the obama birth certificate media scandal...


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010

i want a thread just on this., which i will add to in the coming days ahead... it will come to be that the media was warned not to talk about the obama birth certificate. in fact i will go on to say that they media was directed to proactively sell the idea that no issue ever existed.
performances by sheppard smith, gregg jarrett, oreilly, hannity by cancelling jerry corsi hours before the interview, esquire magazine, anderson cooper, lawrence odonald, the rachal maddov lady.... and on and on. post scandal, i will make a video showing all of them (overacters) way over the top. robert gibbs, never answering questions about it. chuck todd and liberal drowning out les kinsolving when he rarely got a chance... the lies... and on and on and on....

this story is breaking open slower than i had hoped, but people are getting it now, and they are going to be pissed, which is how i've felt about the cover up from the begiining...

this is the unthinkable in a first amendment society...
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i want a thread just on this., which i will add to in the coming days ahead... it will come to be that the media was warned not to talk about the obama birth certificate. in fact i will go on to say that they media was directed to proactively sell the idea that no issue ever existed.
performances by sheppard smith, gregg jarrett, oreilly, hannity by cancelling jerry corsi hours before the interview, esquire magazine, anderson cooper, lawrence odonald, the rachal maddov lady.... and on and on. post scandal, i will make a video showing all of them (overacters) way over the top. robert gibbs, never answering questions about it. chuck todd and liberal drowning out les kinsolving when he rarely got a chance... the lies... and on and on and on....

this story is breaking open slower than i had hoped, but people are getting it now, and they are going to be pissed, which is how i've felt about the cover up from the begiining...

this is the unthinkable in a first amendment society...
You're a fucking idiot, Wash. If Obama's office came out and said that the BC was off limits the press would be all over it. You self appointed "investigators" seem to think that you're the only "real" journalists. In reality you blogging cock suckers are a fucking joke. Just like your 3rd grade web site.:badgrin::badgrin:
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You're a fucking idiot, Wash. If Obama's office came out and said that the BC was off limits the press would be all over it. You self appointed "investigators" seem to think that you're the only "real" journalists. In reality you blogging cock suckers are a fucking joke. Just like your 3rd grade web site.:badgrin::badgrin:

where's your website jethro ? let's have a look. i'm not a journalist, i'm a jazz musician.

the bc is off limits, apparently in a safe that cannot be opened, people are wondering why. and why meatpipes like you are denying that...
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You're a fucking idiot, Wash. If Obama's office came out and said that the BC was off limits the press would be all over it. You self appointed "investigators" seem to think that you're the only "real" journalists. In reality you blogging cock suckers are a fucking joke. Just like your 3rd grade web site.:badgrin::badgrin:

where's your website jethro ? let's have a look. i'm not a journalist, i'm a jazz musician.

the bc is off limits, apparently in a safe that cannot be opened, people are wondering why. and why meatpipes like you are denying that...
Jazz? I guess you really do work at McDonald's you fucking idiot. Any idiot can have a web site, shit stain. Thanks for proving that, you little turd.:badgrin::badgrin:
You're a fucking idiot, Wash. If Obama's office came out and said that the BC was off limits the press would be all over it. You self appointed "investigators" seem to think that you're the only "real" journalists. In reality you blogging cock suckers are a fucking joke. Just like your 3rd grade web site.:badgrin::badgrin:

where's your website jethro ? let's have a look. i'm not a journalist, i'm a jazz musician.

the bc is off limits, apparently in a safe that cannot be opened, people are wondering why. and why meatpipes like you are denying that...
jazz? ok!!!
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sheriff joe thinks this is the biggest media blackout in history, i do too.
You're a fucking idiot, Wash. If Obama's office came out and said that the BC was off limits the press would be all over it. You self appointed "investigators" seem to think that you're the only "real" journalists. In reality you blogging cock suckers are a fucking joke. Just like your 3rd grade web site.:badgrin::badgrin:

where's your website jethro ? let's have a look. i'm not a journalist, i'm a jazz musician.

the bc is off limits, apparently in a safe that cannot be opened, people are wondering why. and why meatpipes like you are denying that...
Jazz? I guess you really do work at McDonald's you fucking idiot. Any idiot can have a web site, shit stain. Thanks for proving that, you little turd.:badgrin::badgrin:

thanks for this email tank. in fact, tanks alot..

