The Next Four Years

I actually don't see it going that way. I think we could wind up unfortunately with the same thing we have now. A GOP-held House, a slight Democratic margin in the Senate and Obama in the White House. Which doesn't bode well, but that's sort of how I see things starting to shape up.

I don't suspect status quo is cutting it for the working set.
I am more concerned with the economy of our nation and our deficit, getting people back to work. We have a president who promised to take care of these things in the first three years of his administration and it has not happened. Instead we have seen cronyism, class warfare and scandals abound.

It's time for someone with the qualifications for leadership. Let's put the priorities straight.

Explain what reasons prevented President Obama from getting people back to work? In you response take note of how many private sector jobs and public sector jobs impact the percentage of persons unemployed using historical data back to the second term of GWB.

Offer evidence of cronyism, class warefare and scandals. Since they "abound" at least six of each should be probative.
Explain what reasons prevented President Obama from getting people back to work? In you response take note of how many private sector jobs and public sector jobs impact the percentage of persons unemployed using historical data back to the second term of GWB.

Offer evidence of cronyism, class warefare and scandals. Since they "abound" at least six of each should be probative.

Redistributive, entitlement policies and the fiscal uncertainty derived thereby did it for most business folk. It is a good example of why he gave so many select business' exemption from his punitive health-care tax regulation.
I would rather Romeny sending jobs offshore for US companies to profit from than Obama take money out of my personal and my childrens pocket to create jobs in another country.

Less of two evils = Romeny has my vote.

Please, guy. You can't support free trade and then whine that tax dollars are finding their way overseas.

Company I work for makes components for defense contractors with the stipulation that we assemble them in the US, but we get the materials from other countries. Big multi-national corporation, has business units all over the world. You simply can't escape it, mostly because so much has been moved out of this country, thanks to guys like Romney.

I give Obama kudos for being the first to realize this is a real problem.

Obama Administration sent tax money to other countries for job creation.

Enough for me and many others to not vote him

"Dooooy, Corky not understand complex problem.... Dooooy"

You crystalize why I tend to be an issues voter. Neither candidates are going to make much of a difference.

I think business and working people have the best chance of become profitable / sucessful under Romney because of his business experience and policy.

That is BIG difference.

Okay, Corky..

Except that when he was Governor of Massachuetts, his state came in 47th in Job Growth.

So really, the skills that come along with being a CEO where you can fire people doesn't really work in government wehre you can't.
$100s of millions to Mexico, Finland, Denmark and others to create jobs in those countires sealed the deal for me.

Speaks clearly he would rather keep our workforce on entitlements rather than drive skilled labor here.
$100s of millions to Mexico, Finland, Denmark and others to create jobs in those countires sealed the deal for me.

Speaks clearly he would rather keep our workforce on entitlements rather than drive skilled labor here.

okay, look Corky, you obviously don't understand how international trade works at all...

Simply, there isn't a company that doesn't buy foreign. If you are just too stupid to understand this, I'm not sure if there is much I can do to help you.

Other than your boy has been caught outsourcing and lying about it and you are trying to deflect. I kind of get that.
Explain what reasons prevented President Obama from getting people back to work? In you response take note of how many private sector jobs and public sector jobs impact the percentage of persons unemployed using historical data back to the second term of GWB.

Offer evidence of cronyism, class warefare and scandals. Since they "abound" at least six of each should be probative.

Redistributive, entitlement policies and the fiscal uncertainty derived thereby did it for most business folk. It is a good example of why he gave so many select business' exemption from his punitive health-care tax regulation.

That's opinon, probative evidence of the conclusion it is not. "Fiscal uncertainty" is a bullshit phrase, there is a considerable amount of building and investment going on; fiscal uncertainty was a fact in 2008 and 2009, it is not today. It is the fear card, one of the cards fringe Republicans always play.
Please, guy. You can't support free trade and then whine that tax dollars are finding their way overseas.

Company I work for makes components for defense contractors with the stipulation that we assemble them in the US, but we get the materials from other countries. Big multi-national corporation, has business units all over the world. You simply can't escape it, mostly because so much has been moved out of this country, thanks to guys like Romney.

I give Obama kudos for being the first to realize this is a real problem.

Obama Administration sent tax money to other countries for job creation.

Enough for me and many others to not vote him

"Dooooy, Corky not understand complex problem.... Dooooy"


While you use their handicap as a means of sophmoric derision the fact remains the bulk of mentally impaired individuals or "retards" as you taught your kids to call them, relish and are very sucessful when the opportunity to provide for themselves within their skillset and ability presents itself.

Too bad you can't say the same for Obama's entitlement crowd.
Explain what reasons prevented President Obama from getting people back to work? In you response take note of how many private sector jobs and public sector jobs impact the percentage of persons unemployed using historical data back to the second term of GWB.

Offer evidence of cronyism, class warefare and scandals. Since they "abound" at least six of each should be probative.

Redistributive, entitlement policies and the fiscal uncertainty derived thereby did it for most business folk. It is a good example of why he gave so many select business' exemption from his punitive health-care tax regulation.

That's opinon, probative evidence of the conclusion it is not. "Fiscal uncertainty" is a bullshit phrase, there is a considerable amount of building and investment going on; fiscal uncertainty was a fact in 2008 and 2009, it is not today. It is the fear card, one of the cards fringe Republicans always play.

