The Paradox of Police and Property.

Maybe Mossad is responsible for assasinations in Iran maybe not so but if so it is just since Iran has threatened to destroy us.

That is just a lie.
Iran NEVER threatened Israel.
They also could never, because the majority of the people in Israel are Arab Muslims.

Israel should be wiped off the map. Israel should disappear. If those are not threats then what are they?
Many years ago the HaShomer Jewish guards formed to protect their settlements from Bedouin thieves were ordered not to kill but to chase them away. He came to steal not to murder you so do not kill him were the orders.

How do you know if they were there to kill you?

Sanhedrin 72a-b: If Someone Comes to Kill You Judaism does not subscribe to the idea that one should "turn the other cheek" when attacked. In fact, one important rule taught by the Talmud is ha-ba le-horgekha, hashkem le-horgo - if someone comes planning to kill you, you should hurry to kill him first.

the HaShomer policy was only kill a thief in the night if you must. In 1967 we struck first. Read King Huesseins book My War With Israel. He tells of the planned attack on Israel from the Arab perspective. So we were justified in attacking. Also in 1981 to prevent Saddam Huessein from building nuclear bomb.

More lies.
There was never a plan to attack Israel in 1967.
If there had been, then the Israelis sneak attack would not have worked.

It is also a lie to claim that Saddam was ever intending to build nuclear weapons.
Osirac would have been operated by the French entirely and was not capable of enriching any fissile material.
Many years ago the HaShomer Jewish guards formed to protect their settlements from Bedouin thieves were ordered not to kill but to chase them away. He came to steal not to murder you so do not kill him were the orders.

How do you know if they were there to kill you?

Sanhedrin 72a-b: If Someone Comes to Kill You Judaism does not subscribe to the idea that one should "turn the other cheek" when attacked. In fact, one important rule taught by the Talmud is ha-ba le-horgekha, hashkem le-horgo - if someone comes planning to kill you, you should hurry to kill him first.

the HaShomer policy was only kill a thief in the night if you must. In 1967 we struck first. Read King Huesseins book My War With Israel. He tells of the planned attack on Israel from the Arab perspective. So we were justified in attacking. Also in 1981 to prevent Saddam Huessein from building nuclear bomb.

More lies.
There was never a plan to attack Israel in 1967.
If there had been, then the Israelis sneak attack would not have worked.

It is also a lie to claim that Saddam was ever intending to build nuclear weapons.
Osirac would have been operated by the French entirely and was not capable of enriching any fissile material.

I already gave you Arab source. Read King Huesseins book My War With Israel. He told in his own words of the planned attack on Israel. He said he signed the pact with Egypt and Syria because he feared he would lose his standing in the Arab world if they did it without him.
Maybe Mossad is responsible for assasinations in Iran maybe not so but if so it is just since Iran has threatened to destroy us.

That is just a lie.
Iran NEVER threatened Israel.
They also could never, because the majority of the people in Israel are Arab Muslims.

Israel should be wiped off the map. Israel should disappear. If those are not threats then what are they?

Another lie.
The quote by Amadinejad was a very OLD quote he was just repeating, and essentially is just said that Israel would end up in the dustbin of history.
They were not and could not possibly be interpreted as threats.
Many years ago the HaShomer Jewish guards formed to protect their settlements from Bedouin thieves were ordered not to kill but to chase them away. He came to steal not to murder you so do not kill him were the orders.

How do you know if they were there to kill you?

Sanhedrin 72a-b: If Someone Comes to Kill You Judaism does not subscribe to the idea that one should "turn the other cheek" when attacked. In fact, one important rule taught by the Talmud is ha-ba le-horgekha, hashkem le-horgo - if someone comes planning to kill you, you should hurry to kill him first.

the HaShomer policy was only kill a thief in the night if you must. In 1967 we struck first. Read King Huesseins book My War With Israel. He tells of the planned attack on Israel from the Arab perspective. So we were justified in attacking. Also in 1981 to prevent Saddam Huessein from building nuclear bomb.

More lies.
There was never a plan to attack Israel in 1967.
If there had been, then the Israelis sneak attack would not have worked.

It is also a lie to claim that Saddam was ever intending to build nuclear weapons.
Osirac would have been operated by the French entirely and was not capable of enriching any fissile material.

I already gave you Arab source. Read King Huesseins book My War With Israel. He told in his own words of the planned attack on Israel. He said he signed the pact with Egypt and Syria because he feared he would lose his standing in the Arab world if they did it without him.