You are one of the stupidest fucks I have ever met on the net. I didn't vote for Obama. He sucks as a President. Obama care has nothing to do with me. I have excellent retirement with medical, something I'm sure you're too stupid to ever get.You go and meet the stupid fucks that are running this year. Obama, is a fucking idiot. Romney has a medical plan just like the one you hate. Santorum can take his Bible and shove it up his Christian ass. Gingrich is a fucking joke. And Ron Paul doesn't stand a fucking chance. So you go visit whichever one of this assholes you want, loser. You're too fucking stupid to know any better.

Cya, asshole. You're too fucking stupid to PM anymore. I'll tear you up in public, pole smoker. with love, tank

i want a thread just on this., which i will add to in the coming days ahead... it will come to be that the media was warned not to talk about the obama birth certificate. in fact i will go on to say that they media was directed to proactively sell the idea that no issue ever existed.
performances by sheppard smith, gregg jarrett, oreilly, hannity by cancelling jerry corsi hours before the interview, esquire magazine, anderson cooper, lawrence odonald, the rachal maddov lady.... and on and on. post scandal, i will make a video showing all of them (overacters) way over the top. robert gibbs, never answering questions about it. chuck todd and liberal drowning out les kinsolving when he rarely got a chance... the lies... and on and on and on....

this story is breaking open slower than i had hoped, but people are getting it now, and they are going to be pissed, which is how i've felt about the cover up from the begiining...

this is the unthinkable in a first amendment society...

Who freaking cares man...this is a waste of time

1) I do think obama is a United States Citizen
2) If i'm wrong and he isn't who is going to prosecute the case, eric really think he will move forward with a case of this nature? No he wont

So do everyone including yourself a favor and just let it go and concentrate on something more real like inflation under obama.

i want a thread just on this., which i will add to in the coming days ahead... it will come to be that the media was warned not to talk about the obama birth certificate. in fact i will go on to say that they media was directed to proactively sell the idea that no issue ever existed.
performances by sheppard smith, gregg jarrett, oreilly, hannity by cancelling jerry corsi hours before the interview, esquire magazine, anderson cooper, lawrence odonald, the rachal maddov lady.... and on and on. post scandal, i will make a video showing all of them (overacters) way over the top. robert gibbs, never answering questions about it. chuck todd and liberal drowning out les kinsolving when he rarely got a chance... the lies... and on and on and on....

this story is breaking open slower than i had hoped, but people are getting it now, and they are going to be pissed, which is how i've felt about the cover up from the begiining...

this is the unthinkable in a first amendment society...

Who freaking cares man...this is a waste of time

1) I do think obama is a United States Citizen
2) If i'm wrong and he isn't who is going to prosecute the case, eric really think he will move forward with a case of this nature? No he wont

So do everyone including yourself a favor and just let it go and concentrate on something more real like inflation under obama.

nobody expects holder to do his job, you're right. that's why we have three branches of government. impeachment starts in the house judiciary committee, lamar smith...

i just donate money to the sherrif joe posse for further investigation, you all should too.

what about the media being complicit, don't forget they got obama "elected" in the first place...

people care, people cared when nixon was involved in a cover up, course he was a republican...

there are a lot of people who genuinely do not care, but you are not among them.
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i want a thread just on this., which i will add to in the coming days ahead... it will come to be that the media was warned not to talk about the obama birth certificate. in fact i will go on to say that they media was directed to proactively sell the idea that no issue ever existed.
performances by sheppard smith, gregg jarrett, oreilly, hannity by cancelling jerry corsi hours before the interview, esquire magazine, anderson cooper, lawrence odonald, the rachal maddov lady.... and on and on. post scandal, i will make a video showing all of them (overacters) way over the top. robert gibbs, never answering questions about it. chuck todd and liberal drowning out les kinsolving when he rarely got a chance... the lies... and on and on and on....

this story is breaking open slower than i had hoped, but people are getting it now, and they are going to be pissed, which is how i've felt about the cover up from the begiining...

this is the unthinkable in a first amendment society...

