The President is Right, & CNN / Cuomo Just Proved It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
CNN's Chris Cuomo had a conversation with an illegal alien, with the help of a translator, about why the man decided to come to the United States. The questions Cuomo asked confirmed what President Donald Trump and the Republican Party has said for the past few years: illegal aliens are coming to America for jobs, not because they're truly seeking asylum from a dangerous government:

"He wants to work but if he gets asylum he's willing to get asylum," the translator told Cuomo.

"Why did he take his kid with him to come here if it's just to work?" Cuomo asked.

"It's what you and I were talking about. He says that if he comes here with his son then he's allowed to stay," the translator responded.

Kudos to CNN for shooting themselves in the face again on live TV, proving the President is right about how the 'Amnesty' angle is 'BS' and how they are just here to work. Dragging their kids along is just a 'trick' to try to help claim Amnestry...

LOL: Chris Cuomo Interviews An Illegal Alien. The Man's Response Doesn't Align With CNN's Agenda.

The issue of illegal immigration, and now legal efforts to immigrate to our country is not simple, and the solution is not simple. Congress has the duty to repair what is clearly broken.

Amnesty was Reagan's solution, clearly one that failed, but one which was ethical.

Illegal entry has been on going since the end of the Bracero Program, and exacerbated by Trump's rhetoric. A fence is a simple solution which is not and never can be a panacea.

Those who employ persons who are not legally able to work in the US are criminals. Some are themselves here illegally, and these issues need to be addressed by The Congress. Instead many (most?) of those crossing the board, at the ports of entry or not, are treated as criminals, even some under the age of 18.

Trump's solution is to blame the migrants and blame the Democrats. His claim that we want open borders is both preposterous and a damn lie.

More money will be spend in building and maintaining his wall than had he kept his mouth shut, had established positive relationships with the OAS and in particular Mexico, and El Salvador which he allegedly singled out as a "shithole".
The issue of illegal immigration, and now legal efforts to immigrate to our country is not simple, and the solution is not simple. Congress has the duty to repair what is clearly broken.

Amnesty was Reagan's solution, clearly one that failed, but one which was ethical.

Illegal entry has been on going since the end of the Bracero Program, and exacerbated by Trump's rhetoric. A fence is a simple solution which is not and never can be a panacea.

Those who employ persons who are not legally able to work in the US are criminals. Some are themselves here illegally, and these issues need to be addressed by The Congress. Instead many (most?) of those crossing the board, at the ports of entry or not, are treated as criminals, even some under the age of 18.

Trump's solution is to blame the migrants and blame the Democrats. His claim that we want open borders is both preposterous and a damn lie.

More money will be spend in building and maintaining his wall than had he kept his mouth shut, had established positive relationships with the OAS and in particular Mexico, and El Salvador which he allegedly singled out as a "shithole".
Correction. Reagan compromised and di a one time amnesty in return for securing the border and stopping illegal immigration. The Democrats stabbed him in the back and have been doing so to the American people ever since. You are correct that Congress has a duty to fix what is clearly broken, but the Democrats refuse to do it as it is a great wedge issue every election cycle and they use it and abuse those people of color by playing this willful game with their lives.
The issue of illegal immigration, and now legal efforts to immigrate to our country is not simple, and the solution is not simple. Congress has the duty to repair what is clearly broken.

Amnesty was Reagan's solution, clearly one that failed, but one which was ethical.

Illegal entry has been on going since the end of the Bracero Program, and exacerbated by Trump's rhetoric. A fence is a simple solution which is not and never can be a panacea.

Those who employ persons who are not legally able to work in the US are criminals. Some are themselves here illegally, and these issues need to be addressed by The Congress. Instead many (most?) of those crossing the board, at the ports of entry or not, are treated as criminals, even some under the age of 18.

Trump's solution is to blame the migrants and blame the Democrats. His claim that we want open borders is both preposterous and a damn lie.

More money will be spend in building and maintaining his wall than had he kept his mouth shut, had established positive relationships with the OAS and in particular Mexico, and El Salvador which he allegedly singled out as a "shithole".
Correction. Reagan compromised and di a one time amnesty in return for securing the border and stopping illegal immigration. The Democrats stabbed him in the back and have been doing so to the American people ever since. You are correct that Congress has a duty to fix what is clearly broken, but the Democrats refuse to do it as it is a great wedge issue every election cycle and they use it and abuse those people of color by playing this willful game with their lives.

