The Paradox of Police and Property.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The riots by the international Left, and their local subsidiary, the Democrat Party, have brought into focus the disparity between what we understand as "Property" and what is an associated concept...."Police."

1.Property, better known a 'private property,' is central to our civilization, and, in fact, a major difference between a free society and a totalitarian one. You can see the difference in the streets of America vandalized, this week, by the international Left brigades, and the thugs and criminals who serve their interests.

2. The Founders recognized the relationship between private property and prosperity, and the necessity of the first to produce the second.
Property rights precede liberty. Perhaps some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence, John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.” Property Rights Have Personal Parallels

Locke argued in his Two Treatises of Government that political society existed for the sake of protecting "property", which he defined as a person's "life, liberty, and estate".

3. Now, enter evil, stage Left:
Rousseau, the godfather of Leftist revolution, believed that property corrupted man’s nature good nature.

Leon Trotsky long ago pointed out that where there is no private ownership, individuals can be bent to the will of the state”
Bethell, “The Noblest Triumph,” p.9

Starting to see the real motivation of the Democrat/ANTIFA/criminal gangs?
The riots had several motivations, but the central one was a revolt against capitalism and private property.

The aim of these organized, coordinated, planned riots is the same as every Leftist revolution. This 'riot' has been organized, planned, and coordinated by the international Left.
ANTIFA ideologs instigate the destruction by bringing hammers and crowbars.....making entry into businesses, and pointing the way to thieves and looters.

These are the very same actions we would have seen in our nation if the Liberals, Democrats, Occupy Wall Street thugs were strong enough to impose them. After all, their aims were the same as the Marxist's.

"…a social philosophy that believes human rights can be detached from property rights. We are told that if humans would just be willing to share in the pursuit of the common good, harmony and social justice would prevail. Instead, what we observe is absent the right to property, all other human rights – including the right to one’s body – gives way to the rule of force.
…the abolition of property rights, is at the heart of the OWS movement. The attack on property rights begins with the act “to occupy,” that is to take possession of someone else’s property through the power of the mob."
Social Justice, Greed And The Occupy Wall Street Movement

Who is supposed to guard and protect our lives and property?

The police???

Are you sure?
The basics of modern policing since they were first laid down by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 are that primary task of police is to prevent crime by their presence, a deterrent if you will. For most people, the fear of being caught and convicted of a crime is enough of a deterrent.

However, when crime is detected and suspects identified, the police gather evidence and ensure suspects are brought before the court. This is done by arresting the suspects until they can appear before the courts, or are bailed to appear before a court. Law enforcement isn't punishing offenders, that is the job of the courts.

There simply aren't enough resources to guard all property, all the time. Those who aren't deterred by the threat of arrest and incarceration will commit crimes, they won't be dissuade from crime by police, regardless of the size of the police presence.
The basics of modern policing since they were first laid down by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 are that primary task of police is to prevent crime by their presence, a deterrent if you will. For most people, the fear of being caught and convicted of a crime is enough of a deterrent.

However, when crime is detected and suspects identified, the police gather evidence and ensure suspects are brought before the court. This is done by arresting the suspects until they can appear before the courts, or are bailed to appear before a court. Law enforcement isn't punishing offenders, that is the job of the courts.

There simply aren't enough resources to guard all property, all the time. Those who aren't deterred by the threat of arrest and incarceration will commit crimes, they won't be dissuade from crime by police, regardless of the size of the police presence.

"There simply aren't enough resources to guard all property, all the time. Those who aren't deterred by the threat of arrest and incarceration will commit crimes, they won't be dissuade from crime by police, regardless of the size of the police presence. "

So you are excusing crime because there aren't enough police?
The police responsibility to protect property ends when their lives and the lives of others are endangered.
Can you shoot looters to protect your property/business?
I'm wondering why there are no armed security guards in the NYC high-end stores??

I fear it is due to how the Left/Democrats have corrupted the legal institutions.

If you or your organization are responsible for wounding or killing a on your property or with your property, the first thing at issue will be the color of your skin and of the culprit, and then responsibility will be determined.
Melanin, we have learned, is a priori in all situations.

Later in the thread I will provide a stunning example of how police view 'property.'
The basics of modern policing since they were first laid down by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 are that primary task of police is to prevent crime by their presence, a deterrent if you will. For most people, the fear of being caught and convicted of a crime is enough of a deterrent.