Who freaking cares man...this is a waste of time

1) I do think obama is a United States Citizen
2) If i'm wrong and he isn't who is going to prosecute the case, eric really think he will move forward with a case of this nature? No he wont

So do everyone including yourself a favor and just let it go and concentrate on something more real like inflation under obama.

nobody expects holder to do his job, you're right. that's why we have three branches of government. impeachment starts in the house judiciary committee, lamar smith...

i just donate money to the sherrif joe posse for further investigation, you all should too.

what about the media being complicit, don't forget they got obama "elected" in the first place...

people care, people cared when nixon was involved in a cover up, course he was a republican...

no one in the republican house is going to move forward with this either, it is political suicide for them.

I'm sorry if my first post came out harsh, i just re-read it, but still I'm just trying to steer you in a productive direction, this stuff just has no traction.
I'm also skeptical about Obama's BC....and everything else about him. But i don't believe we're going to get any straight answers at all until he's out of office. Once he's replaced, we may find out a lot of crap that he's pulled. Until then and since he's still in office, nothing will be found or proven. He has too many big people covering for him and protecting him. We need to just concentrate on getting his ass out of the WH this November.
I'm also skeptical about Obama's BC....and everything else about him. But i don't believe we're going to get any straight answers at all until he's out of office. Once he's replaced, we may find out a lot of crap that he's pulled. Until then and since he's still in office, nothing will be found or proven. He has too many big people covering for him and protecting him. We need to just concentrate on getting his ass out of the WH this November.

well said cj, as in the case of warren g. harding, he was actually dead by the time teapot dome affair (solyndra, guns for tequila) and a lot of the corruption came out. and it turned out to be more harding's friends/appointees that caused the corruption. i don't think that's strictly true in this case. harding was a much better president than obama, i think history will tell.

the main stream media has played an enormous role in obama's success in politics, and in the cover up of his chicago corruption, harding didn't have that advantage.

if a photo of bill ayers and obama surfaces (as i believe it will) tying the two together before obama launched his career at the ayers dhorn house, it may open the door for the media...

obama denies knowing whom ayers and dhorn were before that fateful event.,cf.osb&fp=cc15dadee3a28017&biw=1514&bih=647
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Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964) is the First Lady of the U.S. since her husband Barack Obama's inauguration as president on Jan. 20, 2009. She is the first African American First Lady.
Born and raised on the south side of Chicago, Michelle Obama's roots, has a complex path from Slavery: Fraser Robinson III (died in 1991) and his wife, Marian are the parents of Michelle; they got married in 1960; Melvinia Shields, the enslaved and illiterate young girl, and the unknown white man who impregnated her are the great-great-great-grandparents of Michelle Obama, the first lady... the more complete map of Mrs. Obama’s ancestors — including the slave mother, white father and their biracial son, Dolphus T. Shields — connects the first African-American first lady to the history of slavery, tracing their five-generation journey from bondage to a front-row seat to the presidency. [1] (Dolphus Shields was a very light skinned, church-going carpenter who could read, write and advance in an industrializing town.) Some of Michelle's relatives still reside in South Carolina.

Michelle Obama attended Whitney Young High School in 1981, later majoring in sociology and graduating cum laude at Princeton University. She then went on to obtain her J.D. degree at Harvard Law School in 1988. She is also sister to Craig Robinson, coach of the Oregon State University's men's basketball team.

Michelle was employed at the law firm Sidley Austin along with Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn,[2][3] where she met Barack Obama. In 1991 Valerie Jarrett, Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Richard Daley, offered Michelle Robinson a job as Assistant to Mayor Richard Daley.

She served as vice president of the University of Chicago Medical Center. Michelle earned $317,000. per year as a board member dealing with community relations. She had resigned those positions to campaign for Barack.

Marrying in 1992, Obama gave birth to two daughters: Malia (born in 1998) and Natasha "Sasha" (born in 2001). She committed to campaign only two days out of the week during the election campaign in order to stay home with their children.

Bill Ayers stated "Michelle Obama has become the queen not just of America but of the world."