It is the opinon though of the job creators, those pesky "successful" ones. Has mucho merit.
While you use their handicap as a means of sophmoric derision the fact remains the bulk of mentally impaired individuals or "retards" as you taught your kids to call them, relish and are very sucessful when the opportunity to provide for themselves within their skillset and ability presents itself.

Too bad you can't say the same for Obama's entitlement crowd.

Sorry, man, you went full retard on that last quote.


The government spends trillions of dollars with thousands of contractors, and yes, some of that money goes to foreign companies.
The government spends trillions of dollars with thousands of contractors, and yes, some of that money goes to foreign companies.

Buying products / services from foreign concerns is much different then sending them hard earned tax money to create their jobs and industry.

You know this but put up retard insults cause you can't answer it honorably.
The government spends trillions of dollars with thousands of contractors, and yes, some of that money goes to foreign companies.

Buying products / services from foreign concerns is much different then sending them hard earned tax money to create their jobs and industry.

You know this but put up retard insults cause you can't answer it honorably.

I've answered it honestly. It's an international market. Nothing is really made all in one country anymore. If you knew anything about manufacturing, you'd know this.

That you don't seem to understand that when you bail out a company like GM, which has factories all over the world, some of that money is going to benefit plants outside the US...

Conversely, though, other governments also ponied up to bail out GM, like Canada, and some of that money found its way back here.
That you don't seem to understand that when you bail out a company like GM, which has factories all over the world, some of that money is going to benefit plants outside the US...

Conversely, though, other governments also ponied up to bail out GM, like Canada, and some of that money found its way back here.

This is not entirely what happened though.

100's of millions of your tax dollars to other countries to create jobs is not the same as international markets or buying products from foreign concerns.

That is what pisses off the man who wants to work to support his family.
That you don't seem to understand that when you bail out a company like GM, which has factories all over the world, some of that money is going to benefit plants outside the US...

Conversely, though, other governments also ponied up to bail out GM, like Canada, and some of that money found its way back here.

This is not entirely what happened though.

100's of millions of your tax dollars to other countries to create jobs is not the same as international markets or buying products from foreign concerns.

That is what pisses off the man who wants to work to support his family.

You know, I've been cutting you a lot of slack, Corky, but you have yet to cite a single link to whatever the fuck it is you are talking about.

Oh, incidently, if you are going to actually dig up a site, RW Nutter sites don't count. Just saying.
That you don't seem to understand that when you bail out a company like GM, which has factories all over the world, some of that money is going to benefit plants outside the US...

Conversely, though, other governments also ponied up to bail out GM, like Canada, and some of that money found its way back here.

This is not entirely what happened though.

100's of millions of your tax dollars to other countries to create jobs is not the same as international markets or buying products from foreign concerns.

That is what pisses off the man who wants to work to support his family.

You know, I've been cutting you a lot of slack, Corky, but you have yet to cite a single link to whatever the fuck it is you are talking about.

Oh, incidently, if you are going to actually dig up a site, RW Nutter sites don't count. Just saying.

Ok you dont know where stimulus funds went any more than Andrea Mitchell does.

This is not entirely what happened though.

100's of millions of your tax dollars to other countries to create jobs is not the same as international markets or buying products from foreign concerns.

That is what pisses off the man who wants to work to support his family.

You know, I've been cutting you a lot of slack, Corky, but you have yet to cite a single link to whatever the fuck it is you are talking about.

Oh, incidently, if you are going to actually dig up a site, RW Nutter sites don't count. Just saying.

Ok you dont know where stimulus funds went any more than Andrea Mitchell does.


Okay, so you are admitting you don't have links to back up your paranoid claims.... that's fine. We get it.

Why don't you just admit you ain't voting for him because he's black. It would save a lot of time.
But you jokers played that game by going to the courts instead of working through the legislatures to change the laws.

And that's the problem. Roe v. Wade is a judicial fantasy. There was not a right to abortion on demand hidden in the 14th amendment nobody noticed for 100 years.

So really, I refuse to get worked up about it. You're just lucky that this year, I'll vote against the GOP because I hate Mormons so much.

Now, on a personal level, yeah, I think banning abortion would be really stupid. But sometimes you need to do a stupid thing to realize it is stupid. Take Prohibition, for example. The Temperence movement had been screaming in the Churches for decades before they let them get their way. (Thanks to a little anti-German prejudice during WWI to speed things along.) And it quickly became apparent what a dumb idea it was. Even contributed to FDR getting elected.

If the Bain, offshore holdings and tax returns shit doesn't die down - what do you think are the chances that the GOP will seek someone else to run at the convention.

Zero to none. Short of him being found to be an actual (suspected) felon through something uncovered, they've hitched their wagon to this greasy game-show host of a man.
Betcha they find high crimes and misdemeanors for Fast and Furious on P-BO before they manage to charge Romney for anything.
The fact that Romney believes Roe should be overturned is not in dispute. What's in dispute is whether he'd appoint activist judges for that singular purpose... and there's no indication in his history as governor which suggests he would.
Not to mention if such judges could even get past the senate.

The GOP will almost certainly have control of the Senate starting in 2013
And not all GOP senators are rabidly pro life. Unlike the leftist radicals like you, Republicans, particularly conservatives do not have legal litmus tests on abortion as a whole. Social conservatives, sure. Fiscal conservatives, nope.

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