The only question I have about Trump at this point

I’m still confused at how you didn’t benefit, thrive and prosper under the Trump Administration before the rollout of the Democrat Virus. Virtually EVERYTHING that actually matters was improved on his watch. How was he so "bad" for you? It’s almost as if you laid in the fetal position for 3.5 years while everyone around you kicked ass and counted their cash. He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more darkies from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily, put the U.S. back in command of the world, bring troops home from overseas, demand peace in the middle east, give me a tax rebate, drive my investments off the charts, drive my income through the roof, ride the asses of biopharmaceutical companies to promptly formulate a covid vaccine.....He did all of EXACTLY was he bad for you?
Here's what people like you don't understand:

It's not about me.

Okay awesome...I get it, you’re noble as fuck, you vote on the interests of others...let’s go with that.
TELL US, exactly who, what type of people didn’t benefit, thrive and prosper under the Trump Administration pre Democrat Virus?
(this is where you get scared)

LOL He'll really have to dig to find someone who didn't benefit by Trump being POTUS.
No, I really wouldn't. But you are not told about any of that in your world.

Your world is now shrinking. That's not my problem.

No. My world is the same as its always been. A good job, money in the bank and the only worry I have is the four years of misery we will be getting when the Biden/Harris shit show kicks off.

I enjoy my life and it sure isn't shrinking. Oh and good to know you can't think of anyone who didn't benefit from Trump as POTUS.
That's not what I said, of course, but you folks aren't worried about intellectual honesty. Hell, look at who you adore.

And you're worried. Too bad. Your paranoia doesn't concern me.

You seem to be the one that's paranoid. All you talk about is your dislike for Trump and how he's a lousy POTUS despite everything he's done for the country. I don't adore anyone. I respect Trump and his ability to get shit done.

I'm not worried about Trump. That's you. I do worry about the country when the Biden/Harris shit show kicks off and if you weren't so anti Trump you'd be worried to. Check out the list of what that jack ass wants to do.
Let me know when they're actually going to vote on an actual bill.

The rest is paranoid noise. But feel free.
I’m still confused at how you didn’t benefit, thrive and prosper under the Trump Administration before the rollout of the Democrat Virus. Virtually EVERYTHING that actually matters was improved on his watch. How was he so "bad" for you? It’s almost as if you laid in the fetal position for 3.5 years while everyone around you kicked ass and counted their cash. He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more darkies from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily, put the U.S. back in command of the world, bring troops home from overseas, demand peace in the middle east, give me a tax rebate, drive my investments off the charts, drive my income through the roof, ride the asses of biopharmaceutical companies to promptly formulate a covid vaccine.....He did all of EXACTLY was he bad for you?
Here's what people like you don't understand:

It's not about me.

Okay awesome...I get it, you’re noble as fuck, you vote on the interests of others...let’s go with that.
TELL US, exactly who, what type of people didn’t benefit, thrive and prosper under the Trump Administration pre Democrat Virus?
(this is where you get scared)
I don't get scared. I just get bored.

Those of us who don't adore Trump like you have made our case for four years. You summarily reject all of it.

That is your right. I have no obligation to keep trying. Especially now.

Mac, it’s not our fault that you can’t articulate how his presidency was so bad for you.
Again, you’ve laid rolled up in the fetal position screaming “MEANIE” for years while we all increased our net worth and watched EVERYONE around us do better.
How can you expect us to level with you?
Surely that’s what drives you to keep posting the same tired ass shit over and over again...right?
You want us to roll up in the fetal position with you and scream “MEANIE” with you...right?
I don't care what you do, Trumpster. Especially now.
But you do, only you believe you don’t.
You keep posting, you keep trying your ass off, trying to sell us on hating “TRUMPISM” while our bank accounts are exploding.
You want us to deny the cash and prosperity and scream “MEANIE” with you in harmony. What sane person does such a thing?
Wrong, as usual. I want you to be exactly what you are. Loud and clear.

I've told you that a zillion times. You just want to complain about me.

Loud and clear. Keep going.
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?

I believe your soul is in jeopardy. That might be a bigger issue for you than pretending you did something awesome for our world by denigrating Trump. But don't take it personally, this nation is adrift, morally and no one seems to care.
Any Trumpster who worries about souls and morals is a hypocrite and a fraud, because you adore a man who clearly lacks both.
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?


