The Next Administration

Although, I don't care much for Romney, of all the Republican hopefuls, he stands the best chance of actually getting something done. He isn't so far to the right that he can't garner some support from Democrats in Congress while reining in most Republicans. Unless the Republicans sweep both houses of Congress, Cain or Perry will face the same problem Obama faces in dealing with Congress.


Do you really think the Democrats aren't going to be lock step against ANYTHING Romney proposes? That's pretty much what they were with Bush after the post-9/11 glow faded. That's what the REpublcians were with both Clinton and Obama.

The whole notion of "bipartisanship" is a fallacy. If the opposing party goes along with you, it's because they've realized they'll be slitting their own throats if they don't.
I think there is room for compromise between more moderate Republicans and most of the Democrats. There is no room for compromise between Tea Party and Democrats. A Tea Party candidate has to have control of both houses of congress in order to implement any of his platform.

In Bush's later years in office, it wasn't just Democrats in lockstep against him. He lost support of many Republicans in Congress and nearly 3/4 of the country.
"If the 9-9-9 plan is imperfect (and I think it is),..."

Here is what I think is implicit...and should be made explicit: the plan is based upon the mechanism of the free-market....that is competiton.

a) flat income tax of 9%...but eliminated several other taxes

b) national sales tax of 9%....added to state & city tax, granted

c) now, here is the genius of the plan: 9% corporate tax...instead of the 35% current.
I believe that this would cause a tremendous boom in the economy.
Further, it would be the lowest corporate tax in the industrial world...and would result in a huge rush of businesses- and jobs- back to the United States.

And...with reduced taxes at every level of production, manufacturing, wholesale and retail distribution....prices in every industry should fall precipitously....

OK...there is no guarantee that business wouldn't keep the profits, but here would be a legitimate role for government oversight, i.e., prevent price fixing. theory, products should be about 25% cheaper than currently.


A whole lot of flaws in your thinking.

The first is that the greedy corporate bloodsuckers are going to pass along the savings to us. Really? Have they done this with all the products they've outsourced to China? No.

The second thought is that if you replace an income tax with a sales tax, you are going to increase revenues, when the opposite is true. People will just find other ways to buy things. When Cook County instituted a huge sales tax on cigarettes, people just started going out to nearby Dupage county to buy their smokes.

Replacing 9% in income tax with 9% in sales taxes will just mean people won't buy as much stuff.

The numbers just don't add up.

Let's try this. Let's actually tax high enough to pay for everything AND reduce the debt by at least 100 billion a year. (It'll only take 140 years to pay it off that way!) Then when people are actually paying for the government they get, they can make a decision as to how much of it they actually want. But this borrow and spend BS has to come to an end.

1. "A whole lot of flaws in your thinking."
Imagine the pickle I'd be in if I had to rely on you for thinking.

2. "The first is that the greedy corporate bloodsuckers are going to pass along the savings to us. Really? Have they done this with all the products they've outsourced to China?"
Haven't heard of WalMart, eh?
And, while 'passing along the savings,' they still make a bundle.
See, that's how capitalism works.
Try to get out once in a while.

3. " The second thought is that if you replace an income tax with a sales tax,..."
An intellect that can only be considered argillaceous.
It's called 9-9-9, not 9-9.
Know why?
Because it doesn't "... income tax with a sales tax,..."
It replaces a replaces a progressive income tax with a flat tax. 9%.
Even you should be able to understand
Focus on the idea; it may become a Kodak moment.
I can see you slapping your self on the forehead. Good!

4. "When Cook County instituted a huge sales tax on cigarettes, people just started going out to nearby Dupage county to buy their smokes."
Cook County is a county.
The United States is a country.
Again...focus on the differences.
I know.....seeing differences, distinctions, has proven to be a difficulty for you...
...but imagine having to cross national borders to buy your cigarettes and
other daily necessities, and you may just see where a national sales tax might become
more difficult to avoid.

And that is were competition comes into play.

5. "Replacing 9% in income tax with 9% in sales taxes will just mean people won't buy as much stuff."
It comes as no shock that your were unable to incorporate the 9-9-9 plan into what passes for thinking in your case, but the premise here is that the 35% taxation at each level of production and distribution would no longer exist...and that capitalism would produce the opposite effect that you predict.

