The News Media’s ‘Jussie Smollett Problem’ is Far Bigger Than Just Him, and It’s Helping Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The News Media’s ‘Jussie Smollett Problem’ is Far Bigger Than Just Him, and It’s Helping Trump
By John Ziegler ~~ Last night, the dam of media protection for Empire actor Jussie Smollett finally broke, as major news outlets suddenly decided it was safe to report that police strongly believe, backed by evidence, that his story of being a victim of a Trump-motivated hate crime is false. Report: New Evidence Points to Jussie Smollett Orchestrating the Alleged Attack
While his high-priced lawyers are still desperately playing the victim card, it appears that Smollett paid the two Nigerian brothers who “attacked” him (and whom he clearly knows) in a conspiracy to create a hoax. This is a fraud in which the mainstream news media might as well have been an unindicted co-conspirator. They, along with kindred spirits within the top ranks of the Democratic party, instantly went all in on supporting Smollett’s always implausible claim, subjecting it to basically zero scrutiny.
Since Smollett is black, gay, very anti-Trump, a celebrity, and, at least at that time, a hate-crime victim, whatever ability liberals may have had to see through his inherently absurd story was immediately stripped away. Those qualities, creating what I refer to as Smollett’s “Political Correctness Force Field,” acted like Kryptonite on the power of liberals to see what was always very obvious to us who are not blinded by the biography of the person making an allegation.... This loss of credibility has huge ramifications for the media’s ability to be taken seriously by Trump fans on nearly any other issue involving him. As I tweeted last night (to which I received a remarkably strong response), the news media, by lunging after these false anti-Trump narratives like spastic teenage boys with major impulse control issues, may even be unwittingly paving the path for his reelection.

Progressive Marxist Socialists will have to use someone else in their 'False Flag' commercials against Trump. The Two Minute Hate Campaign will need another ‘Soul’ to drag behind the Pick Up Truck.
I wonder if the lying biased Lame Stream Media could stoop any lower and with this incident it has confirmed to me that they can. The only way they can redeem themselves is for the police in Chicago to prosecute this fake to the fullest extent of the law. The MSM needs to plea 'mea culpa' and I am doubtful of this also. I am skeptical if justice will be done.
From the beginning, that story was a steaming pile of feces the second it was reported. Anyone with a half brain knew that. Which sadly eliminated much of the left.
The News Media’s ‘Jussie Smollett Problem’ is Far Bigger Than Just Him, and It’s Helping Trump

The News Media’s ‘Jussie Smollett Problem’ is Far Bigger Than Just Him, and It’s Helping Trump
By John Ziegler ~~ Last night, the dam of media protection for Empire actor Jussie Smollett finally broke, as major news outlets suddenly decided it was safe to report that police strongly believe, backed by evidence, that his story of being a victim of a Trump-motivated hate crime is false. Report: New Evidence Points to Jussie Smollett Orchestrating the Alleged Attack
While his high-priced lawyers are still desperately playing the victim card, it appears that Smollett paid the two Nigerian brothers who “attacked” him (and whom he clearly knows) in a conspiracy to create a hoax. This is a fraud in which the mainstream news media might as well have been an unindicted co-conspirator. They, along with kindred spirits within the top ranks of the Democratic party, instantly went all in on supporting Smollett’s always implausible claim, subjecting it to basically zero scrutiny.
Since Smollett is black, gay, very anti-Trump, a celebrity, and, at least at that time, a hate-crime victim, whatever ability liberals may have had to see through his inherently absurd story was immediately stripped away. Those qualities, creating what I refer to as Smollett’s “Political Correctness Force Field,” acted like Kryptonite on the power of liberals to see what was always very obvious to us who are not blinded by the biography of the person making an allegation.... This loss of credibility has huge ramifications for the media’s ability to be taken seriously by Trump fans on nearly any other issue involving him. As I tweeted last night (to which I received a remarkably strong response), the news media, by lunging after these false anti-Trump narratives like spastic teenage boys with major impulse control issues, may even be unwittingly paving the path for his reelection.