In June 1974, the Weather Underground released a 151-page volume titled Prairie Fire, which stated: "We are a guerrilla organization [...] We are communist women and men underground in the United States [...]"[57] The Weatherman leadership, including Ayers, pushed for a radical reformulation of sexual relations under the slogan "Smash Monogamy".[58][59]
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i've copied this conversation to my media thread...

Quote: Originally Posted by taichiliberal
Quote: Originally Posted by washamericom
Quote: Originally Posted by taichiliberal

Translation: yet another intellectually dishonest and insipidly stubborn birther bumpkin who cannot disprove ANYTHING in the links I he avoids such like the plague.

You're all washed up, bunky.
media matters ? seriously... lol didn't read that whole daily caller series ?? i agree with your tag line though... taylor emade for the former senator obamavich...
Translation: this neocon/teabagger parrot DID NOT read any of the information in the links I provided...which systematically filled in the blanks that the Daily caller left out, THUS PROVING THE DAILY CALLER TO BE INCORRECT IN THEIR "REPORTING".

Instead, willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest right wing parrots like WashAmericom do what Limbaugh and Levine tell them...if you hear/read the words "media matters", cover your ears and eyes and run away.

I DARE and DEFY this buffoonish WashAmericom to factually and logically disprove any part of the information I linked. If he can't, then he's all washed up.
this ?? (this is a printout of your link)

CBS Affiliate Follows Sheriff Joe's Birtherism 'Into Another Atmosphere'

March 02, 2012 4:42 pm ET by Brian Powell

Thursday, infamous Maricopa County, AZ sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference to reveal the results of a 6 month-long “investigation” into the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate, which he accused of being fraudulent. The birther pageant was a new low for Arpaio, who – along with his deputies – was recently found by state law enforcement agencies to have failed to investigate hundreds of sex crimes and is currently under federal investigation for alleged “discriminatory practices” that include profiling Latinos.

Phoenix’s major local news affiliates approached their coverage of the spectacle in different ways. The CBS affiliate (CBS 5) dedicated over nine minutes Thursday to a series of straight-faced (and apparently ongoing) segments they titled “Investigating the President.” Despite the far-out, conspiracy-laden claims made at the birthers’ presentation, CBS treated the participants and their assertions in an unduly serious fashion. The network’s segment served primarily to amplify the arguments and opinions of Arpaio's “lead investigator” Mike Zullo, who is featured in a softball interview and in lengthy clips from the press conference.

Furthermore, the extremely limited sourcing of counterpoints used by CBS in the segments (anonymous detractors, a year-old Obama quote, and a brief, almost neutral, statement from an AZ congressman) gave the impression that vocal critics of the birth certificate circus were hard to come by -- a scenario that seems improbable at best, given the birther movement's rich history of making false claims.

Watch the CBS report:

In contrast, the Phoenix FOX affiliate (FOX 10) reported on the absurdity of the day with a responsible degree of scrutiny, making the story about the reasonableness of the county sheriff’s involvement in the charade. The segment begins with an incredulous anchor throwing to some brief interviews highlighting opposing viewpoints on the issue. It continues with a one-on-one interview with Arpaio and FOX anchor John Hook, in which Hook questions the legal standing, fiscal responsibility and political sanity of the decision to, as Arpaio puts it, take the birthers’ investigation “into another atmosphere.”

The FOX report:

HOOK: So for a sheriff already in hot water with the Obama administration, why even take up this issue? I asked the sheriff that question today in his only one on one interview about the subject. He said the answer’s simple. He says he did it because 250 Tea Party people asked him to.

ARPAIO: ...'Please, you’re our last hope to look into this.' So what am I supposed to do, throw it in the waste basket?

FOX: What if you just said, I understand your concern, it’s been looked at; no thank you we’re not gonna do it, even with our cold case people -- we’re gonna use our cold case people, even though they’re volunteers, on cold cases that pertain to Maricopa County?

ARPAIO: This does pertain to Maricopa County. We do have standing here. And I told my commander, I said, you call it like it is. In fact, I hope you do clear the president. Get this over with.

But it didn’t happen that way. They did a good job they came up with evidence, so what do I do? Do I forget it? So I know I’ve had political people say 'don’t touch this, you’ll never win.' OK, alright, I’m going to do my job, and I did it. I don’t need this. You think I need this?

