The policies of New York’s “Golden Governor” caused untold numbers of elderly deaths


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The policies of New York’s “Golden Governor” caused untold numbers of elderly deaths
5 May 2020 ~~ By DrJohn
Cuomo, in some venues described as the "Golden Governor", has been wrong about nearly everything, from the need for ventilators to the number of beds. Worst of all, he's been very wrong about his handling of elderly COVID patients. He made sure that elderly COVID patients were sent to nursing homes
Gov. Cuomo doubled down Sunday on the state’s controversial directive ordering nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients. The governor — who himself has described nursing homes as a “feeding frenzy’’ for the deadly coronavirus — said that the facilities can’t challenge a state regulation forcing them to admit patients with the contagion.
But he insisted that nursing homes could transfer those ill with the virus to another facility if the centers lacked such things as quarantine space, proper protective equipment and staff.
Asked by a reporter at his daily briefing Sunday if there was anything contradictory about his statements, the governor replied, “No.”
Sending the infected elderly to nursing homes was a death sentence for many. Yet he demanded that they be taken in
New York’s nursing homes weren’t allowed to challenge a controversial order to admit patients with the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday — even though it’s been blamed for spreading the deadly disease among residents. “They don’t have a right to object. That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that,” Cuomo said during his daily briefing in Albany.
“And the regulation is common sense: if you can’t provide adequate care, you can’t have the patient in your facility and that’s your basic fiduciary obligation — I would say, ethical obligation — and it’s also your legal obligation.”
They had to admit then infected elderly patients and then declare themselves unable to care for them, THEN they might be able to transfer the ill to a facility - you know, like a boat or a Javits Center where they were prepared to handle such patients.Where thousands of beds went unused.
No, Cuomo insisted they go to and infect the nursing homes. It has been a tragedy
At the Cobble Hill Health Center in Brownstone Brooklyn, alone, 55 patients have died during the outbreak — the highest toll in the state. Forty five patients died at the Kings Harbor Multi-care Center in The Bronx, the next highest death toll among the city’s nursing homes.
Forty four patients died at both the Franklin Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing in Queens and the Carmel Richmond facility on Staten Island.
Another 40 people died at the Holliswood Center for Rehabilitation in Queens.
Thirty five patients died at the Plaza Rehab and Nursing Center in The Bronx and 34 perished at the Bensonhurst Center for Rehabilitation in Brooklyn.
As of April 21 nearly one quarter of all the deaths in New York were in nursing homes. Former Governor George Pataki called Cuomo's plan a "disaster."
In Lyon, France an elderly nursing home stayed in lockdown for 47 days. Afterwards everyone tested negative. Four patients passed, but none from COVID 19.
That's success.

Undoubtedly Governor Andrew Cuomo held to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat idea that fear mongering and using a crisis to further their ideology is their best tool back fired on him.
He began the whining by claiming he needed 40,000 ventilators, more beds and PPE in the Hospitals throughout New York State and especially New York City. Meanwhile Mayor De Blasio (AKA Mayor Disgraziato) attempted to override the Governor's decisions.
President Trump in a bipartisan fashion catered to Cuomo's pleading and whining for equipment and PPE that Cuomo had previously failed to set funding for it's emergency planning. Trump set up emergency hospitals, sent ventilators and even the hospital ship Hope to New York. Most of which was not used. In fact 4,000 ventilators were found unused in a New York State warehouse.
To add insult to injury, now we find that "Golden Governor" ordered active Covid patients to be treated in Nursing Homes, thus exposing our most vulnerable age groups to the virus. It's no wonder that the death rate in New York is so high.
His refusal to shutting down the MTA subway system added to the pandemic within the city...
Now we find that an additional 1,700 now having spiked to 4,800 dead in nursing homes are attributed to the Coovid-19 and Cuomo's incompetence.
IMHO, nothing will come of this, the "Golden Governor" will be protected by the coopted media and all will be swept under the rug.
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Yeah, Andrew Cuomo is a textbook case of how the media can create an image for someone and get people to believe it. His approval rating is over 70% and he is hardly deserving of that. He's made serious mistakes throughout this ordeal, but few hear about it and that's by design.
well hell, we can fix that -

ditch the masks, fuck social distancing and self quarantine - get out there rub elbows and breathe in each others face -

How quickly people forget that he's the person who was torn to ribbons not too long ago for saying "make America great again? America was never that great."
How quickly people forget that he's the person who was torn to ribbons not too long ago for saying "make America great again? America was never that great."
That is why we had drugs, sex and rock-n-roll to take our minds off of it. Maybe next time Cuomo will know what to do? Along with fifty other governors...
ditch the masks

