The Oslo murderer


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
Are we allowed to discuss his motivations yet?

It seems obvious from his writings that he sees himself as some kind of martyr advocating for a revolution against his country because of his Islamophobic views. (Even though the population of Norway is only 3% Muslim).

Many of his views are similar to views of posters here and I find that disturbing. Not that I think anyone here would go on a murderous rampage and kill innocent people, especially children.

The guy is a fucking terrorist.

What the hell.
He gave The reason for his killing spree, to promote his Ebook

I am not sure there is anything very new in it but I have only read 29 of the 1587 pages. He claims to have given a copy to his 7000 facebook friends.

and sad to say he is going to give what he believes is a reason tomorrow.
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Depends whether it's a discussion or a bunch of bullshit to accuse every Conservative of being a terrorist. In my experience of late on this board, the latter outweighs the former.

People who use tragedies to accuse their political opponents of wrongdoing are mentally unstable individuals.
Are we allowed to discuss his motivations yet?

It seems obvious from his writings that he sees himself as some kind of martyr advocating for a revolution against his country because of his Islamophobic views. (Even though the population of Norway is only 3% Muslim).

Many of his views are similar to views of posters here and I find that disturbing. Not that I think anyone here would go on a murderous rampage and kill innocent people, especially children.

The guy is a fucking terrorist.

What the hell.
You are absolutely right. I read the radical posts filled with hate, bigotry and propaganda and wonder if am reading the words of a future terrorist. Message boards, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other outlets for free expression serve a very important purpose. They give an outlet for these lunatics to express themselves, to release a lot of emotions and hostility. As long as they are at the keyboards they aren't killing people.
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Are we allowed to discuss his motivations yet?

It seems obvious from his writings that he sees himself as some kind of martyr advocating for a revolution against his country because of his Islamophobic views. (Even though the population of Norway is only 3% Muslim).

Many of his views are similar to views of posters here and I find that disturbing. Not that I think anyone here would go on a murderous rampage and kill innocent people, especially children.

The guy is a fucking terrorist.

What the hell.
You are absolutely right. I read the radical posts filled with hate, bigotry and propaganda and wonder if am reading the words of a future terrorist. Message boards, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other outlets for free expression serve a very important purpose. They give an outlet for these lunatics to express themselves, to release a lot of emotions and hostility. As long as they are at the keyboards they aren't killing people.

Flopper I have doubts on what you say. I am not trying to be nasty just genuine. This guy apparently spent 9 years preparing for this - that is the years from 23-32. During this time he was using the internet a great deal - so much so that he sent 7000 copies of his book to his internet friends before he went off on his murderous business on Friday. Now I have to imagine that he at least thought he would get their approval for what he did. Certainly in his case, far from getting things off his chest, they seem to have fuelled it.

The Norwegian government were talking about this very thing today, that how somehow they have to find a way to find these people and reintegrate them. They believe this could be possible because they engaged I think with neo Nazi's before and they changed. They are concerned other far righters may follow him in Europe. They see it as a very serious problem which needs to be addressed.
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Are we allowed to discuss his motivations yet?

It seems obvious from his writings that he sees himself as some kind of martyr advocating for a revolution against his country because of his Islamophobic views. (Even though the population of Norway is only 3% Muslim).

Many of his views are similar to views of posters here and I find that disturbing. Not that I think anyone here would go on a murderous rampage and kill innocent people, especially children.

The guy is a fucking terrorist.

What the hell.

I recommend that Homeland Security arrest anyone who posts anything that can be interpreted as terrorism.
Depends whether it's a discussion or a bunch of bullshit to accuse every Conservative of being a terrorist. In my experience of late on this board, the latter outweighs the former.

People who use tragedies to accuse their political opponents of wrongdoing are mentally unstable individuals.
Isn't that what you just did?
Are we allowed to discuss his motivations yet?

It seems obvious from his writings that he sees himself as some kind of martyr advocating for a revolution against his country because of his Islamophobic views. (Even though the population of Norway is only 3% Muslim).

Many of his views are similar to views of posters here and I find that disturbing. Not that I think anyone here would go on a murderous rampage and kill innocent people, especially children.

The guy is a fucking terrorist.

What the hell.
You are absolutely right. I read the radical posts filled with hate, bigotry and propaganda and wonder if am reading the words of a future terrorist. Message boards, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other outlets for free expression serve a very important purpose. They give an outlet for these lunatics to express themselves, to release a lot of emotions and hostility. As long as they are at the keyboards they aren't killing people.
That's a good point. But they also seem to get like minded people into believing things simply because they are repeated over and over and over again.

I hate to see this kind of thing. Not sure what can be done about it but I think it is important to talk about.
I don't see anything about this guy that even remotely reminds me of the right wingers on this board.