Right: the desire to increase business, combined with 26% lower taxation at each level would suggest the benefit to entrepreneurs to...ready? Lower prices!!

Now, let's assume that you are know, as the blind squirrel finding a nut now and then,...and folks buy less.
This may also be a benefit of the plan, as they will either save or invest. Both good for the economy.

I explain things to you, not because I think you will understand them, I explain things to you…now see if you can understand this….for the same reason I believe the freezer deserves a light as well as the refrigerator.

6. The rest of your post has nothing to do with the 9-9-9 plan, so let's do what most folks usually do in dealing with you....ignore.

In summary, the Cain plan as this advantage: it is bold, and innovative, and, as history has shown, lower taxes results in higher business activity.
The Democrats' biggest positive is that they are willing to do anything, fair or unfair, honest or dishonest, ethical or unethical, to win the election and they have a large and far reaching media at their beck and call who are more than willing to do what they can to help them.

The Democrats' biggest negative is that Barack Obama is their candidate.

The GOP's biggest positive is that they have eight or nine good candidates to choose from, any one of which would be more competent and effective than the current occupant of the White House.

The GOP's biggest negative is that nobody among that eight or nine has yet emerged as the obvious choice and the resulting attack machines aimed at each other are making all of them look less presidential and/or appealing.

If the GOP does win the election and puts another Democrat light in the White House, they will be done. There will be a Tea Party inspired third party developed and organized and ready to start taking over by 2014.

That would be appealing to me except that I don't know if we can hold it together for another four years without a strong common sense conservative at the helm.

And for the life of me, the only one I have seen that exudes that kind of strength is Herman Cain. I hope I will see it in the others soon.
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And thoughts on the divided government:

In the 1950's, the Democrats were far right of the current Republican party. They were fiscal conservatives and not the wild eyed leftist extremist that we see among their leadersh9ip now. It really didn't matter all that much whether the Democrat or Republican was elected.

In the 1990's, the bitter partisanship and ideological extremism had reared its ugly head, but we had a strong, visionary, Repuiblican Congress coupled with a Democratic President who apparently held no convictions of any kind but just wanted to look good. As a result he vetoed a lot of stuff, but eventually came around on the important stuff and as a result had a pretty good presidency.

The Democrats in Congress we have now are even more extremely left than what we had in the 90's and anything but a very strong Republican President wouldn't have a chance against them. We would have to have another Reagan with the ability to go straight to the people and influence public opinion.

But which one of the announced candidates has the ability to do that? Again, the one that comes up in my mind is Cain.

And yet I haven't yet decided that he is my candidate.

This is going to be a tough election.
And thoughts on the divided government:

In the 1950's, the Democrats were far right of the current Republican party. They were fiscal conservatives and not the wild eyed leftist extremist that we see among their leadersh9ip now. It really didn't matter all that much whether the Democrat or Republican was elected.

In the 1990's, the bitter partisanship and ideological extremism had reared its ugly head, but we had a strong, visionary, Repuiblican Congress coupled with a Democratic President who apparently held no convictions of any kind but just wanted to look good. As a result he vetoed a lot of stuff, but eventually came around on the important stuff and as a result had a pretty good presidency.

The Democrats in Congress we have now are even more extremely left than what we had in the 90's and anything but a very strong Republican President wouldn't have a chance against them. We would have to have another Reagan with the ability to go straight to the people and influence public opinion.

But which one of the announced candidates has the ability to do that? Again, the one that comes up in my mind is Cain.

And yet I haven't yet decided that he is my candidate.

This is going to be a tough election.

Your posts memorialize the trepidation and the hesitation that many of us on the Right...and I mean that in every sense of the word...feel.

The saving grace is that this President is a one-termer.
If the GOP does win the election and puts another Democrat light in the White House, they will be done. There will be a Tea Party inspired third party developed and organized and ready to start taking over by 2014.

You do realize that we haven't elected a third party candidate to the presidency since Washington and there are no third party candidates in Congress now. The Tea Party splitting from the Republican party would guarantee a Democrat victory.
If the GOP does win the election and puts another Democrat light in the White House, they will be done. There will be a Tea Party inspired third party developed and organized and ready to start taking over by 2014.

You do realize that we haven't elected a third party candidate to the presidency since Washington and there are no third party candidates in Congress now. The Tea Party splitting from the Republican party would guarantee a Democrat victory.

