The Only 2016 Campaign That Deliberately Colluded With Russians Was Hillary Clinton’s


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Only 2016 Campaign That Deliberately Colluded With Russians Was Hillary Clinton’s
There was Russian collusion during the 2016 presidential campaign, but it didn't come from Donald Trump.

The Only 2016 Campaign That Colluded With Russia Was Hillary Clinton's
March 28, 2019 ~ By Sean Davis
For more than two years, the campaign, presidential transition, and official government administration of Donald Trump operated under a cloud of suspicion that they had engaged in a treasonous conspiracy to steal the 2016 election from former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Trump and his top associates were accused of collusion and of conspiring with the Russians to subvert American democracy.... The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency publicly declared Trump to be guilty of treason, an offense punishable by death.(18 U.S. Code SS 2381 - Treason | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute) The former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the country’s premier law enforcement agency, intimated that the president had illegally obstructed justice.
In the end, none of it was true. After a nearly two-year-long investigation that issued 2,800 subpoenas, interviewed 500 witnesses, and used nearly 300 wiretaps and pen registers, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that there was no evidence of collusion by Trump or his associates.... But that doesn’t mean 2016 was free of Russian collusion. To the contrary, there is clear evidence that a 2016 presidential campaign willfully and deliberately colluded with Russians in a bid to interfere with American elections. It wasn’t Trump’s campaign that colluded with shady Russia oligarchs and sketchy Russian sources to subvert American democracy: it was Hillary Clinton’s. As the Mueller investigation reportedly concluded, though, there was no illegal conspiracy within the Trump campaign to collude with the Russians to subvert our democracy. There was collusion, alright, but it was committed by the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.

The article is from March 28, 2019 but it is very relevant today and the point needs to be repeated continually. The Trump campaign DID NOT collude with Russia.
The Clinton campaign and the DNC DID collude with Russia. like Vladimir Lenin said, you look for the person who would benefit.
Everything written above by Sean Davis is factually correct and true. The only question is whether this information will be ghettoized to the Federalist and other "right-wing" media or whether any journalists at CNN, MSNBC, the networks or print media will attempt to cover any of this. My sources say no.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and the MSM will NEVER cover any of this unless/until there are indictments and prosecutions of those who were directly involved in the collusion-hoax conspiracy.
We "Deplorables" knew we were getting a bare-knuckles brawler when we elected-- or decided to support-- Donald Trump, so it should come as no surprise that we are getting what we asked for. I would dearly love to see the collusion-hoax conspirators brought to justice, but I suspect that a fickle and purposely kept under-informed American public will lose sight of the endgame unless it is constantly reminded of what that endgame is. In saner times, the media could be relied upon to keep the ball in view as it made its way to the goalpost, but we do not live in sane times.
Maybe she did, but it likely won’t be investigated, and she definitely wont bear any punishment.
It will be investigated. Two HAM radio operators are linked to the Russian probe, which is an alternative to intercept-prone forms of communication. One of them is a DOJ spouse.
The Only 2016 Campaign That Deliberately Colluded With Russians Was Hillary Clinton’s
There was Russian collusion during the 2016 presidential campaign, but it didn't come from Donald Trump.

The Only 2016 Campaign That Colluded With Russia Was Hillary Clinton's
March 28, 2019 ~ By Sean Davis
For more than two years, the campaign, presidential transition, and official government administration of Donald Trump operated under a cloud of suspicion that they had engaged in a treasonous conspiracy to steal the 2016 election from former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Trump and his top associates were accused of collusion and of conspiring with the Russians to subvert American democracy.... The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency publicly declared Trump to be guilty of treason, an offense punishable by death.(18 U.S. Code SS 2381 - Treason | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute) The former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the country’s premier law enforcement agency, intimated that the president had illegally obstructed justice.
In the end, none of it was true. After a nearly two-year-long investigation that issued 2,800 subpoenas, interviewed 500 witnesses, and used nearly 300 wiretaps and pen registers, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that there was no evidence of collusion by Trump or his associates.... But that doesn’t mean 2016 was free of Russian collusion. To the contrary, there is clear evidence that a 2016 presidential campaign willfully and deliberately colluded with Russians in a bid to interfere with American elections. It wasn’t Trump’s campaign that colluded with shady Russia oligarchs and sketchy Russian sources to subvert American democracy: it was Hillary Clinton’s. As the Mueller investigation reportedly concluded, though, there was no illegal conspiracy within the Trump campaign to collude with the Russians to subvert our democracy. There was collusion, alright, but it was committed by the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.