Unless they're medical grade, the masks do next to nothing. It's a feel good measure and nothing more.

fuck social distancing

Like masks, the whole 6 foot distancing is quackery. Anyone who has been to a grocery store in the last seven weeks has been within six feet of dozens, if not hundreds of people, by now. I've been at my brother's house every weekend and we've even hung out with some of his neighbors and had backyard barbecues. Nobody has gotten sick.

and self quarantine

I don't know of anybody who has said people who are sick should not be self quarantined. If you can find one feel free to let us know.

get out there rub elbows and breathe in each others face -

Is that something you typically did before the pandemic? You walked up to them, rubbed their elbow and breathed in their face? That kind of sounds like an episode of Criminal Minds.


In other words, you have nothing. You have no intelligent response to the discussion whatsoever, because you're pretty much void of any factual counterargument. You've already invested in the gloom and doom and destructive response to it that at this point you'll never admit you might have been wrong now that so much collateral damage has been done as a result.
Would you care to take a guess as to how many Americans died unnecessarily due to the delay in Trump's response to the viral outbreak?

Experts: 90 percent of US coronavirus deaths could have been avoided if measures taken just two weeks earlier
ditch the masks

Unless they're medical grade, the masks do next to nothing. It's a feel good measure and nothing more.

fuck social distancing

Like masks, the whole 6 foot distancing is quackery. Anyone who has been to a grocery store in the last seven weeks has been within six feet of dozens, if not hundreds of people, by now. I've been at my brother's house every weekend and we've even hung out with some of his neighbors and had backyard barbecues. Nobody has gotten sick.

and self quarantine

I don't know of anybody who has said people who are sick should not be self quarantined. If you can find one feel free to let us know.

get out there rub elbows and breathe in each others face -

Is that something you typically did before the pandemic? You walked up to them, rubbed their elbow and breathed in their face? That kind of sounds like an episode of Criminal Minds.


In other words, you have nothing. You have no intelligent response to the discussion whatsoever, because you're pretty much void of any factual counterargument. You've already invested in the gloom and doom and destructive response to it that at this point you'll never admit you might have been wrong now that so much collateral damage has been done as a result.

RW hacks dissing a Democrat Gov doesnt cut much ice in the real world.

NY has spoken about their satisfaction with Gov Cuomo -

non residents can GFT

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Every state has the deaths rates high in nursing homes from COVID.... even in red states

What Cuomo did, was say all nursing homes, IF THEY HAD THE CAPABILITY of bringing back in their own Covid patients, once the hospital gave the okay to release them, be returned to the nursing home they were in, IF THE NURSING HOME could keep the returning COVID patients isolated from the rest of the nursing home, and staffed with their own separate staff from the rest of the nursing home, and have a separate entrance for their COVID ward, of recovering patients.

If the nursing home could not or did not have those conditions of separate ward, entrance, and staff, then the nursing home was to call the NY Health department, and the Health Department would house the recoving COVID patients in a State facility they equipped for just recovering covid patients.

The state facility is not large enough to take all recovering COVID patients in, thus the nursing home facilites are required to do such with as many recovering patients as possible, again, if they have a separate ward for them and separate staff, so not to spread it to others in the facility