Would it? I honestly believe that if Ross Perot had not wigged out and gone all looney tunes and quit at the last minute, he would have beaten both GHW Bush and Bill Clinton in 1992. But when he betrayed his base, he was not able to regain their trust when he got back in in that election or the next one. And still he got almost 19% of the vote. Clinton was able to muster just 43%; Bush got 37%.

Both political parties and Congress are at an all time low in approval ratings these days. The Tea Party is the strongest and most committed unorganized group I've seen come along in a long long time. Give the people a vision and make them believers in a real plan for reform and I am quite sure a third party candidate could do very well these days. The miserable performance of our government has pretty well smashed confidence in either of the major political parties.

At the very least we could put the fear of God into them and provoke some honest to goodness real reform and competence for a change.
If the GOP does win the election and puts another Democrat light in the White House, they will be done. There will be a Tea Party inspired third party developed and organized and ready to start taking over by 2014.

You do realize that we haven't elected a third party candidate to the presidency since Washington and there are no third party candidates in Congress now. The Tea Party splitting from the Republican party would guarantee a Democrat victory.

Would it? I honestly believe that if Ross Perot had not wigged out and gone all looney tunes and quit at the last minute, he would have beaten both GHW Bush and Bill Clinton in 1992. But when he betrayed his base, he was not able to regain their trust when he got back in in that election or the next one. And still he got almost 19% of the vote. Clinton was able to muster just 43%; Bush got 37%.

Both political parties and Congress are at an all time low in approval ratings these days. The Tea Party is the strongest and most committed unorganized group I've seen come along in a long long time. Give the people a vision and make them believers in a real plan for reform and I am quite sure a third party candidate could do very well these days. The miserable performance of our government has pretty well smashed confidence in either of the major political parties.

At the very least we could put the fear of God into them and provoke some honest to goodness real reform and competence for a change.
Your last statement is the more likely result of the Tea Party breaking with the Republican Party. Third party candidates rarely get elected but they can influence the two parties.

A lot of Republicans, Democrats, Independents agree with the Tea Party. Government is spending too much money. Where they differ with the Tea Party is they do not want to take the steps necessary to fix the problem. As long as cuts don't effect their disability check, welfare check, social security check, VA benefits, Medicare, government contract, kids school, student loan, salary, job benefits, government grant, subsidy payment, then they're all for it. I think the public reaction to massive government spending cuts will be similar to their reaction to the Ryan plan to save Medicare.
You do realize that we haven't elected a third party candidate to the presidency since Washington and there are no third party candidates in Congress now. The Tea Party splitting from the Republican party would guarantee a Democrat victory.

Would it? I honestly believe that if Ross Perot had not wigged out and gone all looney tunes and quit at the last minute, he would have beaten both GHW Bush and Bill Clinton in 1992. But when he betrayed his base, he was not able to regain their trust when he got back in in that election or the next one. And still he got almost 19% of the vote. Clinton was able to muster just 43%; Bush got 37%.

Both political parties and Congress are at an all time low in approval ratings these days. The Tea Party is the strongest and most committed unorganized group I've seen come along in a long long time. Give the people a vision and make them believers in a real plan for reform and I am quite sure a third party candidate could do very well these days. The miserable performance of our government has pretty well smashed confidence in either of the major political parties.

At the very least we could put the fear of God into them and provoke some honest to goodness real reform and competence for a change.
Your last statement is the more likely result of the Tea Party breaking with the Republican Party. Third party candidates rarely get elected but they can influence the two parties.

A lot of Republicans, Democrats, Independents agree with the Tea Party. Government is spending too much money. Where they differ with the Tea Party is they do not want to take the steps necessary to fix the problem. As long as cuts don't effect their disability check, welfare check, social security check, VA benefits, Medicare, government contract, kids school, student loan, salary, job benefits, government grant, subsidy payment, then they're all for it. I think the public reaction to massive government spending cuts will be similar to their reaction to the Ryan plan to save Medicare.

History is full of statements from people who said something to the effect that 'it will never happen." And then it happened.
Okay, I'm convinced this one ate paint chips as a child. Sad, really.

2. "The first is that the greedy corporate bloodsuckers are going to pass along the savings to us. Really? Have they done this with all the products they've outsourced to China?"
Haven't heard of WalMart, eh?
And, while 'passing along the savings,' they still make a bundle.
See, that's how capitalism works.
Try to get out once in a while.

