? Obama cares. That's funny.

I don't see where she said anything close to that

Can you point it out?
"Obstinate Republican Congress".

Harry Reid has 300 bill on his desk that he won't allow to come for a vote.

Tell harry Reid to stop being a drug mule and start doing his job

"drug mule"???

Do hyperbole much?
Here is some hyperbole for ya.

"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

I'm sure you were enthralled from such hollow words.

What, you consider Dwight Eisenhower's words to be hollow?!?!?

If as implied in the OP they were spoken by our Cracka In Chief, yes.
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

Oh fuck the little queer.

Enough platitudes. Obama has created a mess, with ISIS, with Ebola, with the Border. And all this pile of shit can do is go back to spouting his moronic campaigning rhetoric?
They didn't call him "no drama Obama" in college for nothing. They are just cleverly put together words possibly authored by former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers who is alleged to have ghost written Barry Hussein's bio. They are just words to Obama. The man has no soul.

So, you think the quotes are actually from Bill Ayers? Really??
Can you give me one Obama accomplishment?

Well, let's see, in spite of an obstinate Republican Congress......he was able to pass we now call it Obamacare, because Obama does care. Bush was in there for 8 years and what did he accomplish? Two worthless wars, 4000+ Americans sacrificed, 3000+ died on 9/11 due to his inattention, and he put the country in the toilet in 2008...there are a whole lot more things that Obama accomplished, but for now, I think he's got Bush beat badly.

So every member of Congress is supposed to agree with a president. Really? Obama cares. That's funny.

That's not what I said, but it sure seems like Sheep when every Republican in Congress votes in step. And yes, Obama cares. All Bush ever did was hurt the country, at least Obama is looking out for the middle class and below, not just the 1%'ers.
The Republicans were right not to vote for it. It's a colossal glittering disaster.

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