Come fall, on the next major spread and death rate peak, ALL STATES should have a separate nursing facility to isolate returning or even all covid patients.... and not force nursing homes to take their own patients back in to recover after the hospital releasing them.... imo.
The policies of New York’s “Golden Governor” caused untold numbers of elderly deaths
5 May 2020 ~~ By DrJohn
Cuomo, in some venues described as the "Golden Governor", has been wrong about nearly everything, from the need for ventilators to the number of beds. Worst of all, he's been very wrong about his handling of elderly COVID patients. He made sure that elderly COVID patients were sent to nursing homes
Gov. Cuomo doubled down Sunday on the state’s controversial directive ordering nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients. The governor — who himself has described nursing homes as a “feeding frenzy’’ for the deadly coronavirus — said that the facilities can’t challenge a state regulation forcing them to admit patients with the contagion.
But he insisted that nursing homes could transfer those ill with the virus to another facility if the centers lacked such things as quarantine space, proper protective equipment and staff.
Asked by a reporter at his daily briefing Sunday if there was anything contradictory about his statements, the governor replied, “No.”
Sending the infected elderly to nursing homes was a death sentence for many. Yet he demanded that they be taken in
New York’s nursing homes weren’t allowed to challenge a controversial order to admit patients with the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday — even though it’s been blamed for spreading the deadly disease among residents. “They don’t have a right to object. That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that,” Cuomo said during his daily briefing in Albany.
“And the regulation is common sense: if you can’t provide adequate care, you can’t have the patient in your facility and that’s your basic fiduciary obligation — I would say, ethical obligation — and it’s also your legal obligation.”
They had to admit then infected elderly patients and then declare themselves unable to care for them, THEN they might be able to transfer the ill to a facility - you know, like a boat or a Javits Center where they were prepared to handle such patients.Where thousands of beds went unused.
No, Cuomo insisted they go to and infect the nursing homes. It has been a tragedy
At the Cobble Hill Health Center in Brownstone Brooklyn, alone, 55 patients have died during the outbreak — the highest toll in the state. Forty five patients died at the Kings Harbor Multi-care Center in The Bronx, the next highest death toll among the city’s nursing homes.
Forty four patients died at both the Franklin Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing in Queens and the Carmel Richmond facility on Staten Island.
Another 40 people died at the Holliswood Center for Rehabilitation in Queens.
Thirty five patients died at the Plaza Rehab and Nursing Center in The Bronx and 34 perished at the Bensonhurst Center for Rehabilitation in Brooklyn.
As of April 21 nearly one quarter of all the deaths in New York were in nursing homes. Former Governor George Pataki called Cuomo's plan a "disaster."
In Lyon, France an elderly nursing home stayed in lockdown for 47 days. Afterwards everyone tested negative. Four patients passed, but none from COVID 19.
That's success.

Undoubtedly Governor Andrew Cuomo held to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat idea that fear mongering and using a crisis to further their ideology is their best tool back fired on him.
He began the whining by claiming he needed 40,000 ventilators, more beds and PPE in the Hospitals throughout New York State and especially New York City. Meanwhile Mayor De Blasio (AKA Mayor Disgraziato) attempted to override the Governor's decisions.
President Trump in a bipartisan fashion catered to Cuomo's pleading and whining for equipment and PPE that Cuomo had previously failed to set funding for it's emergency planning. Trump set up emergency hospitals, sent ventilators and even the hospital ship Hope to New York. Most of which was not used. In fact 4,000 ventilators were found unused in a New York State warehouse.
To add insult to injury, now we find that "Golden Governor" ordered active Covid patients to be treated in Nursing Homes, thus exposing our most vulnerable age groups to the virus. It's no wonder that the death rate in New York is so high.
His refusal to shutting down the MTA subway system added to the pandemic within the city...
Now we find that an additional 1,700 now having spiked to 4,800 dead in nursing homes are attributed to the Coovid-19 and Cuomo's incompetence.
IMHO, nothing will come of this, the "Golden Governor" will be protected by the coopted media and all will be swept under the rug.
The Bio-Bomber Cuomo should be immediately removed and then sued by the nursing home victim's families. Don't sue the nursing homes, sue the Bio-Bomber!
Every state has the deaths rates high in nursing homes from COVID.... even in red states

What Cuomo did, was say all nursing homes, IF THEY HAD THE CAPABILITY of bringing back in their own Covid patients, once the hospital gave the okay to release them, be returned to the nursing home they were in, IF THE NURSING HOME could keep the returning COVID patients isolated from the rest of the nursing home, and staffed with their own separate staff from the rest of the nursing home, and have a separate entrance for their COVID ward, of recovering patients.

If the nursing home could not or did not have those conditions of separate ward, entrance, and staff, then the nursing home was to call the NY Health department, and the Health Department would house the recoving COVID patients in a State facility they equipped for just recovering covid patients.

The state facility is not large enough to take all recovering COVID patients in, thus the nursing home facilites are required to do such with as many recovering patients as possible, again, if they have a separate ward for them and separate staff, so not to spread it to others in the facility

Come fall, on the next major spread and death rate peak, ALL STATES should have a separate nursing facility to isolate returning or even all covid patients.... and not force nursing homes to take their own patients back in to recover after the hospital releasing them.... imo.

the media is to blame - come fall.

the standard rw horseshit deflection.
How quickly people forget that he's the person who was torn to ribbons not too long ago for saying "make America great again? America was never that great."
That is why we had drugs, sex and rock-n-roll to take our minds off of it. Maybe next time Cuomo will know what to do? Along with fifty other governors...
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical attacks at this level are not commonplace. We have paid a price for not having supplies needed. We were a structural foundation nation until the 1970's. Then we became a human foundation one.
Great time for a discussion on the benefits of giving the US government total control over your health care and how they should have total authority to make all decisions regarding your health care.

