The NSA worked to track down bitcoin users Snowden document reveal


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The NSA Worked to “Track Down” Bitcoin Users, Snowden Documents Reveal
It turns out the conspiracy theorists were onto something. Classified documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden show that the National Security Agency indeed worked urgently to target Bitcoin users around the world — and wielded at least one mysterious source of information to “help track down senders and receivers of Bitcoins,” according to a top-secret passage in an internal NSA report dating to March 2013. The data source appears to have leveraged the NSA’s ability to harvest and analyze raw, global internet traffic while also exploiting an unnamed software program that purported to offer anonymity to users, according to other documents.

Oh imagine that another case breaker of a CONSPIRACY being true. A jack slap right bac at the loony left who thinks everything is a gawd dam conspiracy just because their little bitch Obama or Clinton didn't tell them it was so.

You sheep will never figure out how and why you are fed false information and lead to believe everything you are taught to be a conspiracy is more often than not the complete opposite , it's the truth.

YOu can't even figure out why or how the CIA coined the term " Conspiracy" ............ MSM, Controlled political fks know you are that stupid.

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