However, when crime is detected and suspects identified, the police gather evidence and ensure suspects are brought before the court. This is done by arresting the suspects until they can appear before the courts, or are bailed to appear before a court. Law enforcement isn't punishing offenders, that is the job of the courts.

There simply aren't enough resources to guard all property, all the time. Those who aren't deterred by the threat of arrest and incarceration will commit crimes, they won't be dissuade from crime by police, regardless of the size of the police presence.

"There simply aren't enough resources to guard all property, all the time. Those who aren't deterred by the threat of arrest and incarceration will commit crimes, they won't be dissuade from crime by police, regardless of the size of the police presence. "

So you are excusing crime because there aren't enough police?

I think if you look at actual police states (like Soviet Russia, Mainland China, and Nazi Germany) you'll see that despite massive police presence, unlimited police powers, and a massive state apparatus, crime still existed despite that police presence.

There are some people who won't be dissuaded from crime just by the thought that they MAY be incarcerated, or even executed for it.

If you're expecting police to prevent all property crime, you'd have to accept a much more intrusive kind of policing than we have today. Much more intrusive than even the worse police states in history have been able to create.
Can you shoot looters to protect your property/business?
I'm wondering why there are no armed security guards in the NYC high-end stores??

I fear it is due to how the Left/Democrats have corrupted the legal institutions.

If you or your organization are responsible for wounding or killing a on your property or with your property, the first thing at issue will be the color of your skin and of the culprit, and then responsibility will be determined.
Melanin, we have learned, is a priori in all situations.

Later in the thread I will provide a stunning example of how police view 'property.'
Self-defense is typically a good defense....
Can you shoot looters to protect your property/business?
I'm wondering why there are no armed security guards in the NYC high-end stores??

I fear it is due to how the Left/Democrats have corrupted the legal institutions.

If you or your organization are responsible for wounding or killing a on your property or with your property, the first thing at issue will be the color of your skin and of the culprit, and then responsibility will be determined.
Melanin, we have learned, is a priori in all situations.

Later in the thread I will provide a stunning example of how police view 'property.'
I think how the race card plays out depends on what color your state is as opposed to the culprits.
That dead Federal agent in Oakland didn't fare too well defending US property.
I'm wondering why there are no armed security guards in the NYC high-end stores?

Insurance is cheaper than law suits.

In the short run insurance might be cheaper, but not in the long run...

Theft, or 'stop loss' as they refer to it in the trade, is already factored into the cost of goods.

In fact, most retail stores are very lax about following up on prosecuting offenders of theft. Providing statements to police, CCTV footage, are essential to prosecutions but once a shoplifter has been apprehended by police and removed from the store, they aren't overly interested in following up with such evidence if it requires spending time and effort.
I'm wondering why there are no armed security guards in the NYC high-end stores?

Insurance is cheaper than law suits.

In the short run insurance might be cheaper, but not in the long run...

Theft, or 'stop loss' as they refer to it in the trade, is already factored into the cost of goods.

In fact, most retail stores are very lax about following up on prosecuting offenders of theft. Providing statements to police, CCTV footage, are essential to prosecutions but once a shoplifter has been apprehended by police and removed from the store, they aren't overly interested in following up with such evidence if it requires spending time and effort.
Tend to agree, so why would shoppers pay for the over-priced goods in brick and mortar stores instead of buying online?
All that will happen are a lot of store bankruptcies because the stores can't afford the insurance for "stop loss" shoplifters.
The basics of modern policing since they were first laid down by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 are that primary task of police is to prevent crime by their presence, a deterrent if you will. For most people, the fear of being caught and convicted of a crime is enough of a deterrent.

However, when crime is detected and suspects identified, the police gather evidence and ensure suspects are brought before the court. This is done by arresting the suspects until they can appear before the courts, or are bailed to appear before a court. Law enforcement isn't punishing offenders, that is the job of the courts.

There simply aren't enough resources to guard all property, all the time. Those who aren't deterred by the threat of arrest and incarceration will commit crimes, they won't be dissuade from crime by police, regardless of the size of the police presence.

"There simply aren't enough resources to guard all property, all the time. Those who aren't deterred by the threat of arrest and incarceration will commit crimes, they won't be dissuade from crime by police, regardless of the size of the police presence. "

So you are excusing crime because there aren't enough police?