I have seen how Capitalism works, snookums. It's called "the Recession of 2008", and we all got screwed except the fat cats you worship.

3. " The second thought is that if you replace an income tax with a sales tax,..."
An intellect that can only be considered argillaceous.
It's called 9-9-9, not 9-9.
Know why?
Because it doesn't "... income tax with a sales tax,..."
It replaces a replaces a progressive income tax with a flat tax. 9%.
Even you should be able to understand
Focus on the idea; it may become a Kodak moment.
I can see you slapping your self on the forehead. Good!

It's still a profoundly retarded idea. Every tax institute and think tank have told Cain that his SimCity economics won't work. I'll take their views over yours, thank you.

4. "When Cook County instituted a huge sales tax on cigarettes, people just started going out to nearby Dupage county to buy their smokes."
Cook County is a county.
The United States is a country.
Again...focus on the differences.
I know.....seeing differences, distinctions, has proven to be a difficulty for you...
...but imagine having to cross national borders to buy your cigarettes and
other daily necessities, and you may just see where a national sales tax might become
more difficult to avoid.

It's not really a difference. You put a tax on, people will find ways to get around them. Black markets, Flea Markets, Ebay, and so on. or they just won't buy until they have to. Or worse, they'll buy those cheaper foreign goods because the tax on those would be less.

In summary, the Cain plan as this advantage: it is bold, and innovative, and, as history has shown, lower taxes results in higher business activity.

You know what, if you are representive of the kind of idiot who supports Cain, I might even hold my nose and vote for Romney. You people don't even live in the real world.
[A lot of Republicans, Democrats, Independents agree with the Tea Party. Government is spending too much money. Where they differ with the Tea Party is they do not want to take the steps necessary to fix the problem. As long as cuts don't effect their disability check, welfare check, social security check, VA benefits, Medicare, government contract, kids school, student loan, salary, job benefits, government grant, subsidy payment, then they're all for it. I think the public reaction to massive government spending cuts will be similar to their reaction to the Ryan plan to save Medicare.

Who are these Tea Partiers, let's say, among seniors, who are advocating for having their own Social Security and Medicare benefits cut?

Who are the Tea party veterans who are advocating for cutting their own VA benefits?
Obama will win, right now there is no doubt. Republicans have always been a odd coalition and today with the dependence on this coalition hanging together, forget it. The far right religious republican, the tea party, and the few sane republicans left will never come back together. I have to redo my old Martian visitor assessment, but it works even today. A slight improvement in the economy and it will be a landslide as well.

The odds still favor Obama's re-election. He's certainly not in the shape Carter was in 1980,

and the Republicans aren't going to nominate another Reagan, that's for sure.
[A lot of Republicans, Democrats, Independents agree with the Tea Party. Government is spending too much money. Where they differ with the Tea Party is they do not want to take the steps necessary to fix the problem. As long as cuts don't effect their disability check, welfare check, social security check, VA benefits, Medicare, government contract, kids school, student loan, salary, job benefits, government grant, subsidy payment, then they're all for it. I think the public reaction to massive government spending cuts will be similar to their reaction to the Ryan plan to save Medicare.

Who are these Tea Partiers, let's say, among seniors, who are advocating for having their own Social Security and Medicare benefits cut?

Who are the Tea party veterans who are advocating for cutting their own VA benefits?

I am a "Senior" Tea Partier who. like all the other 'senior' Tea Partiers are not wanting our Social Security or Medicare cut. We've paid in to those programs all our lives, have been forced to be made dependent on them, and it isn't right that they now be taken away when we have no time left to regroup and reorganize.

We all, however, do want Congress to now start reforming the program so that you younguns, currently with heads full of mush, won't be saddled with crushing debt and reduced benefits when YOU are seniors. We didn't get into the current mess all at once but inch by inch over the years. We have to reverse it the same way, inch by inch and replace it with a system that won't crush the economy.
And thoughts on the divided government:

In the 1950's, the Democrats were far right of the current Republican party. They were fiscal conservatives and not the wild eyed leftist extremist that we see among their leadersh9ip now. It really didn't matter all that much whether the Democrat or Republican was elected.