You opinion is just that, and to blame the Democrats without probative evidence is nothing more than a biased one; therefor, not credible.
Too bad Trump is a total novice when it comes to negotiation and will never get any new wall built.
Anyone can claim asylum. Whomever came up with idea can't see past their nose.
The solution to the problem we now face IS quite simple; however, neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have the desire to embrace it for different reasons:

-- The Democrats see they have everything to gain by keeping the borders open / illegal immigration happening - millions and millions of illegal votes they hope to make legal through Legislation or by wearing the GOP down to agreeing to grant another 'Amnesty' with the promise to prevent this from ever happening again' (the same Lie we heard before).

-- The Republicans are frozen in fear of being branded heartless, cruel racists, allowing the Socialist Democrats to control the narrative and the argument. (What we face now is NOT about 'racism' but IS all about existing US Immigration Law, the will to enforce that law and to stop the on-going invasion, or choosing to do everything one can to undermine our sovereignty and refuse to enforce out laws (Democrats)

The Solution contains several parts:

#1. IMMEDIATELY pass Legislation that states 'AMNESTY applications will ONLY be accepted from US Embassies in the individual's / family's home country OR from the Embassy in the 1st country that individual / family gets to out of their own country - that would ne MEXICO!

#2. IMMEDIATELY pass Legislation that states no illegals will be allowed to cross into the United States illegally and file for 'Amnesty'. EVERYONE who does so will be DENIED Amnesty (for a period of up to 10 years) and DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY!

--- IMMEDIATELY STOP the INSANE libtard-conceptualized 'CATCH-AND-RELEASE' policy that dictates US BA / the US govt will catch these illegals, allow them to apply for Amnesty, give them a court date SEVERAL YEARS INTO THE FUTURE, and RELEASE THEM INTO THE UNITED STATES.

If the United States passed such legislation these caravans would IMMEDIATELY STOP.
-- Years ago Arizona announced that they were PLANNING on passing a strict new Immigration policy. They had not even passed it yet, and illegals were flooding OUT of Arizona....LEAVING THE STATE. It was so effective that several surrounding states sued ARIZONA to get their IDEA of passing this law stopped because the mass exodus of illegals out of Arizona was causing a hardship on them! Obama's US AG Eric 'Censured' Holder filed a law suit on behalf of the Obama administration - that was facilitating illegal immigration / human trafficking / etc... - against the State of Arizona, who was trying to protect itself from the Obama administrations failure to protect states from Illegal immigration!



6. Humanitarian Crisis on our Southern Border / In Mexico as a result? That's what the United Nations is for, in part - World-wide crisis relief. All of South America deciding it wants to force its way into the United States to leech off the success of the United States and its hard-working citizens until their burden on the US collapses it and turns the US into the same type of shithole they came from IS NOT OUR RESPOBSIBILITY / IS NOT OUR BURDEN TO BARE ALONE!

There are other ideas / things that can be done, too. Visa Overstays? Give them 6 months (or less) to come forward. Log them all into computer files that are accessible by local, state, national police. Stop a 'visa overstay' violator, their ID gets flagged, and they get hauled in after that.


As I said, this is not rocket science, and it is not a hard problem to solve...there is just no political will to do so.
The issue of illegal immigration, and now legal efforts to immigrate to our country is not simple, and the solution is not simple. Congress has the duty to repair what is clearly broken.

Amnesty was Reagan's solution, clearly one that failed, but one which was ethical.

Illegal entry has been on going since the end of the Bracero Program, and exacerbated by Trump's rhetoric. A fence is a simple solution which is not and never can be a panacea.

Those who employ persons who are not legally able to work in the US are criminals. Some are themselves here illegally, and these issues need to be addressed by The Congress. Instead many (most?) of those crossing the board, at the ports of entry or not, are treated as criminals, even some under the age of 18.

Trump's solution is to blame the migrants and blame the Democrats. His claim that we want open borders is both preposterous and a damn lie.

More money will be spend in building and maintaining his wall than had he kept his mouth shut, had established positive relationships with the OAS and in particular Mexico, and El Salvador which he allegedly singled out as a "shithole".
Correction. Reagan compromised and di a one time amnesty in return for securing the border and stopping illegal immigration. The Democrats stabbed him in the back and have been doing so to the American people ever since. You are correct that Congress has a duty to fix what is clearly broken, but the Democrats refuse to do it as it is a great wedge issue every election cycle and they use it and abuse those people of color by playing this willful game with their lives.

You opinion is just that, and to blame the Democrats without probative evidence is nothing more than a biased one; therefor, not credible.
Historical fact shithead. Look it up. What did Obama say he was going to fix first when he became President? Who controlled Congress then?

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