The article is from March 28, 2019 but it is very relevant today and the point needs to be repeated continually. The Trump campaign DID NOT collude with Russia.
The Clinton campaign and the DNC DID collude with Russia. like Vladimir Lenin said, you look for the person who would benefit.
Everything written above by Sean Davis is factually correct and true. The only question is whether this information will be ghettoized to the Federalist and other "right-wing" media or whether any journalists at CNN, MSNBC, the networks or print media will attempt to cover any of this. My sources say no.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and the MSM will NEVER cover any of this unless/until there are indictments and prosecutions of those who were directly involved in the collusion-hoax conspiracy.
We "Deplorables" knew we were getting a bare-knuckles brawler when we elected-- or decided to support-- Donald Trump, so it should come as no surprise that we are getting what we asked for. I would dearly love to see the collusion-hoax conspirators brought to justice, but I suspect that a fickle and purposely kept under-informed American public will lose sight of the endgame unless it is constantly reminded of what that endgame is. In saner times, the media could be relied upon to keep the ball in view as it made its way to the goalpost, but we do not live in sane times.

Sean Davis is a lying weasel just like you. Mueller found that Manafort directed that internal polling data be given to a Russian business associate. In a later meeting, he gave the campaign strategy and other data from the campaign. He even talked about specific battleground states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. That was clearly passed on to Russian Intelligence and used for their pro-Trump social media ads.

The Russians wanted Trump not Clinton. They did everything they could to elect Trump and now it appears the hacking may have been deeper than we were aware of as they may have penetrated several Florida counties' election sites.

There are smart people out there and they will be voting against Trump in 2020.
If we have learned anything from the Mueller probe it is this: The DOJ and the Media spend all of their efforts on trying to overthrow Donald Trump. They have no interest in pursuing the obvious corruption of the Democrats because they are owned by the Democrats.
The Only 2016 Campaign That Deliberately Colluded With Russians Was Hillary Clinton’s
There was Russian collusion during the 2016 presidential campaign, but it didn't come from Donald Trump.

The Only 2016 Campaign That Colluded With Russia Was Hillary Clinton's
March 28, 2019 ~ By Sean Davis
For more than two years, the campaign, presidential transition, and official government administration of Donald Trump operated under a cloud of suspicion that they had engaged in a treasonous conspiracy to steal the 2016 election from former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Trump and his top associates were accused of collusion and of conspiring with the Russians to subvert American democracy.... The former director of the Central Intelligence Agency publicly declared Trump to be guilty of treason, an offense punishable by death.(18 U.S. Code SS 2381 - Treason | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute) The former head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the country’s premier law enforcement agency, intimated that the president had illegally obstructed justice.
In the end, none of it was true. After a nearly two-year-long investigation that issued 2,800 subpoenas, interviewed 500 witnesses, and used nearly 300 wiretaps and pen registers, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that there was no evidence of collusion by Trump or his associates.... But that doesn’t mean 2016 was free of Russian collusion. To the contrary, there is clear evidence that a 2016 presidential campaign willfully and deliberately colluded with Russians in a bid to interfere with American elections. It wasn’t Trump’s campaign that colluded with shady Russia oligarchs and sketchy Russian sources to subvert American democracy: it was Hillary Clinton’s. As the Mueller investigation reportedly concluded, though, there was no illegal conspiracy within the Trump campaign to collude with the Russians to subvert our democracy. There was collusion, alright, but it was committed by the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.

The article is from March 28, 2019 but it is very relevant today and the point needs to be repeated continually. The Trump campaign DID NOT collude with Russia.
The Clinton campaign and the DNC DID collude with Russia. like Vladimir Lenin said, you look for the person who would benefit.
Everything written above by Sean Davis is factually correct and true. The only question is whether this information will be ghettoized to the Federalist and other "right-wing" media or whether any journalists at CNN, MSNBC, the networks or print media will attempt to cover any of this. My sources say no.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and the MSM will NEVER cover any of this unless/until there are indictments and prosecutions of those who were directly involved in the collusion-hoax conspiracy.
We "Deplorables" knew we were getting a bare-knuckles brawler when we elected-- or decided to support-- Donald Trump, so it should come as no surprise that we are getting what we asked for. I would dearly love to see the collusion-hoax conspirators brought to justice, but I suspect that a fickle and purposely kept under-informed American public will lose sight of the endgame unless it is constantly reminded of what that endgame is. In saner times, the media could be relied upon to keep the ball in view as it made its way to the goalpost, but we do not live in sane times.
More phony GOP scandals from the disgraceful propaganda machine and the dukes. There is nothing wrong with paying American companies to find dirt, everyone does it. The dossier started off being paid for by a Republican fake newspaper. What you can't do is collude with foreign governments. Trump campaign people met with Russians 180 times and wrote nothing down. Trump told the Russians to go ahead and that's when they started on the Hillary computer... Nothing suspicious at all, super dupes.
If we have learned anything from the Mueller probe it is this: The DOJ and the Media spend all of their efforts on trying to overthrow Donald Trump. They have no interest in pursuing the obvious corruption of the Democrats because they are owned by the Democrats.
Yep the whole world of respected journalists media and law enforcement are wrong, only bought off High School grad ex cokehead DJ's know the truth LOL.

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