I think if you look at actual police states (like Soviet Russia, Mainland China, and Nazi Germany) you'll see that despite massive police presence, unlimited police powers, and a massive state apparatus, crime still existed despite that police presence.

There are some people who won't be dissuaded from crime just by the thought that they MAY be incarcerated, or even executed for it.

If you're expecting police to prevent all property crime, you'd have to accept a much more intrusive kind of policing than we have today. Much more intrusive than even the worse police states in history have been able to create.

That's not what I asked you.
Can you shoot looters to protect your property/business?
I'm wondering why there are no armed security guards in the NYC high-end stores??

I fear it is due to how the Left/Democrats have corrupted the legal institutions.

If you or your organization are responsible for wounding or killing a on your property or with your property, the first thing at issue will be the color of your skin and of the culprit, and then responsibility will be determined.
Melanin, we have learned, is a priori in all situations.

Later in the thread I will provide a stunning example of how police view 'property.'
Self-defense is typically a good defense....

I live in the People's Republic of New York.....downstate.

Check out the court decisions in the Bronx.
I'm wondering why there are no armed security guards in the NYC high-end stores?

Insurance is cheaper than law suits.

In the short run insurance might be cheaper, but not in the long run...

  1. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …single-handedly decriminalized property and drug crimes in the City of Brotherly Love….And in the past 18 months alone, 9,732 arrestees, out on the streets on pre-trial release because of her prison cap, were arrested on second charges, including 79 murders, 90 rapes, 701 burglaries, 959 robberies, 1,113 assaults, 2,215 drug offenses and 2,748 thefts….Activist judges such as Shapiro and Justice assert that prison crowding violates the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishments. But there is no empirical evidence to substantiate this assertion. In every study of the subject, the widely believed negative effects of crowding - violence, program disruption, health problems and so on - are nowhere in evidence.” Archives | The Philadelphia Inquirer
    1. In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Liberals lied, black kids died.

2. In the United States, the lifetime costs for all persons who are injured due to rape, robbery, assault and arson and those who are murdered are estimated to be $325.3 billion. This includes:

  • $6.1 billion in medical costs
  • $4.9 billion in mental health costs
  • $37.4 billion in future earnings
  • $1.2 billion in public programs
  • $1.5 billion in property damage
  • $274.2 billion in quality of life lost
    The costs are based on 1996 U.S. incidence and are reported in 1997 dollars. Cost
Can you shoot looters to protect your property/business?
I'm wondering why there are no armed security guards in the NYC high-end stores??

I fear it is due to how the Left/Democrats have corrupted the legal institutions.

If you or your organization are responsible for wounding or killing a on your property or with your property, the first thing at issue will be the color of your skin and of the culprit, and then responsibility will be determined.
Melanin, we have learned, is a priori in all situations.

Later in the thread I will provide a stunning example of how police view 'property.'
Self-defense is typically a good defense....

I live in the People's Republic of New York.....downstate.

Check out the court decisions in the Bronx.
OK, well as long as people and businesses are fleeing NYC, the pols can start their own businesses to see how stupid it is.
Without "law and order" cities won't survive.
Can you shoot looters to protect your property/business?
I'm wondering why there are no armed security guards in the NYC high-end stores??

I fear it is due to how the Left/Democrats have corrupted the legal institutions.

If you or your organization are responsible for wounding or killing a on your property or with your property, the first thing at issue will be the color of your skin and of the culprit, and then responsibility will be determined.
Melanin, we have learned, is a priori in all situations.

Later in the thread I will provide a stunning example of how police view 'property.'
Self-defense is typically a good defense....

I live in the People's Republic of New York.....downstate.

Check out the court decisions in the Bronx.
OK, well as long as people and businesses are fleeing NYC, the pols can start their own businesses to see how stupid it is.
Without "law and order" cities won't survive.

I admit that I am a card-carrying pessimist......but I believe our civilization has past its 'sell-by' dated.

These atavistic savages are winning, they are the major political party, they own the schools and the media, and infect the entire legal system.
Did you note what happens to those rioters arrested? Democrat judges send them back out to cause more mayhem.

Sorry, K......we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation, thanks to the nihilists.
They are so demented that they don't care that they will go down with the rest of us.

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