That is absurd.
No one signs aggression pacts.
Nor was Jordan or Egypt ever even remotely interested in war over Palestine, whom they considered radical trouble makers.
You are just lying.
Jordan and Egypt the bare minimum in 1948, and wanted nothing to do with any war.
They had way too many other troubles.
Many years ago the HaShomer Jewish guards formed to protect their settlements from Bedouin thieves were ordered not to kill but to chase them away. He came to steal not to murder you so do not kill him were the orders.

How do you know if they were there to kill you?

Sanhedrin 72a-b: If Someone Comes to Kill You Judaism does not subscribe to the idea that one should "turn the other cheek" when attacked. In fact, one important rule taught by the Talmud is ha-ba le-horgekha, hashkem le-horgo - if someone comes planning to kill you, you should hurry to kill him first.

the HaShomer policy was only kill a thief in the night if you must. In 1967 we struck first. Read King Huesseins book My War With Israel. He tells of the planned attack on Israel from the Arab perspective. So we were justified in attacking. Also in 1981 to prevent Saddam Huessein from building nuclear bomb.

More lies.
There was never a plan to attack Israel in 1967.
If there had been, then the Israelis sneak attack would not have worked.

It is also a lie to claim that Saddam was ever intending to build nuclear weapons.
Osirac would have been operated by the French entirely and was not capable of enriching any fissile material.

I already gave you Arab source. Read King Huesseins book My War With Israel. He told in his own words of the planned attack on Israel. He said he signed the pact with Egypt and Syria because he feared he would lose his standing in the Arab world if they did it without him.

That is absurd.
No one signs aggression pacts.
Nor was Jordan or Egypt ever even remotely interested in war over Palestine, whom they considered radical trouble makers.
You are just lying.
Jordan and Egypt the bare minimum in 1948, and wanted nothing to do with any war.
They had way too many other troubles.

Read the book. In King Huesseins words. You are calling him a liar not me.
Many years ago the HaShomer Jewish guards formed to protect their settlements from Bedouin thieves were ordered not to kill but to chase them away. He came to steal not to murder you so do not kill him were the orders.

How do you know if they were there to kill you?

Sanhedrin 72a-b: If Someone Comes to Kill You Judaism does not subscribe to the idea that one should "turn the other cheek" when attacked. In fact, one important rule taught by the Talmud is ha-ba le-horgekha, hashkem le-horgo - if someone comes planning to kill you, you should hurry to kill him first.

the HaShomer policy was only kill a thief in the night if you must. In 1967 we struck first. Read King Huesseins book My War With Israel. He tells of the planned attack on Israel from the Arab perspective. So we were justified in attacking. Also in 1981 to prevent Saddam Huessein from building nuclear bomb.

Did you know about the time Israel saved Jordan's offense intended......when Syria was about to atttack?

"Israeli–Palestinian Conflict: Was it true that in 1970 Syria tried to invade Jordan, and was only prevented from doing that by Israel?

During the civil war between PLO led Palestinians and the Hashemite kingdom, under the late King Hussein (which included the bloody events of black September and lead to the PLOs migration to South Lebanon), Syria, under pretense of assisting the Palestinians, launched a land invasion into the North of Jordan.

King Hussein, whose forces were spread too thin, secretly contacted the White House in request of aid.

Nixon wouldn't hear of it, the U.S was stuck knee deep in the Vietnam War,
and a conflict in another country they couldn't point at on the map was the last thing the American public would hear of.

Henry Kissinger, then Secretary of State, came up with a surprising concept: reach out to Israel for assistance.

In a low profile channel, Prime Minister Golda Meir, and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan were approached with the request.

(The liaison was Israeli ambassador to the U.S at the time, Yitzhak Rabin, this was later a pinnacle point in the personal friendship that grew between him and King Hussein)

Kissinger made it clear that Hussein is in dire need, what little forces Jordan could spare were no match for the Syrian armored divisions, and they were taking significant losses on the ground and in the air, not affecting Syrian progress deep into Jordan substantially enough.

He also explained why the U.S could not act directly.

Dayan and Meir agreed almost instantly requesting confirmation that Hussein would agree to accept such help.

Kissinger reached out, a reluctant but desperate Hussein agreed, requesting only that the Israelis act in a way that would be somehow kept under the radar.

Within less than a day, the IAF commander, sent a wing of 4 Israeli F-4E Phantom jets on an insanely dangerous mission:

To fly low over the charging Syrian land divisions, throughout the entire northern Jordan front, making sure that the Syrians can positively ID the planes as Israeli Phantoms. The mission was carried out with the wing making sure to deliver several supersonic booms along its route.

Many years ago the HaShomer Jewish guards formed to protect their settlements from Bedouin thieves were ordered not to kill but to chase them away. He came to steal not to murder you so do not kill him were the orders.

How do you know if they were there to kill you?