In the 1990's, the bitter partisanship and ideological extremism had reared its ugly head, but we had a strong, visionary, Repuiblican Congress coupled with a Democratic President who apparently held no convictions of any kind but just wanted to look good. As a result he vetoed a lot of stuff, but eventually came around on the important stuff and as a result had a pretty good presidency.

The Democrats in Congress we have now are even more extremely left than what we had in the 90's and anything but a very strong Republican President wouldn't have a chance against them. We would have to have another Reagan with the ability to go straight to the people and influence public opinion.

But which one of the announced candidates has the ability to do that? Again, the one that comes up in my mind is Cain.

And yet I haven't yet decided that he is my candidate.

This is going to be a tough election.
I don't know who programmed Kingfish Cain with the "9 9 9" mantra but that man is a stereotypical buffoon and those who would benefit from the ideas he puts forth (i.e., the rich) gratefully regard all who agree with him as useful idiots.

For one thing, the nine percent flat tax means the person supporting a family of four on $20k (and there are many) will pay (in addition to sales and excise taxes) an $1800 income tax -- which will take food out of the mouths of his/her children and clothes off their backs. But the person who earns $1 million per year will pay a $90k income tax, leaving him/her with only $910,000 to get along on.

Anyone who is not among the high-income class but who thinks the nine percent income tax is fair and practical is among the useful idiots who believe Kingish Cain's "9 9 9" mantra makes sense.

I don't know how Cain managed to find himself in charge of a thriving corporation but I'm sure freakish luck played a major role.
Okay, I'm convinced this one ate paint chips as a child. Sad, really.

2. "The first is that the greedy corporate bloodsuckers are going to pass along the savings to us. Really? Have they done this with all the products they've outsourced to China?"
Haven't heard of WalMart, eh?
And, while 'passing along the savings,' they still make a bundle.
See, that's how capitalism works.
Try to get out once in a while.

I have seen how Capitalism works, snookums. It's called "the Recession of 2008", and we all got screwed except the fat cats you worship.

3. " The second thought is that if you replace an income tax with a sales tax,..."
An intellect that can only be considered argillaceous.
It's called 9-9-9, not 9-9.
Know why?
Because it doesn't "... income tax with a sales tax,..."
It replaces a replaces a progressive income tax with a flat tax. 9%.
Even you should be able to understand
Focus on the idea; it may become a Kodak moment.
I can see you slapping your self on the forehead. Good!

It's still a profoundly retarded idea. Every tax institute and think tank have told Cain that his SimCity economics won't work. I'll take their views over yours, thank you.

4. "When Cook County instituted a huge sales tax on cigarettes, people just started going out to nearby Dupage county to buy their smokes."
Cook County is a county.
The United States is a country.
Again...focus on the differences.
I know.....seeing differences, distinctions, has proven to be a difficulty for you...
...but imagine having to cross national borders to buy your cigarettes and
other daily necessities, and you may just see where a national sales tax might become
more difficult to avoid.

It's not really a difference. You put a tax on, people will find ways to get around them. Black markets, Flea Markets, Ebay, and so on. or they just won't buy until they have to. Or worse, they'll buy those cheaper foreign goods because the tax on those would be less.

In summary, the Cain plan as this advantage: it is bold, and innovative, and, as history has shown, lower taxes results in higher business activity.

You know what, if you are representive of the kind of idiot who supports Cain, I might even hold my nose and vote for Romney. You people don't even live in the real world.

Nothing there, really.

I can only apply the appropriate: Jerk.
[A lot of Republicans, Democrats, Independents agree with the Tea Party. Government is spending too much money. Where they differ with the Tea Party is they do not want to take the steps necessary to fix the problem. As long as cuts don't effect their disability check, welfare check, social security check, VA benefits, Medicare, government contract, kids school, student loan, salary, job benefits, government grant, subsidy payment, then they're all for it. I think the public reaction to massive government spending cuts will be similar to their reaction to the Ryan plan to save Medicare.

Who are these Tea Partiers, let's say, among seniors, who are advocating for having their own Social Security and Medicare benefits cut?

Who are the Tea party veterans who are advocating for cutting their own VA benefits?

I am a "Senior" Tea Partier who. like all the other 'senior' Tea Partiers are not wanting our Social Security or Medicare cut. We've paid in to those programs all our lives, have been forced to be made dependent on them, and it isn't right that they now be taken away when we have no time left to regroup and reorganize.