I see more people from the left who state their comfort with the idea of killing children, reducing population, withholding assistance from those who need it outside of the US, and oppressing people based upon their color and religion than I see people on the right doing the same thing.

In fact, kindly share exactly who exactly mirrors this guys. Specifics please. Exactly what have they said, and how does it line up with his beliefs? Links please.

Otherwise I'll just assume it's more revolting fear mongering and lying.
Are we allowed to discuss his motivations yet?

It seems obvious from his writings that he sees himself as some kind of martyr advocating for a revolution against his country because of his Islamophobic views. (Even though the population of Norway is only 3% Muslim).

Many of his views are similar to views of posters here and I find that disturbing. Not that I think anyone here would go on a murderous rampage and kill innocent people, especially children.

The guy is a fucking terrorist.

What the hell.
You are absolutely right. I read the radical posts filled with hate, bigotry and propaganda and wonder if am reading the words of a future terrorist. Message boards, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other outlets for free expression serve a very important purpose. They give an outlet for these lunatics to express themselves, to release a lot of emotions and hostility. As long as they are at the keyboards they aren't killing people.

Flopper I have doubts on what you say. I am not trying to be nasty just genuine. This guy apparently spent 9 years preparing for this - that is the years from 23-32. During this time he was using the internet a great deal - so much so that he sent 7000 copies of his book to his internet friends before he went off on his murderous business on Friday. Now I have to imagine that he at least thought he would get their approval for what he did. Certainly in his case, far from getting things off his chest, they seem to have fuelled it.

The Norwegian government were talking about this very thing today and how somehow they have to find a way to find these people and reintegrate them. They believe this could be possible because they engaged I think with neo Nazi's before and they changed. They are concerned other far righters may follow him in Europe. They see it as a very serious problem which needs to be addressed.

I doubt his 7,000 internet friends are actually really friends but just people that agree with some of his views. More than likely the majority are horrified about what he did.
I don't see anything about this guy that even remotely reminds me of the right wingers on this board.

I see more people from the left who state their comfort with the idea of killing children, reducing population, withholding assistance from those who need it outside of the US, and oppressing people based upon their color and religion than I see people on the right doing the same thing.

In fact, kindly share exactly who exactly mirrors this guys. Specifics please. Exactly what have they said, and how does it line up with his beliefs? Links please.

Otherwise I'll just assume it's more revolting fear mongering and lying.
You can pretend that we don't have a lot of Islamophobics if you wish. You can also pretend that we don't have a lot of people convinced that the powers that be are marxist/commie/pinko/fascists.

I guess my point is this. There is too much demonization in politics and this guy is the result on the extreme end of all the hate that gets spewed.
I don't see anything about this guy that even remotely reminds me of the right wingers on this board.

I see more people from the left who state their comfort with the idea of killing children, reducing population, withholding assistance from those who need it outside of the US, and oppressing people based upon their color and religion than I see people on the right doing the same thing.

In fact, kindly share exactly who exactly mirrors this guys. Specifics please. Exactly what have they said, and how does it line up with his beliefs? Links please.

Otherwise I'll just assume it's more revolting fear mongering and lying.

There are whackos in the world. Most of them justify their desire to murder others by identifying with some political stance. Sometimes they will identify with the far left, sometimes with the far right. Regardless, all they are is sick whackjobs who deserve to be treated as such.

Sadly, instead of that, some other sick individuals will delight in using these tragedies to justify their own hatred.
You are absolutely right. I read the radical posts filled with hate, bigotry and propaganda and wonder if am reading the words of a future terrorist. Message boards, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and other outlets for free expression serve a very important purpose. They give an outlet for these lunatics to express themselves, to release a lot of emotions and hostility. As long as they are at the keyboards they aren't killing people.

Flopper I have doubts on what you say. I am not trying to be nasty just genuine. This guy apparently spent 9 years preparing for this - that is the years from 23-32. During this time he was using the internet a great deal - so much so that he sent 7000 copies of his book to his internet friends before he went off on his murderous business on Friday. Now I have to imagine that he at least thought he would get their approval for what he did. Certainly in his case, far from getting things off his chest, they seem to have fuelled it.

The Norwegian government were talking about this very thing today and how somehow they have to find a way to find these people and reintegrate them. They believe this could be possible because they engaged I think with neo Nazi's before and they changed. They are concerned other far righters may follow him in Europe. They see it as a very serious problem which needs to be addressed.

I doubt his 7,000 internet friends are actually really friends but just people that agree with some of his views. More than likely the majority are horrified about what he did.

I agree they won't be real friends just facebook ones. I went over to Stormfront today and only one of the persons replying on the European thread did not feel what he had done was wrong. Others I am afraid thought he should have gone and done it somewhere else.

