The Obamanchurian Candidate


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
is now requesting Congressional authority to fight Isis, with the following limitations:

1. No ground troops; and

2. Authority expires after three years.

Why is he doing this now, after six years of claiming he already had this authority?

1. He wants Republicans to share responsibility for his feckless foreign policy;

2. He does not want to fight a war against Islamic terrorism; and

3. He wants to prevent his successor from winning such a war by requiring another war powers resolution that would have to specifically authorize the use of ground troops.

See how this works? If Congress fails to pass his resolution, Obama can blame the GOP for talking tough but somehow tying his hands in the fight against Isis, a fallacy which will be cheerfully repeated by the liars at NBC and other mainstream media outlets. This is also aimed at the 2016 elections, so that Democrats can claim that a Republican President would engage in "another endless ground war."

In order to avoid these traps, the Congress should declare war on Islamic terrorists and authorize the President to take all measures necessary to defeat them. Then let the voters pass judgement on these efforts in 2016.
Repubs aren't called the Do Nothings for no reason. They pose for photo ops, lie about the president and take vacations. They won't suddenly decide to do their job. That's their decision and its on them.
Oblama is at least moving in the direction he was pointed to in the first place...negotiations will tell what the final authorization will be.....
Oblama is at least moving in the direction he was pointed to in the first place...negotiations will tell what the final authorization will be.....

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