We all, however, do want Congress to now start reforming the program so that you younguns, currently with heads full of mush, won't be saddled with crushing debt and reduced benefits when YOU are seniors. We didn't get into the current mess all at once but inch by inch over the years. We have to reverse it the same way, inch by inch and replace it with a system that won't crush the economy.

So you're one of the people who ISN'T like the Tea Party people, according to that other poster.
[A lot of Republicans, Democrats, Independents agree with the Tea Party. Government is spending too much money. Where they differ with the Tea Party is they do not want to take the steps necessary to fix the problem. As long as cuts don't effect their disability check, welfare check, social security check, VA benefits, Medicare, government contract, kids school, student loan, salary, job benefits, government grant, subsidy payment, then they're all for it. I think the public reaction to massive government spending cuts will be similar to their reaction to the Ryan plan to save Medicare.

Who are these Tea Partiers, let's say, among seniors, who are advocating for having their own Social Security and Medicare benefits cut?

Who are the Tea party veterans who are advocating for cutting their own VA benefits?

I am a "Senior" Tea Partier who. like all the other 'senior' Tea Partiers are not wanting our Social Security or Medicare cut. We've paid in to those programs all our lives, have been forced to be made dependent on them, and it isn't right that they now be taken away when we have no time left to regroup and reorganize.

We all, however, do want Congress to now start reforming the program so that you younguns, currently with heads full of mush, won't be saddled with crushing debt and reduced benefits when YOU are seniors. We didn't get into the current mess all at once but inch by inch over the years. We have to reverse it the same way, inch by inch and replace it with a system that won't crush the economy.
Good, level-headed plan, Foxfyre. I hope the powers that be listen to you. :)
Who are these Tea Partiers, let's say, among seniors, who are advocating for having their own Social Security and Medicare benefits cut?

Who are the Tea party veterans who are advocating for cutting their own VA benefits?

I am a "Senior" Tea Partier who. like all the other 'senior' Tea Partiers are not wanting our Social Security or Medicare cut. We've paid in to those programs all our lives, have been forced to be made dependent on them, and it isn't right that they now be taken away when we have no time left to regroup and reorganize.

We all, however, do want Congress to now start reforming the program so that you younguns, currently with heads full of mush, won't be saddled with crushing debt and reduced benefits when YOU are seniors. We didn't get into the current mess all at once but inch by inch over the years. We have to reverse it the same way, inch by inch and replace it with a system that won't crush the economy.

So you're one of the people who ISN'T like the Tea Party people, according to that other poster.

No, I think I am very typical of the Tea Party people. Nothing special or different about me at all.
[A lot of Republicans, Democrats, Independents agree with the Tea Party. Government is spending too much money. Where they differ with the Tea Party is they do not want to take the steps necessary to fix the problem. As long as cuts don't effect their disability check, welfare check, social security check, VA benefits, Medicare, government contract, kids school, student loan, salary, job benefits, government grant, subsidy payment, then they're all for it. I think the public reaction to massive government spending cuts will be similar to their reaction to the Ryan plan to save Medicare.

Who are these Tea Partiers, let's say, among seniors, who are advocating for having their own Social Security and Medicare benefits cut?

Who are the Tea party veterans who are advocating for cutting their own VA benefits?

I am a "Senior" Tea Partier who. like all the other 'senior' Tea Partiers are not wanting our Social Security or Medicare cut. We've paid in to those programs all our lives, have been forced to be made dependent on them, and it isn't right that they now be taken away when we have no time left to regroup and reorganize.

We all, however, do want Congress to now start reforming the program so that you younguns, currently with heads full of mush, won't be saddled with crushing debt and reduced benefits when YOU are seniors. We didn't get into the current mess all at once but inch by inch over the years. We have to reverse it the same way, inch by inch and replace it with a system that won't crush the economy.
I believe most people today are far less concerned about the distance future than they are the immediate future. They're worried about how they're going to pay the rent or mortgage payment next month, their soon's college tuition next fall, and layoffs. The Tea Party agenda does not address that. Instead it's a plan to radically change the function of government as we know it, revamping the tax codes, eliminating most federal regulation, and shifting power from the federal government to the states. IMHO, most people are not looking to eliminate the federal government, they just want see it work in their best interest.
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