'This man just had a hear attack and flat-lined - doctor, do something.
- Ok...I'm calling it. Time of death NOW...due to COVID-19.

Shouldn't we try to save them / resuscitate them?
- Hell no. We don't do that anymore since the govt took over. Qucikly, take him over to the organ-harvesting room so we can take what we can sell.

Would you care to take a guess as to how many Americans died unnecessarily due to the delay in Trump's response to the viral outbreak?

Experts: 90 percent of US coronavirus deaths could have been avoided if measures taken just two weeks earlier
What measures?Round up and execute every Chinese in the USA?Nuke China?Total bullshit comment.
Would you care to take a guess as to how many Americans died unnecessarily due to the delay in Trump's response to the viral outbreak?

Experts: 90 percent of US coronavirus deaths could have been avoided if measures taken just two weeks earlier

Another Monday morning quarterback that was too interested in impeaching Trump to worry about the Wuhan Chinese Covid-19 virus at the time. Now suddenly claiming that the quarantine should have begun in the middle of the faux impeachment while oblivious to facts.
Just how many of the biased coopted media made those claims at that time? NONE.

Every state has the deaths rates high in nursing homes from COVID.... even in red states

What Cuomo did, was say all nursing homes, IF THEY HAD THE CAPABILITY of bringing back in their own Covid patients, once the hospital gave the okay to release them, be returned to the nursing home they were in, IF THE NURSING HOME could keep the returning COVID patients isolated from the rest of the nursing home, and staffed with their own separate staff from the rest of the nursing home, and have a separate entrance for their COVID ward, of recovering patients.

If the nursing home could not or did not have those conditions of separate ward, entrance, and staff, then the nursing home was to call the NY Health department, and the Health Department would house the recoving COVID patients in a State facility they equipped for just recovering covid patients.

The state facility is not large enough to take all recovering COVID patients in, thus the nursing home facilites are required to do such with as many recovering patients as possible, again, if they have a separate ward for them and separate staff, so not to spread it to others in the facility

Come fall, on the next major spread and death rate peak, ALL STATES should have a separate nursing facility to isolate returning or even all covid patients.... and not force nursing homes to take their own patients back in to recover after the hospital releasing them.... imo.

Meanwhile Samaritan's Purse, the Corps of Engineers built enough hospital beds to handle patients with Covid. That doesn't include the Hospital Ship Hope that was hardly used.
Every state has the deaths rates high in nursing homes from COVID.... even in red states

What Cuomo did, was say all nursing homes, IF THEY HAD THE CAPABILITY of bringing back in their own Covid patients, once the hospital gave the okay to release them, be returned to the nursing home they were in, IF THE NURSING HOME could keep the returning COVID patients isolated from the rest of the nursing home, and staffed with their own separate staff from the rest of the nursing home, and have a separate entrance for their COVID ward, of recovering patients.

If the nursing home could not or did not have those conditions of separate ward, entrance, and staff, then the nursing home was to call the NY Health department, and the Health Department would house the recoving COVID patients in a State facility they equipped for just recovering covid patients.

The state facility is not large enough to take all recovering COVID patients in, thus the nursing home facilites are required to do such with as many recovering patients as possible, again, if they have a separate ward for them and separate staff, so not to spread it to others in the facility

Come fall, on the next major spread and death rate peak, ALL STATES should have a separate nursing facility to isolate returning or even all covid patients.... and not force nursing homes to take their own patients back in to recover after the hospital releasing them.... imo.

Meanwhile Samaritan's Purse, the Corps of Engineers built enough hospital beds to handle patients with Covid. That doesn't include the Hospital Ship Hope that was hardly used.
these nursing home residents had already been removed from their nursing home and hospitalized and treated, they were well enough to be released from the hospital.... but not completely cured.... or out of the infectious stage yet, is likely....

it was spreading in their nursing home and why they caught it before they were hospitalized then released

the problem is how the private nursing homes, share nursing home attendants and nurses, and not testing their workers and spreading it from one home to another because it was A-symptomatic with staff.... and they did not know they had it
The only question is was Andrew "Droopy Dog" Cuomo negligent, or did he endanger the elderly intentionally to up the "covid associated" death numbers which in turn gives the psychotic political hack a reason to demand more power with unconstitutional executive edicts. Similarly, is that why he is demanding police arrest folks not wearing the ridiculous masks? Because he knows if anything, a filthy germ filled mask will increase the chances of citizens getting a flu of any kind which he can add to his "covid associated" totals.

Tucker discusses this latest Cuomo scandal starting 20:55.

Cuomo is responsible for more deaths in New York than those at the hands of Muslim Terrorists. Very troubling.
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