The delusional will never admit their mistakes. But after trump's Thursday night scripted almost concession....many are thinking trump has fallen prey to the deep state. trump and his criminal family are politically dead. I am so grateful for that...but

What trump has started is the most dangerous threat to this country tr He has encouraged the scum and the sleaze to crawl out from under their rocks. It will take years to get these people under control....if ever. They are clearly expecting to topple this cou. THEY SAY THAT! They are completely unhinged. That is Biden's biggest threat.
Those of us who don't adore Trump like you have made our case for four years. You summarily reject all of it.

That is your right. I have no obligation to keep trying. Especially now.
Those of you who do not rabidly hate Trump, don't spend every waking moment reveling in your disgust of him like we do....
It always pleases me when you folks have to make up my words for me.

It shows me I'm nailing it. And it sure happens a lot. Neat.
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?


The official most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER

PROVEN Democrat / Leftist crimes against Constitution and Rule of Law

4 years of Leftist filed coup attempts

The admitted 1st Partisan Political Impeachment in US history based on 0 crime/evidence/witnesses

Election fraud admitted by Democrats and the USSC but no action taken against it long will it take millions of Americans to buy into the treasonous Democrats' and proven surrogate fake news' attempt to rewrite history?


"Trump encouraged violence and his supporters are 'domestic terrorists."


Shhhh by Sebastian777 on DeviantArt
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?

Time to impeach Biden.

What are you waiting for, go on git after it!!!!
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?


There are no words to describe your stupidity and ignorance. No words, so I am not even going to try.

To the rest of the people, BEST PRESIDENT EVER!
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?

I believe your soul is in jeopardy. That might be a bigger issue for you than pretending you did something awesome for our world by denigrating Trump. But don't take it personally, this nation is adrift, morally and no one seems to care.
Any Trumpster who worries about souls and morals is a hypocrite and a fraud, because you adore a man who clearly lacks both.

Mac, save that shit....your whole party is completely fucked in the head from all angles.

Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?

Time to impeach Biden.

What are you waiting for, go on git after it!!!!
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?


The official most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER

PROVEN Democrat / Leftist crimes against Constitution and Rule of Law

4 years of Leftist filed coup attempts

The admitted 1st Partisan Political Impeachment in US history based on 0 crime/evidence/witnesses

Election fraud admitted by Democrats and the USSC but no action taken against it long will it take millions of Americans to buy into the treasonous Democrats' and proven surrogate fake news' attempt to rewrite history?


"Trump encouraged violence and his supporters are 'domestic terrorists."


Shhhh by Sebastian777 on DeviantArt
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?


Very few. Trump did a great job as POTUS. This country was in great shape before the Chinese virus.

With Biden at the helm you won't get what you had with Trump. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy. I've seen the list of what that jack ass wants to do and its a doozey.

Biden will have to deal with what Trump did. The Chinese virus isn't going away and the economy though slowly recovering won't be bouncing back any time soon and I doubt Biden is up for the challenge. Take a look at his list.
The green new deal will kill the economy by itself.

Oh yeah. It will bankrupt the country. Have you see the list of what that jack ass wants to do?? With a Dem House and Senate nothing will stop that idiot.
We are gonna pass so many bathroom laws that it will turn you gay against your will. Xmas will replace Christmas. Muslim prayer hours will be mandatory. Your gender on the 21st will be unrecognizable. I can’t wait to own the cons!!!!
Biden is about to impose draconian measures to protect our wonderful “democracy,” and the false flag in DC Wednesday fits nicely into his plans.

Could it have been akin to theFebruary 27, 1933 German Reichstag Fire? We’ll know very soon.

Was the Assault on the Capitol Building a False Flag?
And whereas media portrayed Antifa riots as “largely peaceful disturbances,” we can look forward to months of pompous posturing about Wednesday’s events in DC.

Biden will be “the sane president” who restored peace and order.

Trump resisters who refuse to acknowledge Biden’s election will be characterized, over and over, as dangerous lunatics.

For the next 20 years, media will play up Wednesday, January 6, 2021, as the dark day America almost broke apart. You can bet a few dozen production companies are already editing footage for “stunning, award-winning” documentaries.

Democrats are feeling a burst of confidence that Trump’s career as a politician is over—since he will forever be linked to “The Insurrection of January 6.”