FOX: For those who say this is a side show; it's to help you get reelected sheriff what do you say to those people?

ARPAIO: I can get reelected on pink underwear, ok? Or tent city.

FOX: You’re that confident?

ARPAIO: I don’t need this to get elected.

FOX: Considering the fact that you've got the Department of Justice breathing down your neck, they’re looking into you, you’re facing reelection, you’ve had issues with the investigations on the west side. You’d think – somebody would say a crazy man would not touch this issue, at this time. That it’s insane to do it.

ARPAIO: You know, I have to do what’s right. Forget the politics, I’ve always taken chances.

FOX: There have been a lot of pretty smart people who’ve looked into this and they say, 'you know what, we’ve looked, we even wanted to find something, but its just not there. The guy's an American citizen, end of story.'

ARPAIO: There’s a difference, I’m not going to go into criticize the people of this country. There is a difference when people are looking at it than a law enforcement agency -- that takes it into another atmosphere.

FOX: Do you believe the president was born in the United States?

ARPAIO: I’m not going to accuse the president of anything. I go by facts, not innuendos. I wanna get the proof before I would ever answer that question. We did our homework. We’re not done yet, this is just chapter one.


this media matters reporting seems biased to me... so does the fox "reporter", seems to be editorializing a bit.... anyway... i don't think they (media matters) should be "non profit" status

I DARE and DEFY this buffoonish WashAmericom to factually and logically disprove any part of the information I linked.

could you be more specific. why don't you present one or two of your "media matters facts" and we'll have a look see, i will accpet your dare...

this one's pretty funny... (not really) Page Not Found

rush limbaugh doesn't talk about the birther issue (that i've heard), i don't know about levin... i never listen to him... i listen to rush rarely, in the car. (maybe twice a month for an hour...) sorry to burst your bubble..

what you've done here is to highlight the contrast between two or three "objective" news organisations... which to me is another indicator or red flag that a problematic situation exists. why is the press so proactively trying to bury the story, this has always been my contention... i believe in a free society like America, citizens will ask the right questions, in fact, they already are. people like you attack the character of the messengers, you've just shown us that again as well. it's a pattern, people want to know why...
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i've copied this conversation to my media thread...

Quote: Originally Posted by taichiliberal
Quote: Originally Posted by washamericom
Quote: Originally Posted by taichiliberal

Translation: yet another intellectually dishonest and insipidly stubborn birther bumpkin who cannot disprove ANYTHING in the links I he avoids such like the plague.

You're all washed up, bunky.
media matters ? seriously... lol didn't read that whole daily caller series ?? i agree with your tag line though... taylor emade for the former senator obamavich...
Translation: this neocon/teabagger parrot DID NOT read any of the information in the links I provided...which systematically filled in the blanks that the Daily caller left out, THUS PROVING THE DAILY CALLER TO BE INCORRECT IN THEIR "REPORTING".

Instead, willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest right wing parrots like WashAmericom do what Limbaugh and Levine tell them...if you hear/read the words "media matters", cover your ears and eyes and run away.

I DARE and DEFY this buffoonish WashAmericom to factually and logically disprove any part of the information I linked. If he can't, then he's all washed up.
this ?? (this is a printout of your link)

CBS Affiliate Follows Sheriff Joe's Birtherism 'Into Another Atmosphere'

March 02, 2012 4:42 pm ET by Brian Powell

Thursday, infamous Maricopa County, AZ sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference to reveal the results of a 6 month-long “investigation” into the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate, which he accused of being fraudulent. The birther pageant was a new low for Arpaio, who – along with his deputies – was recently found by state law enforcement agencies to have failed to investigate hundreds of sex crimes and is currently under federal investigation for alleged “discriminatory practices” that include profiling Latinos.

Phoenix’s major local news affiliates approached their coverage of the spectacle in different ways. The CBS affiliate (CBS 5) dedicated over nine minutes Thursday to a series of straight-faced (and apparently ongoing) segments they titled “Investigating the President.” Despite the far-out, conspiracy-laden claims made at the birthers’ presentation, CBS treated the participants and their assertions in an unduly serious fashion. The network’s segment served primarily to amplify the arguments and opinions of Arpaio's “lead investigator” Mike Zullo, who is featured in a softball interview and in lengthy clips from the press conference.