Progressive Marxist Socialists will have to use someone else in their 'False Flag' commercials against Trump. The Two Minute Hate Campaign will need another ‘Soul’ to drag behind the Pick Up Truck.
I wonder if the lying biased Lame Stream Media could stoop any lower and with this incident it has confirmed to me that they can. The only way they can redeem themselves is for the police in Chicago to prosecute this fake to the fullest extent of the law. The MSM needs to plea 'mea culpa' and I am doubtful of this also. I am skeptical if justice will be done.
From the beginning, that story was a steaming pile of feces the second it was reported. Anyone with a half brain knew that. Which sadly eliminated much of the left.
It's Trump's fault you know.
The News Media’s ‘Jussie Smollett Problem’ is Far Bigger Than Just Him, and It’s Helping Trump

The News Media’s ‘Jussie Smollett Problem’ is Far Bigger Than Just Him, and It’s Helping Trump
By John Ziegler ~~ Last night, the dam of media protection for Empire actor Jussie Smollett finally broke, as major news outlets suddenly decided it was safe to report that police strongly believe, backed by evidence, that his story of being a victim of a Trump-motivated hate crime is false. Report: New Evidence Points to Jussie Smollett Orchestrating the Alleged Attack
While his high-priced lawyers are still desperately playing the victim card, it appears that Smollett paid the two Nigerian brothers who “attacked” him (and whom he clearly knows) in a conspiracy to create a hoax. This is a fraud in which the mainstream news media might as well have been an unindicted co-conspirator. They, along with kindred spirits within the top ranks of the Democratic party, instantly went all in on supporting Smollett’s always implausible claim, subjecting it to basically zero scrutiny.
Since Smollett is black, gay, very anti-Trump, a celebrity, and, at least at that time, a hate-crime victim, whatever ability liberals may have had to see through his inherently absurd story was immediately stripped away. Those qualities, creating what I refer to as Smollett’s “Political Correctness Force Field,” acted like Kryptonite on the power of liberals to see what was always very obvious to us who are not blinded by the biography of the person making an allegation.... This loss of credibility has huge ramifications for the media’s ability to be taken seriously by Trump fans on nearly any other issue involving him. As I tweeted last night (to which I received a remarkably strong response), the news media, by lunging after these false anti-Trump narratives like spastic teenage boys with major impulse control issues, may even be unwittingly paving the path for his reelection.

Progressive Marxist Socialists will have to use someone else in their 'False Flag' commercials against Trump. The Two Minute Hate Campaign will need another ‘Soul’ to drag behind the Pick Up Truck.
I wonder if the lying biased Lame Stream Media could stoop any lower and with this incident it has confirmed to me that they can. The only way they can redeem themselves is for the police in Chicago to prosecute this fake to the fullest extent of the law. The MSM needs to plea 'mea culpa' and I am doubtful of this also. I am skeptical if justice will be done.
From the beginning, that story was a steaming pile of feces the second it was reported. Anyone with a half brain knew that. Which sadly eliminated much of the left.
It was a gambit to be a double-victim (black and gay), to smear "deplorables" and to raise his celebrity status.

Now that's a punk!
he was happy when he thought they found 2 innocent people to blame. hired a defense attorney when it turns out they were his hired friends.
The News Media’s ‘Jussie Smollett Problem’ is Far Bigger Than Just Him, and It’s Helping Trump

The News Media’s ‘Jussie Smollett Problem’ is Far Bigger Than Just Him, and It’s Helping Trump
By John Ziegler ~~ Last night, the dam of media protection for Empire actor Jussie Smollett finally broke, as major news outlets suddenly decided it was safe to report that police strongly believe, backed by evidence, that his story of being a victim of a Trump-motivated hate crime is false. Report: New Evidence Points to Jussie Smollett Orchestrating the Alleged Attack
While his high-priced lawyers are still desperately playing the victim card, it appears that Smollett paid the two Nigerian brothers who “attacked” him (and whom he clearly knows) in a conspiracy to create a hoax. This is a fraud in which the mainstream news media might as well have been an unindicted co-conspirator. They, along with kindred spirits within the top ranks of the Democratic party, instantly went all in on supporting Smollett’s always implausible claim, subjecting it to basically zero scrutiny.
Since Smollett is black, gay, very anti-Trump, a celebrity, and, at least at that time, a hate-crime victim, whatever ability liberals may have had to see through his inherently absurd story was immediately stripped away. Those qualities, creating what I refer to as Smollett’s “Political Correctness Force Field,” acted like Kryptonite on the power of liberals to see what was always very obvious to us who are not blinded by the biography of the person making an allegation.... This loss of credibility has huge ramifications for the media’s ability to be taken seriously by Trump fans on nearly any other issue involving him. As I tweeted last night (to which I received a remarkably strong response), the news media, by lunging after these false anti-Trump narratives like spastic teenage boys with major impulse control issues, may even be unwittingly paving the path for his reelection.