The point I was making was that I imagine he will have thought his internet 'friends' would be impressed and, that that, having all these appearing admirers will have helped him to keep this in his mind all those 9 years. I have heard his intention was to start revolutions. One concern obviously would be if other people followed him.

Reading the first chapter of his book, which is all stuff I have heard before, but reading it, what came to my mind is that this in it's own way is like radical Islam. It wants to go back to the past. Granted it is only wanting to take us back to 1950 so we are not (yet?) talking of cruel and unjust punishments, but at the same time it is giving up all the things which I believe have improved our society enormously and what struck me was that I had heard all that before on Internet Forums. (which is not to say that if I continue reading I may not come to much worse things)

Hearing how this man worked, calmly and without feeling as he killed the young people, I would have to imagine he is a person without empathy, in other words a psychopath.

I feel like you it is worth discussing and obviously there is an enormous amount more to come to the fore.
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I don't see anything about this guy that even remotely reminds me of the right wingers on this board.

I see more people from the left who state their comfort with the idea of killing children, reducing population, withholding assistance from those who need it outside of the US, and oppressing people based upon their color and religion than I see people on the right doing the same thing.

In fact, kindly share exactly who exactly mirrors this guys. Specifics please. Exactly what have they said, and how does it line up with his beliefs
? Links please.

Otherwise I'll just assume it's more revolting fear mongering and lying.
You can pretend that we don't have a lot of Islamophobics if you wish. You can also pretend that we don't have a lot of people convinced that the powers that be are marxist/commie/pinko/fascists.

I guess my point is this. There is too much demonization in politics and this guy is the result on the extreme end of all the hate that gets spewed.
Not really an answer.

Being conviced there are marxist/commie/pinko/fascists doesn't create a murderer and is not hate.
I don't see anything about this guy that even remotely reminds me of the right wingers on this board.

I see more people from the left who state their comfort with the idea of killing children, reducing population, withholding assistance from those who need it outside of the US, and oppressing people based upon their color and religion than I see people on the right doing the same thing.

In fact, kindly share exactly who exactly mirrors this guys. Specifics please. Exactly what have they said, and how does it line up with his beliefs? Links please.

Otherwise I'll just assume it's more revolting fear mongering and lying.
You can pretend that we don't have a lot of Islamophobics if you wish. You can also pretend that we don't have a lot of people convinced that the powers that be are marxist/commie/pinko/fascists.

I guess my point is this. There is too much demonization in politics and this guy is the result on the extreme end of all the hate that gets spewed.

There are also a lot of people who 'hate' Christianity. And there are a lot on here who 'hate' the right wing. Does that make them terrorists or likely to go out and murder children?

My point. There is extremism on both sides. That is not the responsibility of the left or the right... it is the individual.

If you were a right winger, you would be defending against the stupid accusations of the left.

This kind of ridiculous point scoring achieves nothing, other than to pander to the pathetic rantings of those who use tragedies for their childish games. Those people are sick freaks. They are the kind of people who taunt others on FaceBook or gang up against other kids in the playground. In short, they are what they despise the most.
Let me try this again.

I do not think this guy is a conservative. Rather he is a "conservative" in other words, a pretender. I should just call him a CINO (conservative in name only) or a LINO (libertarian in name only).

He's an extremely nationalistic, anti-immigrant, xenophobic, Islamophobe from what I've read of his views. Heck, he even toyed with the idea, according to his manifesto, of teaming up with those he fears (Muslims) to rid the world of those he fears the most (multiculturist leftists).

I don't think any REAL conservative or libertarian shares his views.

But I think it is important to revile the extreme nationalists. Because really, they are no different from the terrorists that pervert religion, or Stalinists, or Nazis. And there seem to be a lot of them lately.
Let me try this again.

I do not think this guy is a conservative. Rather he is a "conservative" in other words, a pretender. I should just call him a CINO (conservative in name only) or a LINO (libertarian in name only).

He's an extremely nationalistic, anti-immigrant, xenophobic, Islamophobe from what I've read of his views. Heck, he even toyed with the idea, according to his manifesto, of teaming up with those he fears (Muslims) to rid the world of those he fears the most (multiculturist leftists).

I don't think any REAL conservative or libertarian shares his views.

But I think it is important to revile the extreme nationalists. Because really, they are no different from the terrorists that pervert religion, or Stalinists, or Nazis. And there seem to be a lot of them lately.

In order to really understand his (totally warped) beliefs, you would need to study what is the 'far right' in Europe. Certainly, there are groups in the US who would be very similar.... but it would not be the TEA Party..... or conservatives.... it would be the NeoNazi groups that everyone - left or right - despises.

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