Furthermore, the extremely limited sourcing of counterpoints used by CBS in the segments (anonymous detractors, a year-old Obama quote, and a brief, almost neutral, statement from an AZ congressman) gave the impression that vocal critics of the birth certificate circus were hard to come by -- a scenario that seems improbable at best, given the birther movement's rich history of making false claims.

Watch the CBS report:

In contrast, the Phoenix FOX affiliate (FOX 10) reported on the absurdity of the day with a responsible degree of scrutiny, making the story about the reasonableness of the county sheriff’s involvement in the charade. The segment begins with an incredulous anchor throwing to some brief interviews highlighting opposing viewpoints on the issue. It continues with a one-on-one interview with Arpaio and FOX anchor John Hook, in which Hook questions the legal standing, fiscal responsibility and political sanity of the decision to, as Arpaio puts it, take the birthers’ investigation “into another atmosphere.”

The FOX report:

HOOK: So for a sheriff already in hot water with the Obama administration, why even take up this issue? I asked the sheriff that question today in his only one on one interview about the subject. He said the answer’s simple. He says he did it because 250 Tea Party people asked him to.

ARPAIO: ...'Please, you’re our last hope to look into this.' So what am I supposed to do, throw it in the waste basket?

FOX: What if you just said, I understand your concern, it’s been looked at; no thank you we’re not gonna do it, even with our cold case people -- we’re gonna use our cold case people, even though they’re volunteers, on cold cases that pertain to Maricopa County?

ARPAIO: This does pertain to Maricopa County. We do have standing here. And I told my commander, I said, you call it like it is. In fact, I hope you do clear the president. Get this over with.

But it didn’t happen that way. They did a good job they came up with evidence, so what do I do? Do I forget it? So I know I’ve had political people say 'don’t touch this, you’ll never win.' OK, alright, I’m going to do my job, and I did it. I don’t need this. You think I need this?

FOX: For those who say this is a side show; it's to help you get reelected sheriff what do you say to those people?

ARPAIO: I can get reelected on pink underwear, ok? Or tent city.

FOX: You’re that confident?

ARPAIO: I don’t need this to get elected.

FOX: Considering the fact that you've got the Department of Justice breathing down your neck, they’re looking into you, you’re facing reelection, you’ve had issues with the investigations on the west side. You’d think – somebody would say a crazy man would not touch this issue, at this time. That it’s insane to do it.

ARPAIO: You know, I have to do what’s right. Forget the politics, I’ve always taken chances.

FOX: There have been a lot of pretty smart people who’ve looked into this and they say, 'you know what, we’ve looked, we even wanted to find something, but its just not there. The guy's an American citizen, end of story.'

ARPAIO: There’s a difference, I’m not going to go into criticize the people of this country. There is a difference when people are looking at it than a law enforcement agency -- that takes it into another atmosphere.

FOX: Do you believe the president was born in the United States?

ARPAIO: I’m not going to accuse the president of anything. I go by facts, not innuendos. I wanna get the proof before I would ever answer that question. We did our homework. We’re not done yet, this is just chapter one.


this media matters reporting seems biased to me... so does the fox "reporter", seems to be editorializing a bit.... anyway... i don't think they (media matters) should be "non profit" status

I DARE and DEFY this buffoonish WashAmericom to factually and logically disprove any part of the information I linked.

could you be more specific. why don't you present one or two of your "media matters facts" and we'll have a look see, i will accpet your dare...

this one's pretty funny... (not really) Page Not Found

rush limbaugh doesn't talk about the birther issue (that i've heard), i don't know about levin... i never listen to him... i listen to rush rarely, in the car. (maybe twice a month for an hour...) sorry to burst your bubble..

what you've done here is to highlight the contrast between two or three "objective" news organisations... which to me is another indicator or red flag that a problematic situation exists. why is the press so proactively trying to bury the story, this has always been my contention... i believe in a free society like America, citizens will ask the right questions, in fact, they already are. people like you attack the character of the messengers, you've just shown us that again as well. it's a pattern, people want to know why...
Word wrap, you fucking idiot. This isn't that stupid 3rd grade web site you have, moron.

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