The precedent has been set

GOP candidates plot debate revolt against RNC

Several Republican presidential campaigns are planning to hold a meeting in Washington, D.C., this Sunday to discuss plans for wresting more control of the debates from the Republican National Committee, CNN has confirmed.

FUCK the establishment


The RNC doesn't have any control over the debates.

But it is fun to watch the GOP eat itself.
The RNC doesn't have any control over the debates.

But it is fun to watch the GOP eat itself.
They just canceled all NBC debates. Sounds like some control to me. You saw them eat themselves at the last debate? They agree more than they disagreed. That's what happens when you become united under a common enemy.
The RNC doesn't have any control over the debates.

But it is fun to watch the GOP eat itself.
They just canceled all NBC debates. Sounds like some control to me. You saw them eat themselves at the last debate? They agree more than they disagreed. That's what happens when you become united under a common enemy.

The RNC can cancel debates, but they don't have any control over the debates themselves. It's the law, actually.
The RNC doesn't have any control over the debates.

But it is fun to watch the GOP eat itself.
They just canceled all NBC debates. Sounds like some control to me. You saw them eat themselves at the last debate? They agree more than they disagreed. That's what happens when you become united under a common enemy.

The RNC can cancel debates, but they don't have any control over the debates themselves. It's the law, actually.
They also set the schedules and things don't they?
The RNC doesn't have any control over the debates.

But it is fun to watch the GOP eat itself.
They just canceled all NBC debates. Sounds like some control to me. You saw them eat themselves at the last debate? They agree more than they disagreed. That's what happens when you become united under a common enemy.

The RNC can cancel debates, but they don't have any control over the debates themselves. It's the law, actually.
They also set the schedules and things don't they?

They can suggest a schedule, but by law the debates themselves have to be run by either a media organization, or a 501c3 organization.
The debacle that took place under CNBC was billed as a debate focusing on economic issues.


"WASHINGTON — The Republican National Committee says it’s suspending its partnership with NBC News and its properties and won’t allow the network to co-host a presidential primary debate scheduled for February.

The letter from RNC Chairman Reince Priebus to NBC News chief Andrew Lack comes after this week’s heavily criticized debate on CNBC.

Priebus says the CNBC debate did not focus on economic issues as promised, and that candidates were asked questions that “were inaccurate or downright offensive."

Republicans suspend partnership with NBC News after highly criticized CNBC debate
GOP candidates plot debate revolt against RNC

Several Republican presidential campaigns are planning to hold a meeting in Washington, D.C., this Sunday to discuss plans for wresting more control of the debates from the Republican National Committee, CNN has confirmed.

FUCK the establishment
Good for them. Will they be holding their breaths too? Flopping down and pounding the floor with their fists and heels?
The RNC doesn't have any control over the debates.

But it is fun to watch the GOP eat itself.
They just canceled all NBC debates. Sounds like some control to me. You saw them eat themselves at the last debate? They agree more than they disagreed. That's what happens when you become united under a common enemy.

The RNC can cancel debates, but they don't have any control over the debates themselves. It's the law, actually.
They also set the schedules and things don't they?

They can suggest a schedule, but by law the debates themselves have to be run by either a media organization, or a 501c3 organization.

I call BULLSHIT! They can do whatever they wish, and not call it a debate, but a discussion. And let me say this conclusively............if the outside 4 demand something, it will be given, because without them there, there is no ratings.

Now you may be accurate in the general election; but after watching the outside 4 clean the clocks of establishment republicans, and the media..........I expect Hillary to say she won't debate, lololol..........or put up a robot in her place that repeats, "raise taxes, raise taxes!"
So they want control over the questions asked. How sweet. I am so pissed that raising the debt ceiling is giving money to the defense and not making the high earners pay more for Medicare, I could just scream.
So they want control over the questions asked. How sweet. I am so pissed that raising the debt ceiling is giving money to the defense and not making the high earners pay more for Medicare, I could just scream.
I don't think they want control over the questions. Maybe they just don't want partisan hacks to ask questions about their competitors morality.. and stick to the issues like economy, immigration and taxes.
So they want control over the questions asked. How sweet. I am so pissed that raising the debt ceiling is giving money to the defense and not making the high earners pay more for Medicare, I could just scream.
I don't think they want control over the questions. Maybe they just don't want partisan hacks to ask questions about their competitors morality.. and stick to the issues like economy, immigration and taxes.

In other words, they want control of the questions.
Well maybe the GOP want to be Presidents should not bring up the Democrats. The GOP is lucky the Dems only have Clinton and Sanders running. I do wish maybe Elizabeth Warren would get in, someone, anyone.
GOP candidates plot debate revolt against RNC

Several Republican presidential campaigns are planning to hold a meeting in Washington, D.C., this Sunday to discuss plans for wresting more control of the debates from the Republican National Committee, CNN has confirmed.

FUCK the establishment
I love to see Republican presidential candidates whining.

I'm sure the other countries think these debates are a joke as well, how foolish, the kiddy table ones. Then the childish bickering going on between them, its just unbelievable.
GOP candidates plot debate revolt against RNC

Several Republican presidential campaigns are planning to hold a meeting in Washington, D.C., this Sunday to discuss plans for wresting more control of the debates from the Republican National Committee, CNN has confirmed.

FUCK the establishment

And let me make this clear to ALL REPUBLICANS, and even the damn far lefties who are nosy as hell.

The media has NOT tried to remove the idea put forward they are bias, because they can't! If they tried, they would open themselves up to severe scrutiny, and this question would blow up larger than it already is. The problem they are going to have is..............just like they LIKED to play GOTCHA question and statements with our candidates; our candidates put a GOTCHA on them, and the establishment republicans and democrats.

What happens when a candidate doesn't answer a question or accusation? Why the mainstream media reports it like this........the so-and-so campaign had no response to the allegation! In other words, they are basically GUILTY because they didn't respond, lol.

So now, the outside 4 are gonna put it to the media, because they CAN NOT respond without putting themselves up to scrutiny, and lawsuits once they take a stance. The only way to avoid it is..........THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA HAD NO RESPONSE TO THE ALLEGATIONS, lol!

The outside 4 is going to clean the clock of the democrats. The establishment republicans and lame stream media are just extra gifts to the every day, hard working American! I don't know if have found the re-incarnation of Ronald Reagan, but I am fairly confident, we have found 3 or 4 likenesses of Calvin Coolidge, with a little bit of George Patton mixed in!
GOP candidates plot debate revolt against RNC

Several Republican presidential campaigns are planning to hold a meeting in Washington, D.C., this Sunday to discuss plans for wresting more control of the debates from the Republican National Committee, CNN has confirmed.

FUCK the establishment

All they do is cry about whoever is in charge. They cry about CNN and CNBC and the RNC. They cry about the moderators. They cry about unfair questions.

It's sickening how weak they sound.

Attention Ted Cruz: if you can't handle a bunch of morons from CNBC, how in the fuck can you stand up to Iran and Russia?

Life is unfair. Stop whining and tell us how you would run the country.

(What happened to the party of Reagan? When did they become such ineffectual pussies?)

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