Sanhedrin 72a-b: If Someone Comes to Kill You Judaism does not subscribe to the idea that one should "turn the other cheek" when attacked. In fact, one important rule taught by the Talmud is ha-ba le-horgekha, hashkem le-horgo - if someone comes planning to kill you, you should hurry to kill him first.

the HaShomer policy was only kill a thief in the night if you must. In 1967 we struck first. Read King Huesseins book My War With Israel. He tells of the planned attack on Israel from the Arab perspective. So we were justified in attacking. Also in 1981 to prevent Saddam Huessein from building nuclear bomb.

Did you know about the time Israel saved Jordan's offense intended......when Syria was about to atttack?

"Israeli–Palestinian Conflict: Was it true that in 1970 Syria tried to invade Jordan, and was only prevented from doing that by Israel?

During the civil war between PLO led Palestinians and the Hashemite kingdom, under the late King Hussein (which included the bloody events of black September and lead to the PLOs migration to South Lebanon), Syria, under pretense of assisting the Palestinians, launched a land invasion into the North of Jordan.

King Hussein, whose forces were spread too thin, secretly contacted the White House in request of aid.

Nixon wouldn't hear of it, the U.S was stuck knee deep in the Vietnam War,
and a conflict in another country they couldn't point at on the map was the last thing the American public would hear of.

Henry Kissinger, then Secretary of State, came up with a surprising concept: reach out to Israel for assistance.

In a low profile channel, Prime Minister Golda Meir, and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan were approached with the request.

(The liaison was Israeli ambassador to the U.S at the time, Yitzhak Rabin, this was later a pinnacle point in the personal friendship that grew between him and King Hussein)

Kissinger made it clear that Hussein is in dire need, what little forces Jordan could spare were no match for the Syrian armored divisions, and they were taking significant losses on the ground and in the air, not affecting Syrian progress deep into Jordan substantially enough.

He also explained why the U.S could not act directly.

Dayan and Meir agreed almost instantly requesting confirmation that Hussein would agree to accept such help.

Kissinger reached out, a reluctant but desperate Hussein agreed, requesting only that the Israelis act in a way that would be somehow kept under the radar.

Within less than a day, the IAF commander, sent a wing of 4 Israeli F-4E Phantom jets on an insanely dangerous mission:

To fly low over the charging Syrian land divisions, throughout the entire northern Jordan front, making sure that the Syrians can positively ID the planes as Israeli Phantoms. The mission was carried out with the wing making sure to deliver several supersonic booms along its route.

That was back when King Huessein went to war with the PLO. Syria intervened for the PLO. And we helped him.
7. While private property is at the heart of our civilization, and inseparable from prosperity.......what can one expect from the executive power of the state, the police force????

Nothing.....if politically correct individuals are in charge.

For example, the Police Chief of Raleigh, North Carolina.

Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown has a particularly.......odd......view of policing.
She isn't inclined to do it.

At 14:30 “I will not put an officer in harms way to protect the property….”

View attachment 346967

You can arrest people for property crimes without risking lives.
Avoiding deadly risks does not mean you don't arrest and prosecute.
It just means you do things more slowly and carefully.
You do not charge in, but instead demand the suspect come out instead.
Waiting them out is safer than leaving cover.

I'd rather shoot them.

Do drop by after dark.

That not only risks ruining the carpeting, but shots go through walls, so you risk your own family, neighbors, etc. And that does not even consider when the intruder is not really a criminal and it is wrong to shoot them at all, such as unexpected relatives, those who just had an accident and need emergency phone use, etc.

Nay, is you who is at risk when entering uninvited.

I bet you look good in red.

Shooting a gun in a house, in a crowded neighborhood, is very irresponsible.
There can be times it is necessary, but extremely rare.
You don't just shoot someone because you don't know who they are.
The could be a plumber called by a landlord for an emergency at an unoccupied house, and he got the address wrong.
Even if he as a thief and wanted to steal something, there is no advantage in shooting them if they leave without taking anything.

So you believe ( I almost said 'think') that home invasion is 'responsible'?????

"You don't just shoot someone because you don't know who they are."

Someone breaks into your home.....yeah, you do.
Until you're out of ammo.

I don't know how you were raised.....None of my plumbers ever broke it.

"Even if he as a thief and wanted to steal something, there is no advantage in shooting them if they leave without taking anything."
Same for bank robbers?

Your brain is not working as designed. Look into the problem.

Lives are more valuable than property, but if they took nothing, then shooting them would be the act of a depraved lunatic that enjoyed causing harm.
That person should never be allowed free on the streets, and should instead never be let out of a straight jacket.

"Lives are more valuable than property, "

Do you lock your front door?

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