Progressive Marxist Socialists will have to use someone else in their 'False Flag' commercials against Trump. The Two Minute Hate Campaign will need another ‘Soul’ to drag behind the Pick Up Truck.
I wonder if the lying biased Lame Stream Media could stoop any lower and with this incident it has confirmed to me that they can. The only way they can redeem themselves is for the police in Chicago to prosecute this fake to the fullest extent of the law. The MSM needs to plea 'mea culpa' and I am doubtful of this also. I am skeptical if justice will be done.
From the beginning, that story was a steaming pile of feces the second it was reported. Anyone with a half brain knew that. Which sadly eliminated much of the left.

I would bet a pay check that the police knew way early in all this Smallet was a liar. The cops would know the area, and know that any white power people would be in deep Indian country there where the stunt was said to have happened. Who the hell would be stupid enough to yell MAGA is a dump like Chicago? That this was even taken seriously by normal people should sadden and anger America’s that the elite thinks so low of them. Smallet is toast.
He is facing 3 years in prison and I hope he does all of it.

He won't. He'll start the pity party BS any day now. How a lifetime of oppression brought this on and oh how very sorry he is.

Fckn asshole that he is and the left will still buy it
I dunno according to reports the police department is INCREDIBLY pissed off that they wasted time and resources on an individual beyond what a normal citizen gets.
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He is facing 3 years in prison and I hope he does all of it.

He won't. He'll start the pity party BS any day now. How a lifetime of oppression brought this on and oh how very sorry he is.

Fckn asshole that he is and the left will still buy it

A life time of oppression for a spoiled rich twat? Even black gay people called bullshit on this a week after it hit the news.
All the while the right will continue to smear people running for president and those not running for president with photoshopped pics and fake memes. Carry on...
He is facing 3 years in prison and I hope he does all of it.

He won't. He'll start the pity party BS any day now. How a lifetime of oppression brought this on and oh how very sorry he is.

Fckn asshole that he is and the left will still buy it
I dunno according to reports the police department is INCREDIBLY pissed off that they wasted time and resources on an individual beyond whatcha normal citizen gets.

He would deserve it and right now his legal team has to be in damage control.
He is facing 3 years in prison and I hope he does all of it.

He won't. He'll start the pity party BS any day now. How a lifetime of oppression brought this on and oh how very sorry he is.

Fckn asshole that he is and the left will still buy it
I dunno according to reports the police department is INCREDIBLY pissed off that they wasted time and resources on an individual beyond whatcha normal citizen gets.

He would deserve it and right now his legal team has to be in damage control.
It has been referred to a grand jury so I think we're beyond damage control at this point
All the while the right will continue to smear people running for president and those not running for president with photoshopped pics and fake memes. Carry on...
Who have they "smeared?" The left smears people every week, like Nathan Sandmann. I'm so glad that the perpetrators are all getting sued.
All the while the right will continue to smear people running for president and those not running for president with photoshopped pics and fake memes. Carry on...
Who have they "smeared?" The left smears people every week, like Nathan Sandmann. I'm so glad that the perpetrators are all getting sued.
It is done by both sides you idiot how else do you think those at the top stay in control?
I was watching 32 Fox in Chicago this morning the talk and they were still backing Smollett.

I wanted to ask them how? He personally identified the two brothers as the two. They shared evidence that cleared them. What else is there? Nope, Poor Jussie, why would he stage that? My answer is to listen to the two people he said did it! They say staged. The left never talk facts, never

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