The Origin of Coronavirus?


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2021
I am not sure what the origin of this virus is. I do not know if this virus is something that was made up by The Cabal or came from outer space or somewhere in-between. In Convoluted Universe by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens say the first disease came to Earth on a meteor. I was researching the coronavirus in early 2020 and found an article (that i cannot find anymore on a google search) that said the coronavirus came from a meteor that came down near Wuhan, China just after midnight on October 11, 2019. The article also had a video where you could see the meteor come down, recorded by someone inside a car. The scientist in the article predicted that the coronavirus would become an endemic. The scientist said the trade winds blow these airborne viruses, like coronavirus and SARS, into China.

In the Three Waves of Volunteers And The New Earth by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens say The Cabal is losing power and they are doing extreme things to stay in power. This virus is not even an epidemic and is being exaggerated by The Cabal according to the Council of Aliens.
A novel virus that just recently sprang up near a Chinese genetic research lab? Pure coincidence, and the fact that Fauci and the CDC was funding that lab to do gain of function research besides being warned NOT to? It never happened, because THEY say so.
I am not sure what the origin of this virus is. I do not know if this virus is something that was made up by The Cabal or came from outer space or somewhere in-between. In Convoluted Universe by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens say the first disease came to Earth on a meteor. I was researching the coronavirus in early 2020 and found an article (that i cannot find anymore on a google search) that said the coronavirus came from a meteor that came down near Wuhan, China just after midnight on October 11, 2019. The article also had a video where you could see the meteor come down, recorded by someone inside a car. The scientist in the article predicted that the coronavirus would become an endemic. The scientist said the trade winds blow these airborne viruses, like coronavirus and SARS, into China.

In the Three Waves of Volunteers And The New Earth by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens say The Cabal is losing power and they are doing extreme things to stay in power. This virus is not even an epidemic and is being exaggerated by The Cabal according to the Council of Aliens.
I am pretty sure you can forget the "It Came from Outer Space" theory.
I am not sure what the origin of this virus is. I do not know if this virus is something that was made up by The Cabal or came from outer space or somewhere in-between. In Convoluted Universe by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens say the first disease came to Earth on a meteor. I was researching the coronavirus in early 2020 and found an article (that i cannot find anymore on a google search) that said the coronavirus came from a meteor that came down near Wuhan, China just after midnight on October 11, 2019. The article also had a video where you could see the meteor come down, recorded by someone inside a car. The scientist in the article predicted that the coronavirus would become an endemic. The scientist said the trade winds blow these airborne viruses, like coronavirus and SARS, into China.

In the Three Waves of Volunteers And The New Earth by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens say The Cabal is losing power and they are doing extreme things to stay in power. This virus is not even an epidemic and is being exaggerated by The Cabal according to the Council of Aliens.

Coronaviruses have existed for a very, very long time.

In the 1920s there was a coronavirus in North Dakota. But they've probably been around for far, far longer than humans have
It came from the U.of N. Carolina. Wuhan scientists were there. When it was ready, Obama lifted the ban on gain of function, handed Fauci millions of dollars to give to the Wuhan lab, and sent the virus, the Wuhan scientists, and the money to Wuhan for the virus to be fine tuned, and turned loose. And then pretended it came from bats.
It came from the U.of N. Carolina. Wuhan scientists were there. When it was ready, Obama lifted the ban on gain of function, handed Fauci millions of dollars to give to the Wuhan lab, and sent the virus, the Wuhan scientists, and the money to Wuhan for the virus to be fine tuned, and turned loose. And then pretended it came from bats.
Lil' girl, I think you've been rammed one time to many.:auiqs.jpg:
I am not sure what the origin of this virus is. I do not know if this virus is something that was made up by The Cabal or came from outer space or somewhere in-between. In Convoluted Universe by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens say the first disease came to Earth on a meteor. I was researching the coronavirus in early 2020 and found an article (that i cannot find anymore on a google search) that said the coronavirus came from a meteor that came down near Wuhan, China just after midnight on October 11, 2019. The article also had a video where you could see the meteor come down, recorded by someone inside a car. The scientist in the article predicted that the coronavirus would become an endemic. The scientist said the trade winds blow these airborne viruses, like coronavirus and SARS, into China.

In the Three Waves of Volunteers And The New Earth by Dolores Cannon, the Aliens say The Cabal is losing power and they are doing extreme things to stay in power. This virus is not even an epidemic and is being exaggerated by The Cabal according to the Council of Aliens.
The information about the Cabal is in the chapter called The Old Earth in the book The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth by Dolores Cannon.
Lil' girl, I think you've been rammed one time to many.:auiqs.jpg:
huh. So Obama didn't lift the ban on gain of function 11 days before Trump took office?
There were no scientists from Wuhan in North Carolina?
When they went back to Wuhan, were they empty handed, and broke?
If they took a virus and 3.7 million dollars with them, where did they get it?
Did it all come from a bat?

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