In their eyes, this is far better than a physical assassination.
Was the Assault on the Capitol Building a False Flag? - LewRockwell
Was Trump part of this so called false flag? Why did he, instigate it?
Trump inherited the upward direction of the economy and he leaves it in a downward direction. Which will be blamed on Biden. He will have to deal with a huge deficit. Economy should rebound as oil production is still strong and renewable energy options are firmly in place. He plans to go to the border to show how much he has done to build the wall. The crowning achievement of his presidency. I just hope he goes to the right side of the wall.

COVID 19 will be blamed but in reality it is how it was handled that is to blame. It is just an event and economies always recover from events that causes problem for the economy. The 2008 financial crisis was a man made one but we survived and rebounded.
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?


Very few. Trump did a great job as POTUS. This country was in great shape before the Chinese virus.

With Biden at the helm you won't get what you had with Trump. UE the lowest it had been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy. I've seen the list of what that jack ass wants to do and its a doozey.

Biden will have to deal with what Trump did. The Chinese virus isn't going away and the economy though slowly recovering won't be bouncing back any time soon and I doubt Biden is up for the challenge. Take a look at his list.
How do you know Mac isn’t in the market for a crash?

I doubt he is. He thinks jack ass will save the world.
Mac thinks what’s good for Mac is good.
See, you have provided the evidence to what I have just said. That is what the MSM has portrayed to you the last 4 years of Trump. And as a matter of fact the MSM is painting a picture that all straight white man are racist. They always use the racist card to divide the populace. Because if the blacks and whites got their heads together. That would be the end of the Cabal.

I don't need the Media to tell me Trump is a racist.

We just need to look at the things he says.

I agree, if working class whites got their heads out of their asses and realized the Goons of Plutocracy are fooling them talking about bullshit issues like abortion and gay marriage, the powers that be WOULD be in trouble.

And I guess you miss all of what Biden has said. Like you ain't black if you don't vote for me.
In my opinion Biden is way more racist then Trump. And in fact since Trump took office before the fake Covid. Blacks were opening more small businesses and more employed then ever thanks to the policies of Trump. The economy was booming more then it ever was.

That's quite a fucking fairy tale you whipped up in your brainwashed mind.
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?

What are you going to do with yourself after this month?
Without being able to make the daily trolling Orange man bad threads... what will you be able to rant about?

Mercilessly goofing on Cult45 should be enough material for about six years.
Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?

What are you going to do with yourself after this month?
Without being able to make the daily trolling Orange man bad threads... what will you be able to rant about?

Mercilessly goofing on Cult45 should be enough material for about six years.
Goofing on them for what? For supporting a president that rolled out policy after policy that had them unified and kicking ass?
I’m still confused at how you didn’t benefit, thrive and prosper under the Trump Administration before the rollout of the Democrat Virus. Virtually EVERYTHING that actually matters was improved on his watch. How was he so "bad" for you? It’s almost as if you laid in the fetal position for 3.5 years while everyone around you kicked ass and counted their cash. He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more darkies from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily, put the U.S. back in command of the world, bring troops home from overseas, demand peace in the middle east, give me a tax rebate, drive my investments off the charts, drive my income through the roof, ride the asses of biopharmaceutical companies to promptly formulate a covid vaccine.....He did all of EXACTLY was he bad for you?
Here's what people like you don't understand:

It's not about me.

Are you sure? It seems to think it knows you so well. :cuckoo: .
What are you going to do with yourself after this month? Without being able to make the daily trolling Orange man bad threads... what will you be able to rant about?
Mercilessly goofing on Cult45 should be enough material for about six years.
I'm really gonna try to lay off after Inauguration Day.


Since there really are no words to describe the last four years, I won't even bother trying. I'm just very, very relieved that they're coming to an end. Next up will be hoping that this hideous flameout won't embolden the Democrats to push too far to the Left. Despite all the shallow predictions, no one can really know.

But one question does remain for me, and I'll phrase it carefully: How many of his devoted followers will decide one day that none of this, nothing about him, were what they believed during this time?

What are you going to do with yourself after this month?
Without being able to make the daily trolling Orange man bad threads... what will you be able to rant about?

Mercilessly goofing on Cult45 should be enough material for about six years.
Goofing on them for what? For supporting a president that rolled out policy after policy that had them unified and kicking ass?

For being fucking toolbag weaklings. For allowing their brains to be soaked in bullshit religious like populism instead of facts. For behaving like seditious cretins. For behaving like experts on everything when most can barely tie their shoes. For being petty and ugly people who are dead inside because of a huge chip on their shoulders because inferiority complex. For calling themselves conservatives. For being the obnoxious, entitled kids in the room.

Shall I keep going?

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