The next time somebody says "Happy Holidays"...

pie? did you mention pie?

it amazes me how christians are over their high holy days.....they bitch about everyone trying to destroy their holidays and yet bitch over the wording of a greeting.....

how petty......
pie? did you mention pie?

it amazes me how christians are over their high holy days.....they bitch about everyone trying to destroy their holidays and yet bitch over the wording of a greeting.....

how petty......

Yes'm. Pumpkin pie. With added brown sugar in the recipe. Leave out the cloves but put in 1/4 tsp. fresh nutmeg. And 1/2 tsp. vanilla.

Serve slightly warm with whipped cream topping - or for ultimate decadence a side dish of French vanilla ice cream.

Just the thing for the sweet, warm and happy Yule I wish for you and yours.

The holiday spirit isn't restricted to only one holiday. ;)

Many Regards from Rosie
alright then, that's time lost for all of us reading this

Run this past them on the origin of the word:

1500s, earlier haliday (c.1200), from old English haligdæg "holy day; Sabbath," from halig "holy" (see holy) + dæg "day" (see day); in 14c. meaning "religious festival."

Here they think they're being all clever and non-religious...

Wait until lefties find out about this!
Every year there are a certain subset of morons who get upset over this. After about 30 years of it, don't you think it's time to move on to something more important such as how to make a dog rollerskate or something?

Grow the hell up.
Run this past them on the origin of the word:

1500s, earlier haliday (c.1200), from old English haligdæg "holy day; Sabbath," from halig "holy" (see holy) + dæg "day" (see day); in 14c. meaning "religious festival."

Here they think they're being all clever and non-religious...

Wait until lefties find out about this!

Happy Holidays isn't about being non-religious, you fucking idiot... it's about acknowledging more than one religious holiday during this season, some of which are even celebrated secularly.

If you're one of those fucking bitches like my dad's wife who goes APESHIT if somebody says Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, then you have some fucking problems.

You sure have a big mouth lefty hiding behind a computer. It's about majority rule and the majority of people are Christians in the U.S.

Now go fuck yourself punk.

I would agree that the majority of people in this country are Christians. However, I would disgree with your other, and extremely obvious, sentiment that a Christian is also self-centered, thin-skinned and rude. The majority in this country don't see this as a problem - and it's about majority rule. So learn to live with it.
My son and I went out to dinner tonight...when the server brought the check, she said "Happy Holidays", and I returned the sentiment. I wouldn't have cared if she'd said "Merry Christmas" or "enjoy your evening", I was just pleased to have received good service. I also understand that people can go to either extreme, so wishing a "Merry Christmas" could just as easily result in your head being bitten off by someone of another faith or no faith at all...damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Well if you were my dad's wife you would have yelled out, "NO! WE CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!"

You really should consider changing your handle. No "cowman" in his right mind would be a liberal.
Run this past them on the origin of the word:

1500s, earlier haliday (c.1200), from old English haligdæg "holy day; Sabbath," from halig "holy" (see holy) + dæg "day" (see day); in 14c. meaning "religious festival."

Here they think they're being all clever and non-religious...

Wait until lefties find out about this!

there's more than one religion besides christianity....

there is more than one holiday during this time of year...

run that past someone with an actual thinking brain.
Run this past them on the origin of the word:

1500s, earlier haliday (c.1200), from old English haligdæg "holy day; Sabbath," from halig "holy" (see holy) + dæg "day" (see day); in 14c. meaning "religious festival."

Here they think they're being all clever and non-religious...

Wait until lefties find out about this!

Why are you the one getting upset about the whole "Happy Holidays" thing?

Frankly, I enjoy the hell out of Christmas, watching my little nieces and nephews open their presents. And I don't spend one minute thinking about Jesus during it.

For me as well. I love Christmas. Easter was great when my kids and latter grandkids were young. Both of those were holidays the Christains took over from other religions. I see absolutely no reason why I can't do the same.
Majority Rule does not apply to the holidays.

Personal opinion applies to the holidays.
If someone says "Happy Holidays" to you is there anything prohibiting you from replying "And Merry Christmas to you!"? Happy Holidays is generic because not everyone celebrates Christmas. 'Holiday tree' is nothing short of retarded though.

Get over it and have yourself a merry little Christmas. ;)
"The next time somebody says "Happy Holidays""...

I will say, with a smile, "thank you and the same to you."

At work, I say, "Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas." That covers the broad spectrum of tourists from all over the U.S. and world, and any religion they may or may not embrace.

One can still enjoy the holiday season without being affiliated with religion and I don't like to possibly offend a customer, by presuming them to be Christian. Many are Jewish. So "Happy Holidays" is a safe and positive courtesy to say and to mean.
pie? did you mention pie?

it amazes me how christians are over their high holy days.....they bitch about everyone trying to destroy their holidays and yet bitch over the wording of a greeting.....

how petty......

it amazes me how muslims are over their high holy days.....they bitch about everyone trying to destroy their holidays and yet bitch over the wording of a greeting.....

how petty....


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Run this past them on the origin of the word:

1500s, earlier haliday (c.1200), from old English haligdæg "holy day; Sabbath," from halig "holy" (see holy) + dæg "day" (see day); in 14c. meaning "religious festival."

Here they think they're being all clever and non-religious...

Wait until lefties find out about this!

Happy Holidays isn't about being non-religious, you fucking idiot... it's about acknowledging more than one religious holiday during this season, some of which are even celebrated secularly.

If you're one of those fucking bitches like my dad's wife who goes APESHIT if somebody says Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas, then you have some fucking problems.

You sure have a big mouth lefty hiding behind a computer. It's about majority rule and the majority of people are Christians in the U.S.

Now go fuck yourself punk.
Are you really this stupid or must you work at it? Majority rule? :lmao:
Run this past them on the origin of the word:

1500s, earlier haliday (c.1200), from old English haligdæg "holy day; Sabbath," from halig "holy" (see holy) + dæg "day" (see day); in 14c. meaning "religious festival."

Here they think they're being all clever and non-religious...

Wait until lefties find out about this!


Happy Magic Days!


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